Attachment 20160920133948-470.p


DECISION submitted by Federal Communications Commission

STA Grant


This document pretains to SCL-STA-20160330-00010 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, DC 20554

    In the Matter of                                )
    Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC              )
                                                    )     File No. SCL-LIC-20160325-00009
    Application for a License to Construct, Land    )
    and Operate a Private Fiber Optic Cable         )
    System Linking Points Within Alaska, and        )
    Request for Streamlined Treatment               )
    Quintillion Subsea Cable System                 )


          Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC (“Quintillion” or the “Company”), by its attorneys

and pursuant to Federal Communications Commission (“FCC” or the “Commission”) rule

63.25(b), 47 C.F.R. § 63.25(b), and the Cable Landing License Act, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39, (the

“Act”) hereby requests an extension (“STA Extension Request”) of the Special Temporary

Authority (“STA”), granted April 11, 2016,1 authorizing Quintillion to construct, land, and test

the Quintillion System during the pendency of the Commission’s review of the Company’s

Application for a Submarine Cable license for the Quintillion System. 2 That STA expires on

October 8, 2016. In particular, Quintillion seeks a 180-day extension, commencing on expiration

of the existing STA on October 8, 2016.3 Quintillion understands that it may not begin

          See Application for Special Temporary Authority, File No. SCL-STA-20160330-00010
          (granted April 11, 2016)
          See In re: Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC Application for a License to Construct,
          Land and Operate a Private Fiber Optic Cable System Linking Points Within Alaska, and
          Request for Streamlined Treatment, SCL-LIC-2016-000778 (filed March 24, 2016)
          (“Quintillion SCL Application”).
          The Commission has the authority, pursuant to rule 63.25(b), to grant the STA and has on
          numerous occasions exercised that authority to grant STAs, including extensions,


commercial operation of its cable system until its submarine cable license application is granted.4

The Company also acknowledges that the grant of this STA Extension Request will not prejudice

any action the Commission may take on the underlying Quintillion SCL Application. Quintillion

further acknowledges that its STA, and any extension thereof, can be modified or revoked by the

Commission upon its own motion without a hearing.


               On March 24, 2016, Quintillion submitted its Application for a license to

Construct, Land, and Operate the Quintillion System.5 The Quintillion System, a multi-stage

high capacity fiber optic cable system wholly within the United States and extending between

Nome, Alaska, and Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, is the first stage of a larger submarine cable system

that the Company intends will, in later stages, land in foreign points. Authority is currently only

being sought for the first stage, which will land exclusively in Alaska, although sections of the

Quintillion System will be laid outside of U.S. territorial waters. Quintillion seeks to have the

Quintillion System fully constructed by mid-October 2016 and operational by the first quarter


        permitting the same construction and testing activities for which Quintillion requests
        grant. See, e.g., For example, See, e.g., GU Holdings Inc., China Mobile International
        Limited, China Telecom Global Limited, Global Transit 2 Limited, KDDI Corporation,
        and Singapore Telecom USA Inc., Application for Special Temporary Authority, File
        No., SCL-STA-20150804-00025 (granted Aug. 12, 2015) (extension granted Feb. 17,
        2016) (the “FASTER STA”).
        Commission rule Section 63.25 authorizes the Commission to grant the STA to construct,
        land, and test the Quintillion System. 47 C.F.R. §63.25. The Act does not prohibit or
        limit the Commission’s authority to issue an STA pending grant of the submarine cable
        license application.
        The Application was put on Public Notice on April 22, 2016. Public Notice, Non-
        Streamlined Submarine Cable Landing License Applications Accepted for Filing, Report
        No. SCL-00181NS (rel. April 22, 2016).


                Once the STA was granted, Quintillion commenced construction of the

Quintillion System and, as the result of diligent efforts, remains on track to complete

construction as scheduled before the end of the limited construction season in the Arctic waters.

Specifically, the Company intends to begin testing in fourth quarter 2016 in preparation for

commercial operations in the first quarter of 2017. Quintillion has notified and remained in

continuous contact with the Department of State, Department of Justice, Department of Defense,

and Department of Homeland Security (collectively, “Team Telecom”) regarding the submarine

cable application and Quintillion’s STA. The Team Telecom agencies have not indicated any

objections to the Quintillion System.


                 Grant of an extension of Quintillion’s STA for construction and testing of the

Quintillion System will advance the public interest. The Quintillion System will be the first

submarine cable connecting the six proposed landing station points. Conducting business on the

cable system as a private operator, Quintillion will bring a new source of reliable, secure, high-

speed wholesale communications capability to these north and northwest Alaskan communities.

