Attachment September 23 GCN Lic

This document pretains to SCL-MOD-20140923-00009 for Modification on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


4OO Centnal Pank West 3R, New York, New York 1OO25 tel 24O-475-O62O

September   23,2014


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
44512do Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    Global Caribbean Network SAS
       File Nos. ITC-214-20050623-00237, ITC-ZI4-20050621-00231,            and SCL-LIC-
       Modification of License Request

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       By its attomey, Global Caribbean Network SAS ("GCN") hereby reports to            the
Commission that, effective September 8, 2014, together with its parent companies Global
Caribbean Fiber SAS (*GCF") and Auto-Guadeloupe Investissement, S.A. ("AGI")
(collectively, the 'ol,oret Companies"), it entered into the attached Network Security
Agreement with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the U.S. Department of
Justice (the "U.S. Govemment Parties"). GCN requests that the Commission condition
GCN's above-captioned authorizations upon the compliance by the Loret Companies to the
terms of the Network Security Agreement.

        Background. The Loret Companies entered into the Network Security Agreement at
the request of the U.S. Government Parties in connection with their review of the application
for transfer of control of Antilles Crossing - St. Croix, Inc. ("ACSC") from GCF to Fiber
Investment Holdings Limited IBC (*FIHL"). By Public Notice, DA 14-1311, released
September 10, 2014, the Commission announced its grant of that application subject to the
compliance by ACSC and FIHL to the terms of the December 7,2007 Agreement by and
among ACSC, Leucadia National Corporation and AGI, as amended by the September 8,
2014 Amendment No. I to the December 7,2007 Agreement. See SCL-T/C-20131219-
00017. In conjunction with their review of the ACSC transfer of control application, the U.S.
Government Parties also requested the Loret Companies to enter into a separate Network
Security Agreement governing the GCN submarine fiber optic network, and that the above-
captioned GCN authorizations be conditioned upon compliance by the Loret Companies with
the terms of the Network Security Agreement.

Legal and consulting services for telecommunications and information technology
            eric@f ishmanadvisors. com www.f ishma nadvisors. com

      Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned counsel.


                            Eric Fishman
                            Counsel to Global CaribbeanNetwork SAS
                            Global Caribbean Fiber SAS and
                            Auto-Guadeloupe lnvestissement, S.A.


cc:   David Krech, Intemational Bureau

      Deparhnent of Justice
      Assistant Attomey General
      National Security Division
      950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
      Washington, DC 20530

       Deparfinent of Homeland Security
       Assistant Secretary
       Offfice of Policy
       C/O Director, Foreign lnvestnent Risk Management
       245 Munay Lane, SW
       Mail Stop: 0445
       Washington, D.C. 20528


Document Created: 0250-04-12 00:00:00
Document Modified: 0250-04-12 00:00:00

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