Attachment Sprint Aug. 20 1999

Sprint Aug. 20 1999

LETTER submitted by Sprint

Sprint Aug. 20, 1999 Letter


This document pretains to SCL-LIC-19990303-00004 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


_A.         * t
_        rm                                                           1850 M Street NW, Suite 1100
 P     Sp                                                            Washington, DC 20036

                                      August   20,     1999

Joanna S. Lowry, Esq.
Chief, Policy and Facilities Branch
Telecommunications         Division                               AUG 2 0
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
Washington,       D.C.   20554

Dear Ms.       Lowry:

         Re:    SCL—LIC—19990303—00004       (TAT—14    Submarine Cable Network)

In response.toyC            question about the above—captioned
application, AT&T Corp., GTE Intelligent Network Services, Inc.,
and MCI WorldCom, Inc. (the "Applicants") respectfully provide the
following information.  None of the Applicants is affiliated with
a carrier designated by the Commission as presumptively dominant‘
in those foreign countries where the TAT—14 submarine cable
network will land.

The Applicants urge that you act quickly and favorably on their
unopposed application.  Should you have any questions, please do
not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (202) 828—7402.


                                         /       .            /
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                                       Kent Y. Nakamura
                                       Attorney for the Joint Applicants

cce:     Applicants

     A list of presumptively dominant foreign carriers is maintained by the
International Bureau on its website at the following URL:

bttp://www.fcec.goev/Bureaus/International/Public Notices/1999/da990809.txt .

Document Created: 2016-12-21 16:55:39
Document Modified: 2016-12-21 16:55:39

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