Attachment Hawaiian Telcom LOA

Hawaiian Telcom LOA

LETTER submitted by Department of Justice



This document pretains to SCL-MOD-20190305-00007 for Modification on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                             Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

 In the Matter of                                    File Nos. ITC—T/C—20120716—00183; ISP—
                                                     PDR—20120716—00003; WC Docket No. 12—
Hawaiian Telecom, Inc.                               206

                           PETITION TO ADOPT CONDITIONS TO
                             AUTHORIZATIONS AND LICENSES

          The Department of Justice ("DOJ") , with the concurrence of the Department of

Homeland Security ("DHS") (collectively, the "Agencies") submit this Petition to Adopt

Conditions to Authorizations and Licenses (Petition), pursuant to Section 1.41 of the Federal

Communications Commission ("Commission") rules.‘ Through this Petition, the Agencies

advise the Commission that they have no objection to the Commission approving the authority

sought in the above—referenced proceeding, provided that the Commission conditions its approval

on the assurance of Hawaiian Telecom, Inc. to abide by the commitments and undertakings set

forth in the December 7, 2012 Letter of Assurances ("LOA"), which is attached hereto.

          The Commission has long recognized that law enforcement, national security, and public

safety concerns are part ofits public interest analysis, and has accorded deference to the views of

other U.S. government agencies with expertise in those areas. See In the Matter ofComsat

Corporation d/b/a Comsat Mobile Communications, etc., 16 FCC Red. 21,661, 21707 [ 94


!47 C.F.R. § 1.41.

       After discussions with representatives of the Applicant in connection with the above—

referenced proceedings, the Agencies have concluded that the additional commitments set forth

in the LOA will help ensure that the Agencies with responsibility for enforcing the law,

protecting the national security, and preserving public safety, can proceed appropriately to satisfy

those responsibilities. Accordingly, the Agencies advise the Commission that it has no objection

to the Commission granting the application in the above—referenced proceeding, provided that the

Commission conditions its consent on compliance by Hawaiian Telecom, Inc. with the LOA.

Respectfully submitted,

/s/ Richard C. Sofield
Richard C. Sofield
U.S. Department of Justice
Director — Foreign Investment Review Staff
National Security Division
600 E Street, NW, Suite 10000
Washington, D.C. 20004

December 10, 2012

                                                                             Havvaiian Telcom •               •
        December 7, 2012

       Lisa 0. Monaco
       Assistant Attorney General
       National Security Division
       U.S. Department of Justice
       950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
       Washington, DC 20530

       David Heyman
       Assistant Secretary for Policy
       U.S. Department of Homeland Security
       3801 Nebraska Avenue, N.W.
       Washington, DC 20528

              Re:     Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. Letter of Assurance
                      Transfer of Control of Wavecom Solutions Corporation
                      FCC Docket No 12-206 (TT 12-45)

       Dear Assistant Attorney General Monaco and Assistant Secretary Heyman:

        Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. (HTI) is providing this Letter of Assurance (LOA) to the U.S.
       Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Depatiment of Justice (DOJ) (together referred to
       herein as the USG Parties) on the express understanding that, promptly upon execution of this
       LOA, the USG Parties will notify the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that they
       have no objection to the FCC's grant of the pending applications for consent to transfer control
       ofWavecom Solutions Corporation to HTI (FCC WC Docket No. 12-206) and will request that
       the FCC' s grant of that application be made subject to this LOA and its resolution of issues
      relating to national security, law enforcement, and public safety. For purposes of this LOA, the
      Hawaiian Telcom Cable System includes both the Hawaii Island Fiber Network (HIFN) and the
      Hawaii Interisland Cable System (HICS), including any associated cable landing sites, Points of
      Presence (PoPs), or interconnected gateways in the U.S. (whether leased or owned). The HIFN
      is an undersea cable system which connects the 6 major Hawaiian Islands (Kauai, Oahu,
      Molokai, Lanai, Maui and Hawaii) and consists of400 miles ofundersea fiber and 140 miles of
      terrestrial tiber. The HICS is an undersea cable system which connects four of the 6 major
      Hawaiian Islands (Kauai, Oahu, Maui and Hawaii).

      HTl has agreed to provide this LOA to the USG Parties to address issues raised by the USG
      Patiies, and to jointly petition the FCC to condition the requested authorization on compliance

Always o n:·M                                                    PO Box 2200, Honol u lu, HI 96841

 Assistant Attorney General Lisa 0 . Monaco
 Assistant Secretary David Heyman
                                                                         Hawaiian Telcom •               •
 December 7, 2012

 with this LOA. Upon grant of the license, HTI undertakes to comply with the following
 commitments to the USG Parties:

