Attachment +Primus SCL STA.pdf

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20090616-00020 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


Catherine Wang
Danielle Burt
Katie Besha
Phone:        202.373.6000
Fax:          202.373.6001

June 15, 2009

Via Hand Delivery

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Office of the Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
c/o Natek, Inc.
236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E.
Suite 110
Washington, DC 20002

          Re:    Primus Telecommunications, Inc. and Primus Telecommunications
                 Group, Incorporated, Debtor-in-Possession
                 Request for Special Temporary Authority With Respect to Certain
                 Submarine Cable Interests

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Primus Telecommunications, Inc. (“PTI” or “Licensee”) along with its ultimate
parent company, Primus Telecommunications Group, Incorporated, Debtor-in-Possession
(“PTGI”; together with Licensee, “Applicants”), pursuant to 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39 and 47
C.F.R. § 63.25, respectfully request expedited Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) for
a period of 60 days, or until the Commission acts on the transfer of control application
filed in connection with a planned consensual financial restructuring (“Restructuring”) of
PTGI under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.1 Applicants respectfully request that the
Commission grant an STA as soon as possible, but in any event not later than July 1,
2009, the date on which PTGI is scheduled to emerge from bankruptcy.

       As described more fully in the Application, the Licensee holds an interest in the
Japan-U.S. Cable Network, FCC File No. SCL-LIC-19981117-00025. In addition, PTI

 Applicants are filing the Application concurrent with this Request for Special Temporary
Authority for the transfer of control.


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
June 15, 2009
Page 2

has international authorization pursuant to File Nos. ITC-214-19960705-00299,2 ITC-
214-19951015-00041,3 and ITC-214-19960215-00015,4 as well as the authorizations
consolidated under File Nos. ITC-97-638-TC and ITC-98-202-TC.5 PTGI does not hold
any FCC authorization nor does it provide any telecommunications service.

         On March 16, 2009, PTGI and certain of its non-operating holding company
affiliates (not including Licensee) filed petitions with the United States Bankruptcy Court
for the District of Delaware (“Bankruptcy Court”), to reorganize under Chapter 11
(hereinafter, PTGI and the other Debtors will be referred to as the “Debtors”).6 The
Debtors, along with certain secured creditors and note holders, have agreed on a proposed
Plan of Reorganization (“Plan”), which, among other things, provides that (1) the
common stock now held by the equity holders of PTGI will be extinguished as of the
effective date of the Plan and (2) certain note holders will receive substantially all the
new common stock of the reorganized PTGI in exchange for releasing their claims.
Currently, the equity ownership of PTGI (and, indirectly, of Licensee) is widely held
such that no entity wields legal, majority control or exercises actual working control over
PTGI’s voting stock. Following consummation of the Plan, it is expected that
reorganized PTGI’s equity will also be held by diverse and unaffiliated entities, such that
after the Plan is consummated, no entity is expected to hold legal majority control or
actual working control of PTGI’s voting stock.

         The proposed ownership changes to the holding company are an integral part of a
series of carefully negotiated transactions among multiple parties in the context of the
Bankruptcy Court proceedings. When implemented, the Plan will materially improve the
capital structure and liquidity of the company to ensure that its operating subsidiaries,
including the Licensee, will have access to sufficient financial resources needed to meet their

    The old file number was ITC-96-374.

    The old file number was ITC-95-631.

    The old file number was ITC-96-075.

 Applicants filed an Application for the indirect transfer of control of its 214 licensees on May 18,
2009, which has been docketed as WC Docket No. 09-75 and File Nos. ITC-T/C-20090515-
00224, ITC-T/C-20090515-00226, and ITC-T/C-20090515-00227. Additionally, PTGI and its
subsidiary, Interisland Telephone Corporation (“Interisland”), submitted an application on May
19, 2009, requesting consent for the transfer of control of the wireless licenses held by Interisland.
See File No. 0003840311.

  See Primus Telecommunications Group Incorporated, et. al., Debtors, Case Nos. 09-10867 (KG)
through 09-10970 (KG), U.S. Bankruptcy Court (DE filed Mar. 16, 2009).


Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
June 15, 2009
Page 3

working capital, debt service and capital expenditure needs. As a result of the
Restructuring, Applicants will emerge from bankruptcy as stronger companies and
competitors. The Bankruptcy Court held a confirmation hearing on the proposed Plan on
June 12, 2009. At that hearing, the plan was confirmed and PTGI and the other Debtors
expect to emerge from Chapter 11 by July 1, 2009. The Applicants therefore request this
STA so that the Debtors may promptly proceed with the Plan and emerge from bankruptcy.
Failure to obtain any necessary regulatory approvals for the indirect transfer of the
Applicants has the potential to disrupt implementation of the Plan, which in turn could
potentially disrupt service to Licensee’s customers.

         Accordingly, Applicants urgently need the necessary regulatory approval for the
Restructuring as soon as possible but prior to July 1, 2009. Applicants acknowledge that
grant of this request will not prejudice action by the Commission on the underlying
Application and that any authority granted pursuant to this request is subject to
cancellation or modification upon notice but without a hearing.

         Should you have any questions or require further information, please do not
hesitate to contact us.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Danielle Burt
Catherine Wang
Danielle Burt
Katie Besha



                                 I, John F. DePodesta, state that I am Executive Vice President of Primus

                         Teleéommxmications         Group,   Incorporated,    the   ultimate   parent ‘of   Primus

                         Telecommunications, Inc.; that the foregoing filing was prepared under my direction and

                         supervision; and that the contents are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,

                         information, and belie£.

                                 I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing istrueand correct. Executed

                         this 15‘day ofJune, 2009.

                                                                                    . UcJastx
                                                                              ohn F. DePodesta
                                                                             Executive Vice President
                                                                      —      Primus Telecoremunications Group,
Wl 2 n e n e e o ss T NT P                                         T ~TAeéerpoeratedOO tC              tC CT t C

 Bingham McCutchen LLP   AfT3064278.1

Document Created: 2009-06-15 18:50:32
Document Modified: 2009-06-15 18:50:32

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