Attachment Attachment II Reques

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20110922-00027 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                              ATTACHMENT II

    Request for Special Temporary Authority to Operate Pending Approval of Section 214
    Application and Submarine Cable Landing License Application for Transfer of Control

Response to Question 15

Pursuant to Section 63.18(h) of the Commission's Rules, the entities holding a direct or indirect
10 percent or greater equity interest in Tricom USA as of consummation of the Transaction are
listed below.

Direct Ownership:

         Name:                      Tricom, S.A.
         Address:                   Avenida Lope de Vega No. 95
                                    Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
         Citizenship:               Dominican Republic
         Principal Business:        Telecommunications
         Ownership:                 Tricom S.A. directly holds 100 percent of the ownership
                                    interests of Tricom USA.

Indirect Ownership:

         Name:                      Hispaniola Telecom Holdings, Ltd. ("Holding Company")
         Address:                   P.O. Box SS-19084
                                    Ocean Centre, Montagu Foreshore
                                    East Bay Street, Nassau, New Providence, Bahamas
         Citizenship:               The Commonwealth of the Bahamas
         Principal Business:        Holding company
         Ownership:                 Holding Company holds at least 99 percent of the
                                    ownership interests in Tricom, S.A.

         Name:                      Ellis Portafolio, S.A. (“Ellis”)
         Address:                   1401 Brickell Ave., Suite 930
                                    Miami, FL 33131
         Citizenship:               British Virgin Islands
         Principal Business:        Investment bank
         Ownership:                 Ellis held approximately 12.5 percent of the ownership
                                    interests of Holding Company following the April 7, 2010
                                    restructuring out of bankruptcy.1

         Name:                      MAP Private Trust Company

          As explained in Response to Question 10 in Attachment I, on April 15, 2010, Ellis transferred its ownership
interests in Holding Company to Broadband Investments Limited.

        Address:                   c/o CIBC Bank & Trust Company (Cayman) Limited
                                   P.O. Box 694GT
                                   CIBC Financial Centre, 11 Dr. Roy’s Dr.
                                   George Town, Grand Cayman
                                   KY1-1107 Cayman Islands
        Citizenship:               Cayman Islands
        Principal Business:        Trust
        Ownership:                 Following the April 7, 2010 restructuring out of
                                   bankruptcy, MAP Private Trust Company, believed to be a
                                   trust established for the benefit of Mr. Pellerano and certain
                                   members of his family (all of whom are Dominican
                                   Republic citizens), indirectly held through various
                                   companies (including Ellis), an approximate 19.0 percent
                                   of the ownership interests of Holding Company.2

        Name:                      AMZAK Capital Management, LLC ("AMZAK"), and its
                                   subsidiary, Broadband Investments Limited ("Broadband")
        Address:                   1 North Federal Highway
                                   Suite 400
                                   Boca Raton, FL 33432
        Citizenship:               United States (AMZAK) / Barbados (Broadband)
        Principal Business:        Investment company
        Ownership:                 AMZAK held approximately 57.2 percent of the ownership
                                   interests of Holding Company following the April 7, 2010
                                   restructuring out of bankruptcy.3

        Name:                      The Kazma Family (Gerald Joseph Kazma, Michael David
                                   Kazma, and Leigh Anne Kazma)4
        Address:                   1 North Federal Highway
                                   Suite 400
                                   Boca Raton, FL 33432
        Citizenship:               Canada
          As explained in Response to Question 10 in Attachment I, on April 15, 2010, MAP transferred its
ownership interests in Holding Company to Broadband Investments Limited.
          As explained in Response to Question 10 in Attachment I, on or about April 7, 2010, AMZAK transferred
its interest in Holding Company to its wholly-owned subsidiary Broadband. On or about June 7, 2010, Broadband
transferred a portion of its ownership interest in Holding Company to PTY Capital Partners Ltd ("PTY Capital
Partners Ltd"). Broadband now holds a 52.22 percent ownership interest in Holding Company, and PTY Capital
Partners now holds a 19.24 percent ownership interest in Holding Company. PTY Capital Partners' address is
Urbanización Costa del Este, Business Park, Torre Este, Piso 6, Ciudad de Panamá. Its principal business is
investments. Contemporary Investments Ltd. ("Contemporary Investments"), a Bahamas company, holds 100
percent of the ownership interests of PTY Capital Partners. Its address is Urbanización Costa del Este, Business
Park, Torre Este, Piso 6, Ciudad de Panamá. Its principal business is investments. Alberto C. Motta, Jr. and Stanley
A. Motta, citizens of Panama, each hold a 50 percent ownership interest in Contemporary Investments. The Mottas'
address is Urbanización Costa del Este, Business Park, Torre Este, Piso 6, Ciudad de Panamá. They are individual
investors. An ownership chart for Tricom USA, post-pro forma transfer of control, is set forth in Exhibit B.
          Although each family member's interests are separate and independent, their interests are being aggregated
here out of an abundance of caution.

       Principal Business:    Individuals
       Ownership:             The immediate members of the Kazma Family, through
                              various holding companies, collectively hold 100 percent of
                              the ownership interests of AMZAK.

As of consummation of the Transaction, no other entity or individual held a 10 percent or greater
direct or indirect interest in Tricom USA.

Response to Question 16

Pursuant to Section 63.18(d) of the Commission's Rules, Tricom USA's international Section 214
authorizations are as follows:

           Authorization Number                               Type of Authorization

ITC-214-19960925-00468 (previously ITC-96-        Global resale authority pursuant to Section
532)                                              63.18(e)(2) of the Commission's Rules to all
                                                  international points.

ITC-MOD-19970618-00335 (previously ITC-           Global facilities-based authority pursuant to
96-532-M)                                         Section 63.18(e)(1) of the Commission's Rules
                                                  to all international points.

ITC-214-19930101-00257 (previously ITC-93-        Authority to provide certain facilities-based
246)                                              services (via satellite or cable) to specified
                                                  international points.

ITC-214-19990325-00153                            Authority to construct and operate the Maya-1
                                                  Cable System.

ITC-214-19970421-00220 (previously ITC-97-        Authority to construct and operate the Pan
221)                                              American Cable System.

ITC-214-19980430-00286 (previously ITC-98-        Authority to construct and operate the
342, ITC-98-342A)                                 Americas-II Cable System.

Sections 63.18(e(3) and 63.18(g) are not applicable to the instant STA request.

Document Created: 2011-09-22 12:24:57
Document Modified: 2011-09-22 12:24:57

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