Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20080618-00013 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                                                                         P.0. Box 71405
                                                                                         San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936—8505

                                                                                         Doral Bank Plaza
                                                                                         33 Resolucion Street
         1 Professional Services Corporation                                             §l||[0 701         .
         Wtorneys and Counselors at Law                                                  San Juan, Puerto Rico 00920

                                                                                         Telephone: 787 620—6776
                                                                                         Fax.:      787 620—6777

June 16, 2008

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commussion
Office of the Secretary
9300 East Hampton Drive
Capitol Heights, MD 20743

Attn:   International Bureau Policy Division

RE:     Application for Transfer of Control and Ownership of Telecomunicaciones
        Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc., licensee to the AMERICAS—II Cable System.

Madam Secretary:

On behalf of our client, Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc. ("Ultracom"),
FRN 0001727304, attached please find one (1) original and four (4) copies of our Notification of
pro forma transfer of Ultracom‘s interest in the AMERICAS—II cable system to PREPA
Networks Corp, FRN 0016946634.

We have also attached two (2) additional copies of this filing to be date—stamped by your office,
and returned to us in the enclosed self—addressed envelope.

Ultracom is a government entity of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, exempt from the
payment of fees pursuant to C.F.R. Section 1.1114(f). Furthermore, pro forma notifications are
exempt from the payment of fees.

If you have any questions, please contact the undersigned counsel at your convenience.

     A. 1d0nad0


                                      BEFORE THE
                                  WASHINGTON, DC 20554

                                                  NNNA N/ NNA N/ NO NNN NV N
In the Matter of

                                                                               File No.:
INC.                                                                           Pro Forma Assignment of Interests in
                                                                               Submarine Cable Landing License

AMERICAS—II Cable Landing License


        Telecomunicaciones UlItramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc. ("Ultracom"), FCC Registration

Number ("FRN") 0001727304, by its undersigned attorney and pursuant to the Cable Landing

License Act,‘ Executive Order No. 10530,2 Section 63.24° and Section 1.7674, of the Federal

Communications Commission‘s ("Commission") rules, hereby notifies the pro forma transfer of

control and ownership of Ultracom from the Puerto Rico Telephone Authority ("PRTA"), as

transferor, to PREPA Networks Corp. ("PREPA.Net"), FRN 0016946634, as transferee. Both

transferor and transferee are government entities of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and are

in no way affiliated to, or controlled by, a foreign carrier. Consequently, Ultracom notifies the

pro formaassignment of the interest held in the AMERICAS—II Cable System to PREPA.Net.

! 47 U.S.C. §§ 34—39 ("Cable Landing License Act).
* Exec. Ord. No. 10530 reprinted as amended in 3 U.S.C. § 301.
347 C.F.R. §63.24.
* 47 C.F.R. §1.767.

1.     Introduction

       On November 3, 1998, the Commission granted a petition to construct, acquire, and

operate capacity in a digital submarine cable system, the AMERICAS—II Cable System

("AMERICAS—II"), among Florida, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Martinique, Curacao,

Trinidad, Venezuela, Trinidad, French Guiana and Brazil.‘ A summary of Ultracom‘s

participation in AMERICAS—II is included as Exhibit 1.

        PRTA, the sole owner and shareholder of Ultracom, has entered into a stock purchase

agreement with PREPA.Net, by which PREPA.Net will acquire all the outstanding shares of

common stock of Ultracom. After the consummation of the transaction, Ultracom will become a

wholly—owned subsidiary of PREPA.Net. The transaction between the PRTA and PREPA.Net

will not affect the participation, ownership or Minimum Investment Units of the other licensees

to the AMERICAS—II Cable Landing License.

        Ultracom hereby requests grant of authority for pro forma assignment of interests in the

AMERICAS—II cable landing license from Ultracom to PREPA.Net.                      The transfer of control

described herein is pro forma, as defined in Section 63.24 of the Commission‘s rules, and,

together with all the previous pro forma transactions, does not result in a change of the licensee‘s

ultimate control.

