Attachment SCL Application

This document pretains to SCL-LIC-20181106-00035 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                    Before the
                                  Washington, D.C.

In the Matter of

RTI SOLUTIONS, INC.,                                   File No. SCL-LIC-2018-____________

Application for a License to Land and Operate
a Private Fiber-Optic Submarine Cable System
Connecting Guam and Japan,



       Pursuant to 47 U.S.C. § 34, Executive Order No. 10,530, and 47 C.F.R. § 1.767, RTI

Solutions, Inc. (“RTI Solutions”), RTI JGA Pte. Ltd. (“RTI JGA”), and RTI Connectivity Pte.

Ltd. (“RTI Connectivity”) (collectively, “Applicants”) hereby apply for a license to land and

operate within the United States a private fiber-optic submarine cable network connecting Guam

and Japan. The system will be known as the Japan-Guam-Australia (“JGA”) North system. The

Applicants will operate JGA North on a non-common-carrier basis, by providing bulk capacity to

wholesale and enterprise customers on particularized terms and conditions pursuant to

individualized negotiations. The existence of robust competition on the Guam-Japan route

obviates any need for common-carrier regulation of the system on public-interest grounds.

       The Applicants intend to commence commercial operation of JGA North in the fourth

calendar quarter of 2019. The Applicants therefore seek timely grant of a cable landing license

by the Commission no later than July 2019, in order to permit construction activities to proceed

on schedule. An expeditious grant of this application will significantly advance the public


        First, JGA North will provide critical new and replacement capacity on routes where

capacity demand is increasing substantially each year and where a number of existing systems

are nearing the ends of their useful lives. JGA North will consist of two fiber pairs with a design

capacity of a minimum of 12 Tbps per fiber pair using current technology. The system’s initial

lit capacity has not yet been determined. It will offer capacity in large increments until the year

2045, far beyond the useful life of most existing systems serving the Guam-Japan route.

        Second, JGA North will compete vigorously with established submarine cable operators

on the U.S.-Japan route—particularly Tata Communications and AT&T. None of the Applicants

is affiliated with a foreign carrier in Japan.

        Third, JGA North’s landing at Minami-Boso will provide additional geographic diversity

for U.S.-Japan traffic. The new Minami-Boso cable landing station is diverse from KDDI’s

Chikura cable landing station (where both Unity and FASTER land) and SoftBank’s Maruyama

cable landing station (where the Japan-U.S. Cable Network and Australia-Japan Cable land and

where JUPITER will soon land).

        This application raises no public-interest concerns. The Applicants request streamlined

processing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(k)(1), as none is affiliated with any foreign carriers in

Japan. Below, the Applicants provide information required by 47 C.F.R. § 1.767.

        A.      Applicant Identifying Information1

        In Table 1, the Applicants provide their names, addresses, telephone numbers, and FCC

registration numbers.

    See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(1).


                            Table 1: Applicant Identifying Information

            Name, Address, and Telephone Number                             FRN

       RTI Solutions, Inc.
       268 Bush Street #77
       San Francisco, California 94194
       +1 619 888 7166

       RTLJGA Pte. Ltd.
       4 Robinson Road #05—01
       The House of Eden                                                 0027759299
       Singapore 048543
       +65 6438 4307

       RTI Connectivity Pte. Ltd.
       8 Eu Tong Sen Street #14—94
       The Central                                                       0027759307
       Singapore 059818
       +65 6438 4307

       B.      Applicant Places of Im:urpuratiml2

       RTI Solutionsis a California corporation. RTL JGA is a Singapore private limited

company. RTI Connectivity is a Singapore limited company.

       C.      Contact Information for the Apl)]ic:mts3

       Russell Matulich
       Chief Executive Officer
       RTI Solutions, Inc.
       RTI Connectivity Pte. Ltd.
       268 Bush Street #77
       San Francisco, California 94104
       +1 415 837 3511

*   See id. §1.767(@)(Q).
5   See id. §1.767(@)(3).

         with a copy to:

         Kent Bressie
         Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
         1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800
         Washington, D.C. 20036-3537
         +1 202 730 1337

         Counsel for RTI Solutions, Inc. RTI JGA Pte. Ltd., and RTI Connectivity Pte. Ltd.

