Attachment SCL Application

This document pretains to SCL-LIC-20100914-00021 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                    Before the
                                  Washington, D.C.

In the Matter of

UNITED UTILITIES, INC., and                           File No. SCL-LIC-2010-____________

Application for a License to Land and Operate
a Private Fiber-Optic Cable System between
Williamsport and Homer, Alaska, for



       United Utilities, Inc. (“UUI,” FCC Registration Number 0001571561) and GCI

Communication Corp. (“GCIC,” FCC Registration Number 0001568880) (together,

“Applicants”) hereby apply for a license to land and operate in the United States a private fiber-

optic submarine cable system traversing Cook Inlet to connect the Alaska communities of

Williamsport and Homer, Alaska. This non-common carrier cable system will be known as the

Cook Inlet Segment of TERRA-SW.1 UUI will own and operate the marine portion of the Cook

Inlet Segment, while GCIC will own and operate the cable station at existing facilities in Homer.

Both UUI and GCIC are subsidiaries of General Communication, Inc. (“GCI Parent”). UUI will

    The Cook Inlet Segment is one component of the larger TERRA-SW project. TERRA-SW is
    a hybrid-fiber/microwave network connecting 65 villages throughout southwest Alaska to
    each other, to existing Alaskan fiber networks, and to the global Internet.

make capacity on the Cook Inlet Segment available to customers on an indefeasible right-of-use

(“IRU”) or leased-capacity basis, on terms tailored to those customers’ particular needs. UUI

intends to begin operation of the Cook Inlet Segment in the third quarter of 2011. The

Applicants request streamlined processing for this application, as it raises no foreign ownership,

competition, or other public-interest concerns.

        A grant of this application will advance the public interest. The Cook Inlet Segment will

connect UUI’s TERRA-SW network to GCIC’s existing undersea cable network, providing true

broadband to a vast portion of Southwest Alaska that currently relies on satellite links, which

suffer from propagation delays. In addition, existing satellite links are capacity-constrained. The

Cook Inlet Segment will allow customers to access a state-of-the-art system and provide much-

needed high-speed capacity in Southwestern Alaska.


        In accordance with Section 1.767 of the Commission’s rules and Executive Order No.

10,530, the Applicants submit the following information:

                (1)    Applicants’ Names, Addresses and Telephone Numbers2

        The name, address, and telephone number of UUI and GCIC are, respectively:

                       GCI COMMUNICATION CORP.
                       2550 Denali Street
                       Suite 1000
                       Anchorage, Alaska 99503
                       +1 907 265 5600 tel
                       +1 907 265 5676 fax


     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(1).


                       UNITED UTILITIES, INC.
                       5450 A St.
                       Anchorage, Alaska 99518
                       +1 907 561-1674

               (2)     Applicants’ Incorporations3

       GCIC and UUI both are corporations organized under the laws of the State of Alaska.

               (3)     Contact Information4

       The Commission should address correspondence regarding this application to:

                       Christopher P. Nierman
                       Director, Federal Regulatory Affairs
                       GCI COMMUNICATION CORP.
                       1350 I Street, N.W., Suite 1260
                       Washington, D.C. 20005
                       +1 202 457 8815 tel
                       +1 202 457 8816 fax

                       with a copy to:

                       Kent D. Bressie
                       WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP
                       1200 18th Street, N.W., Suite 1200
                       Washington, D.C. 20036-2560
                       +1 202 730 1337 tel
                       +1 202 730 1301 fax

                       Counsel for United Utilities, Inc., and
                       GCI Communication Corp.

               (4)     System Description5

       The Cook Inlet Segment will be a digital fiber-optic system connecting Williamsport and

Homer, on opposite sides of the Cook Inlet in south-central Alaska. The segment will consist of

    See id., § 1.767(a)(2).
    See id., § 1.767(a)(3).
    See id., § 1.767(a)(4).