)Ir     The Transaction

° See AT&T Corp et al. Joint Application for Authorization Pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1934, as Amended, to Construct, Acquire, and Operate Capacity in a Digital Submarine Cable System, the
AMERICAS—I Cable System, ITC—214—19980430—00023 (formerly, File Nos. ITC—98—342, ITC—98—342A),
Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, DA 98—2294, 13 FCC Red. 22535 ("Americas—II Section 214
Authorization"); see also AT&T Corp et al. Joint Application for a License to Land and Operate a Digital
Submarine Cable System Among Florida, Puerto Rico, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Martinigue, Curacao, Trinidad,
Venezuela, French Guiana and Brazil, the AMERICAS—II Cable System, File Nos. SCL—98—003, SCL—98—003A,
Cable Landing License, DA 98—2295,13 FCC Red. 22541 ("Americas—II Cable Landing License").

       On February 28, 2008, PRTA and PREPA.Net entered into a stock purchase agreement

pursuant to which PREPA.Net will acquire all the outstanding shares of common stock of

Ultracom owned by PRTA (the "Transaction"). The Transaction will be consummated upon the

receipt of the Commission‘s consent and approval for the pro forma transfer of control and

ownership of Ultracom to PREPA.Net, the modification thereof of the AMERICAS—II Cable

Landing License, the Commission‘s consent and approval of the transfer to PREPA.Net of all

other licenses granted to Ultracom as listed on Exhibit 2, and following all required consents and

approvals from all other governmental or regulatory agencies.

       Immediately     following   the   consummation     of the    Transaction,   and   upon   the

Commission‘s consent, Ultracom will become a wholly—owned subsidiary of PREPA.Net, and

will continue offering service to its customers without interruption.

III.   The Parties to the Transaction

       The transferor, PRTA, is a government entity of thé Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,

created by Puerto Rico Law No. 25 of May 6, 1974, as amended ("Law 25"). The Government

Development Bank for Puerto Rico ("GDBPR") is a government entity of the Commonwealth of

Puerto Rico, created by Puerto Rico Law No. 17 of September 23, 1948, as amended ("Law

17"). The PRTA was entrusted to the GDBPR pursuant to Puerto Rico Law No. 94 of June 24,

1998 ("Law 94"), which amended Law 25. Pursuant to Law 94, the PRTA maintains a separate

existence and independent legal personality of that of the GBDPR.

       Ultracom is a corporation, created and existing under the Puerto Rico General

Corporations Act, Puerto Rico Law No. 144 of August 10, 1995, as amended ("Law 144"),

created by virtue of PRTA‘s resolution No. 92—8 of February 26, 1992.         At its inception, the

PRTA owned 100 percent (100%) of the common voting stock and 85.1 percent (85.1%) of

Ultracom‘s issued stock, and Telefonica International Holding, B.V. ("TISA") owned the

remaining 14.9 percent (14.9%) of the issued stock. On December 23, 2003, PRTA and TISA

entered into a Settlement Agreement, pursuant to which PRTA acquired all of Ultracom‘s issued

stock. Thus, PRTA is the sole owner and shareholder of Ultracom, and by virtue of Law 94, the

GBDPR, through the PRTA, is the indirect sole owner and shareholder of Ultracom.

        The Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority ("PREPA") is a public corporation of the

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, created by Puerto Rico Law No. 83 of May 2, 1941, as amended

("Law 83"). PREPA is the sole owner and shareholder of PREPA.Net, a corporation created and

existing under Law 144, created by virtue of PREPA‘s resolution No. 3175 of March 2, 2004.

