Attachment OPT STA Extension Re

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20101130-00027 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matters of


Application for License to Land and Operate a       File No. SCL-LIC-20081008-00017
Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable System between
the United States and French Polynesia, and

Application for Section 214 Authority to            File No. ITC-214-20081008-00453
Construct and Operate a Fiber-Optic
Submarine Cable System on a Common
Carrier Basis Linking the United States and
French Polynesia, for


                             REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF
                           SPECIAL TEMPORARY AUTHORITY

        Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39 and 214, 47 C.F.R. § 63.25, and Executive Order 10,520,

 Office des postes et télécommunications de Polynésie française (“OPT”) hereby requests

 extension of the special temporary authority (“STA”) previously granted by the Commission to

 permit continued commercial operation of the Honotua undersea fiber-optic cable system

 (“Honotua”), at OPT’s own risk, prior to the Commission’s grant of OPT’s pending applications

 for a cable landing license and international Section 214 authorization.1 The Operating STA

 expires on December 6, 2010.

     FCC File Nos. SCL-STA-20100607-00013 and ITC-STA-20100607-00224, Grant Stamps
     (June 7, 2010) (together, “Operating STA”) (stating “STA to continue testing the Honotua

        OPT is very close to completing negotiations with the Departments of Homeland Security

and Justice on the Team Telecom network security agreement for Honotua and remains hopeful

that the agreement will be executed prior to December 6, 2010. Nevertheless, out of an

abundance of caution, OPT is filing these extension requests to ensure that there is no gap

between the expiration of the existing STAs and the Commission’s licensing of Honotua. OPT

therefore seeks STAs beginning no later than December 6, 2010, and ending 60 days from grant,

or until such date as the Commission grants OPT’s underlying applications, whichever event

occurs first.


        On October 8, 2008, OPT applied for authority to construct, land, and operate Honotua, a

common-carrier undersea fiber-optic cable system linking the United States and French

Polynesia. The Commission placed the applications, as amended, on Public Notice on July 2,

2009.2 No party has opposed the grant of the applications, while numerous parties have

supported grant of the applications.3

     cable system, and to commence commercial operations at its own risk, prior to the
     Commission’s grant of underlying pending applications. OPT acknowledges that grant of
     this STA will not prejudice action by the Commission on the underlying applications and that
     this STA is subject to cancellation or modification upon notice. Further, this STA can be
     revoked by the Commission on its own motion without a hearing.”).
     Non-Streamlined Submarine Cable Landing License Applications Accepted for Filing, Public
     Notice Report No. SCL-00089NS, released July 2, 2009; Non-Streamlined International
     Applications/Petitions Accepted for Filing, Public Notice, Report No. TEL-01371NS (rel.
     July 2, 2009).
     See Letter from David Lassner, Chairman, Hawaii Broadband Task Force, and Vice
     President for IT and CIO, University of Hawaii, to FCC Secretary Marlene H. Dortch, FCC
     File No. SCL-LIC-20081008-00017 (filed Mar. 29, 2010; Letter from John Hibbard, Pacific
     Telecommunications Council President, to FCC Secretary Marlene H. Dortch, FCC File No.
     SCL-LIC-20081008-00017 (filed Mar. 23, 2010); Letter from J. Kalani English, Hawaii State
     Senate, to FCC Secretary Marlene H. Dortch, FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20081008-00017 (filed
     Mar. 4, 2010); Letter from Phillip L. Spector, Executive Vice President Business Development
     and General Counsel, Intelsat Ltd., to FCC Secretary Marlene H. Dortch, FCC File No. SCL-


        On December 14, 2009, the International Bureau granted a request by OPT for special

temporary authority (valid through June 12, 2010) to construct and test the Honotua system prior

to the grant of OPT’s underlying applications.4 The Bureau granted OPT’s request on the

condition that OPT not connect the cable on the U.S. end or use the cable to transport traffic

absent FCC grant of the underlying cable landing license and associated Section 214 overseas

cable construction authority.5

        By order released April 12, 2010, the Bureau also granted a request by OPT for waiver of

the separate subsidiary requirement of Section 63.10(c)(1) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R.

§ 63.10(c)(1) in connection with OPT’s pending application for overseas cable construction

Section 214 authorization.6 The issuance of the Waiver Order permitted OPT to move forward

in negotiations with the Team Telecom agencies, which had sought greater certainty about the

identity of the licensee entity.

        On June 9, 2010, the International Bureau granted a request by OPT for special

temporary authority (valid through December 6, 2010) to continue testing of, and commence

commercial operations on, Honotua prior to the grant of OPT’s underlying applications.7 The

Operating STA allowed OPT to conclude commercial arrangements relating to the launch of

    LIC-20081008-00017 (filed Feb. 4, 2010); Letter from Jeremy Amen, CEO, Wavecom
    Solutions, to FCC Secretary Marlene H. Dortch, FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20081008-00017
    (filed Jan. 27, 2010).
    See FCC File Nos. SCL-STA-20091201-00035 and ITC-STA-20091203-00528, Grant
    Stamps (Dec. 14, 2009) (together, “Construction STA”).
    See id.
    See Office des Postes et télécommunications de Polynésie française, Waiver Order, 25 FCC
    Rcd. 3651 (Int’l Bur. 2010) (“Waiver Order”).
    See Operating STA.


