Attachment Letter dtd 4.9.09

Letter dtd 4.9.09

LETTER submitted by James J. R. Talbot

Retirement Letter dtd 4.9.09


This document pretains to SCL-LIC-19921110-00002 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                           James J.R. Talbot                               1120 20 Street NW
                                           General Attorney                                Suite 1000
          at&'t                                                                            Washington, DC 20036
                                                                                           202—457—3048 (phone)
                                                                                           202—457—3073 (fax)

      |                                                    APR 3 6               _4
April 9, 2009                                                  Policy Liv.c.on

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                    international Bure@u           FJL[ED/ACCEPTED
Secretary                                                                                            _
Federal Communications Commission                                                            APR =—9 2008
445 Twelfth Street, SW                                                                Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                            Office of the Secretary
Washington, DC 20554

Attention: International Bureau.

Re:       Retirement of Non—U.S. Sections of Americas—I & Columbus—II Submarine Cables, SCL—
          93—001 & SCL—93—002.

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        AT&T Corp. provides notification that the non—U.S. sections of the Americas—I and
Columbus—II submarine cable systems, File Nos. SCL—93—001 and SCL—93—002, will be retired
from service on June 30, 2009. The only continuing operational sections of these cables after
June 30, 2009 will be as follows: on Americas—I, the cable stations at Vero Beach, FL and
Magens Bay, VI and the submarine cable linking those two stations (Segments N, Tl & T2); and
on Columbus—II, the cable stations at West Palm, FL and Magens Bay, VI and the submarine
cable linking those two stations (Segments B, T2 & T3).

       This action was agreed by the General Committee for this cable system on June 6, 2008,
following receipt of the required owner approvals. Notification was provided to owners of IRUs
on these cables on June 30, 2008.

          Please contact the undersigned with any questions regarding this matter.

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                                                James J.R. Talbot
                                                General Attorney

Document Created: 2019-04-11 21:29:31
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 21:29:31

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