Essentially, PREPA.Net is a government—owned company. Neither PREPA nor PREPA.Net are

affiliated to any foreign carriers as defined by Commission‘s Rule 63.09(d).°

        Diagrams depicting the ownership of Ultracom prior to the Transaction and after the

consummation of the Transaction, as well as the relationships between PRTA and PREPA as

entities of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, are included as Exhibit 3.

IV.     Section 63.24(f) Information

        The following information regarding the transferee is submitted as required by Section

63.24(f)(2) of the Commission‘s Regulations.7

        (1)      Name, address and telephone number(s) of the Transferee (Sections
                 63.24(1)(2)(i) and 63.18(a))

                      Prepa Networks Corp.
                      48 City View Plaza
                      Suite 803
                      Guaynabo, PR 00968
                      Attention: José D. Casillas Aponte
                      Tel:     (787) 625—9950

© 47 CFR 63.09(d)
? 47 CFR 63.24(P).

             Fax:    (787) 625—9951

(2)    Jurisdiction of Organization of the Transferee (Sections 63.24(f)(2)(i) and

      The transferee, PREPA.Net, is a corporation organized and existing under the

laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

(3)   Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to (Sections
      63.24(f)(2)(i) and 63.18(c))

             José D. Casillas—Aponte, EL.T .
             General Manager
             Prepa Networks Corp.
             48 City View Plaza
             Suite 803
             Guaynabo, PR 00968
             Tel:    (787) 625—9950
             Fax: (787) 625—9951
             e—mail: jd—

             with a copy to:

             Pamela Gonzalez, Esq.
             Bufete Roberto Corretjer Piquer
             625 Ponce de Leon Avenue
             San Juan, Puerto Rico 00917—4819
             Tel:    (787) 751—4618
             Fax: (787) 759—6503
             Counselfor PREPA Networks Corp.

             and a copy to:

              Gladys A. Maldonado—Rodriguez, Esq.
              Quinones & Sanchez PSC
              PO Box 71405
              San Juan, PR 00936—8505
             Tel.: (787) 620—6776
             Fax: (787) 620—6050
             Counsel for Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc., the
             Puerto Rico Telephone Authority and the Government Development Bank
             for Puerto Rico

      (4)     Statement of Transferee‘s previously received authority under Section 214
              and general description of the categories of facilities and services authorized
              (Sections 63.24(f)(2)(i) and 63.18(d))

              PREPA.Net has not previously received any Section 214 authorizations, other

      than those associated to the present Transaction and pursuant to which the Commuission

      has already consented to a transfer of control from Ultracom to Prepa.Net, as described

      on Exhibit 2.

       (5)    Ownership of Transferee (Sections 63.24(f)(2)(i) and 63.18(h))

              PREPA is the sole owner and shareholder of PREPA.Net. PREPA is a public

       corporation and a government entity of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, created by

       Law 83.    PREPA‘s main offices are located at 1110 Ponce de Ledon Ave., San Juan,

       Puerto Rico 00907. Its mailing address is PO Box 364267, San Juan PR 00936—4267.

       PREPA is not affiliated with any foreign carrier as defined by Section 63.09(d), 47 CFR

       63.09(d), and is not affiliated with any entity that owns or controls a foreign cable

       landing station in any of the AMERICAS—II‘s destination markets. See Exhibits 4 and 5.

       (6)    Pro forma certification (Section 63.24(f)(2)(ii))

              The transfer of control of assignment was pro forma and does not result in a

       change in the actual controlling party.

VI.    Conclusion

       Based on the foregoing, Ultracom respectfully requests the Commission to take notice of

the pro forma assignment of Ultracom‘s interest in the AMERICAS—II Cable Landing License to



                                 ULTRAMARINAS DE PUERTO RICO,
                                 through its counsel

                                 QUINONES & SanNCHEZ PSC
                                 PO Box 71405
                                 San Juan, PR 00936—8505
                                 Tel.: (787) 620—6776
                                 Fax: (787) 620—6050

                                 Mb [ Ttb.wd
                                    adys A/Maldonado—Rodriguez
                                 Puerto Rico Bar No. 15004

June 16, 2008.