24 fibers (12 fiber pairs), with an initial capacity of OC-48, upgradeable to OC-192. At

Williamsport, the Cook Inlet Segment will terminate at a splice point with terrestrial facilities,

and there will be no cable station. At Homer, the Cook Inlet Segment will terminate at a cable

station to be housed in existing GCIC facilities. Exhibit A of this application provides a route

map showing the routing of the Cook Inlet Segment.

          The Applicants anticipate that the Cook Inlet Segment will enter into commercial service

in the third quarter of 2011.

                 (5)      Landing Points6

          Below, the Applicants provide specific location information for the beach manholes, the

Williamsport splice point, and the Homer cable station for the Cook Inlet Segment’s landing


             1. Williamsport

                 •     Beach manhole:   59º 41.07’ N Latitude, 153º 37.86’ W Longitude

                 •     Splice point:    same

             2. Homer

                 •     Beach manhole:   59º 38.38’ N Latitude, 151º 32.83’ W Longitude

                 •     Cable Station:   59º 38.50' N Latitude, 151º 32.88' W Longitude

                                        GCI Facilities
                                        3541 Greatland Street
                                        Homer, AK 99603-7845
                                        (907) 235-6366

Maps of these specific landing points are provided in Exhibit B to this application.

    See id., § 1.767(a)(5).


                (6)     Regulatory Status7

        UUI will operate the Cook Inlet Segment on a non-common carrier basis. Non-common

carrier status of the proposed system is consistent with established Commission policy and

judicial precedent, and will advance the public interest.

        First, the Commission should not subject the Cook Inlet Segment to common carrier

regulation because the Cook Inlet Segment will not operate on a common carrier basis as defined

in NARUC I.8 The courts have stated that “[t]he primary sine qua non of common carrier status

is a quasi-public character, which arises out of the undertaking ‘to carry for all people

indifferently.’”9 On the Cook Inlet Segment, however, UUI will not sell capacity indifferently to

the user public. Instead, UUI will provide bulk capacity to particular users—including common

carriers, carrier consortia, and large end users—who will be able to obtain capacity on the system

through IRUs and capacity leases. Capacity on the Cook Inlet Segment will be assigned

pursuant to individualized decisions, depending on the characteristics and needs of the particular

capacity purchaser. The Commission has previously found that such offerings do not make an

applicant a common carrier.10

     See id., § 1.767(a)(6).
     See National Ass’n of Regulatory Utility Commissioners v. FCC, 525 F.2d 630, 642 (D.C.
     Cir.) (“NARUC I”) (stating that the court must inquire “whether there are reasons implicit in
     the nature of . . . [the] operations to expect an indifferent holding out to the eligible user
     public”), cert. denied, 425 U.S. 992 (1976). See also Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. v. FCC,
     198 F.3d 921 (D.C. Cir. 1999) (affirming FCC’s use of NARUC I test for distinguishing
     common carrier and private carrier services following enactment of the Telecommunications
     Act of 1996).
     National Ass’n of Regulatory Utility Commissioners v. FCC, 533 F.2d 601, 608 (D.C. Cir.
     1976) (“NARUC II”).
     See AT&T Corp. et. al, Cable Landing License, 13 FCC Rcd. 16,232, 16,238 (Int’l Bur.
     1998) (“China-U.S. Cable Order”) (finding that individualized decisions concerning the sale
     or lease of capacity on the China-U.S. Cable Network would not constitute the effective
     provision of a service to the public so as to make the applicant a common carrier); AT&T


        Second, the Commission should not subject the Cook Inlet Segment to common carrier

regulation because there is no legal compulsion or other public interest reason for UUI to operate

the Cook Inlet Segment in such a manner. Under the NARUC I test, the Commission must

determine whether the public interest requires common carrier operation of the cable system.11

Traditionally, the Commission has focused on whether the applicant has sufficient market power

to warrant common carrier regulation.12 The Cook Inlet Segment poses no such competitive


        On the Southwestern Alaska route, UUI will compete vigorously with existing providers

in the region, who rely on a combination of satellite and terrestrial facilities:

            •   AT&T Alascom, which provides high-speed Internet to Aniak;

            •   Bristol Bay Telephone Co-op, which provides narrowband service to Ekwok,

                Iguigig, King Salmon, Koliganek, Levelock, Naknek, New Stuyahok, South

                Naknek, Tununak, and Upper Kalskag;

            •   Bush-Tell, which provides narrowband service to Aniak, Anvik, Grayling, Holy

                Cross, Lower Kalskag, Shageluk, and Upper Kalskag;

            •   Nushagak Telephone Co-op, which provides narrowband service to Aleknagik,

                Clark’s Point, Dillingham, and Manokotak; and

            •   TelAlaska, which provides narrowband service to Iliamna.