         D.     System Description4

         JGA North will consist of a single Guam-Japan segment with a total length of

approximately 2,600 kilometers. JGA North will consist of two fiber pairs with a design

capacity of a minimum of 12 Tbps per fiber pair using current technology. The system will have

an initial lit capacity of 24 Tbps.

         The Applicants expect JGA North to enter into commercial service in the fourth calendar

quarter of 2019. In Appendix A, the Applicants provide a route map for the system.

         JGA North will be separately owned and operated from the planned JGA South system, a

consortium system between Guam and Australia to be owned and operated jointly by RTI

Connectivity, Google Infrastructure Bermuda Limited, and AARNet Pty Ltd. The owners of

JGA South will seek a separate cable landing license from the Commission with respect to JGA


         E.     Landing Points5

         The Applicants provide specific landing point information (including geographic

coordinates and street addresses, where available, for beach manholes and cable landing stations)

in the following appendices:
    See id. § 1.767(a)(4).
    See id. § 1.767(a)(5).


           Appendix B: Piti, Guam, Landing Point Information

           Appendix C: Minami-Boso, Japan, Landing Point Information

       F.      Regulatory Classification6

       The Applicants will operate JGA North on a non-common-carrier basis. Non-common-

carrier classification of the proposed system is consistent with established Commission policy

and precedent and with judicial precedent, and it will advance the public interest.

       First, the Commission should not subject JGA North to common-carrier regulation

because it will not operate on a common-carrier basis as defined in NARUC I.7 The courts have

stated that “[t]he primary sine qua non of common carrier status is a quasi-public character,

which arises out of the undertaking ‘to carry for all people indifferently.’”8 On JGA North,

however, the Applicants will not sell capacity indifferently to the user public. Instead, the

Applicants will sell bulk capacity to particular carrier and enterprise customers pursuant to

individually-negotiated indefeasible rights of use (“IRUs”) and capacity leases, the terms of

which will vary depending on the characteristics and needs of the particular capacity purchaser.

    See id. § 1.767(a)(6).
    See Nat’l Ass’n of Regulatory Utility Comm’rs v. FCC, 525 F.2d 630, 642 (D.C. Cir. 1976)
    (“NARUC I”) (stating that the court must inquire “whether there are reasons implicit in the
    nature of [the] operations to expect an indifferent holding out to the eligible user public”),
    cert. denied, 425 U.S. 992 (1976); see also Virgin Islands Tel. Corp. v. FCC, 198 F.3d 921
    (D.C. Cir. 1999) (affirming the Commission’s use of the NARUC I test for distinguishing
    common-carrier and private-carrier services following enactment of the Telecommunications
    Act of 1996).
    Nat’l Ass’n of Regulatory Utility Comm’rs v. FCC, 533 F.2d 601, 608 (D.C. Cir. 1976)
    (emphasis added) (quoting Semon v. Royal Indemnity Co., 279 F.2d 737, 739 (5th Cir.


The Commission has consistently found that such offerings do not make an applicant a common


        Second, the Commission should not subject JGA North to common-carrier regulation

because there is no legal compulsion or other public-interest reason for the Applicants to operate

the system in such a manner. Under the NARUC I test, the Commission must determine whether

the public interest requires common-carrier operation of the cable system.10 Traditionally, the

Commission has focused on whether the applicant has sufficient market power to warrant

common-carrier regulation,11 although the Commission “is not limited to that reasoning” and has

looked more broadly to determine whether common-carrier licensing is in the public interest.12

JGA North poses no such competitive or other public-interest concerns.