                                       Exhibit List

Exhibit 1   Summary of Ultracom‘s interests in the AMERICAS—II Cable System.

Exhibit 2   Licenses   granted    by    the   Federal   Communications     Commission   to
            Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc. to be transferred.

Exhibit 3   Diagrams — Ownership and Corporate Relationship

Exhibit 4   Certification by Prepa Networks Corp.

Exhibit 5   Certification by Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority

Exhibit 6   Certification by Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc.

Exhibit 7   Certification by Puerto Rico Telephone Authority

Exhibit 8   Certification by Government Development Bank for Puerto Rico

                                                                                Exhibit 1

  Summary of Participation of Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de Puerto
              Rico, Inc. in the AMERICAS—II Cable System
                            (as of April 11, 2008)

Schedule B: Party‘s Percentage
Cable System Ownership of Segment 3 and Voting Interest

Percentage Total:    0.156%

Schedule C: Party‘s Percentage
Cable System Allocation of Capital — Operating and Maintenance of Segment S Allocation of
Costs of Segments Tl to TO at the System Interface Level and Higher (Costs Sharing Percents)

     WEST             NORTH               SsOUTH          ACCESS—MIU           SW—MIU
        1.61250           0,32244             0.00000           0.00000            0.00000

Schedule D: Ring—MIU Quantities Assigned
Cable System Ring—MIUs Access—MIUs and SW—MIUs Quantities Assigned to the Parties

     WEST             NORTH               SsOUTH          ACCESS—MIU           SW—MIU
               65                65                  0                  0                 0

                                                                                                 Exhibit 2

       Licenses granted by the Federal Communications Commission to
    Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc. to be transferred

                         Cable Landing License Authorizations and Participation:

                                              File Number
       ARCOS—1                                SCL—MOD—20010302—00007; 16 FCC Red 15781
    2. ANTILLAS I                             File No. ITC—95—490; File No. ITC—95—580; DA 96—1053
       AMERICAS I /                           File No. SCL—93—001; File No. SCL—93—002
       COLUMBUS II                            DA 93—908; DA 93—909
       MAYA—1                                 SCL—LIC—19990325—00006; 14 FCC Red 19456
       AMERICAS—II                            ITC—214—19980430—00023 (formerly ITC—98—342,

                                              ITC—98—342A); SCL—98—003, SCL—98—003A

     On May 9, 2008, the Commission issued an Accepted for Filing Streamlined Public Notice,
   Report No. SCL—O0O62S, notifying the Application for consent to the pro forma transfer of
   control of the interest from Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc.
   ("Ultracom") to PREPA Networks Corp. ("Prepa.Net") of the following cable systems:

                         ANTILLAS 1                         SCL—T/C—20080320—00004
                         ARCOS—1                            SCL—T/C—20080318—00005
                         AMERICAS—I/COLUMBUS II             SCL—T/C—20080325—00006

                         Satellite Earth Stations Authorizations:

                         Call Sign     File Number                       Expiration Date
                         E872647       SES—RWL—20000912—01 765           9/28/2010
io o _1 J\ (n B W ob o

                         E910100       SES—RWL—20010223—00426            3/29/2011
                         E980310       SES—LIC—19980710—00842            8/02/2009
                         E980311       SES—LIC—19980710—00843            6/16/2009
                         E980330       SES—LIC—19980724—00964            6/16/2009
                         E980331       SES—LIC—19980724—00965            6/16/2009
                         E980332       SES—LIC—19980724—00966            6/16/2009
                         E980333       SES—LIC—19980724—00967            6/16/2009
                         E990221       SES—LIC—19990625—00918            8/24/2009
       10. E000075                     SES—LIC—19990817—02396            3/29/2010
       11. E960160                     SES—LIC—20080118—00074            3/04/2023

   On May 7, 2008, the Commission issued an Action Taken Public Notice, Report No. SES—
   01031, notifying that the Commission, by its International Bureau, had granted the
   Application for Consent to Transfer Control of these stations from Ultracom to PREPA.Net,
   effective on April 30, 2008. See File No. SES—T/C—20080311—00277.

