
SUPPLEMENT submitted by ATN Undersea Cable Corporation

Supplement to Application (7-9-18)


This document pretains to SCL-LIC-20180417-00008 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                    Before the
                               Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                    )
Application of ATN Undersea Cable Corporation for a )          File No. SCL-LIC-20180417-00008
License to Construct, Land, and Operate the VILink )
Cable System, an Undersea Cable System Linking the )
Islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix in the United   )
States Virgin Islands, United States                )


       ATN Undersea Cable Corporation (“ATN Cable”), pursuant to the Act Relating to the

Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39 (the

“Cable Landing License Act”), Executive Order 10530, and Section 1.767 of the Commission’s

rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767, submit this supplement (“Supplement”) to their submarine cable landing

license application filed April 12, 2018 (“Application”). The Application requests a license to

land and operate a non-common carrier submarine cable between the islands of St. Thomas and

St. Croix, both of which are located within the United States Virgin Islands (“USVI”). The

submarine cable system is known as the VILink System. At the request of the staff of the

International Bureau (“Bureau”), ATN Cable files this Supplement to provide further detail

regarding the ownership and control of ATN Cable’s proposed landing stations, as well as to

clarify certain matters related to ATN Cable’s request for streamlined processing of the



       As set forth in the Application, the VILink System will be a high-capacity digital fiber-

optic cable system that will provide increased capacity, redundancy, resiliency, and reliability in

connection with communications between the islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix, both of which

are located within the USVI. The VILink System’s landing station in St. Thomas will be located

in Nazareth, and the landing station in St. Croix will be located in Christiansted. Specifically, the

terminal facilities for the VILink System will be housed within the central offices of Virgin

Islands Telephone Corporation d/b/a Viya (“Viya”), which is the USVI’s incumbent local

exchange carrier and which shares a common ultimate parent company with ATN Cable—ATN

International, Inc. (“ATN”). Viya’s Nazareth central office is located at 9M-2 Nazareth Red

Hook Quarter, Red Hook, USVI 00802 (18°19'17.33"N 64°51'17.58"W), and Viya’s

Christiansted central office is located at 9 King Street, Christiansted, USVI 00820

(17°44'42.46"N 64°42'17.83"W).1

       As stated in Section I of ATN Cable’s application,

       The VILink System will be owned by ATN Cable, a wholly owned and controlled
       subsidiary of [ATN]. ATN also is the ultimate parent company of [Viya], and
       various Viya affiliates that provide wireline voice and broadband, mobile
       wireless, and cable television services in the USVI.2

  ATN Cable’s Application states that ATN Cable will provide the exact location of its landing
stations no later than 90 days prior to commencement of construction of the VILink System in
accordance with Section 1.767(a)(5) of the Commission’s rules. See Application of ATN Undersea
Cable Corporation for Domestic Submarine Cable Landing License and Request for Streamlined
Treatment, FCC, IBFS File No. SCL-LIC-20180417-00008, at 5 & n.3 (filed Apr. 12, 2018)
(“Application”) (application for License to Construct, Land, and Operate the VILink Cable
System, an Undersea Cable System Linking the Islands of St. Thomas and St. Croix in the United
States Virgin Islands, United States); 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(5). Although tentative coordinates for
the location of the beach manhole (“BMH”) vaults for the VILink System are referenced in the
Exhibit A to the Application, the location of the landing stations was not specifically identified
therein. The landing locations are set forth in the text above. ATN Cable currently expects to
construct the VILink System at the BMH and landing station locations set forth in Exhibit A and
herein, respectively, and will provide notice to the Commission no later than 90 days prior to the
commencement of construction if these plans change.
  See Application at 2.


Thus, Viya and its affiliates are commonly controlled sister companies and therefore affiliates of

ATN Cable. ATN Cable further specified in the Application that it will

          operate and have exclusive control over the VILink System, including its landing
          points which consist of beach manholes. ATN Cable may rely on its direct parent
          company ATN and/or its USVI sister company Viya to obtain certain real estate,
          easements, or other access rights from third parties in connection with the
          construction of the VILink System, but ATN Cable will lease any such third party
          rights from ATN and/or Viya. Further, ATN Cable, and not ATN or Viya, will
          exclusively control the operation of all VILink System landing stations.3

ATN Cable herein provides additional information about the ownership and control of its

proposed VILink System facilities and the underlying land on which the VILink System landing

stations will be located.