     See AT&T Corp. et al., Cable Landing License, 13 FCC Rcd. 16,232, 16,238 (Int’l Bur.
     1998) (finding that individualized decisions concerning the sale or lease of capacity on the
     China-U.S. Cable Network would not constitute the effective provision of a service to the
     public so as to make the applicant a common carrier); AT&T Submarine Systems, Inc., Cable
     Landing License, 11 FCC Rcd. 14,885, 14,904 ¶ 64 (Int’l Bur. 1996) (“St. Thomas-St. Croix
     Cable Order”) (finding that an “offer of access, nondiscriminatory terms and conditions and
     market pricing of IRUs does not rise to the level of an ‘indiscriminate’ offering” so as to
     constitute common carriage), aff’d 13 FCC Rcd. 21,585 (1998), aff’d sub nom. Virgin Islands
     Telephone Corp. v. FCC, 198 F.3d 921 (D.C. Cir. 1999).
     NARUC I, 525 F.2d at 642 (stating that the court must inquire “whether there will be any
     legal compulsion . . . to serve [the public] indifferently”).
     See St. Thomas-St. Croix Cable Order, 11 FCC Rcd. at 14,893 ¶ 30.
     See AT&T Corp. et al., Cable Landing License, 14 FCC Rcd. 13,066, 13,080 ¶ 39 (1999)
     (stating that “[a]lthough this public interest analysis has generally focused on the availability
     of alternative facilities, we are not limited to that reasoning”); Australia-Japan Cable (Guam)
     Limited, Cable Landing License, 15 FCC Rcd. 24,057, 24,062 ¶ 13 (Int’l Bur. 2000) (stating
     that “[t]his public interest analysis generally has focused on whether an applicant will be able
     to exercise market power because of the lack of alternative facilities, although the
     Commission has not limited itself to that reasoning”); Telefonica SAM USA, Inc. et al., Cable
     Landing License, 15 FCC Rcd. 14,915, 14,920 ¶ 11 (Int’l Bur. 2000) (stating that “[t]his
     public interest analysis has focused on the availability of alternative facilities, although the
     Commission has stated it is not limited to that reasoning”).


        JGA North will enhance competition by competing vigorously with other submarine

cable systems on the Guam-Japan route, including TGN Pacific (owned by Tata

Communications), the Guam-Okinawa-Kyushu-Incheon (“GOKI”) system (owned by AT&T),

and the Australia-Japan Cable (owned by AT&T, NTT Communications, SoftBank, Telstra, and


        The existence of ample competing submarine cable facilities providing Guam-Japan

connectivity will ensure that JGA North would not function as a bottleneck facility on those

routes. The Applicants’ intended operation of JGA North therefore serves the Commission’s

long-standing policy to encourage competition through private submarine cable transmissions,

pursuant to which the Commission has granted numerous cable landing licenses.13

        G.      Cable Ownership Information14

        The Applicants will own JGA North as follows:

            RTI Solutions will serve as the U.S. landing party and control the Piti, Guam, landing

             arrangements under a contract with the cable landing station owner, Gateway

             Network Connections, Inc. (“GNC”), a Guam corporation 51 percent will be owned

             by Asia Connectivity Elements Pte. Ltd. (“ACE”) and 49 percent of which will be

             owned by Teleguam Holdings, LLC (“GTA”). ACE is owned 50 percent by Russell

             Matulich and 50 percent by Choo Wee Tiong, a Singapore citizen and Senior Vice

             President of RTI Solutions.

            RTI JGA will own the wet segment of JGA North.

     See Tel-Optik Ltd., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 100 FCC.2d 1033, 1041 (1985).
     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(7).


         *    RTI Connectivity will control the wet segment of JGA North in its role as Asset

              Manager of RTI JGA. RTI Connectivity was appointed RTI JGA‘s Asset Manager

              through an Asset Management Agreement by and between the two companies. RTI

              Connectivity may not be removed as Asset Manager except for cause or in the event

              RTI Connectivity‘s majority shareholder, Russ Matulich, holds less than a 50—percent

              interest in RTI Connectivity.