     Submarine Systems, Inc., 11 FCC Rcd. 14,885, 14,904 (Int’l Bur. 1996) (“St. Thomas-St.
     Croix Cable Order”) (finding that an “offer of access, nondiscriminatory terms and
     conditions and market pricing of IRUs does not rise to the level of an ‘indiscriminate’
     offering” so as to constitute common carriage), aff’d 13 FCC Rcd. 21,585 (1998), aff’d sub.
     nom Virgin Islands Telephone Corp. v. FCC, 198 F.3d 921 (D.C. Cir. 1999).
     NARUC I, 525 F.2d at 642 (stating that the court must inquire “whether there will be any
     legal compulsion . . . to serve [the public] indifferently”).
     See St. Thomas-St. Croix Cable Order, 11 FCC Rcd. at 14,893.


The Commission has previously found the existence of intermodal competition sufficient to

justify non-common carrier status for an undersea cable system.13

        UUI’s intended operation of the Cook Inlet Segment is consistent with the Commission’s

long-standing policy to encourage competition through private submarine cable transmissions,

pursuant to which the Commission has granted numerous cable landing licenses. As the

Commission noted in drawing an analogy between its private cable policy and its policy of

allowing the private sale of domestic satellite transponders, the operation and sale of capacity on

a non-common-carrier cable:

                would (1) permit the providers of capacity to make tailored and
                flexible arrangements with customers that are not possible under
                the regimen of a tariffed service offering, (2) enable customers to
                make long-term plans for the use of facilities with assurance as to
                facility availability and price, (3) permit systems to be specifically
                designed to customer needs, and (4) result in positive market
                development for new and innovative service offerings.

                (7)     Cable Ownership Information14

        UUI will own and operate the wet link of the Cook Inlet Segment, as well as the cable

facilities at Williamsport. GCIC will own and operate the cable station at existing facilities at


                (8)     Corporate Control and Affiliate Information15

        The Applicants submit the following information specified in Sections 63.18(h) through

(k) and Section 63.18(o) of the Commission’s rules:

     See, e.g., General Communication, Inc., Cable Landing License, 12 FCC Rcd. 18,292,
     18,297 ¶ 16 (Int’l Bur. 1999) (noting that existing terrestrial microwave and satellite facilities
     provided competition on the proposed route of GCI’s Alaska United East system), aff’d,
     Order on Review, 16 FCC Rcd. 4314 (2001) (“AU-East Order on Review”) .
     See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a)(7).
     See id., § 1.767(a)(8).


                        (i)     Certification Regarding Ownership, Citizenship, Principal
                                Businesses, and Interlocking Directorates16

         By the signature below, the Applicants certify to the following.

         United Utilities, Inc., is a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of GCIC. Its address is as


                        5450 A St.
                        Anchorage, Alaska 99518

         GCIC is a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of GCI Holdings, Inc., a corporation

organized under the laws of the State of Alaska and engaged in the business of

telecommunications. GCI Holdings, Inc. is a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of GCI, Inc., a

corporation organized under the laws of the State of Alaska and engaged in the business of

telecommunications. GCI, Inc., is a direct, wholly-owned subsidiary of GCI Parent, a

corporation organized under the laws of the State of Alaska and engaged in the business of

telecommunications. GCIC, GCI Holdings, Inc., GCI, Inc., and GCI Parent all share the same


