Attachment Request for Special

This document pretains to SCL-STA-20081209-00020 for Special Temporal Authority on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                    Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                     )
MFS CABLECO US, INC.                                 )
                                                     )       File No. SCL-LIC-20080603-00011
CEDAR CABLE LTD.                                     )
Application for a Cable Landing License              )
For the CB-1 Cable System                            )


         MFS CableCo US, Inc. (“Verizon,” FRN 0007203250) and Cedar Cable Ltd. (“Cedar,”

FRN 0017654393), collectively the “Parties,” through their undersigned counsel, hereby request

Special Temporary Authority (“STA”) to begin testing and operating the CB-1 Cable System, at

their own risk, prior to the Commission’s grant of the Parties’ pending application for a license

to operate the CB-1 Cable System. The Parties seek an STA to begin testing and operating the

cable no later than December 19, 2008, because of the unique and pressing circumstances

presented by the issues described below.


         On June 3, 2008, the Parties applied for authority to operate the CB-1 Cable System, a

system that will link the United States and Bermuda (the “Application”). As described in the

Application, the CB-1 Cable System utilizes the northern portion of the now retired Gemini


         The Commission previously granted Verizon authority under the Cable Landing License

Act to own and operate the Gemini System, a non-common carrier submarine cable between the

United States and the United Kingdom. The Gemini System was retired and deactivated on


December 29, 2004. The Parties have proposed to reuse the northern segment of the Gemini

System that ran between Rhode Island and the United Kingdom (“Gemini North”), and move its

terminus to Bermuda instead of the United Kingdom. No construction is required in the United

States or in its territorial waters. Details of the plans for the proposed CB-1 Cable System

remain as described in the Application.

         On July 18, 2008, the Commission placed the application on public notice.1 No

comments or objections regarding this application have been filed. As of the date hereof, the

CB-1 Cable System is fully built and is ready to be tested and put into operation.

         Since the filing of the Application, the Parties also have been in contact with the

Executive Branch, in particular the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) regarding the

proposed cable. The Parties have responded to questions from the Executive Branch and

Verizon is in the final stages of entering into a network security agreement (“NSA”) with DHS.

The Parties have also notified DHS about the filing of this STA request and are providing them

with copies of this filing.


         The Parties respectfully request an STA to commence testing and operating the CB-1

Cable System, at their own risk, as promptly as possible and no later than December 19, 2008.

Grant of the STA is essential to enable Cedar and its affiliates to meet immediate demands for

capacity on the U.S.-Bermuda route and to increase competition on this route.

         As the Parties explained in their Application, the addition of the new CB-1 Cable System

will help to meet the public’s immediate demands for increased capacity on the U.S.-Bermuda

        Non-Streamlined Submarine Cable Landing License Applications Accepted for Filing, Public
Notice, Report No. SCL-00070NS (Jul. 18, 2008).
A/72772093.3                                      2

route as well as increase the amount of competition on this route, resulting in more competitive

pricing.2 The new CB-1 cable will also improve the quality of service on the U.S.-Bermuda

route by increasing resiliency and decreasing latency, and providing restoration capacity for

existing cable systems. Thus, the new CB-1 Cable System will provide cost-effective,

innovative technology that will benefit consumers. The grant of an STA will ensure such

benefits are enjoyed by the public and are not further delayed.

         The Bermudian Government earlier recognized the need for additional competition and

redundancy on the U.S.-Bermuda route, and started a public bidding process to identify a

company that would meet these immediate needs in the most reliable and expedient way.

Cedar’s parent company, KeyTech, was eventually chosen and the CB-1 Cable System approved

in Bermuda as the best vehicle for meeting these public interest needs. A target date of the end

of the year was established by Cedar for this new system’s capacity to become active. As a

result, large users of capacity on the U.S.-Bermuda route have made significant commitments

and investments with the understanding that this capacity would become available at the end of


         At the time the Parties filed their Application six months ago, the realistic expectation

was that the system would be built, licensed and operational by the end of the year.                     In

anticipation of this, Cedar has already negotiated significant contracts for the sale of capacity on

the CB-1 Cable System to customers that need the ability to pass traffic over this system by year-

end. Absent an STA, these large users would be forced to look for alternative capacity, which

may or may not be available, to meet their needs for capacity on the U.S.-Bermuda route. To the

        Cedar’s pricing on the route is already extremely competitive and it is expected that prices on the
route will continue to decrease as competition matures.
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extent such alternative capacity is available, obtaining it at the “last minute” would likely result

in higher prices for these consumers.3

         Additionally, the Bermudian Government was so concerned that this system be built in

the most expeditious way that, as a condition of receiving the license from the Bermuda

Government to land and operate the cable, Cedar’s parent company, KeyTech, had to provide the

