Attachment 2019-03-27 PLCN STA

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20190327-00011 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                    )
GU HOLDINGS INC., EDGE CABLE                        )   File Nos. SCL-LIC-20170421-00012
HOLDINGS USA, LLC and PACIFIC LIGHT                 )             SCL-AMD-20171227-00025
DATA COMMUNICATION CO. LTD.                         )             SCL-STA-20180907-00033
                                                    )             SCL-STA-2019__________
Application for a License to Construct, Land,       )
and Operate an Undersea Fiber Optic Cable           )
Connecting the United States, Hong Kong,            )
Taiwan, and the Philippines                         )


       Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39, Executive Order 10530, and 47 C.F.R. § 1.767, GU

Holdings Inc., Edge Cable Holdings USA, LLC, and Pacific Light Data Communication Co. Ltd.

(collectively, the “Applicants”), hereby request an extension of the Special Temporary Authority

(“STA”) granted on October 5, 2018, to construct, connect, and test the portion of the Pacific

Light Cable Network (“PLCN”) in U.S. territory during the Commission’s consideration of the

Applicants’ pending cable landing license application.1 Specifically, the Applicants seek a

180-day STA extension commencing on April 3, 2019. Without an STA extension, further

construction and testing of PLCN would likely be delayed at significant cost to the Applicants

and thereby delay the benefits of new trans-Pacific capacity that PLCN will provide. The

Applicants have notified the Team Telecom agencies of this request.

1See GU Holdings Inc., Edge Cable Holdings USA, LLC, and Pacific Light Data
Communication Co. Ltd., Application for a License to Construct, Land, and Operate an Undersea
Fiber Optic Cable Connecting the United States, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the Philippines, FCC
File No. SCL-LIC-20170421-00012 (filed Apr. 21, 2017) (PLCN Application).

       The Applicants acknowledge that grant of such STA extension will not prejudice action

by the Commission on the underlying application and that such STA extension is subject to

cancellation or modification upon notice. The Commission has authority to grant an STA

extension and has previously granted STA extensions requests seeking similar relief.


       On April 21, 2017, the Applicants applied for authority to construct, land, and operate

PLCN, a high-capacity fiber-optic submarine cable system connecting the U.S., Hong Kong,

Taiwan, and the Philippines.2 The Commission placed the application on streamlined public

notice on November 1, 2017,3 but later removed the application from streamlined processing at

the request of the Team Telecom agencies pending completion of a national security review. On

December 27, 2017, the Applicants filed an amendment to the application reflecting a change to

the ownership structure for Pacific Light Data Communication Co. Ltd.4 On January 22, 2018,

the Commission placed the amended application on streamlined public notice,5 but once again

removed the application from streamlined processing at the request of the Team Telecom

agencies pending completion of the national security review. On September 7, 2018, the

Applicants requested STA to construct, connect, and test the portion of PLCN in U.S. territory

during the Commission’s consideration of the Applicants’ pending cable landing license

2 See id.
3 See Public Notice, Streamlined Submarine Cable Landing License Applications Accepted for
Filing, Report No. SCL-00204S (rel. Nov. 1, 2017).
4 See Amendment to Application for a Cable Landing License, FCC File No.
SCL-AMD-20171227-00025 (filed Dec. 27, 2017).
5 See Public Notice, Streamlined Submarine Cable Landing License Applications Accepted for
Filing, Report No. SCL-00208S (rel. Jan. 22, 2018).

application.6 On October 5, 2018, the Commission granted the Applicants’ STA request for 180


         Since receipt of the STA extensive investment has been made on the construction of

PLCN, including the portion in U.S. territory. The Applicants are also actively engaged in the

governmental and commercial discussions necessary for a national security review. However, the

Applicants do not expect that those discussions will be concluded in time for the Commission to

fully consider and grant the underlying application by April 3, 2019, the date on which the STA

expires. The Applicants seek an STA extension in order to ensure that construction, connection,

and testing in U.S. territory continue to proceed on schedule. The Applicants do not seek

authority for other operation of PLCN.


         The Applicants respectfully submit that grant of the STA extension will serve the public

interest, convenience, and necessity and otherwise comply with U.S. law and Commission


         Delaying further construction and testing of PLCN would delay the availability of the

substantial transmission capacity of PLCN and impose significant economic costs on the

Applicants. Depending on the length of the delay, the financial viability of the project could be at

risk. Conversely, grant of this STA request would help ensure realization of the project’s public

benefits. Specifically, PLCN will (i) help connect U.S. Internet users and businesses to Asia, the

6 See Request for Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SCL-STA-20180907-00033 (filed
Sept. 7, 2018).
7 See Special Temporary Authority Grant, FCC File No. SCL-STA-20180907-00033 (granted

Oct. 5, 2018).

world’s biggest Internet market; (ii) increase competition on the trans-Pacific route; and (iii)

enhance the service quality, redundancy, and resilience of communications systems in the



         For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should grant an STA extension of 180 days as

expeditiously as possible, and in any event no later than April 3, 2019.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,


                                                      Stephanie Selmer
                                                      Corporate Counsel
                                                      Google LLC
                                                      25 Massachusetts Ave. NW, 9th Floor
                                                      Washington, DC 20001

                                                      Counsel for GU Holdings Inc.

8   PLCN Application at 3.

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was served this date upon the
following via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid:

       U.S. Coordinator
       U.S. Department of State
       2201 C Street NW
       EB/CIP: Room 4634
       Washington, DC 20520-4634

       Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
       U.S. Department of Commerce
       14th Street and Constitution Avenue NW
       Room 4713
       Washington, DC 20230

       Defense Information Systems Agency
       ATTN: GC/DO1
       6910 Cooper Avenue
       Fort Meade, MD 20755-7088

Stephanie Selmer
March 27, 2019

Document Created: 2019-04-28 11:14:10
Document Modified: 2019-04-28 11:14:10

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