                        2550 Denali Street
                        Suite 1000
                        Anchorage, Alaska 99503

GCI Parent’s shares trade publicly on the NASDAQ exchange under the symbol GNCMA and

are widely held. GCI Parent has only two 10-percent-or-greater direct or indirect shareholders:

     •   John W. Stanton and Theresa E. Gillespie, who are husband and wife and own, as tenants

         in common, 40.1 percent of GCI Parent’s outstanding Class B common shares and 4.8

         percent of GCI Parent’s outstanding Class A shares. On a fully-diluted basis across all

         share classes, this gives Mr. Stanton and Ms. Gillespie an 18.3-percent voting interest and

     See id., § 63.18(h).


         a 6.9-percent equity interest in GCI Parent. Both Mr. Stanton and Ms. Gillespie are U.S.

         citizens. Mr. Stanton and Ms. Gillespie are both Managing Directors of, and investors in,

         Trilogy Equity Partners LLC, a venture-capital firm focused on the telecommunications

         and technology sectors. The address of Mr. Stanton and Ms. Gillespie is:

                         P.O. Box 53508
                         Bellevue, Washington 98015

     •   Arctic Slope Regional Corp., which owns 14.4 percent of GCI Parent’s Class A shares.

         On a fully-diluted basis across all share classes, this gives Arctic Slope Regional Corp. a

         9-percent voting interest and a 13.6-percent equity interest in GCI Parent. Arctic Slope

         Regional Corp. is a private, for-profit Alaska corporation owned by Alaska Natives and

         representing the business interests of the Arctic Slope Inupiat. The address of its

         principal office is:

                         3900 C St. Suite 801
                         Anchorage, Alaska 99503

Neither UUI nor GCIC has any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

                         (ii)    Certification Regarding Foreign Carrier Status and Foreign

         By the signature below, each Applicant certifies that it is not a foreign carrier and is not

affiliated with any foreign carrier.

                         (iii)   Certification Regarding Destination Markets18

         By the signature below, each Applicant certifies to the following: (1) it is not a foreign

carrier in any country outside the United States; (2) it does not control a foreign carrier in any

other country; (3) no entity owning more than 25 percent of it or controlling it controls a foreign
     See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.767(a)(8), 63.18(i).
     See id. §§ 1.767(a)(8), 63.18(j).


carrier in any other country; and (4) no grouping of two or more foreign carriers (or parties that

control foreign carriers) own, in aggregate, more than 25 percent of it and are parties to, or

beneficiaries of, a contractual relation affecting the provision or marketing of international basic

telecommunications services in the United States.

                         (iv)     Certification Regarding WTO Status, Market Power, and the
                                  Effective Competitive Opportunities Test19

         As neither Applicant has made an affirmative certification in response to Section 63.18(j)

of the Commission’s rules, the Applicants need not make a showing under Section 63.18(k) of

the Commission’s rules.

                         (v)      Certification Regarding the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 198820

         By the signature below, the Applicants certify that no party to this application is subject

to a denial of federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-

Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

                 (9)     Certification Regarding Routine Conditions Set Forth in Section
                         1.767(g) of the Commission’s Rules21

         By the signature below, each Applicants certifies that it accepts and will abide by the

routine conditions specified in Section 1.767(g) of the Commission’s rules.


         Pursuant to Section 1.767(j) of the Commission’s rules,22 the Applicants have sent a

complete copy of this application to the U.S. Department of State, the U.S. Department of

      See id. §§ 1.767(a)(8), 63.18(k).
      See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.767(a)(8), 63.18(o).
      See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.767(a)(9), (g).
      See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j).


Commerce, and the Defense Information Systems Agency. The Applicants certified such service

in the certificate of service attached to this application.


          Pursuant to Section 1.767(k) of the Commission’s rules,23 the Applicants request

streamlined processing for this application, as the application clearly qualifies for such

processing. This application raises no foreign ownership, competition, or public interest

concerns that would merit consideration outside the Commission’s streamlined review process.