Common Carrier Fixed Point to Point Microwave License:

Call Sign     File Number          Expiration Date
wPQY209       0000184751           11/21/2010

On May 8, 2008, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau consented to the transfer of
control ofthis license from Ultracom to PREPA.Net. See Application for Assignments of
Authorization and Transfers of Control, File Number 0003356993.

                                                                                                 Exhibit 3
                                                                                                Diagram #1

                                   Relationship Before the Transaction

                                          Commonwealth of
                                            Puerto Rico

  Puerto Rico Telephone                  GovernmentDevelopment        P}iei'fb'RicovElecfifi’c:POWer ;,
  Authority ("PRTA"), a                    Bank for Puerto Rico        ‘Authority ("PREPA"); a
 government—entity created               ("GDBPR"), a government    | . publiccorporation, created
by Puerto Rico Law No. 25                 entity createdby Puerto   ; .by Puerto:Rico Law No. 83 —
of May 6, 1974, entrusted to                Rico Law No. 17 of             <—of May 2, 1941
the GDBPR per Puerto Rico                   September 23, 1948
  Law No. 94 of June 24,

                    100 %                                                                100 %

      Telecomunicaciones                                                 PREPA Networks Corp.
  Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico                                           ("PREPA.Net"), a private
    ("Ultracom"), a private                                          corporation created and existing
corporation created and existing                                      under the Puerto Rico General
 under the Puerto Rico General                                              Corporations Act
        Corporations Act

                                                                       Exhibit 3
                                                                   Diagram #2

          Ultracom Ownership Before the Transaction

                        Commonwealth: of Puerto Rico

 Puerto Rico Telephone Authority           Government Development Bank for
  ("PRTA"), a government entity                Puerto Rico ("GDBPR"), a
     entrusted to the GDBPR                        government entity

                    100 %

Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de
         Puerto Rico, Inc
 (Ultracom"), a private corporation
     wholly owned by PRTA

                                             Exhibit 3
                                             Diagram #3

Ultracom Ownership After the Transaction

    Commonwealth of Puerto
                 Rico            :

    Puerto Rico Electric Power
     Authority ("PREPA®), a
        public corporation

                    !   100 %

     PREPA Networks Corp. _
    ("PREPA.Net"), a private |
    corporation wholly owned—
            by PREPA —

        100 %

                Ultramarinas de Puerto   _
           Rico, Inc ("Ultracom"), a
           private corporation wholly
             owned by PREPA.Net

                                                                                        Exhibit 3
                                                                                      Diagram #4

                         Relationship After the Transaction

                         Commonwealth of
                            Puerto Rico

Puerto Rico Telephone        Government          Puerto Rico Electric
Authority ("PRTA"), a    Development Bank for      Power Authority
   government entity          Puerto Rico        ("PREPA"), a public
entrusted to the GDBPR       ("GDBPR"), a            corporation
                           government entity

                                                               100 %

                                                 PREPA Networks Corp.
                                                ("PREPA.Net"), a private

                                                                   ~Ultramarinas de Puerto
                                                100 %             Rico, Inc. ("Ultracom"), a
                                                                      private corporation

                                                                                     Exhibit 4

                                     CERTIFICATION BY
                                   PREPA NETWORKS CORP.