Honotua and avoid substantial costs associated with continued use of satellite circuits to provide

French Polynesia with international Internet connectivity.8

          As indicated in the attached certificate of service, OPT has served copies of the instant

STA extension request on the Executive Branch agencies. Moreover, the Team Telecom

agencies have been notified that OPT would file this request.


          OPT respectfully submits that grant of this request will serve the public interest,

convenience, and necessity. As the Commission is aware, Honotua is the first fiber-optic cable

network linking the United States and French Polynesia. Designed to provide faster, more

reliable, and more affordable international broadband internet connectivity, it will furnish vital

services critical to the economic development in French Polynesia, and to planned initiatives in

scientific research, distance learning, and telemedicine.

          Relying on the authority in the Operating STA, OPT commenced limited commercial

operations on Honotua on September 1, 2010. OPT presently uses Honotua solely for Internet

backbone connectivity. It will launch transmission services only upon licensing by the

Commission. Grant of OPT’s STA extension request will ensure that OPT will be able to

provide Internet backbone connectivity without interruption.


          As evidenced by the Bureau’s grant of the Operating STA, the Commission has ample

authority to issue an STA for operational authority prior to the grant of a cable landing license

       See Office des Postes et télécommunications de Polynésie française, Request for Special
       Temporary Authority, FCC File Nos. SCL-STA-20100607-00013 and ITC-STA-20100607-
       00224, at 3-4 (filed June 7, 2010) (explaining financial consequences of a lack of operating


and associated Section 214 authority. It has exercised that authority on numerous occasions and

should also do so in this case. Neither the Cable Landing License Act nor Executive Order

10,520 (delegating submarine cable licensing authority from the President to the Commission,

subject to Executive Branch review) nor Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as

amended, limits the Commission’s ability to issue an STA for operational authority prior to grant

of a cable landing license and associated Section 214 authority.9 The Commission has

previously granted STAs in analogous situations upon a showing of good cause.10

          OPT seeks the same authority here to continue limited operations on Honotua. OPT

acknowledges that grant of this request will not prejudice action by the Commission on OPT’s

underlying applications, that any authority granted pursuant to this request is subject to

cancellation or modification upon notice, and that the Commission may revoke any authority

without a hearing.


          By the signature below, OPT certifies to the following:

         Consistent with the requirements of 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(i), OPT is a foreign carrier in

          French Polynesia, a pays d’outre mer of France.

         Consistent with the requirements of 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(j), OPT seeks to operate Honotua

          between French Polynesia and the United States

      See 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39; Executive Order 10,520; 47 U.S.C. § 214.
      See, e.g., Application for Special Temporary Authority, Cedar Cable Ltd., File No. SCL-
      STA-20081209-00020 (granted December 18, 2008) (granting STA to test and operate the
      CB-1 Cable System given the financial imperatives of that system); In re Williams
      Communications, Inc. et al., 15 FCC Rcd. 19,610 (Int’l Bur. 2000) (granting special
      temporary authority for WilTel’s continued participation in operation of undersea cable
      systems, prior to formal approval being given by the Executive Branch, in light of WilTel’s
      dire financial circumstances).


   Consistent with the requirements of 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(k), France is a World Trade

    Organization member.

   Consistent with the requirements of 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(m), OPT does not seek regulation

    as a non-dominant carrier on the U.S.-French Polynesia route.



       As demonstrated above, Commission extension ofthe Operating STA is consistent with

the Cable Landing License Act and the Communications Act and will serve the public interest,

convenience, and necessity. OPT respectfully requests that the Commission grant this request as

soon as possible and no later than December6, 2010.

                                            Respecifully submitted,

                                             OrrICE   POSTES ET TELECOMMUNICATIONS
                                             DE POLYN SIE FRANCAISE

Kent D. Bressie
WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP                      General Manager
1200 18th Street, N.W.                       8 rue de la Reine Pomare
Suite 1200                                   Papecte, 98713
Washington, D.C. 20036—2516                  Tahiti, French Polynesia
+1 202 730 1337 tel                          +689 41 42 42

Counselfor Office des Postes et
Télécommunications de Polynésiefrancaise

29 November 2010

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Kent D. Bressie, hereby certify that I have served copies of the foregoing Request for
Extension of Special Temporary Authority, by overnight delivery or e-mail on this 29th day of
November 2010, to the following:

                       Ambassador Philip Verveer
                       U.S. Coordinator
                       Int’l Communications & Information Policy
                       Bureau of Economic, Energy & Business Affairs
                       U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                       EB/CIP : Room 4826
                       2201 C Street, N.W.
                       Washington, D.C. 20520-5818

                       Kathy Smith
                       Chief Counsel
                       U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/NTIA
                       14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                       Room 4713
                       Washington, D.C. 20230

                       Hillary Morgan
                       Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory &
                         International Law
                       Code RGC
                       701 South Courthouse Road
                       Arlington, Virginia 22204

                                             Kent D. Bressie

Document Created: 2010-11-30 10:11:03
Document Modified: 2010-11-30 10:11:03

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