         *    NTT Communications will own and control the cable landing station at Minami—

              Boso, Japan.

         JGA North will land at the U.S. and foreign cable landing stations identified in Table 2


                    Table 2: Ownership and Control of Cable Landing Stations

      Cable Landing Station             Newl;):cfllixti;ting            Ownership/Control

 Piti. Guam                                   Existing         gl,lfirgi;mership); RTI Solutions

 Minami—Boso, Japan                            New             NTT Communications (ownership and

         H.      Certifications Regarding Ownership, Citizenship, Principal Business, and
                 Interlocking Directorates 15

         RTI Solutionscertifies that it has the following 10—percent—or—greater direct or indirect

interest holders:

5_ See id. §§ 1.767(a)(8)G). 63.18(h).

               Russell Alan Matulich
               Address: 955 Serendipity Way, Napa, California 94558
               Citizenship: USA
               Principal Business: telecommunications
               Relationship: Mr. Matulich holds a 16.4-percent voting and economic interest in
                   RTI Solutions.

               Brian Scott Mass
               Address: 7 Turtleback Lane, Westport, Connecticut 06880
               Citizenship: USA
               Principal Business: development and operation of subsea cable infrastructure
               Relationship: Mr. Mass holds a 14.5-percent voting and economic interest in RTI

               Christopher Michael Brungardt
               Address: 3130 Ryer Island Street, West Sacramento, California 95691
               Citizenship: USA
               Principal Business: development and operation of subsea cable infrastructure
               Relationship: Mr. Brungardt holds a 10.0-percent voting and economic interest in
                   RTI Solutions.

               LSF Capital Pte Ltd
               Address: 438 Alexandra Road #04-02, Alexandra Point, Singapore 199958
               Place of Organization: Singapore
               Principal Business: investments
               Relationship: LSF Capital Pte Ltd holds a 35.0-percent voting and economic
                  interest in RTI Solutions.

               Datuk Lim Soon Foo
               Address: No. 1 JLN Kelab Golf 13/10C, Seksyen 13, Kelab Golf Saas 40100
               Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia
               Citizenship: Malaysian
               Principal Business: investments
               Relationship: Datuk Lim Soon Foo holds a 75-percent voting and economic
                   interest in LSF Capital Pte. Ltd.

The remaining voting and economic interests in RTI Solutions are held by individuals, none of

whom has a 10-percent-or-greater interest.

       RTI JGA certifies that it has the following 10-percent or greater direct or indirect interest

holders, as illustrated on the attached Appendix D:


Fund Corporation for the Overseas Development of Japan’s ICT and Postal
Services, Inc. (“JICT”)
Address: 1-2-1, Uchisaiwai-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Place of Organization: Japan
Principal Business: investments
Relationship: JICT holds a 37.5-percent economic interest in RTI JGA through
   its ownership of 100 percent of JGA Class A Preferred Shares. The Japanese
   Ministry of Finance holds a 50-percent voting-and-equity interest in JICT.
   The remaining voting and economic interests of JICT are held by 21 Japanese
   corporations, none of which has a ten-percent-or-greater voting or economic
   interest in RTI JGA.

NEC Corporation (“NEC”)
Address: 7-1, Shiba 5-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8001, Japan
Place of Organization: Japan
Principal Business: information technology
Relationship: NEC holds a 37.5-percent economic interest in RTI JGA through
   its ownership of 100 percent of JGA Class B Preference Shares. NEC is a
   publicly traded corporation with no 10-percent or greater shareholders.

Russell Alan Matulich
Address: 955 Serendipity Way, Napa, California 94558
Citizenship: USA
Principal Business: telecommunications
Relationship: Mr. Matulich holds a 16.7-percent economic interest in RTI JGA
    through his ownership of 51 percent of JGA Class C shares.

The RTI JGA Share Trust (“RTI JGA Trust”)
Address: 4 Robinson Road #05-01, Singapore 048543
Place of Organization: Singapore
Principal Business: investments
Relationship: RTI JGA Trust holds all of the shares of RTI JGA in trust for the
   economic interest holders. It owns one ordinary share of RTI JGA.