       I, José Casillas Aponte, General Manager of PREPA Networks Corp. ("PREPA.Net"),

duly authorized to submit this Certification on behalf of PREPA.Net, having read the foregoing

Pro Forma Notification and exhibits thereto, hereby declare under penalty of perjury that to the

best of my knowledge, information and belief the representations pertaining to PREPA.Net as set

forth therein are true and correct. I further declare under penalty of perjury that PREPA.Net is

not affiliated to a foreign carrier as defined by 47 CFR 63.09(d) and that PREPA.Net is not

subject of a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of

1988. I further declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, information

and belief the ultimate control of Telecomunicaciones UlItramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc.‘s

interest in the AMERICAS—II cable system remains under the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,

and thereby the transfer of control of assignment is pro forma and does not result in a change in

the actual controlling party.

    ;ZJfl (AL           Signature
                                                          C 02— 08 Date

                                                                                      Exhibit 5

                               CERTIFICATION BY

       I, JORGE A. RODRIGUEZ RUIZ EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR              of Puerto Rico Electric Power

Authority ("PREPA"), duly authorized to submit this Certification on behalf of PREPA, having

read the foregoing Pro Forma Notification and exhibits thereto, hereby declare under penalty of

perjury that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief the representations pertaining to

PREPA as set forth therein are true and correct. I further declare under penalty of perjury that

PREPA is not affiliated to a foreign carrier as defined by 47 CFR 63.09(d) and that PREPA is

not subject of a denial of Federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act

of 1988. 1 further declare under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, information

and belief the ultimate control of Telecomunicaciones Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc.‘s

interest in the AMERICAS—II cable system remains under the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico,

and thereby the transfer of control of assignment is pro forma and does not result in a change in

the actual controlling party.

                k ‘ Signathre _                                     Date

                                                                                       Exhibit 6

                         CERTIFICATION BY

       I, Sfam ue\ Sierva       _,   OFF(' c & i              of Telecomunicaciones UItramarinas

de Puerto Rico, Inc. ("Ultracom"), duly authorized to submit this Certification on behalf of

Ultracom, having read the foregoing Pro Forma Notification and exhibits thereto, hereby declare

under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief the

representations pertaining to Ultracom as set forth therein are true and correct. I further declare

under penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief the ultimate

control of Ultracom‘s interest in the AMERICAS—II cable system remains under the

Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and thereby the transfer of control of assignment is pro forma

and does not result in a change in the actual controlling party.

                            \                               DUME      _4   2008
                   «* Signature                                     Date

                                                                                         Exhibit 7

                                CERTIFICATION BY

        I,   Samue\ Srecra. _,        CrF \eer                 of Puerto Rico Telephone Authority

("PRTA"), duly authorized to submit this Certification on behalf of PRTA, having read the

foregoing Pro Forma Notification and exhibits thereto, hereby declare under penalty of perjury

that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief the representations pertaining to PRTA

as set forth therein are true and correct. I further declare under penalty of perjury that to the best

of my knowledge, information and belief the ultimate control of Telecomunicaciones

Ultramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc.‘s interest in the AMERICAS—II cable system remains under

the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and thereby the transfer of control of assignment is pro

forma and does not result in a change in the actual controlling party.

                C                                            DJUNE€ _6        2008
                        gnature                                       Date

                                                                                       Exhibit 8

                          CERTIFICATION BY

       1, Sorge Jrizarry Herran 5,         pye sicdeut_of Government Development Bank for

Puerto Rico ("GDBPR"), duly authorized to submit this Certification on behalf of GDBPR,

having read the foregoing Pro Forma Notification and exhibits thereto, hereby declare under

penalty of perjury that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief the representations

pertaining to GDBPR as set forth therein are true and correct. I further declare under penalty of

perjury that to the best of my knowledge, information and belief the ultimate control of

Telecomunicaciones UlItramarinas de Puerto Rico, Inc.‘s interest in the AMERICAS—II cable

system network remains under the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and thereby the transfer of

control of assignment is pro forma and does not result in a change in the actual controlling party.

                                       /                     —lune       6, 2008
                       Signature                                     Date

Document Created: 2008-07-16 18:30:50
Document Modified: 2008-07-16 18:30:50

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