Sub cable in-service

LETTER submitted by CenturyLink

CTL Sub Cable In-service Letter (6.6.2018)


This document pretains to SCL-LIC-19990823-00015 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                                  June 6, 2018


Denise Coca
Chief, Telecommunications and Analysis Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, D.C. 20054

Re: Submarine Cable In-Service Dates

Dear Ms. Coca:

The in-service dates for the submarine cables to which CenturyLink or one of its wholly owned
subsidiaries is a licensee are as follows:

Cable                                     Authorization                       In-Service Date

Atlantic Crossing 1 (AC-1)                SCL-LIC-19970506-00003              May 1, 1998

Mid-Atlantic Crossing (MAC)               SCL-LIC-19981030-00023              June 1, 2000

Pan American Crossing (PAC)               SCL-LIC-19981103-00022              January 25, 2001

South American Crossing (SAC)             SCL-LIC-19990823-00015              September 1, 2000

Yellow                                    SCL-LIC-19990913-00019              November 1, 2000

Hawaii Island Fiber Network (HIFN)        SCL-LIC-19950627-00024              June 27, 1997

CenturyLink has uploaded a copy of the in-service letter for PAC via IBFS. Hawaiian Telecom, Inc.
separately filed an in-service notification for HIFN.1 Neither CenturyLink nor its outside counsel have
been able to locate copies of the in-service letters previously provided to the Commission for AC-1,
MAC, SAC, or Yellow, and while our records and Telegeography’s data indicate the month and year that

 See Letter from Steven P. Golden, Vice President, External Affairs, Hawaiian Telecom, Inc. to Tom Sullivan, Bureau
Chief, International Bureau, FCC, dated May 11, 2018, in File No. SLC-SCL-LIC-19950627-00024.

                                                                                             1099 New York Ave., Suite 250
                                                                                             Washington, DC, 20001
                                                                                             Tel: 571.730.6473

June 6, 2018
Page 2

those cables were placed into service, we do not have record of the day.2 We have therefore taken the
conservative approach and identified the first day of the month each of those cables was placed in
service as the in-service date.

Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions on this matter.

Best regards,

/s/ Nicholas G. Alexander

Nicholas G. Alexander
Associate General Counsel
CenturyLink, Inc.

cc: Angela DeMahy
    David Krech

    See Telegeography, Submarine Cable Map,

Document Created: 2018-06-06 15:14:41
Document Modified: 2018-06-06 15:14:41

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