Attachment AST Attachment 2.pdf

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20140529-00004 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


Amendment of Foreign Carrier Affiliation
FCC File No. FCN-NEW-20110316-00003
20 August 2012
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       Pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.744 and 1.768, AST Telecom, LLC, d/b/a/ Blue Sky

Communications (“Blue Sky”), American Samoa Hawaii Cable, LLC (“ASHC”), and Samoa

American Samoa Cable, LLC (“SASC”) (collectively, “Cable Landing Licensees”), amend their

March 15, 2011, foreign carrier affiliation notification with respect to Bluesky Samoa Limited

(“Bluesky Samoa,” formerly known as SamoaTel Limited) to change the legal basis for their

notification.1 Effective May 10, 2012, the Independent State of Samoa (“Independent Samoa”)

became a member of the World Trade Organization.2 Consequently, the Cable Landing

Licensees amend their Notification to notify the Commission pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §

1.768(b)(2)(ii), instead of 47 C.F.R. § 1.768(a). The Cable Landing Licensees also withdraw

their request for a finding of effective competitive opportunities (“ECO”) pursuant to 47 C.F.R. §

1.768(g)(2). Independent Samoa’s WTO membership renders moot the need for an ECO


       With respect to the requirements of 47 C.F.R. § 1.768(e), the Cable Landing Licensees’

responses remain unchanged since the filing of the Notification, except as follows below.

    See FCC File No. FCN-NEW-20110316-00003 (“Notification”)
    World Trade Organization, Members and Observers (May 10, 2012),

Amendment of Foreign Carrier Affiliation
FCC File No. FCN-NEW-20110316-00003
20 August 2012
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       A.      WTO Status of Destination Country3

       By the signature below, each of the Cable Landing Licensees certifies that Independent

Samoa is a WTO Member.

       B.      Name, Address, Citizenship, and Principal Business of Any Person or Entity
               that Directly or Indirectly Owns at Least Ten (10) Percent of the Equity of
               ASLI, and the Percentage of Equity Owned by Each of Those Entities (to the
               Nearest One Percent)4

       As previously notified to the Commission, the Proposed Acquisition described in the

Notification was consummated on May 31, 2011. The current 10-percent-or-greater direct and

indirect owners of each Cable Landing Licensee are detailed below.

               1.     Blue Sky

       Blue Sky is a wholly-owned, direct subsidiary of eLandia International, Inc.

(“eLandia”), a Delaware corporation. eLandia’s address is:

               8200 NW 52nd Terrace, Suite 102
               Miami, Florida 33166

eLandia is a diversified holding company with investments in the information technology and

communications sectors. Approximately 87 percent of eLandia’s shares are owned by Amper

S.A. (“Amper”).5

       Amper is a Spanish sociedad anónima, i.e., corporation. It operates as a Spanish holding

company whose shares trade publicly on the Madrid Stock Exchange under the symbol AMP.

    47 C.F.R. § 1.768(e)(2).
    47 C.F.R. § 1.768(e)(4).
    The remaining shareholders of eLandia—none of whom holds a 10-percent-or-greater direct
    or indirect interest in ASLI—are being cashed out as part of a transaction to take eLandia
    private, in which case eLandia will be a wholly-owned, direct subsidiary of Amper. Amper
    expects to consummate this “going-private” transaction later in 2012.

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20 August 2012
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Amper’s operating units concentrate in three sectors: telecommunications, defense, and

homeland security. Neither Amper nor any of its existing subsidiaries is a telecommunications

carrier in any market. Amper’s address is:

               Calle Marconi, 3
               Parque Tecnológico Madrid
               28760 Tres Cantos Madrid

       Amper’s only 10-percent-or-greater shareholder is Tvikap AB (“Tvikap”). Tvikap is

Swedish aktiebolaget, i.e., corporation. Tvikap’s address is:

               Höllandargatan 27
               SE 113 59 Stockholm

Tvikap’s principal business is managing investments for institutional and private clients. Tvikap

is privately held, owned by more than forty (40) corporate and individual investors and has no

majority or controlling owner. Tvikap owns 22.011 percent of Amper’s shares. Following

consummation of the Proposed Acquisition, Tvikap will hold, on a fully-diluted basis, an indirect

19.14 percent interest in eLandia, and an indirect 19.14 percent interest in Blue Sky.

               2.     ASHC

       The American Samoa Government (“ASG”) owns 33.33 percent of the member interests

in ASHC. The ASG governs American Samoa, an unincorporated and unorganized territory of

the United States. Although the United States Congress has given plenary authority over

American Samoa to the U.S. Department of the Interior, the Secretary of the Interior has given

American Samoa the authority to draft its own constitution, under which the democratically

elected ASG functions through an executive branch led by the directly-elected governor and a

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20 August 2012
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bicameral legislature, known as the Fono. The current governor is the Honorable Togiola T.A.

Tulafono, who maintains his office at the following address:

               Office of the Governor
               Executive Office Building
               Third Floor, Utulei
               Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799

eLandia Technologies, Inc. (“ELT”) owns 66.66 percent of the member interests in ASHC. ELT

is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware. ELT is engaged in the

provision of telecommunications products and services and information technology. ELT’s

address is 8200 NW 52nd Terrace, Suite 102, Miami, Florida 33166. ELT is a wholly-owned,

direct subsidiary of eLandia, as described in part I.B.1 above. Amper holds an 87-percent direct

interest in eLandia and a 57.99-percent indirect interest in ASHC.

               3.     SASC

       ASHC owns 100 percent of the member interests of SASC. ASHC’s ownership is

described in part I.B.2 above.

       C.      Basis of Notification and Closing Date6

       The amended Notification is made pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.768(c). The affiliation was

consummated on March 31, 2012. During the pendency of the Notification, the Cable Landing

Licensees have operated under temporary authority granted by the Bureau.7

    47 C.F.R. § 1.768(e)(6).
    See FCC File Nos. SCL-STA-20120313-00001 and SCL-STA-20111031-00029.

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 20 August 2012
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         D.      Basis for Relying on an Exception in 47 C.F.R. § 1.768(b)8

         By the signature below, each of the Cable Landing Licensees certifies that it will comply

 with the dominant-carrier safeguards in 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(l).


         The Cable Landing Licensees hereby request expedient approval of this amended

 foreign-carrier affiliation notification.

                                               AST TELECOM, LLC D/B/A
                                                 BLUE SKY COMMUNICATIONS
                                               AMERICAN SAMOA HAWAII CABLE, LLC
                                               SAMOA AMERICAN SAMOA CABLE, LLC

Kent D. Bressie                                Adolfo Montenegro
1200 18th Street, N.W.                         President and Chief Executive Officer
Suite 1200                                     AST TELECOM, LLC D/B/A
Washington, D.C. 20036                           BLUE SKY COMMUNICATIONS
+1 202 730 1337 tel
Counsel for American Samoa License, Inc.       President
                                               AMERICAN SAMOA HAWAII CABLE, LLC
                                               SAMOA AMERICAN SAMOA CABLE, LLC

                                               P.O. Box 478
                                               Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
                                               +1 684 699 2759

20 August 2012

     47 C.F.R. § 1.768(e)(7).

Document Created: 2019-04-13 19:24:17
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 19:24:17

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