Attachment Taino-Carib Cable La

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20180119-00001 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


        6                              Federal Communications Commission                     4161                  DA 92—861
        &                                                        unit off the San Juan coast. From the branching unit, the
      %                   Before the
                                                                 TAINO—CARIB cable will extend to a cable station at
                                                                 Magens Bay, St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Isiands. From
        :>   Rederal Communications Commission                   St. Thomas, the TAINO—CARIB will extend to the British
                   Washington, D.C. 20554                        Virgin Islands where it will land at the Tortola Brewers
                                                                 Bay cable landing and extend to the existing Chalwell
                                                                 cable station, The proposed cable system will be owned by
  In the Mauerof                                                 the Joint Applicanis and a number of foreign telecom—
                                                                 munications entities; it has a ready for service (RFS) date
  TELEFONICA LARGA DISTANCIA                                     of Ociober 1992
  DE PUERTO RICO                                                    3. The transmission portion of the TAINO—CARIB sys—
                                                                 tem will consist of six fiber paits between Puerto Rico and
  US SPRINT COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY                               St. Thomas and six fiber pairs between St. Thomas and
                                                                 Tortola, with each pair operating at a speed of 560 Mbps.
                                                                 The TAINO—CARIB cable will have a design capacity
                                                                 equivalent to 45,360 64—Kbps circuits, Because of the rel—
  AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND                                         tively short distances —involved, the TAINO—CARIB cable
  TELEGRAPH COMPANY                                              will empfoy repeaterless technology, the first time this
                                                                 technology has been uséd in the Caribbean Basin. Use of
  MCI                                   File No. SCL—92—002      repeaterless technology will give the owners a high degree
   INTERNATIONAL, INC.                                           of fexibility in terms of operating all or portions of the
                                                                 capecity as needed to meet service demands, The total cost
                                                                 of the transmission portion of the TAINQ—CARIB cable,
  ST. THOMAS AND                                                 includingcable stations, is estimated to be $15,436.230.
                                                                   4. The TAINO—CARIB cable system will provide the
  COMPANY, INC.                                                  "missing link" in Ceribbelin telecommunications as there
                                                                 is no cable link between Puert® Rico, St. Thomas and
  TRUFIC                                                         ‘Toriola, In Tortola, the TAINO—CARIB cable will provide
   COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                          connectivity with the CARAC fiber optic submarine cable,
                                                                 which connects Tortola to Bermuda, and the Private Trans.
  GTE HAWAIAN                                                    Atlantic Cable System (PTAT) which interconnects Ber—
                                                                 muda with both the U.S. mainland and Europe (freland
  TELEPHONE COMPANY                                  ‘           and England). in Puerto Rico, the TAINO—CARIB cable
   INCORPORATED                                                  will interconnect with the TCS—1 fiber optic submarine
                                                                 cable system which connects West Palim Beach, Florida
   WORLD COMMUNICATIONS, INC.                                    with San Juan and continues onward to the Dominican
                                                                 Republic, Jamaica and Colombia on the South American
   Join Application for a License to land                        mainland. At St. Thomas, there are numerous analog cable
   and operate the TAINO—CARIB fiber optic                       systems which extend to the U.S. Mainlard and other
                                                                 Caribbean island and South American locations. The Joint
   submarinecable system extending between                       applicants note that when these older systems are replaced
   Puerto Rico and St. Thomas in the U.S.                        by state—ofthe—art fiber optic cable systems, the presence of
   Virgin Islands and the British Virgin                         TAINO—CARIB will facilitate lnlerwnnecuon with future
   Islands                                                       digital cables.
                                                                   5. By letter dated May 7, 1992, the State Department
                                                                 informed the Commission that it has no objection to the
                CABLE LANDING LICENSE                            application to land in.U.S. territory and operaie the
                                                                 TAINO—CARIB cable system, In light of the State Depart«
 Adopted: June 25,1992;                Released:July 6, 1992     . ment‘s letter and the Commission‘s finding in the related
                                                                 Section 214 application to construct and operate: the
   By the Chief, GCommon Carrier Bureau:                         TAINO—CARIB system (File No, 1—T—C—92—106), we find
                                                                 that a grant of a cable landing license for the TAINO:
   1. The Commission has before it for consideration a           CARIB cable will serve the public interest.
 joint application filed by the above—captioned applicants         6. In light of the above considerations, the Commission
 (hereinafter collectively referred to as "Joint Applicants"),   hereby GRANTS AND ISSUES, under the provisions of
 pursuant to the provisions of 47 U.S.C, $§34—39, for a          "An Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Subma:
 license to land and operate in United States territory a        tine Cables in the United States®, 47 U.S.C. §§34—39. and
 fiber optic submarine telecommunications cable (TAINO—          pursuant to the authority defegated to this Commission
 CARIB) extending between Puerto Rico, St. Thomas in the          under Executive Order No, 10530, dated May 10, 1954, 3,
 U.S. Virgin Islands, and Tortola in the British Virgin          C.FR. 1994—1958 Comp., p. 189 (1961), reprinied in 3
 Islands, The application—was placed on ‘public notice on         U.S.C.A. §301 .at p. 1052 (1983), to the Joint Applicants
* February 19, 1992. No comments were received.                  herein a license to land and operate the above described
   2. The TAINO—CARIB cable will land at cable stations
                                                                 TAINO—CARIB cable system, having the capacity specified
 in Puerto Rico at Miramar and at Isla Verde (approxi—           in paragraph 3, supra..This license is subject to: (a) the
 mately two miles east of Miramar). From these cable             Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 US.C.
 stations. underwater segments will connect at a branching        §§151—609; (b) subsequent applicable acts, (c) all refevant