          ATN Cable anticipates that Viya will lease the land under the Nazareth BMH vault on St.

Thomas from Marriott for a 25-year term, and Viya will sublet access to the Nazareth BMH vault

real estate to ATN Cable for the same term. Similarly, Viya will lease the land under the

Christiansted BMH vault on St. Croix from the USVI government for a 25-year term, and Viya

will sublet access to the Christiansted BMH vault real estate to ATN Cable for the same term.

Viya, or one of its commonly controlled USVI affiliates, will own both beach manhole (“BMH”)

vaults, the fiber backhaul facilities from the BMH vaults to their respective landing stations, and

the Nazareth and Christiansted landing stations, which, as set forth above, are anticipated to be

located in Viya’s Nazareth and Christiansted central offices. Viya (or its affiliate), will lease, or

provide an indefeasible right of use (“IRU”) over, all of these facilities to ATN Cable for a 25-

year term. In turn, ATN Cable will own the submarine fiber route between the Nazareth and

Christiansted BMH vaults; sublet from Viya (or its affiliate) access to the BMH vaults, backhaul

    Id. at 9, n.12.


facilities, and landing stations; and own the transmission and electronic facilities located at both

BMH vaults and landing stations.

         As a result of the foregoing, all aspects of the VILink System will be owned by USVI

entities that are wholly owned subsidiaries of ATN (i.e., ATN Cable, Viya, or a Viya affiliate),

except the bare land underlying the BMH vaults, which will be leased. Further, ATN Cable will

exclusively operate and control the VILink System, and will have unfettered access to those

component facilities that it leases or IRUs from other commonly controlled ATN subsidiaries.

         To the extent that the Bureau staff believes that the foregoing ownership and control

structure for the components of the VILink System requires Viya or a Viya affiliate to be listed as

an applicant in the Application, ATN Cable respectfully requests a waiver of Section 1.767(h)(1)

to remain the sole submarine cable landing station licensee under the Application. ATN Cable

believes that such a waiver should not be required because all aspects of the VILink System will

be owned by commonly controlled affiliates of ATN Cable (other than the real estate underlying

the BMH vaults4) and exclusively controlled and operated by ATN Cable for the entire license


         However, if the Bureau staff disagrees, then ATN Cable notes that the FCC previously

has granted such a waiver of Section 1.767(h)(1) when a landing station is owned by an

  The Commission generally has not required a lessor of real estate underlying a BMH vault or
landing station to be an applicant in a submarine cable landing license. See, e.g., Actions Taken
Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd 1436 (IB 2017) (“DOCOMO
Grant”) (granting a submarine cable landing license, SCL-LIC-20160314-00008, to applicant
that leased the land for multiple cable landing stations without requiring the real estate lessor to
be an applicant and without requiring a waiver of 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(h)(1) in connection with
such land leases).
  See Actions Taken Under Cable Landing License Act, Public Notice, 32 FCC Rcd 348, 349 (IB
2017) (granting applicants a submarine cable landing license, SCL-LIC-20151104-00029, where
applicant Microsoft Infrastructure Group, LLC proposed to “lease and control the U.S. cable
landing station” without requiring a waiver under 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(h)(1) and without requiring
the cable landing station lessor to be listed as an applicant in the application).


unrelated third party and leased to, and controlled by, the applicant.6 As explained by the

Commission, “[t]he purpose of the 1.767(h)(l) requirement is to ensure that entities having a

significant ability to affect the operation of the cable system become licensees so that they are

subject to the conditions and responsibilities associated with the license.”7 As set forth above, in

this instance all VILink System component facilities that are not directly owned by ATN Cable

will be owned by its affiliates and therefore under common control with ATN Cable. Further,

ATN Cable will have unfettered access to and exclusive control of all such component facilities.