     I. Principal Equipment List

 Within 60 days of this LOA, and thereafter upon request from the USG Parties, HTI shall
 provide an updated Principal Equipment list. For purposes of this LOA, "Principal Equipment"
 means the primary components ofthe Domestic Communications Infrastructure and the
 Hawaiian Telcom Cable System, including, but not limited to, servers, routers, switches, signal
 modulators and amplifiers, repeaters, submarine line terminal equipment (SLTE), system
supervisory equipment (SSE), power feed equipment (PFE), tilt and shape equalizer units
(TEQ/SEQ), optical distribution frames (ODF), and synchronous optical network (SONET),
synchronous digital hierarchy (SOH), wave division multiplexing (WDM), dense wave division
multiplexing (DWDM), coarse wave division multiplexing (CWDM) or optical carrier network
(OCN) equipment, as applicable, and any non-embedded software necessary for the proper
monitoring, administration and provisioning of the Hawaiian Telcom Cable System. This Jist
should include all available infonnation on each item's manufacturer and the model and/or
version number of any hardware or software. In addition, the list should identifY any vendors,
contractors, or subcontractors for the Principal Equipment, including those performing functions
that would otherwise be pertonned by HTI personnel to install, operate, manage, or maintain the
Principal Equipment.

 For purposes of this LOA, "Domestic Communications Infrastructure" (DCI) means: (a)
 transmission, switching, bridging, and routing equipment (including software and upf,Tfades) used
 by or on behalf of HTI to provide, process, direct, control, supervise, or manage information
 cru.ried on the Hawaiian Telcom Cable System; (b) facilities and equipment used by or on behalf
 of Hawaiian Telcom, Inc. that are physically located in the United States; or (c) facilities used by
or on behalf ofHTI to control, provision, and activate the equipment described in (a) and (b)
above. Domestic Communications Infrastructure does not include equipment or facilities used
by service providers other than HTI that are: (a) interconnecting communications providers or
(b) providers of services or content that are: (i) accessible using the communications services of
HTI and (ii) available in substantially similar form and on commercially reasonable tenns
through communications services of companies other than HTI The phrase "on behalf of' as
used in this definition does not include entities with which HTI has contracted for peering,
interconnection, roaming, long distance, or other similar arrangements.

 Assistant Attorney General Lisa 0. Monaco
 Assistant Secretary David Heyman                                      Hawaiian Telcom •                •
 December 7, 20 12
 Page 3

     2. Point of Contact

 HTI hereby designates Keola Siafuafu, a resident U.S. citizen or pennanent resident alien, as
 Point of Contact (POC) for the USG parties for purposes of this LOA. Mr. Siafuafu can be
 reached at TEL (808) 546-7647, FAX (808) 546-2024, EMAIL
 Bryan Wauke, also a resident U.S. citizen or pennanent resident alien, will serve as an alternate
 point of contact in the event the primary Point of Contact cannot be reached. Mr. Wauke can be
 reached at TEL (808) 546-8834, FAX (808) 546-2024, EMAIL
 HTI may also designate such additional alternate points of contact, also resident U.S. citizens or
pennanent resident aliens. All such designated points of contact shall be subject to USG Party
review and non-objection. The POC, or alternate, shall be available 24 hours per day, 7 days per
week to address any national security, law enforcement or public safety concerns that may be
raised by the USG Patties with respect to the Hawaiian Telcom Cable System. The POC, and
any alternates, shall be responsible for receiving service of process for U.S. records and assisting
with lawfully authorized electronic surveillance, and shall comply with a11 statutes, regulations,
and requirements regarding lawful electronic surveillance requests. In addition, the POC and
alternates shall be responsible for receiving and promptly effectuating any requests tor
information from the USa parties pursuant to this LOA.

HTI will notifY the USa Parties of any change to the POC or alternates within 5 business days of
such change and such POC or alternates shall be subject to usa Parties review and non-
objection. HTI shall cooperate with any request by a usa party that a background check be
completed for a designated Point of Contact or alternate.

    3. USG Visitation

HTI agrees that upon reasonable advance notice, the USG Parties may visit its landing stations,
network operations centers, PoPs, or other facilities under its control to conduct on-site visits
concerning the implementation of the tenns of this LOA. During such visits, HTr will cooperate
fully with the USG Parties in making available requested infonnation, facilities and personnel.

   4. U.S. Records

HTI agrees to take all practicable measures to prevent unauthorized disclosure of customer
billing records, subscriber infonnation and any other information used, processed, or maintained
in the ordinary course of business relating to communications services offered in the United
States (U.S. Records). HTI will store such U.S. Records in the United States and make such U.S.
Records available in response to lawful U.S. process. HTI will maintain a log of all non-U.S.

Assistant Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco                             Hawaiian Telcom ..
Assistant Secretary David Heyman
December 7, 2012
Page 4

persons who have access to these U.S. Records, which HTI shall retain for a period of at least
two years and make available for the USG Parties review promptly upon request.

HTI is providing this LOA on the express understanding that all notices, reports and information
provided to the USG Parties pursuant to this LOA shall be treated as confidential business
information exempt from disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(4).
The LOA shall inure to the benefit of, and shall be binding upon, HTI and its respective
successors, assigns, subsidiaries, and affiliates.

All correspondence to the USG Parties under the LOA will be directed to the addressees listed on
the first page of this LOA. In addition, an electronic copy of all correspondence will be provided
to DHS at IP—, to DOJ at, and to the FBI at

Very truly yours,

Eric Yeam@n
President &C@EO

Document Created: 2019-03-18 11:58:33
Document Modified: 2019-03-18 11:58:33

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