  DA 92—861                              Federal Communications Commission

  rulés: and. regulations of the Federal Communications             (7) The terms and conditions upon which this li—
  Commission made pursuant to authority vested in it; (d)           cense is given shall be accepied by the Licensees by
  any treaties or conventions relating to communications to         filing a letter with the Secretary, Federal Commu—
  which the United States of America is or may hereafter            nications Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554,
* become a party: (e) any action by the Commission or the           within 30 days of the release of this order.
  Congress of the United States of America rescinding,
  changing, modifying or amending any rights accruing to           7. This order is issued under Section 0.291 of the Rules
  any person hereunder; and {f} the following conditions:        and is effective upon adoption. Petitions for reconsider—
                                                                . ation under Section 1.106 or applications for review under
     {1) The location of the cable within the territorial        Section 1.115 of the Rules may be filed within 30 days of
     waters of the United States of America, its territories     public notice of this order {see Section 1,4(b)(2)),
     and possessions, and upon the foreshore thereof,
     shall be in conformity with plans approved by the             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
     Secretary of the Army, and the cable shall be moved
     or shifted by the Licensees at their expense upon the
     request of the Secretary of the Army whenever he or
     she considers such course necessary in the public
     interest, for reasons of national defense, or for the         Cheryl A. Tritt
     maintenance or improvement of harbors for navige~             Chief, Common Carrier Bureau
   . tional purposes:
     (2) The Licensees shall at all times comply with any
     requirements ‘‘ of       United States—     Government
     authorities regarding the location and concealment
     of the cable facilities, buildings, and apparatus with a
     view to protecting and safeguarding the cable from
     injury or destruiction by enemies of the United States
     of America;
     (3) The Licensees or any persons or companies con—
     trolling them or controlled by them do not enjoy
     and shall not acquire any right, for the purpose of
     handling traffic to or from the United: States, ts
     territories or possessions, to land, connect or operate
     cables or landlines, to construct or operate radio
     stations, or to interchange traffic, which is denied to
     any other United States company by reason of any
     concession, contract, understanding, or working ar—
     rangement to which the Licensees or any persons or
     companies controlling them or controlled by them
     are parties;
     (4) Neither this license, nor the rights granted here—
     in. shall be transferred, assigned, or in any manner
     either. voluntarily: or. involuntarily disposed. of or —
     disposed of indirectly by transfer of control of the
     Licensees to any persons, unless the Federal Com—
     munications Commission shal} give prior consent in
    * writing;                .
     (3) This license is revocable after due notice and /
     opportunity for hearing by the Federal Communics—
     tions Commission in the event of breach or
     nonfulfiliment of any requirements specified in Sec
     tion 2 of "An Act Relating to the Landing and
     Operation of Submarine Cables in the United
     States," 47 U.S.C. §§34—39, or for failure to comply
     with the terms of the authorization;
     (6) The Licensees shall notify the Commission in
     writing of the date on which the cable is placed in
     service; and this license shall expire 25 years from
     that date, unless renewed or extended upon proper
     applications duly filed no less than six months prior
     to the expiration date: and, upon expiration of the
     license, all rights granted under it shall be termi—
     nated; and

Document Created: 2018-01-19 12:58:37
Document Modified: 2018-01-19 12:58:37

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