Attachment Dunant Application

This document pretains to SCL-LIC-INTR2019-01057 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                   Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                     )
GU HOLDINGS INC.                                     )       File No. SCL-LIC-2019__________
Application for a License to Construct, Land,        )
and Operate a Submarine Cable                        )
Connecting the United States and France              )

       GU Holdings Inc. (“GU Holdings”), pursuant to the Act Relating to the Landing and

Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39, Executive Order

10,530, and 47 C.F.R. § 1.767, requests a license to construct, land, and operate a private, non-

common carrier fiber-optic submarine cable system connecting Virginia Beach, Virginia, and

Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez, France. The cable system is known as Dunant, after Henri Dunant, the

first Nobel Peace Prize winner and founder of the Red Cross.

       The system will provide capacity to connect GU Holdings’ affiliates’ data centers and

points of presence (“POPs”) in the U.S. and Europe. GU Holdings will operate the system on a

non-common-carrier basis, by using system capacity as an input for services offered by its

affiliates or by providing bulk capacity to wholesale and enterprise customers on particularized

terms and conditions pursuant to individualized negotiations.

       Grant of the license will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity. Dunant

will provide significant new and replacement capacity on U.S.-Europe routes, where demand

continues to increase substantially each year and where some existing systems are nearing the

end of their useful lives. Dunant will also provide geographically-diverse capacity, as most

existing trans-Atlantic systems connect the U.S. with the United Kingdom, Ireland, and other

Northern European countries. Additional, direct U.S.-France capacity will further strengthen the

resilience of trans-Atlantic telecommunications.

        GU Holdings respectfully requests streamlined processing of this application. GU

Holdings intends to commence commercial operation of the cable system in the third quarter of

2020. GU Holdings therefore seeks timely grant of a cable landing license by the Commission no

later than June 2020 in order to permit construction activities to proceed on schedule.

  I.    COMPLIANCE WITH 47 C.F.R. § 1.767

        A.       Applicant Information: 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(1)-(a)(3), (a)(8), (a)(9), (j), and (k)

        Appendix A provides the information required by 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(1)-(a)(3), (a)(8),

(a)(9), (j), and (k).

        B.       Description of the System: 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(4)

        Dunant will have a total length of 6,600 kilometers, with a single segment between

Virginia Beach and Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez. Dunant will consist of twelve fiber pairs, with a total

design capacity of 25 Tb/s per fiber pair. GU Holdings provides a route map in Appendix B.

        C.       Description of Cable Landing Stations: 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(5)

        GU Holdings provides descriptions of the cable landing stations in Virginia Beach and

Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez in Appendices C and D, respectively.

        D.       Regulatory Classification: 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(6)

        GU Holdings will operate the system on a non-common carrier basis. Non-common-

carrier classification is consistent with established Commission policy and judicial precedent.


       First, the system will not operate on a common-carrier basis as defined in NARUC I.1 The

courts have stated that “the primary sine qua non of common carrier status is a quasi-public

character, which arises out of the undertaking ‘to carry for all people indifferently.’”2 On this

system, however, capacity will either be used by GU Holdings and its affiliates to meet their own

internal needs for bandwidth, or made available to third parties pursuant to individually-

negotiated indefeasible rights of use (“IRUs”) and capacity leases, the terms of which will vary

depending on the characteristics and needs of the particular capacity purchase. The Commission

has consistently found that such offerings do not make an applicant a common carrier.3

       Second, under the NARUC I test, the Commission must determine whether the public

interest requires common-carrier operation of the submarine cable system.4 Traditionally, the

Commission has focused on whether an applicant has sufficient market power to warrant

common-carrier regulation,5 although the Commission “is not limited to that reasoning” and has

1 See Nat’l Ass’n of Regulatory Utility Comm’rs v. FCC, 525 F.2d 630, 642 (D.C. Cir. 1976)
(“NARUC I”) (stating that the court must inquire “whether there are reasons implicit in the nature
of [the] operations to expect an indifferent holding out to the eligible user public”), cert. denied,
425 U.S. 992 (1976); see also Virgin Islands Tel. Corp. v. FCC, 198 F.3d 921 (D.C. Cir. 1999)
(affirming FCC’s use of NARUC I test for distinguishing common-carrier and private-carrier
services following enactment of the Telecommunications Act of 1996).
2 Nat’l Ass’n of Regulatory Utility Comm’rs v. FCC, 533 F.2d 601, 608 (D.C. Cir. 1976)