Singapore Trust Company Pte. Ltd. (“STC”)
Address: 4 Robinson Road #05-01, Singapore 048543
Place of Organization: Singapore
Principal Business: regulated trust company in Singapore
Relationship: STC serves as the Trustee of the RTI JGA Trust.


               STC Group Ltd. (“STC Group”)
               Address: Vistra Corporate Services Centre, Wickhams Cay II, Road Town,
                  Tortola, VG1110, British Virgin Islands
               Place of Organization: British Virgin Islands
               Principal Business: holding company
               Relationship: STC Group holds a 100-percent voting and economic interest in

               Tan Boon Aun Rudy
               Address: 4 Robinson Road #05-01, Singapore 048543
               Place of Citizenship: Singapore
               Principal Business: Managing Director, STC
               Relationship: Mr. Tan holds a 20-percent voting and economic interest in STC

               Ocorian Limited (“Ocorian”)
               Address: 26 New Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3RA
               Place of Organization: Bailiwick of Jersey
               Principal Business: trust administration
               Relationship: Ocorian holds a 80-percent voting and economic interest in STC.

               Inflexion Supplemental Fund IV (No. 1) LP (“Inflexion Supplemental”)
               Address: Third Floor, La Plaiderie Chambers, La Plaiderie, St. Peter Port,
               Guernsey GY1 WG
               Place of Organization: Guernsey
               Principal Business: investments
               Relationship: Inflexion Supplemental holds a 16-percent voting and economic
                   interest in Ocorian. Inflexion Supplemental has no controlling interest holder.

               Inflexion Buyout Fund IV (No. 1) LP (“Inflexion No. 1”)
               Address: Third Floor, La Plaiderie Chambers, La Plaiderie, St. Peter Port,
               Guernsey GY1 WG
               Place of Organization: Guernsey
               Principal Business: investments
               Relationship: Inflexion Buyout holds a 29-percent voting and economic interest
                   in Ocorian. Inflexion Buyout has no controlling interest holder.

Other than the entities listed above, no entity holds a 10-percent-or-greater voting or economic

interest in RTI JGA.

       RTI Connectivity certifies that it has the following 10-percent-or-greater direct or indirect

interest holders:


                 Russell Matulich
                 Address: 955 Serendipity Way, Napa, California 94558
                 Citizenship: USA
                 Principal Business: telecommunications
                 Relationship: Mr. Matulich holds a 99-percent voting and economic interest in
                     RTI Connectivity.

         None of the Applicants has any interlocking directorates with foreign carriers.

         I.      Certification Regarding the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 198816

         The Applicants certify that no party to this application is subject to a denial of federal

benefits under Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, as amended.17

         J.      Certification Regarding Foreign Carrier Status and Foreign Affiliations18

         The Applicants certify that: (A) none is a foreign carrier in any foreign country; (B) none

owns or controls a cable landing station in any foreign country; and (C) none is a foreign carrier

in any foreign country.

         K.      Certification Regarding Destination Countries19

         The Applicants certify to the following:

         (A) none is a foreign carrier in Japan, the sole foreign destination market in which JGA

              North will land;

         (B) none controls a foreign carrier in Japan;

     See id. §§ 1.767(a)(8)(i), 63.18(o).
     21 U.S.C. § 862(a). The Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, Pub. L. No. 100-690, title V, § 5301,
     102 Stat. 4181, 4310 (1988), which related to denial of federal benefits to drug traffickers
     and possessors—previously codified at 21 U.S.C. § 853(a)—was renumbered section 421 of
     the Controlled Substances Act by the Crime Control Act of 1991, Pub. L. No. 101-647, title
     X, § 1002(d)(1), 104 Stat. 4789, 4827 (1990), and has been recodified as 21 U.S.C. §
     862(a). 47 C.F.R. § 63.18(o) does not reflect this recodification.
     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(8)(ii).
     See id. § 1.767(a)(8)(iii).


