Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to SCL-T/C-20070621-00010 for Transfer of Control on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


    Q“. an d +Kni                                               Tel 202 955 3000 _
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                                                                Fax 202 955 5564                  2099 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Suite 100
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                                                   To Holtang & Kaig                    
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                                                                                                  Eric Fishman
                                                                                                  202 828 1849

 June 7, 2007                                              , FiiEfi/A@@E’fiTE@
                                                                    JUN 2 1 2007
_ VIA HAND DELIVERY                           -             Fe‘f_ef&‘gf%munggggns

 Marlene H. Dortch
 Office of the Secretary
 Federal Communications Commission
 445 12"" Street, SW
 Washington, DC 20054 |

        Re:      Not1ficat1on of Pro Forma Transtfer of Control of Global CanbbeanNetwork FCC
                  File No. SCL—LIC—20050418—0001 O |

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Pursuant to Sections 1.767(g)(7) and 63.24(d) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§
 1.767(g)(7) and 63.24(d), Global Caribbean Network ("GCN") (FRN 0013250907), which holds
 the above—captioned cable landing license, hereby notifies the Commission of a pro forma
 transfer of control pursuant to a corporate reorganization of its majority owner which occurred
 on March 2, 2007.‘ Specifically, on that date, Auto—Guadeloupe Investissement, S.A. d/b/a Loret
 Group ("AGI"), GCN‘s majority owner, transferred its 85% capital stock interest in GCN to
 Global Caribbean Fiber, S.A.S., a French company and a wholly—owned subsidiary of AGT.

        This corporate reorganization did not affect the ultimate control or operational control of
 GCN and its cable landing license. Ehsan Emami, the President of GCN, is also the President of
 Global Caribbean Fiber, and GCN, AGI and Global Caribbean are all headquartered at the
 following address: As before, AGI remains the ultimate majority owner of GCN, and the
 company‘s management has not changed.                                                        |

 1         In addition to its cable landing license, GCN holds authority, pursuant to Section 214 of the
 Communications Act, as amended, to construct and operate a fiber—optic submarine cable system on a common
 carrier basis between‘ Puerto Rico and St. Barthélemy, and to provide global facilities—based and resold international
 services. File No. ITC—214—20050623—00237 and File No. ITC—214—20050621—00231. Due to an inadvertent
 administrative oversight, GCN neglected to notify the Commission of the corporate reorganization of AGI within
 thirty (30) days after it occurred, as required under Sections 1.767(g)(7) and 63.24(£)(2) of the Commission‘s rules.
 Upon discovery of this oversight, GCN instructed its counsel to rectify this error immediately. In view of the
 relatively short period of untimeliness, and the voluntary nature of the instant submission, GCN respectfully requests
 the Commission to waive the thirty day deadline set forth in Sections 1.767(g)(7) and 63.     24(t)(2) of its rules to
 accept this late—filed notification.

                   — Atlanta + Bethesda ® Boston * Chicago * Fort Lauderdale « Jacksonville « Los Angeles —
                            Miami « New York « Northern Virginia « Orlando «+ Portland « San Francisco
                                   Tallahassee + Tampa + Washington, D.C. « West Palm Beach
                     Beijing « Caracas* + Helsinki* +« Mexico City *« Tel Aviv* « Tokyo « *Representative Office

Marlene H. Dortch
June 7, 2007
Page 2

         Tour Secid, 8 Floor
         Place de la Renovation, 97110
         Pointe—a—Pitre, Guadeloupe
         France        |
         Phone: 590 590 57 10 00

        In the attached certification, GCN certifies that the above—described transfer of control
will be pro forma as defined by Section 63.24(d) of the Commission‘s rules and that, together
with all previous pro forma transactions (of which there are none) the:corporate reorganization
described in this letter will not result in a change of the licensee‘s ultimate control." As the GCN
corporate structure has been reorganized without any substantial change in beneficial ownership,
and because the license will continue to be held by GCN and ultimately controlled by AGI, the
transaction qualifies as presumptively pro forma and does not require prior approval by the
Commission.*                                                       |

        In the atfached certification, GCN also certifies that no party to this notification is subject
to a denial of federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—
Drug Abuse Act of 1988.4                                                                            .

        If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned counsel

                                            Sincerely,     _

                                            Eric Fis(hiym-
                                           . Counsel for Global Caribbean Network


co:      Gebrge Li, International Bureau.

2        See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g)(7), 63.24(d).
3        See 47 C.F.R. § 1.768.      _
*        See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.767(a)(8), 1.2001—1.2003, and 63.18(0). _

Marlene H. Dortch
 June 7, 2007
Page 3

ce:      Ambassador David Gross
         U.S. Coordinator     .
         EB/CIP, U.S. Department of State
         2201 C Street, NW
         Washington, DC 20520—5818

         Kathy Smith
      _ Chief Counsel, NTIA
         U.S. Department of Commerce
         14*" St. and Constitution Ave., NW
         Washington, DC 20230 _

         Hillary Morgan .
         Deputy General Counsel
         Defense Information Systems Agency
         Code RGC
         701 S. Courthouse Road _
         Arlington, VA 22204


        I, Ehsan Emami, President of Global Caribbean Network, do hereby certify that the
transfer of control of GCN described inthe attached letter of Eric Fishman will be pro forma as
defined by Section 63.24(d) of the Comumission‘s rules and that, together with all previous pro
forma transactions (of which there are none) this transfer of control will not result in a change of
the licensee‘s ultimate control. As the GCN corporate structure will be reorganized without any
substantial change in beneficial ownership, and because the cable landing license will continue to
be held by GCN, the transaction qualifies as presumptwcly pro forma and does not require prior
approval by the Comrmssmn

        I further certlfy that no party to this notxfica.tlonis subject to a denial of federal benefits
that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

June 7,2007

                Atlanta + Bethesda + Boston + Chicago + Fort Lauderdale + Jacksonville « Los Angeles
                     Miami * New York +« Northern Virginta *« Ortando + Porlland « San Francisco
                             Tallahassee + Tampa » Washington, D.C. + West Palm Beach
               Beifing * Caracas* + Helsinki®* > Mexico City * Tel Aviv* * Tokyo + *Representative Office

Document Created: 2007-06-25 12:57:40
Document Modified: 2007-06-25 12:57:40

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