(quoting Semon v. Royal Indemnity Co., 279 F.2d 737, 739 (5th Cir. 1960)).
3 See AT&T Corp. et al., Cable Landing License, 13 FCC Rcd. 16,232, 16,238 (Int’l Bur. 1998)

(finding that individualized decisions concerning the sale or lease of capacity on the China-U.S.
Cable Network would not constitute the effective provision of a service to the public so as to
make the applicant a common carrier); AT&T Submarine Systems, Inc., Cable Landing License,
11 FCC Rcd. 14,885, 14,904 ¶ 64 (Int’l Bur. 1996) (“St. Thomas-St. Croix Cable Order”)
(finding that an “offer of access, nondiscriminatory terms and conditions and market pricing of
IRUs does not rise to the level of an ‘indiscriminate’ offering” so as to constitute common
carriage), aff’d 13 FCC Rcd. 21,585 (1998), aff’d sub nom. Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. v.
FCC, 198 F.3d 921 (D.C. Cir. 1999).
4 NARUC I at 642 (stating that the court must inquire “whether there will be any legal

compulsion . . . to serve [the public] indifferently”).
5 St. Thomas-St. Croix Cable Order, 11 FCC Rcd. at 14,893 ¶ 30.


looked more broadly to determine whether common-carrier regulation is in the public interest.6

The system poses no such competitive or other public interest concerns.

       Dunant will compete directly with the existing Apollo and FLAG systems on the U.S.-

France route. It will also compete on broader U.S.-Europe routes with, for example, AEConnect-

1, Atlantic Crossing-1, GTT Atlantic, Marea, TAT-14, TGN-Atlantic, and Yellow/AC-2, which

have onward connectivity to France via other submarine cable systems and terrestrial networks.

The Commission has found that facilities need not be identical in order to offer pro-competitive

benefits.7 There are thus sufficient alternative facilities providing U.S.-Europe connectivity to

preclude the system from becoming a bottleneck facility on that route. GU Holdings’ intended

operation of the system will therefore serve the Commission’s long-standing policy to encourage

competition through private submarine cable transmission, pursuant to which the Commission

has granted numerous cable landing licenses.8

       For these reasons, the Commission should grant a cable landing license for the system on

a non-common carrier basis.

6 See AT&T Corp. et al., Cable Landing License, 14 FCC Rcd. 13,066, 13,080 ¶ 39 (1999)
(stating that “[a]lthough this public interest analysis has generally focused on the availability of
alternative facilities, we are not limited to that reasoning”); Australia-Japan Cable (Guam)
Limited, Cable Landing License, 15 FCC Rcd. 24,057, 24,062 ¶ 13 (Int’l Bur. 2000) (stating that
“[t]his public interest analysis generally has focused on whether an applicant will be able to
exercise market power because of the lack of alternative facilities, although the Commission has
not limited itself to that reasoning”); Telefonica SAM USA, Inc. et al., Cable Landing License, 15
FCC Rcd. 14,915, 14,920 ¶ 11 (Int’l Bur. 2000) (stating that “[t]his public interest analysis has
focused on the availability of alternative facilities, although the Commission has stated it is not
limited to that reasoning”).
7 St. Thomas-St. Croix Cable Order, 11 FCC Rcd. at 14,898 ¶ 44 (stating that “requiring current

identical substitute common carrier facilities before non-common carrier facilities will be
authorized would serve as a disincentive for entities to take risks and expend capital to expand
and upgrade facilities”).
8 See Tel-Optik Ltd., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 100 FCC.2d 1033, 1040-41 (1985).


