Attachment JGA North STA Grant

JGA North STA Grant

DECISION submitted by Federal Communications Commission

STA Grant


This document pretains to SCL-STA-20190920-00033 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


  Streamlined            SCL-STA-201 90920-00033
  RTI Solutions, Inc.                                                                       ate:     ~‘       ~r       5;~-- .b:19
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                                         FEDERAL COMMUI4ICATIONS COMMIS~ II                                                  V

                                                    Washington, D.C.      S gn hi
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                   In the Matter of

                   RTI SOLUTIONS, INC.,                                   File No. SCL-LIC-20181 106-00035
                   RTI JGA PTE. LTD., AND
                   RTI CONNECTIVITY PTE. LTD.,

                   Application for a License to Land and Operate
                   a Private Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable System                                SEP 272019
                   Connecting Guam and Japan,
                                                                                           Int8m en~I U~ir~u
                   THE JGA NORTH SYSTEM

                                      REQUEST FOR SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY

                         Pursuant to 47 U.S.C.   §   34, Executive Order No. 10,530, and 47 C.F.R.   §    1.767, RTI

               Solutions, Inc., RTI JGA Pte. Ltd., and RTI Connectivity Pte. Ltd. (collectively, the

              “Applicants”), hereby request special temporary authority (“STA”) to construct, connect the U.S.

              end points of, and test at their own risk those portions of the JGA North system in U.S. territory

              prior to the Commission’s grant of the Applicants’ pending cable landing license application.1

              Without such authority, the JGA North system would likely be delayed at significant cost to the

              Applicants and thereby delay the benefits of new capacity on the Guam-Japan route. The

              Applicants therefore seek STA beginning no later than October 8, 2019, and ending 180 days

              from grant. The Applicants have notified the Team Telecom agencies of this request.

                     RTI Solutions, Inc., RTI JGA Pte. Ltd., and RTI Connectivity Pte. Ltd., Application for a
                     License to Land and Operate a Private Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable System Connecting
                     Guam and Japan, the JGA North System, File No. SCL-LIC-20181 106-00035 (filed Nov. 5,
                     2018) (“Application”).

           The Applicants acknowledge that grant of this request will not prejudice action by the

Commission on the underlying Application and that the STA is subject to cancellation or

modification upon notice. Further, the Applicants acknowledge that such STA can be revoked

by the Commission on its own motion without a hearing.


           The Applicants respectfully submit that grant of this STA request will serve the public

interest, convenience, and necessity and otherwise comply with U.S. law and Commission

regulations. On November 5, 2018, the Applicants jointly applied for authority to land and

operate the new JGA North system connecting Guam and Japan. The Commission placed the

application on streamlined public notice on November 16, 2018.2 The Team Telecom agencies

later requested that the application be processed on a non-streamlined basis pending completion

of a national security review.3 The JGA North system will offer capacity in large increments

until the year 2045, far beyond the useful life of many existing systems serving the Guam-Japan

route where capacity demand continues to grow significantly.4 It will also provide vigorous

competition on the Guam-Japan route using a geographically diverse landing in Japan.5

           Grant of the Applicants’ request will also serve the public interest in two particular ways.

First, it will ensure the timely construction and commencement of operations of the JGA North

2    Streamlined Submarine Cable Landing License Applications Acceptedfor Filing, Public
     Notice, Report No. SCL-00228S (rel. Nov. 16, 2018).
~    See Letter from Glenn Kaminsky, Attorney Adviser, Department of Homeland Security, to
     FCC, File No. SCL-LIC-20181106-00035 (filed Nov. 19, 2018).
~    Application at 2.


system, with long-term, large-increment, low-latency capacity on Guam-Japan route. Second, it

will avoid imposing needless and avoidable costs on the Applicants.


          The Commission has ample authority to issue STA for construction and testing prior to

the grant of a cable landing license. Neither the Cable Landing License Act nor Executive Order

10,530 (delegating submarine cable licensing authority from the President to the Commission,

subject to Executive Branch review) limits the Commission’s ability to issue STA for

construction, testing, and/or operational authority prior to grant of a cable landing license.6

          To the contrary, the Commission has exercised such authority on numerous occasions

and should also do so in this case. The Commission has previously granted, upon a showing of

good cause, STA for purposes of construction in U.S. territory, connection of a system’s end

points, and testing in U.S. territory prior to the issuance of a cable landing license for the JGA

South, JUPITER, Crosslake Fibre, Marea, and BRUSA systems, among others.7 The Applicants

6     See 47 U.S.C.   §~ 34-39; Executive Order   10,530.
~     See e.g., GU Holdings, Inc. et al., Request for Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No.
      SCL-STA-201 90809-00025 (granted Aug. 27, 2019) (granting STA to construct, connect,
      and test U.S.-territory facilities for the JGA South submarine cable system prior to the grant
      of a cable landing license); NTT America, Inc., et at., Request for Special Temporary
      Authority, FCC File No. SCL-STA-20190730-00023 (granted Aug. 22, 2019) (granting STA
      to construct, connect, and test U.S.-territory facilities for the JUPITER submarine cable
      system prior to the grant of a cable landing license); Crosslake Fiber USA LP, Request for
      Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SCL-STA-201 80606-000 14 (granted June 18,
      2018) (granting STA to construct and test U.S.-territory facilities for the Crosslake Fibre
      submarine cable system prior to the grant of a cable landing license); Telxius Cable USA,
      Inc., et at., Request for Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SCL-STA-20170712-
      00017 (granted July 19, 2017) (granting STA to construct and test U.S.-territory facilities for
      the BRUSA submarine cable system prior to the grant of a cable landing license); Edge
      Cable Holdings USA, LLC, et al., Request for Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No.
      SCL-STA-20170318-00007 (granted Mar. 24, 2017) (granting STA to construct and test
      U.S.-territory facilities for the Marea submarine cable system prior to the grant of a cable
      landing license).

seek the same authority here to construct, connect the U.S. end points, and test the JGA North

system in U.S. territory.


       For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should expeditiously grant this STA request.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              RTI CONNECTIVITY PTE. LTD.
                                              RTI SOLUTIONS, INC.

Kent Bressie                                    ian Mas
Colleen Sechrest                              Chief Financial Officer
Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800                8 Eu Tong Sen Street # 14-94
Washington, D.C. 20036-3537                   The Central
+1 202 730 1337                               Singapore 059818                           + 1619 888 7166
Counsel for RTJ Solutions, Inc., RTIJGA
Pie Lid, and RTI coirneciiviiy Pie. Lid.

                                              RTL JGA PTE LTD.

                                              Kam Kian Kok

                                              4 Robinson Road #05-0 1
                                              The House of Eden
                                              Singapore 048543

September12, 2019

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I, Kent Bressie, hereby certify that consistent with 47 C.F.R.   §   1.767(j), I have served

copies of the foregoing request for special temporary authority by hand delivery or electronic

mail this 20th day of September, 2019, to the following:

                  Robert L. Strayer
                  Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Cyber an
                     International Communications and Information Policy
                  Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
                  U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                  E13/CIP: Room 4634
                  2201 C Street, N.W.
                  Washington, D.C. 20520-4634

                  Kathy Smith
                  Chief Counsel
                  14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                  Room 4713
                  Washington, D.C. 20230

                   William E. Brazis 11
                   General Counsel
                   6910 Cooper Avenue
                   Fort Meade, Maryland 20755

                                             Kent Bressie

Document Created: 2019-09-27 11:34:47
Document Modified: 2019-09-27 11:34:47

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