Government of Bermuda a $20 million letter of credit (“Letter of Credit”), which would not be

released until the CB-1 Cable System is put into operation. Particularly in light of the current

economic situation, it is essential that KeyTech and its subsidiaries have the ability to draw upon credit to

meet their cash-flow needs, so they can meet the needs of their customers. The continued existence of

this line of credit constrains Keytech's ability to expand and enhance its business. Grant of the

STA would relieve this pressure and free Keytech and its affiliates to better serve their


         Therefore, it is critical that the CB-1 Cable System become operational as soon as

possible to meet the public’s demands for new capacity on the U.S.-Bermuda route before the

end of the year. In addition, grant of the STA will permit large users who have already

contracted to utilize the new system to migrate their traffic as planned and avoid a last minute

scramble to find alternative capacity, which likely would result in higher costs for these

customers. Finally, grant of the STA will permit KeyTech to regain access to lines of credit

rendered unavailable as a result of the Letter of Credit, providing it the flexibility it needs to

better serve its customers.

       In addition, Cedar’s affiliated companies have their own capacity needs that are being currently
met with expensive month-to-month leases of capacity on other systems that could be transferred to the
CB-1 Cable System, resulting in significant cost-savings to Cedar and its affiliates.
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         The Parties note that the Commission has the authority to issue an STA to begin the

testing and operation of a submarine cable prior to the grant of an FCC license. Neither the

Cable Landing License Act nor Executive Order 10,520 limits the FCC’s ability to issue an STA

to permit testing and operation prior to the grant of the formal FCC license. The Parties

acknowledge that grant of this request will not prejudice action by the Commission on the

underlying Application and that any authority granted pursuant to this request is subject to

cancellation or modification upon notice, but without a hearing.

         Finally, the Parties have received all other necessary permits and authorizations in the

United States and Bermuda and the cable is ready to be tested. The Parties do not believe that

any national security issues will be raised if they are allowed to begin testing and operating this

cable prior to the formal grant of their application. Verizon and DHS have made substantial

progress in negotiations regarding a draft NSA. However, to ensure timely testing and initial

operation of the CB-1 system - given the pressing need to begin testing the system this month

and then begin operations - the Parties are filing this STA now in advance of completion of the

NSA negotiations, execution of an NSA and grant by the FCC of the final license.

A/72772093.3                                      5


         As demonstrated above, the public interest, convenience and necessity will be served by a

grant of this request for Special Temporary Authority to test and operate in the United States a

private (non-common carrier) fiber optic submarine telecommunications cable extending

between Bermuda and the United States. The Parties respectfully request that the Commission

grant this request as expeditiously as possible.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

____ __/s/______                                       _______/s/___________
Lorianne Gilbert                                       Leslie V. Owsley
General Counsel                                        VERIZON
KeyTech Limited for                                    1320 North Court House Road
Cedar Cable Ltd.                                       9th Floor
30 Victoria Street                                     Arlington, VA 22201-2909
Hamilton HM12                                          Tel: (703) 351-3158
Bermuda                                                Fax: (703) 351-3662
Tel: (441) 299-3075
Fax: (441) 292-4984

Ulises R. Pin                                          Nancy J. Victory
Troy F. Tanner                                         Wiley Rein LLP
Bingham McCutchen, LLP                                 1776 K Street, N.W.
2020 K Street, N.W., 10th Floor                        Washington, D.C. 20006
Washington, D.C. 20006                                 Tel: (202) 719-7344
(202) 373-6000 (Tel)                                   Fax: (202) 719-7049
(202) 373-6001 (Fax)
                                                       Counsel for Verizon
Counsel for Cedar Cable Ltd.

Dated: December 9, 2008

A/72772093.3                                       6

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was served this date upon the

Marlene Dortch                                 Ambassador David Gross
Secretary                                      U.S. Coordinator
Federal Communications Commission              EB/CIP
445 12th Street, S.W.                          U.S. Department of State
Washington, DC 20554                           2201 C Street, N.W.
(via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)   Washington, D.C. 20520-5818
                                               (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

James Ball                                     Kathy Smith
International Bureau                           Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
Federal Communications Commission              U.S. Department of Commerce
445 12th Street, S.W.                          14th Street and Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, D.C. 20230
(via electronic mail to    (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

David Krech                                    Hillary Morgan
International Bureau                           Defense Information Systems Agency
Federal Communications Commission              Code RGC
445 12th Street, S.W.                          701 S. Courthouse Road
Washington, DC 20554                           Arlington, VA 22204
(via electronic mail to                        (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

Susan O’Connell
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
(via electronic mail to

                                        Troy F. Tanner

December 9, 2008


Document Created: 2008-12-09 22:54:03
Document Modified: 2008-12-09 22:54:03

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