         E.      System Ownership: 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(7)

         GU Holdings and its affiliates will own and control the system as shown in Table 1


                            Table 1: Ownership and Control of System

      GU Holdings Affiliates           Participation Interest                Voting Interest

     ● GU Holdings (portion in                  100%                               100%
       U.S. territory)
     ● Google Infrastructure
       Bermuda Limited
       (“GIB”) (portion in
       international waters)
     ● Google France Sarl
       (“Google France”)
       (portion in French

         Because neither GIB nor Google France will use the U.S. endpoints of the system, neither

of these entities is required to be an applicant for the cable landing license.9

         Google France has contracted with Orange S.A. (“Orange”) to be the landing party in

France. A landing party agreement governs the relationship between Google France and Orange

and provides that, upon completion of Dunant, the supplier will convey to Orange ownership of

the portion of the system that extends 12 nautical miles from the shores of France. Orange will

then grant Google France an IRU for the same portion of the system. Further, Orange will

receive an IRU for two fiber pairs for the entire length of the system. GU Holdings and its

affiliates will maintain control of the system in U.S. territory and international waters. Because

Orange will neither (1) own or control a cable landing station in the U.S. nor (2) own or control a

9   See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(h)(2).


five percent or greater ownership interest in the system, it is not required to be an applicant for

the cable landing license.10

         The system’s cable landing stations will be owned and controlled as shown in Table 2


                  Table 2: Ownership and Control of Cable Landing Stations

       Cable Landing           New or Existing
                                                           Ownership                  Control
          Station                 Facility?

 Telxius Virginia          Existing                    Telxius Cable USA,      GU Holdings
 Beach11                                               Inc. (“Telxius”)12

 France Télécom La         Existing                    Orange                  Orange
 Parée Préneau

 II.     REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(h)(1)

         GU Holdings requests a waiver of 47 § C.F.R. 1.767(h)(1) rules so that Telxius is not

required to be an applicant for a cable landing license for the system. “The purpose of [Section

1.767(h)(1)] is to ensure that entities having a significant ability to affect the operation of the

cable system become licensees so that they are subject to the conditions and responsibilities

associated with the license.”13 Telxius will have no independent ability to affect the system’s

operation. Including Telxius as an applicant is also not necessary to ensure compliance by GU

10 See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(h).
11 Use of the Telxius station is subject to final execution of contractual agreements.
12 The cable landing station in Virginia Beach is operated as a commercial condominium. Telxius

manages and operates the entire cable landing station on a day-to-day basis. The power feed
equipment for Dunant will be located in a unit within the cable landing station that is owned
exclusively by Telxius.
13 See Actions Taken Under the Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 23 FCC Rcd. 227,

229 (Int’l Bur. 2008) (“TPE Cable Landing License”) (citing Review of Commission
Consideration of Applications under the Cable Landing License Act, Report and Order, 16 FCC
Rcd. 22,167, 22,194-95 ¶¶ 53-54 (2001)).


Holdings with the Cable Landing License Act, the Commission’s cable landing license rules, or

the terms of any cable landing license. Grant of the waiver will thus be consistent with

Commission precedent.14

       For the Virginia Beach cable landing station, Telxius will provide certain limited services

that will not enable Telxius to significantly affect the system’s operation. GU Holdings intends

to contract with Telxius for the right to use separately-caged collocation space in the cable

landing station. GU Holdings also intends to contract with Telxius for certain operation and

maintenance services at the cable landing station. Telxius will not have access to GU Holdings’

cage, except: (i) to perform certain smart hands maintenance services as per GU Holdings’

direction and instructions; (ii) to conduct work at the cage unrelated to the system, after

providing GU Holdings advance notice and opportunity to supervise any such work; or (iii) in

cases of emergency. The agreement with Telxius will have a term of 25 years. GU Holdings will

14See, e.g., Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd. 1436,
1437-38 (Int’l Bur. 2017) (accepting the applicant’s representations that Tata Communications
(US) Inc. (Tata) “will not have the ability to affect significantly Atisa’s operation” and declining
to require Tata be a joint applicant for the cable landing license); Actions Taken Under Cable
Landing License Act, Public Notice, 24 FCC Rcd. 7828, 7829-30 (Int’l Bur. 2009) (accepting the
applicants representations that “Tata will not be able to affect significantly the operation of
HANTRU1” and declining to require Tata be a joint applicant for the cable landing license);
Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 24 FCC Rcd. 226, 227-28 (Int’l
Bur. 2009) (noting that “Applicants will retain operational authority over their ASHC System
facilities and provide direction to AT&T in all matters relating to the ASHC System”); Actions
Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 23 FCC Rcd. 13,419, 13,420 (Int’l Bur.
2008) (declining to require that Tata—which owns the existing cable station at Piti, Guam, where
the PPC 1 System will land—be a joint applicant or licensee for the PPC 1 System, noting that
“Applicants will retain operational authority over PPC 1 System facilities and provide direction
to [Tata] in all matters relating to the PPC 1 System.”); TPE Cable Landing License, 23 FCC
Rcd. 227, 229 (declining to require that WCI Cable, Inc. (“WCIC”)—which owns an existing
cable station at Nedonna Beach, Oregon—be a joint applicant or licensee for the Trans-Pacific
Express Network (“TPE”), which will land at WCIC’s Nedonna Beach cable station, finding that
“WCIC will not have the ability to affect the operation of the TPE Network. Verizon will retain
effective operational authority and provide direction to WCIC in all matters relating to the TPE


