Attachment Curie STA Grant.pdf

Curie STA Grant.pdf

DECISION submitted by Federal Communications Commission

STA Grant


This document pretains to SCL-LIC-20181008-00034 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


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                                                                                    date: c-’
                                                   Before the       authorized by bp”4’j                    Cj reç,   1cunc’J
                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMM] SION’ Ai                             .

                                             Washington, D.C. 20554                               .

                                                                    signature    Osffl

           In the Matter of                                                         CXC5

                                                   21 2018
           GU HOLDINGS INC.                                       )   File Nos.   SCL-LIC-20181008-00034
                                         International Bureau                     SCL-STA-201 8
           Application for a License to Construct, Land,          )
           and Operate a Submarine Cable                          )
           Connecting the United States and Chile                 )


                  Pursuant to 47 U.S.C.   § 34-39, Executive Order 10530, and 47 C.F.R. §       1.767, GU

           Holdings Inc. (the “Applicant”) hereby requests special temporary authority (“STA”) to

           construct, connect, and test the portion of the Curie cable system in U.S. territory prior to the

           Commission’s grant of the Applicant’s pending cable landing license application.1 Without such

           authority, construction of the Curie cable system would likely be delayed at significant cost to

           the Applicant and thereby delay the benefits of new U.S.-South America capacity that the cable

           will provide. The Applicant therefore seeks STA beginning no later than January 9, 2019, and

           ending 180 days from grant. The Applicant has notified the Team Telecom agencies of this


                  The Applicant acknowledges that grant of such STA will not prejudice action by the

           Commission on the underlying application and that such STA is subject to cancellation or

           modification upon notice. The Commission has authority to grant the requested STA and has

           previously granted STA requests seeking similar relief.

            See GU Holdings Inc., Application for a License to Construct, Land, and Operate a Submarine
           Cable Connecting the United States and Chile, FCC File No. SCL-LIC-20 181008-00034 (filed
           Oct. 8, 2018) (Curie Application); see also Public Notice, Streamlined Submarine Cable Landing
           License Applications Acceptedfor Filing, Report No. SCL. 00227S (rel. Oct. 30, 2018) (Public


          On October 8, 2018, the Applicant applied for authority to construct, land, and operate

Curie, a high-capacity fiber-optic submarine cable system connecting the U.S. and Chile.2 The

Commission placed the Curie Application on streamlined public notice on October 30, 2018,

but later removed the application from streamlined processing at the request of the Team

Telecom agencies pending completion of a national security and law enforcement review.

          The Applicant is actively engaged in discussions with the Team Telecom agencies

necessary for the national security and law enforcement review. However, the Applicant does not

expect that those discussions will be concluded in time for the Commission to fully consider and

grant the underlying application by January 9, 2019, the date on which the Applicant and the

system supplier have planned to begin laying the cable in U.S. territory. Laying the cable is part

of a series of interrelated processes, the delay or reordering of which would impose substantial

additional costs on the Applicant and raise concerns about the continuing availability of a cable-

laying ship for the project. Consequently, the Applicant seeks STA now in order to ensure that

construction, connection, and testing in U.S. territory may proceed on schedule. The Applicant

does not seek authority for other operation of the cable and will not begin to provide service

using the Curie cable system until a cable landing license is issued by the Commission.


          Grant of this STA request will serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

Delaying the construction start date for the cable would delay the availability of its substantial

transmission capacity and impose significant economic costs on the Applicant. Depending on the

    See Curie Application.
    See Public Notice.


length of the delay, the financial viability of the project could be at risk. Conversely, grant of this

STA request would help to ensure realization of the project’s public benefits. Specifically, the

cable will provide significant new and replacement capacity on the U.S.-South America route,

where demand has increased substantially in recent years. It will also provide geographically

diverse capacity, as the first cable to directly connect South America to the West Coast of the

United States.4


        The Commission has on numerous occasions granted STAs for construction, connection,

and testing prior to the grant of a cable landing license, and it should also do so in this case.

Recently, the Commission granted, upon showings similar to the facts presented here, STAs for

construction, connection, and testing of the Crosslake Fibre, Hawaiki, and BRUSA cable

systems.5 Neither the Cable Landing License Act nor Executive Order 10530 (delegating

submarine cable licensing authority from the President to the Commission, subject to Executive

Branch review) limits the Commission’s ability to issue such relief.6 The Applicant seeks similar

authority here to construct, connect, and test the Curie cable in U.S. territory.

  Curie Application at 1-2.
  See Request for Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SCL-STA-20180606-00014
(granted Jun. 18, 201$); Request for Special Temporary Authority, FCC File No. SCL-STA
20170721-00018 (granted Jul. 28, 2017); Request for Special Temporary Authority, FCC File
No. SCL-STA-20170712-00017 (granted Jul. 19, 2017).
  See 47 U.S.C. § 34-39; Executive Order 10530, 19 Fed. Reg. 2709 (May 10, 1954).



       For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should grant this STA request as

expeditiously as possible, and in any event no later than January 9, 2019.

                                                 Respectfully submitted,

                                                 Is! Ulises R. Pin
                                                 Ulises R. Pin
                                                 Denise S. Wood
                                                 Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP
                                                 1111 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
                                                 Washington, DC 20004
                                                 (202) 373-6000

                                                 Counsellor GUHoldings Inc.

December 7, 2018


                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was served this date upon the

Marlene Dortch                                   U.S. Coordinator
Secretary                                        EB/CP
Federal Communications Commission                U.S. Department of State
445 12th Street, SW                              2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20520-58 18
(via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)     (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

David Krech                                      Defense Information Systems Agency
International Bureau                             AUn: GC/DOl
Federal Conmiunications Commission               6910 Cooper Avenue
445 12th Street, SW                              Fort Meade, MD 20755-7088
Washington, DC 20554                             (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
(via electronic mail to

Denise Coca                                      Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
International Bureau                             U.S. Department of Commerce
Federal Communications Commission                14th Street and Constitution Ave., NW
445 12th Street, SW                              Washington, DC 20230
Washington, DC 20554                             (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
(via electronic mail to

Tom Sullivan                                     Troy Tanner
International Bureau                             International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW                              445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554                             Washington, DC 20554
(via electronic mail to    (via electronic mail to


Denise S. Wood
December 7, 2018

Document Created: 2019-04-24 13:03:58
Document Modified: 2019-04-24 13:03:58

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