Consequently, the Application does not raise any of the concerns that were intended to be

addressed by Section 1.767(h)(l), and a waiver of this rule is appropriate under the instant



       As part of ATN Cable’s request for streamlined processing of its Application, ATN Cable

certified that the activities proposed in the Application comply with the enforceable policies of

the USVI’s Coastal Zone Management Program (“CZM Program”) and that such activities will

be conducted in a manner consistent with the CZM Program.8 Via this Supplement, ATN Cable

clarifies that the USVI’s CZM Program does not contain requirements related to submarine

cables. The only landing locations for the VILink System are in the USVI. Therefore, neither the

Coastal Zone Management Act nor the USVI CZM Program create any additional requirements

  See, e.g., DOCOMO Grant, 32 FCC Rcd at 1437-38 (granting a waiver of 47 C.F.R. §
1.767(h)(1) with respect to submarine cable landing license SCL-LIC-20160314-00008 where
the applicant, DOCOMO Pacific, Inc., entered into an agreement with a third party, Tata
Communications (America) Inc. (“Tata”), for an IRU to access Tata’s Piti, Guam BMH vault,
conduit connecting the BMH vault to a Tata-owned landing station, and the Tata landing station).
  DOCOMO Grant, 32 FCC Rcd at 1438 (citing Review of Commission Consideration of
Applications under the Cable Landing License Act, Report and Order, 16 FCC Rcd 22167, 22194
¶¶ 53-54 (2001)).
  Application at 11-12.


or preconditions to the deployment by ATN Cable and the licensing by the Commission of the

VILink System. ATN Cable reiterates that the proposed VILink System will have no foreign

country destination markets and therefore that ATN Cable has no affiliation with a foreign

carrier in any of the VILink System’s destination markets. Given these facts, ATN Cable renews

its request for streamlined processing of the Application under Section 1.767(k) of the

Commission’s rules.9


          For the foregoing reasons, ATN Cable respectfully submits that the public interest,

convenience, and necessity would be furthered by the streamlined grant of the Application.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           ATN Undersea Cable Corporation,
                                           by its parent company ATN International, Inc.

                                           By: /s/ Douglas J. Minster
                                               Douglas J. Minster
                                               Vice President, Government and Regulatory Affairs
                                               ATN International, Inc.
                                               500 Cummings Center, Suite 2450
                                               Beverly, MA 01915
                                               (978) 619-1303

                                               Phillip R. Marchesiello
                                               Erin M. Griffith
                                               Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
                                               1800 M Street, N.W., Suite 800N
                                               Washington, DC 20036
                                               (202) 783-4141

                                               Counsel for ATN Undersea Cable Corporation and
                                               ATN International, Inc.
Date: July 9, 2018

    47 C.F.R. § 1.767(k).



I hereby depose and state under penalty of perjury as follows:

I, Brad Martin, am President of ATN Undersea Cable Corporation and Executive Vice President
of Operations for its parent company, ATN International, Inc. I am authorized to enter this
certification on behalf of ATN Undersea Cable Corporation. All of the factual information
contained in this Application and the Exhibits hereto are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief.

                                                By: /s/ Brad Martin

                                                Name:    Brad Martin
                                                Title:   President of ATN Undersea Cable
                                                         Corporation and Executive Vice
                                                         President of its parent company, ATN
                                                         International, Inc.
                                                Address: ATN Undersea Cable Corporation
                                                         c/o ATN International, Inc.
                                                         500 Cummings Center, Suite 2450
                                                         Beverly, MA 01915
                                                Phone: (978) 619-1300

                                                Date: July 9, 2018


                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing document was served this date upon the

Marlene Dortch                                 U.S. Coordinator
Secretary                                      EB/CIP
Federal Communications Commission445           U.S. Department of State
12th Street, S.W.                              2201 C Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20554                           Washington, DC 20520-5818
(via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)   (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)

Denise Coca                                    Office of Chief Counsel/NTIA
International Bureau                           U.S. Department of Commerce
Federal Communications Commission              14th Street and Constitution Ave., N.W.
445 12th Street, S.W.                          Washington, DC 20230
Washington, DC 20554                           (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
(via electronic mail to

David Krech                                    Defense Information Systems Agency
International Bureau                           Attn: GC/DO1
Federal Communications Commission              6910 Cooper Avenue
445 12th Street, S.W.                          Fort Meade, MD 20755-7088
Washington, DC 20554                           (via first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid)
(via electronic mail to

Arthur Lechtmen
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554
(via electronic mail to

                                                   /s/ Theresa Edwards
                                                   Name: Theresa Edwards

July 9, 2018


Document Created: 1900-04-10 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1900-04-10 00:00:00

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