thus retain operational authority over the landing in Virginia Beach and provide direction to

Telxius in all matters relating to the system.


        As required by 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j) for applicants requesting streamlined processing, GU

Holdings has sent a complete copy of this application to the U.S. Departments of State,

Commerce, and Defense. Counsel has certified such service in the certificate of service attached

to this application.


        For the reasons set forth above, the Commission should grant this application for a

license to construct, land, and operate a submarine cable between the U.S. and France pursuant

to streamlined processing.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 /s/ Ulises R. Pin
                                                 Ulises R. Pin
                                                 Brett P. Ferenchak
                                                 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                                                 1111 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.
                                                 Washington, DC 20004
                                                 (202) 373-6000

                                                 Counsel for GU Holdings Inc.

Dated: April 10, 2019


                         LIST OF APPENDICES

APPENDIX A:   GU Holdings Inc.

APPENDIX B:   System Route Map

APPENDIX C:   Virginia Beach Landing

APPENDIX D:   Saint-Hilaire-de-Riez Landing


                                          APPENDIX A

                                        GU Holdings Inc.

         GU Holdings Inc. (“GU Holdings,” FRN 0017777483), a Delaware corporation with its
principal place of business in Mountain View, California, will—with its affiliates—hold 100
percent of the participation (i.e. economic) and voting interests in the system, as described in part
I.E. of the main narrative application.

       GU Holdings is an indirect, wholly-owned subsidiary of Google LLC (“Google”), whose
innovative search technologies and other Internet applications connect millions of people around
the world with information every day.

        GU Holdings currently holds FCC cable landing licenses for the Unity, Monet, and
FASTER systems.15 GU Holdings is an applicant to the Commission for a cable landing license
for the PLCN, Havfrue, and Curie systems.16 Below, GU Holdings provides information required
by 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(1)-(a)(3), (a)(8), (a)(9), (j), and (k).

(1)    Applicant’s Name, Address, and Telephone Number17

       GU Holdings Inc.
       1600 Amphitheatre Parkway
       Mountain View, CA 94043
       +1 650 253 0000

(2)    Applicant’s Place of Incorporation18

       GU Holdings is a Delaware corporation.

(3)    Contact Information19

       Correspondence concerning the application should be sent to the following:

15 File Nos. SCL-LIC-20080516-00010 (Unity), SCL-LIC-20150408-00008 (Monet), and SCL-
LIC-20150626-00015 (FASTER).
16 File Nos. SCL-LIC-20170421-00012 (PLCN), SCL-LIC-20180511-00010 (Havfrue), and

SCL-LIC-20181008-00034 (Curie).
17 See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(1).
18 See id. § 1.767(a)(2).
19 See id. § 1.767(a)(3).


          Stephanie Selmer
          Google LLC
          25 Massachusetts Avenue NW, 9th Floor
          Washington, DC 20001
          +1 202 346 1404

          With a copy to:

          Ulises R. Pin
          Brett P. Ferenchak
          Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
          1111 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
          Washington, DC 20004
          +1 202 373 6000

(4)       Certification Regarding Ownership, Citizenship, Principal Business, and
          Interlocking Directorates20

        GU Holdings certifies that it has the following 10-percent-or-greater direct or indirect
interest holders as of March 29, 2018:

          Name:                  Google International LLC (“Google International”)
          Address:               1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
          Citizenship:           Delaware
          Principal Business:    Holding company
          Relationship:          Google International holds a 100-percent voting and equity interest
                                 in GU Holdings.

