Attachment Americas I STA Grant

Americas I STA Grant

DECISION submitted by Federal Communications Commission

STA Grant


This document pretains to SCL-STA-20190726-00021 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


Streamlined           SCL-STA-20190726..00021                                                             G              e
                      1B201 9002816
                                                           Before the                                          ~
                                                      )MMUNICATIONS COMM                    e
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               In the Matter of                                  )                    si atu              A~        /

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               The Americas I Submarine Cable System             )   File No. SCL-LIC-20 190326-00009
               Operating Between the United States               )
               Mainland and St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin        )
               Islands                                           )
                                                                                                                   AUG23 2019
                              APPLICATION FOR SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY                                      Int~matl~aI ~ureeu

                      On behalf of the licensees of the Americas I submarine cable system,’ SCL-LIC

               19921110-00002, AT&T Corp. (“AT&T”), pursuant to 47 U.S.C.         §~ 34-39, Executi~e 01der
               10,530, and 47 C.F.R.   §   1.767, hereby requests that the Commission grant Special Temporary

               Authority (“STA”) to allow the continued operation of the Americas I cable following the

               expiration of the existing cable landing license on September 1, 2019, while the Commission

               considers the application for a new cable landing license for this cable filed on March 27, 2019.2

                      AT&T acknowledges, on behalf of the licensees, that the grant of this STA will not

               prejudice any action the Commission may take on the application for a new cable landing

               license, and that this STA can be modified or revoked by the Commission upon its own motion

               without a hearing. AT&T also acknowledges on behalf of the licensees that such continued

               operation of the cable would remain subject to the conditions set forth in the cable landing

               license released on July 13, 1993.

                      AT&T submits that the continued operation of the Americas I cable is overwhelmingly in

               the public interest in helping to meet the demand for voice, data, and internet services on routes

                 The licensees include: AT&T Corp., MCI International Inc., Sprint Communications Company
               L.P., and Telefonica Larga Distancia De Puerto Rico, Inc.
               2 See Application For Cable Landing License, File No. SCL-LIC-20190326-00009, filed March

               27, 2019. See also, Public Notice, SCL-00241S, May 21, 2019. The application is currently
               under review by the “Team Telecom” Executive Branch agencies.


between the U.S. mainland and the U.S. Virgin Islands, and connecting to other cables extending

to various Caribbean islands, and Central and South America, and that it would not serve the

public interest to cease operation of this cable, even on a temporary basis. The cable has been

operated successfully for 25 years, has a current design capacity of 800 Gbps per second, and the

United States terminal points currently operate at up to 430 Gbps.

       Maintaining reliable communications facilities serving the U.S. Virgin Islands is

particularly important following the “massive damage” to these islands caused by Hurricane

Maria.3 As the U.S. Virgin Islands continues to work to overcome these major challenges, it is

even more critical to avoid any diminution in the communications facilities that link consumers

in this territory with the rest of the world. AT&T therefore requests the grant of this request.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  AT&T Corp.

Of Counsel:                                       __________________________

                                                   James Talbot
Mark D. Schneider                                  AVP- Senior Legal Counsel
Sidley Austin LLP                                  AT&T Services, Inc. &
1501 K Street, NW                                  Assistant Secretary
Washington, DC 20005                               AT&T Corp.
(202) 736-8058                                     Suite 1000                              1120 20th Street, N.W.
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                   (202) 457-3048
Dated: July 26, 2019

~ Connect America Fund, WC Docket No. 10-90, Order, 2017 WL 4479977, rel. Oct 4,2017,              ¶
 1. See also, The Uniendo a Puerto Rico Fund and the Connect USVI Fund, Order and Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, WC Docket No. 18-143, rel. May 29, 2018 (approving additional funding
to restore communications networks in Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands and seeking comment
on almost $900 million in long-term funding for network expansion).

                                        CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that the foregoing application was served on the following by first-class

mail on July 26, 2019:

U.S. Coordinator, EB/CIP
U.S. Department of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520-5818

Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th St., NW and Constitution Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20230

Defense Information Systems Agency

                                                                        1\) LA
6910 Cooper Avenue
Fort Meade, MD 20755-7088

                                                                      abrielle Whitehall

Document Created: 2019-08-20 13:18:25
Document Modified: 2019-08-20 13:18:25

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