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This document pretains to SCL-LIC-20050418-00010 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


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                                                                                            DA No. 05-2443
                                                                                         September 13, 2005


 Section 1.767(a) Cable Landing Licenses, Modifications, and Assignments or Transfers of Control
                   of Interests in Cable Landing Licenses (47 C.F.R. § 1.767(a))

                               Section 214 Application (47 C.F.R. § 63.18)
By the Chief, Policy Division, International Bureau:

Pursuant to An Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States, 47
U.S.C. §§ 34-39 (Cable Landing License Act), Executive Order No. 10530, Exec. Ord. No. 10530
reprinted as amended in 3 U.S.C. § 301, and section 1.767 of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767,
the following application IS GRANTED. This grant of authority is taken under section 0.261 of the
Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, and is effective upon release of this public notice. Petitions for
reconsideration under section 1.106 or applications for review under section 1.115 of the Commission’s
rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.106, 1.115, may be filed within 30 days of the date of this public notice.

LICENSE, or modification thereto, pursuant to the Cable Landing License Act and sections 1.767 and
1.768 of the Commission’s rules. Cable landing licensees should review carefully the terms and
conditions of their licenses. Failure to comply with these terms and conditions or relevant Commission
rules and policies could result in fines or forfeitures.

contains general and specific conditions, which are set forth below. Carriers should carefully review the
terms and conditions of their authorizations. Failure to comply with general or specific conditions of an
authorization, or with other relevant Commission rules and policies, could result in fines and forfeitures.

A current version of sections 1.767 and 1.768 of the rules is available on the FCC web site at: See also Review of Commission Consideration of
Applications under the Cable Landing License Act, IB Docket No. 00-106, FCC 01-332 (rel. Dec. 14,
2001), 67 Fed. Reg. 1615 (Jan. 14, 2002) available at .

A current version of Sections 63.09–.25 of the rules, and other related sections, is available at

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SCL-LIC-20050418-00010                   Global Caribbean Network (GCN)


Actions Taken: Grant of Cable Landing License to land and operate a fiber-optic submarine cable
system, the Global Caribbean Network (“GCN”) cable system, on a non-common carrier basis between
Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Saint Martin (Fr.), and St. Croix, and on a common carrier basis between
Puerto Rico and St. Barthélemy. Application for Cable Landing License – Streamlined Processing
Requested, File No. SCL-LIC-20050418-00010 (filed April 18, 2005) (“Application”); Supplement to
Application for Cable Landing License – Streamlined Processing Requested, File No. SCL-LIC-
20050418-00010 (filed April 29, 2005); Modification to Application for Cable Landing License, File No.
SCL-LIC-20050418-00010 (filed June 15, 2005) (“Modification”).

Grant of international section 214 authority to construct and operate a fiber-optic submarine cable system
on a common carrier basis between Puerto Rico and St. Barthélemy. Application for International
Section 214 Authorization – Streamlined Processing Requested, File No. ITC-214-20050623-00237 (e-
file) (filed June 23, 2005) (“International Section 214 Application”).

Acceptability for Filing Public Notices: Global Caribbean Network, Application for a License to Land
and Operate a Fiber-Optic Cable System, for the Global Caribbean Network Cable System, between
Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Saint Martin (Fr.), and St. Croix, on a Non-Common Carrier Basis, File No.
SCL-LIC-20050418-00010, Public Notice, Streamlined Submarine Cable Landing License Applications
Accepted for Filing, DA 05-1285 (Int’l Bur., May 4, 2005);

Global Caribbean Network, Application for Authority to Construct and Operate a Fiber-Optic Cable
System, for the Global Caribbean Network Cable System, between the U.S.-St. Barthélemy – on a
Common Carrier Basis, File No. ITC-214-20050623-00237, Public Notice, Streamlined International
Applications Accepted for Filing, Report No. TEL-00930S (Int’l Bur., July 22, 2005).

Conditions and Requirements: Global Caribbean Network SHALL COMPLY with the routine conditions
set out in section 1.767(g)(1)-(14) of the Commission’s rules. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g)(1)-(14).

ADDITIONALLY, application File No. ITC-214-20050623-00237 IS GRANTED, and GCN is
authorized, pursuant to Section 214 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, to: (1) construct,
acquire, and operate capacity in a fiber optic submarine cable system known as the Global Caribbean
Network between the United States and St. Barthélemy; (2) acquire by lease or other comparable means
such extension facilities as may be required to extend the capacity of the GCN system; and (3) activate
capacity in the GCN system and in the aforementioned facilities for the provision of its authorized

GCN shall make available half-interests in the GCN system capacity to such present and future U.S.
carriers as may be authorized by the Commission to acquire such capacity.

The Commission retains jurisdiction to reallocate U.S. carriers' interests in capacity herein authorized, as
the public interest may require and with any requisite concurrence of the foreign administration or carriers
concerned, in order to accommodate additional carriers or for other reasons.

The Commission retains jurisdiction over all matters relating to the GCN system's ownership,
management, maintenance, and operation of the cable system as authorized herein to ensure the most

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efficient use not only of this cable system but of all means of communications between the United States
and St. Barthélemy.

Licensee Information: GCN is a newly formed limited partnership headquartered in Guadeloupe and
organized under the laws of France. GCN’s majority holder, AutoGaudeloupe Investissement (“AGI”), a
public limited company organized under the laws of France, holds an 85% equity interest in GCN.
Semsamar and Mediaserv are the minority owners of GCN, holding a 10% and 5% interest, respectively.

The majority owner of AGI is S.A. L. Loret et Compagnie, also a public limited company organized
under the laws of France, which holds a 61.5% equity interest in AGI. The principal remaining owners of
AGI are two French citizens who own 21.79% and 12.4% equity interests in AGI, respectively.
Regulatory Status of Cable: Applicant proposes to operate on a non common-carrier basis between
Puerto Rico, Guadeloupe, Saint Martin (Fr.), and St. Croix. Application at 6. Applicant proposes to
operate on a common-carrier basis between the United States and St. Barthélemy. Modification at 1.

Cable Design and Capacity, Map, Cable Station Information, and Landing Point Notification: The
proposed GCN system will have six (6) landing points connecting San Juan, Puerto Rico; Baie-Mahault
and Baillif in Guadeloupe; Saint-Martin (Fr.); St. Barthélemy; and Frederiksted, St. Croix. (The specific
landing points are set out in the Application at 5-6.) The cable will have a capacity minimum of 30 Gbps
using one fiber pair. The proposed system will be comprised of 8 fiber pairs between Guadeloupe and
Saint-Martin, 8 fiber pairs between Saint-Martin and St. Barthélemy, 6 fiber pairs between Saint-Martin
and Puerto Rico, 2 fiber pairs between Saint Martin and St. Croix, 2 fiber pairs between St. Croix and
Puerto Rico. The applicants state that a potential additional segment under consideration would extend
the network to St. Kitts, St. Eustatius and Saba. Application at 4.

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Document Created: 2005-09-15 20:48:27
Document Modified: 2005-09-15 20:48:27

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