The Applicants certified above that they are not foreign carriers and that they are not affiliated

with any foreign carrier in any of the cable’s destination markets.24 By the signature below, the

Applicants certify that they are aware of and will comply with the requirements of the Coastal

Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended (“CZMA”), and the National Oceanic and

Atmospheric Administration’s CZMA implementing rules, codified at 15 C.F.R. Part 930

Subpart D, although the Commission’s new certification requirement in Section 1.767(k)(4) is

not yet effective.25

       See id. § 1.767(k).
       See id. § 1.767(k)(1).
       See Federal Communications Commission, Modification of the Rules and Procedures
       Governing the Provision of International Telecommunications Service, Notice of Final Rule,
       72 Fed. Reg. 54,365 (Sept. 25, 2007) (establishing an effective date of October 25, 2007, for
       the note to Section 1.767(a)(10) but not Section 1.767(k)(4), which remains subject to
       approval by the Office of Management and Budget). In certifying its compliance with the
       CZMA, the Applicants do not concede that the legality or policy-appropriateness of the
       Commission’s new CZMA rules. The Applicants therefore makes this certification without
       prejudice to any further action that the North American Submarine Cable Association
       (“NASCA”) may take with respect to the Commission’s CZMA-related findings,
       conclusions, and rules adopted in the Commission’s Report and Order, FCC 07-118, in IB
       Docket No. 04-47 (released June 22, 2007). The Applicants’ affiliate Alaska United Fiber
       System Partnership is a NASCA member.



       For the foregoing reasons, the Commission should expeditiously grant this application

pursuant to streamlined processing.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             UNITED UTILITIES, INC.
                                             GCI COMMUNICATION CORP.

                                             /s/ Tina Pidgeon

Kent D. Bressie                              Tina Pidgeon
Mark Davis                                   Federal Regulatory Counsel, UUI
HARRIS, WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP              Vice President, Federal Regulatory Affairs, GCIC
1200 18th Street, N.W., Suite 1200           1350 I Street, N.W., Suite 1260
Washington, D.C. 20036-2560                  Washington, D.C. 20005
+1 202 730 1337 tel                          +1 202 457 8812 tel
Counsel for United Utilities, Inc., and
GCI Communication Corp.

14 September 2010



                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Kent D. Bressie, hereby certify that consistent with Section 1.767(j) of the

Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j), I have served copies of the foregoing Joint

Application for Cable Landing License of United Utilities, Inc., GCI Communication Corp. by

hand- or overnight delivery on this 14th day of September 2010, to the following:

                        Ambassador Philip L. Verveer
                        U.S. Coordinator
                        Int’l Communications & Information Policy
                        Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
                        U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                        EB/CIP : Room 4826
                        2201 C Street, N.W.
                        Washington, D.C. 20520-5818

                        Kathy Smith
                        Chief Counsel
                        U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/NTIA
                        14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                        Room 4713
                        Washington, D.C. 20230

                        Hillary Morgan
                        Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory &
                          International Law
                        Code RGC
                        701 South Courthouse Road
                        Arlington, Virginia 22204

                                             Kent D. Bressie

Exhibit A

                                         Cook Inlet Segment


Beach manhole: 59° 41.07’ N Latitude,
               153° 37.86’ W Longitude

Splice point:   same

                                                              HOMER LANDING

                                                              Beach manhole: 59° 38.38’ N Latitude,
                                                                             151° 32.83’ W Longitude

                                                              Cable station:   59° 38.50’ N Latitude,
                                                                               151° 32.88’ W Longitude

Exhibit B

Williamsport Landing Point

                     WILLIAMSPORT LANDING

                     Beach manhole:
                     59° 41.07’ N Latitude,
                     153° 37.86’ W Longitude

                     Splice point: same

                                                Homer Landing Point

                                           GCI Facilities
                                           3541 Greatland St.
                                           Homer, AK


Beach manhole: 59° 38.38’ N Latitude,
              151° 32.83’ W Longitude

Cable station:   59° 38.50’ N Latitude,
                 151° 32.88’ W Longitude

Document Created: 2010-09-14 08:35:40
Document Modified: 2010-09-14 08:35:40

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