Attachment GT Landing II STA re

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20110524-00021 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


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    Marlene H. Dortch                                               Houston         Silicon Valley
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    Federal Communications Commission                               Madrid          Washington, D.C.
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           Re:     GT Landing II Corp.; Request for Special Temporary Authority Relating to
                   a Modification to the Pan American Crossing ("PAC") Submarine Cable
                   Landing License

    Dear Ms. Dortch:

           GT Landing II Corp. ("GT Landing II") respectfully requests special temporary authority
    ("STA") to operate an extension to the Pan American Crossing ("PAC") submarine cable system,
    pending a ruling on its application to modify the license for the PAC system to add that
    extension (File No. SCL—MOD—20110524—00020).

             The underlying facts are set forth in greater detail in GT Landing II‘s pending
    modification application. In brief, in an order dated March 18, 1999, the Commission granted
    GT Landing II‘s predecessor—in—interest, PAC Landing Corp., authority to land and operate the
    PAC system on a non—common carrier basis.‘ The PAC system is a private, non—common
    carrier, fiber—optic submarine cable system. It is part of an integrated, global network of non—
    common carrier undersea cables deployed to support a "carrier‘s carrier‘" business, leading to
    increased facilities—based competition and the development of a robust infrastructure with
    increased capacity."

    1      PAC Landing Corp., Cable Landing License, FCC File No. SCL—LIC—19981103—00022,
           14 FCC Red 3989 (1998) ("PAC License Order") see also Public Notice, Non—
           Streamlined International Applications Acceptedfor Filing, Report No. TEL—O0530NS,
           at 3 (rel. May 17, 2002) (noting modification regarding conditions, under File No. SCL—
           See, e.g., PAC License Order 6 ("PAC Landing Corp. requests a license under the
           Commission‘s private submarine cable policy, which is intended to promote competition
           in the provision of international transmission facilities.").

     May 24, 2011
     Page 2


            In July 2008, PAC Landing Corp. completed construction of an additional submarine
     cable segment branching off from the PAC system with a new landing point in Jaco, Costa Rica.
     That landing station is owned and operated by Instituto Costariccense de Electricidad ("ICE"),
     the incumbent telecommunications carrier in Costa Rica." In December 2008, the PAC license
     was assigned to GT Landing II on a pro forma basis."

             On April 10, 2011, GT Landing II‘s indirect parent corporation, Global Crossing Limited,
     entered into an amalgamation (or merger) agreement by which, inter alia, Level 3
     Communications, Inc. would acquire control of GT Landing II and its cable landing licenses
     (including the PAC license). Applications seeking Commission consent to that transfer of
     control were filed on May 12, 2011 (IB Docket No. 11—78). In the course of preparing those
     applications, GT Landing II discovered that a modification of the PAC license to add the new
     Costa Rica segment inadvertently had not been sought.

             GT Landing II regrets this unfortunate oversight. Accordingly, after consulting with staff
     of the International Bureau (and as noted specifically in the application seeking consent to the
     transfer of control of its cable landing licenses), GT Landing II immediately began to prepare its
     modification application as well as this STA request. Both the modification and this requested
     STA would be subject to the same conditions applicable to the PAC license more generally."

            Please direct any further correspondence in connection with this request to me. Thank
     you for your attention to this matter.


                                                  .B Prezws,—
                                                  Brian Murray

     ce:       Attached Service List

               ICE is presumed to possess market power in Costa Rica. See Public Notice, The
               International Bureau Revises and Reissues the Commission‘s List ofForeign
               Telecommunications Carriers That Are Presumed to Possess Market Power in Foreign
               Telecommunications Markets, DA 07—233, at 4 (rel. Jan. 26, 2007).
     4         Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, FCC File No. SCL—
               ASG—20090917—00029, 24 FCC Red 12423 (2009) (accepting notification ofpro forma
               assignment of cable landing license from PAC Landing Corp. to GT Landing II).
     5         PAC License Order © 16; see also File No. SCL—MOD—20020415—00036.


                                      CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

            I hereby certify that consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j), I have served copies of the
     foregoing request for special temporary authority by overnight delivery on this Z4 ~day of May

     2011, to the following:

                               Ambassador Philip Verveer
                               U.S. Coordinator
                               Int‘l Communications & Information Policy
                               Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
                               U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                               EEB/CIP: Room 4826
                               2201 C Street, N.W.
                               Washington, D.C. 20520—5818

                               Kathy Smith
                               Chief Counsel
                               U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/NTIA
                               14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                               Room 4713
                               Washington, D.C. 20230

                               Hillary J. Morgan
                               Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory &
                                  International Law
                               DEFENSE INFORMATION SYSTEMS AGENCY
                               6910 Cooper Avenue
                               Fort Meade, Maryland 20755

                                                           42. . ZAa _
                                                           Brian Murray

Document Created: 2011-05-24 16:05:06
Document Modified: 2011-05-24 16:05:06

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