20   See id. §§ 1.767(a)(8)(i), 63.18(h).


       Name:                 Google LLC
       Address:              1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
       Citizenship:          Delaware
       Principal Business:   Technology search services and advertising
       Relationship:         Google directly holds a 97-percent voting and equity interest in
                             Google International.21

       Name:                 XXVI Holdings Inc. (“XXVI Holdings”)
       Address:              1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
       Citizenship:          Delaware
       Principal Business:   Holding company
       Relationship:         XXVI Holdings holds a 100-percent voting and equity interest in
                             Google LLC.

       Name                  Alphabet Inc. (“Alphabet”)
       Address:              1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
       Citizenship:          Delaware
       Principal Business:   Holding company
       Relationship:         Alphabet holds a 100-percent voting and equity interest in XXVI

       Name:                 Larry Page
       Address:              1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
       Citizenship:          USA
       Principal Business:   CEO, Co-Founder, and Director of Alphabet
       Relationship:         Mr. Page holds 42.5 percent of Alphabet’s Class B common stock,
                             giving him a 25.9-percent voting interest in Alphabet.

       Name:                 Sergey Brin
       Address:              1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043
       Citizenship:          USA
       Principal Business:   Co-Founder, President, and Director of Alphabet
       Relationship:         Mr. Brin holds 41.1 percent of Alphabet’s Class B common stock,
                             giving him a 25.1-percent voting interest in Alphabet.

     Alphabet’s shares trade publicly on the NASDAQ Stock Market under the ticker symbols
“GOOG” and “GOOGL.” As there is an active market in Alphabet’s shares, Alphabet’s share

21YouTube, LLC (“YouTube”) holds a 3-percent voting and equity interest in Google
International. Google holds a 100-percent voting and equity interest in YouTube.


ownership is always fluid. Moreover, Alphabet can ascertain its significant shareholders only on
the basis of its records and may not know of possibly related or affiliated shareholders that are
not disclosed to it. Recognizing these limitations, as the most recent date when this information
is publicly available, March 29, 2018, Alphabet has no 10-percent-or-greater direct or indirect
shareholders other than Messrs. Page and Brin.

        GU Holdings further certifies that no corporate officer or director of GU Holdings is also
an officer or director of any foreign carrier.

(5)    Certification Regarding the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 198822

       GU Holdings certifies that it is not subject to a denial of federal benefits under Section
5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, as amended.23

(6)    Certification Regarding Foreign Carrier Status and Foreign Affiliations24

       GU Holdings certifies that it:

       (A)     is not a foreign carrier in any foreign country;

       (B)     does not own or control a cable landing station in any foreign country;

       (C)     is affiliated with foreign carriers as noted in Table 1 below; and

                              Table 1: Affiliated Foreign Carriers25

                     Entity                                           Country
 Google Cable Japan G.K.                           Japan
 Google Infraestrutura Brasil Ltda.                Brazil
 Google Korea, LLC                                 Korea

22 See id. §§ 1.767(a)(8)(i), 63.18(o).
23 21 U.S.C. § 862(a). Pub. L. No. 100-690, title V, §5301, 102 Stat. 4310 (1988), which related
to denial of Federal benefits to drug traffickers and possessors—previously codified at 21 U.S.C.
§ 853(a)—was renumbered section 421 of the Controlled Substances Act by Public Law 101-
647, title X, § 1002(d)(1), 104 Stat. 4827 (1990), and has been recodified as 21 U.S.C.
§ 862(a). 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(o) does not reflect this recodification.
24 See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(8)(ii).
25 GU Holdings is affiliated with Inversiones y Servicios Dataluna Limitada and Google Taiwan

Limited, which are currently applying for telecommunications authorizations in Chile and
Taiwan, respectively.


                         Entity                                          Country
 Google Singapore Pte Ltd                             Singapore
 Infraco (Hong Kong) Limited                          Hong Kong
 Google Voice Ltd.                                    Denmark
                                                      United Kingdom
 Google Voice Canada Corp.                            Canada

          (D)     is affiliated with the entities owning or controlling cable landing stations in Table
                  2 below:

                     Table 2: Affiliated Entities Owning Cable Landing Stations

                Entity                                                          Ownership
Google Infraestrutura Brasil         Santos, Brazil (Monet cable)     100% ownership interest
Dapsi International ApS              Blaaberg, Denmark                Non-controlling ownership
                                     (Havfrue cable)                  interest of 25%

(7)       Certification Regarding Destination Countries26

          GU Holdings certifies to the following:

          (A)     GU Holdings is not a foreign carrier in France, the only foreign destination
                  market in which the system will land.