Other providers will have the opportunity to utilize that capability to provide their retail

broadband and other services. Businesses, local governments, and residents ultimately will

benefit from those carriers and ISPs that access the enhanced capacity on the Quintillion System,

delivering benefits that support education, healthcare, public safety, emergency response, and

economic development. Moreover, the addition of the Quintillion System will add redundancy

to existing telecommunications infrastructure, such as terrestrial fiber at Prudhoe Bay and

microwave systems and satellite links, connecting these communities in Alaska and reducing the

potential for communications failures during natural or other disasters.


               Delaying the completion of construction and the commencement of testing of the

Quintillion System if this STA Extension Request were not granted would have significant

public interest and financial impacts. Significant progress has been made to date under the

existing STA, but due to the limited construction season in Alaska, a suspension of construction

and testing after October 8, 2016, would defer completion, testing, and operation of the

Quintillion System until at least mid-2017, thereby depriving Quintillion’s communications

provider-customers of the ability to offer Alaskan communities much-needed high-capacity

broadband services.6    Moreover, a delay in construction will likely put the availability of the six

primary vessels, including five cable-laying vessels, at risk to complete construction once the

2017 construction cycle begins, and cause Quintillion to bear significant additional costs to re-

mobilize the vessels. Further, if there is a suspension of activity until next year’s construction

season begins in the second quarter of 2017, Quintillion will also incur significant related costs

including storing cable over the winter until construction can continue, remobilizing employees,

and carrying related overhead without the anticipated revenue stream for the Quintillion System

until, potentially, the second half of 2017.

               Consequently, Quintillion requests the Commission grant a 180-day extension,

commencing upon expiration of the existing STA on October 8, 2016, to enable the Company to

complete construction in a timely fashion and then conduct testing of the Quintillion System to

in time to meet its first quarter 2017 coming-into-service target date.

       Quintillion must conduct marine installation during a limited window that will extend
       through mid-to-late October and, even during this window, operations may be affected at
       certain times due to certain seasonal mammal migrations in certain areas spanned by the
       planned System, Native American fishing operations, and weather conditions. Following
       marine installation, Quintillion will engage in cable activation and testing, prior to
       commercial turn-up in first quarter of 2017.



              The foregoing demonstrates that the public interest, convenience and necessity

would be furthered by grant of a 180-day extension of Quintillion’s STA for construction and

testing of the Quintillion System. The Company therefore requests an expeditious, and in any

event no later than October 8, 2016, grant of this STA Extension Request.

                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC

                                                7 September 2016

                                               Edward A. Yorkgitis, Jr.
                                               Denise N. Smith
                                               KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP
                                               3050 K Street, N.W.
                                               Washington, D.C. 20007
                                               (202) 342-8400

                                               Its Attorneys

Dated: 7 September 2016



       I, Elizabeth Pierce, state that I am Chief Executive Officer of Quintillion Subsea

Holdings, LLC ("Quintillion Holdings"); that I am authorized to represent Quintillion Subsea

Operations, LLC ("Quintillion"), and to make this verification on its behalf; that the statements

regarding Quintillion contained in the foregoing Request for Extension of Special Temporary

Authority, except as otherwise specifically attributed, are true and correct to the best of my

knowledge and belief.

       I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

By: 7[\//\5&/'&(/_,\    L/ 7@»'\——/’

     EIizaB)eth Pierce
     Chief Executive Officer
     Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC
     201 East 56th Avenue
     Suite 300
     Anchorage, AK 99518
     (907) 440—4511

For and on behalf of Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC

Dated: 7 September 2016

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that the foregoing Quintillion Subsea Operations, LLC Request for

Extension of Special Temporary Authority was served on September 7, 2016, by first class mail,

except as indicated, on the following:

 Jodi Cooper                                    Kathy Smith
 David Krech                                    Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
 International Bureau                           U.S. Department of Commerce
 Federal Communications Commission              14th St., NW and Constitution Ave., NW
 445 12th Street SW                             Room 4713
 Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, D.C. 20230
 (via electronic mail:;

 Ambassador Daniel Sepulveda                    Robert Gorman
 U.S. Coordinator and Deputy Assistant          General Counsel
 Secretary of State                             Defense Information Systems Agency
 Office of Int’l Communications &               6910 Cooper Avenue
 Information Policy                             Fort Meade, Maryland 20755
 Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
 U.S. Department of State
 2201 C Street, N.W.
 Room 4634
 Washington, D.C. 20520-4634

                                                               Denise N. Smith


Document Created: 2019-04-07 01:49:42
Document Modified: 2019-04-07 01:49:42

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