         (C) no entity owning more than 25 percent of RTI Solutions, RTI JGA, or RTI

               Connectivity, or controlling any of those three entities, controls a foreign carrier in

               Japan; and

         (D) no grouping of two or more foreign carriers in Japan (or parties that control foreign

               carriers in Japan) own, in aggregate, more than 25 percent of it and are parties to, or

               beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing of

               arrangements for the terms of acquisition, sale, lease, transfer, and use of capacity on

               JGA North in the United States.

         L.       Certifications Regarding WTO Status and Affiliations with Foreign Carriers
                  Having Market Power in Foreign Destination Markets20

         No response is required, as the Applicants did not identify any non-WTO markets in

response to 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(8)(iii).

         M.       Certifications Regarding Routine Conditions21

         The Applicants certify that they accept and will abide by the routine conditions specified

in 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g).

         N.       Streamlining—Market Power22

         The Applicants request streamlined processing pursuant to 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(k)(1). The

Applicants are not affiliated with foreign carriers in any foreign countries.

         O.       Streamlining—CZMA23

     See id. § 1.767(a)(8)(iv).
     See id. § 1.767(a)(9).
     See id. § 1.767(j), (k).
     See id.


         The Applicants certify that they are not required to submit a consistency certification to

any state or territory pursuant to Section 1456(c)(3)(A) of the Coastal Zone Management Act,

codified at 16 U.S.C. § 1456(c)(3)(A). Guam does not list—and has never proposed to list—a

cable landing license as a federal activity requiring a consistency certification.24

         P.      Certification Regarding Service to Executive Branch Agencies25

         The Applicants have sent a complete copy of this application to the U.S. Departments of

State, Commerce, and Defense. The Applicants’ counsel has certified such service in the

certificate of service attached to this application.

II.      REQUEST FOR WAIVER OF 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(h)(1)

         The Applicants request a waiver of 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(h)(1) rules so that GNC—the

owner of the Piti, Guam, cable landing station—need not be a joint applicant for the JGA North

cable landing license. “The purpose of [Section 1.767(h)(1)] is to ensure that entities having a

significant ability to affect the operation of the cable system become licensees so that they are

subject to the conditions and responsibilities associated with the license.”26 GNC, the owner of

the Piti, Guam, cable landing station, will not have any ability to affect significantly JGA North’s

operation. Inclusion of GNC as a joint applicant is not necessary to ensure compliance by the

Applicants with the Cable Landing License Act, the Commission’s cable landing license rules, or

      See Guam’s Listed Federal Actions, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
      Office for Coastal Management,
      See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j).
      See Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 23 FCC Rcd. 227, 229
      (Int’l Bur. 2008) (“TPE Cable Landing License”) (citing Review of Commission
      Consideration of Applications Under the Cable Landing License Act, Report and Order, 16
      FCC Rcd. 22,167, 22,194-95 ¶¶ 53-54 (2001)).


the terms of any cable landing license. Grant of the waiver is therefore consistent with

longstanding Commission precedent.27

        For the Guam landing, RTI Solutions will contract with GNC for the provision of certain

limited services that would not provide it with any ability to affect significantly JGA North’s

operation. RTI Solutions will enter into long-term leases for collocation space for power feed

equipment for the Piti, Guam, cable landing station and will retain operational authority over the

JGA North landing facilities and provide direction to GNC in all matters relating to JGA

North. RTI Solutions will seek to ensure that all IRU and lease agreements will have initial

terms, with extension options at RTI Solutions’ sole discretion, for a total of 25 years each,

coextensive with the term of the cable landing license.