          (B)     GU Holdings does not control a foreign carrier in France.

          (C)     GU Holdings’ ultimate parent company, Alphabet Inc., also indirectly controls a
                  foreign carrier in France, Google Voice Ltd. This entity recently registered as a

26   See id. § 1.767(a)(8)(iii).


               competitive enterprise telephony service provider in France effective as of April
               3, 2019. Google Voice Ltd. is a new entrant into the French telecommunications
               market and lacks any market share or market power.

       (D)     No grouping of two or more foreign carriers in France (or parties that control
               foreign carriers in France) own, in aggregate, more than 25 percent of GU
               Holdings and are parties to, or beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the
               provision or marketing of arrangements for the terms of acquisition, sale, lease,
               transfer, and use of capacity on the system in the United States.

(8)    Certifications Regarding WTO Status and Affiliations with Foreign Carriers
       Having Market Power in Foreign Destination Markets27

       France is a member of the World Trade Organization (WTO).

(9)    Certification Regarding Routine Conditions28

       GU Holdings certifies that it accepts and will abide by the routine conditions specified in
47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g).

(10)   Streamlining—Market Power29

       GU Holdings requests streamlined processing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(k)(1). GU
Holdings certifies that it is not a foreign carrier and is not affiliated with a foreign carrier in
France, the only foreign destination market in which the system will land.

(11)   Streamlining—CZMA30

        GU Holdings certifies that it is not required to submit a consistency certification to any
state pursuant to Section 1456(c)(3)(A) of the Coastal Zone Management Act, codified at 16
U.S.C. § 1456(c)(3)(A). Virginia, the only U.S. state in which Dunant will land, does not list a
cable landing license as a federal activity requiring a consistency certification.31

27 See id. § 1.767(a)(8)(iv).
28 See id. § 1.767(a)(9).
29 See id. § 1.767(j), (k).
30 See id.
31 See Virginia’s Listed Federal Permit, License, Approval Activities, available at



       On behalf of GU Holdings, I certify that all of the information contained in this
application and Appendix A is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                 Austin Schlick
                                                 Director, GU Holdings Inc.
                                                 25 Massachusetts Avenue NW, 9th Floor
                                                 Washington, DC 20001

                                                 Dated: April 10, 2019


System Route Map



                                                          Ireland .   *

                                      Saint—Hilaire—de—Riez, France


Virginia Beach, VA, USA





Virginia Beach Landing
                                                                                  Virginia Aquariim&               Beach Manhole
                                                                             Marine Science Center                 Lat: 3681735

                                                                                                                  | Lon: —75.96804

                                      Motor World @
                                                         at Virginia Aquariam @
                                                          The Adventure Park

                                                Ocean Breeze We

                        Holiday Trav—L—Park @

                                                                     Red Wing Lake
                                                                        Golf Course Q

                                                            Virginia Beach
                                                             KOA Holiday

                                                                                                                          ike Redwing

                                                                      Red Wing

                                                                                                       Dam Neck
Cable Landing Station
Lat: 36.77765
Lon: —76.00708

                                                                                       Da Vinci Park



                                         CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was served this date upon the

Marlene Dortch                                  U.S. Coordinator
Secretary                                       EB/CIP
Federal Communications Commission               U.S. Department of State
445 12th Street, S.W.                           2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20520-5818
(via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)    (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

David Krech                                     Defense Information Systems Agency
International Bureau                            Attn: GC/DO1
Federal Communications Commission               6910 Cooper Avenue
445 12th Street, S.W.                           Fort Meade, MD 20755-7088
Washington, DC 20554                            (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
(via electronic mail to

Denise Coca                                     Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
International Bureau                            U.S. Department of Commerce
Federal Communications Commission               14th Street and Constitution Ave., N.W.
445 12th Street, S.W.                           Washington, DC 20230
Washington, DC 20554                            (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
(via electronic mail to

Tom Sullivan                                    Troy Tanner
International Bureau                            International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.                           445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                            Washington, DC 20554
(via electronic mail to   (via electronic mail to

/s/ Brett P. Ferenchak
Brett P. Ferenchak
April 10, 2019


Document Created: 2019-04-10 12:28:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 12:28:05

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