     See, e.g., Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd.
     1436, 1438 (Int’l Bur. 2017) (accepting the applicant’s representations that Tata “will not
     have the ability to affect significantly Atisa’s operation” and declining to require that Tata be
     a joint applicant for the cable landing license); Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License
     Act, Public Notice, 24 FCC Rcd. 7828, 7829-30 (Int’l Bur. 2009) (accepting the applicants’
     representations that “Tata will not be able to affect significantly the operation of HANTRU1”
     and declining to require Tata be a joint applicant for the cable landing license); Actions
     Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 24 FCC Rcd. 226, 227-28 (Int’l Bur.
     2009) (noting that “Applicants will retain operational authority over their ASHC System
     facilities and provide direction to AT&T in all matters relating to the ASHC System”);
     Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 23 FCC Rcd. 13,419,
     13,420 (Int’l Bur. 2008) (declining to require that Tata Communications (US) Inc.—which
     owns the existing cable station at Piti, Guam, where the PPC 1 System will land—be a joint
     applicant or licensee for the PPC 1 System, noting that “Applicants will retain operational
     authority over PPC 1 System facilities and provide direction to [Tata] in all matters relating
     to the PPC 1 System.”); TPE Cable Landing License, 23 FCC Rcd. at 229 (declining to
     require that WCI Cable, Inc. (“WCIC”)—which owns an existing cable station at Nedonna
     Beach, Oregon—be a joint applicant or licensee for the Trans-Pacific Express Network
     (“TPE”), which will land at WCIC’s Nedonna Beach cable station, finding that “WCIC will
     not have the ability to affect the operation of the TPE Network. Verizon will retain effective
     operational authority and provide direction to WCIC in all matters relating to the TPE



       For the foregoing reasons, the Applicants request that the Commission expeditiously

grant a cable landing license for JGA North pursuant to streamlined processing.

                                           Respectfully submitted.

                                           RTIConNEcriviry Pre. Ltp.
                                           RTH Sorvrions, Inc.

Kent Bressic
Colleen Sechrest
Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800             8 Eu Tong Sen Street #14—94
Washington, D.C. 20036—3537                The Central
+1 202 730 1337                            Singapore 059818                        +1 619888 7166             

Counselfor RTI Connectivity Pie. Ltd.,
RTJ JGA Pie. Ld., and RTISolutions,

                                           RTLJGA Pre Lto.

                                           Kam Kian Kok

                                           4 Robinson Road #05—01
                                           The House of Eden
                                           Singapore 048543

November 5, 2018



                                LIST OF APPENDICES

Appendix A: JGA North Route Map
Appendix B: Piti, Guam, Landing Point Information
Appendix C: Minami-Boso, Japan, Landing Point Information
Appendix D: Ownership and Control of RTI JGA Pte. Ltd.

Certificate of Service



                           APPENDIX B:


Beach manhole geographic coordinates: 13°27'55.01''N, 144°41'35.04''E
Cable station geographic coordinates: 13°27'49.20''N, 144°41'34.49''E
Cable landing station street address: 115 Route 1, Piti, Guam 96925

                             APPENDIX C:


Beach manhole geographic coordinates:   34°58'24"N, 139°57'45"E
Cable station geographic coordinates:   34°58'25''N, 139°57'38''E
Cable landing station street address:   2705-34 Aza-Yamada, Setout, Chikura-Cho,
                                        Minami-Boso-Shi, Tokyo, Japan

               APPENDIX D:


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Kent Bressie, hereby certify that consistent with 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j), I have served

copies of the foregoing application for a cable landing license for the JGA North submarine

cable system, by hand delivery or electronic mail this 5th day of November, 2018, to the


                  Robert L. Strayer
                  Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Cyber and
                     International Communications and Information Policy
                  Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
                  U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                  EB/CIP : Room 4634
                  2201 C Street, N.W.
                  Washington, D.C. 20520-4634

                  Kathy Smith
                  Chief Counsel
                  14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                  Room 4713
                  Washington, D.C. 20230

                   William E. Brazis II
                   General Counsel
                   6910 Cooper Avenue
                   Fort Meade, Maryland 20755

                                             Kent Bressie

Document Created: 2019-04-08 17:12:54
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 17:12:54

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