Attachment DA 93-1274.pdf

DA 93-1274.pdf

ORDER submitted by FCC

DA 93-1274


This document pretains to SCL-LIC-19921015-00008 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


8 FCC Red No.22                     Federal Communications Commission Record                                                DA 93-1274

                                                                          trum allocated by the Commission, using present or
                        Before the                                        anticipated technology. The applicant states that the HTC
            Federal Communications Commission                             Interisland Cable will enable it to respond to increased
                  Washington, D.C. 20554                                  demand and will increase service reliability by adding a
                                                                          diverse route via a digital facility. HTC further notes that
                                                                          service reliability will be increased because fiber optic sys-
  In the Matter of                                                        tems are inherently immune to adverse atmospheric con-
                                                                          ditions which may interfere with present interisland radio
  GTE HAWAIIAN                           File No. S-C-L-93-003            communications.
                                                                             4. By letter dated October 5, 1993, the State Department
                                                                          informed the Commission that it has no objection to the
  COMPANY                                                                 application to land and operate the HTC lnterisland Cable
                                                                          system.' Upon consideration of the factors set forth in the
  Application for a license to Land                                       subject application and in view of the State Department's
  and Operate a High Capacity                                             October 5, 1993 letter, we find that a grant of a cable
  Digital Submarine Cable System                                          landing license for the HTC Interisland Cable will serve
  wholly within the State of Hawaii,                                      the public interest.
  linking the islands of Kauai,                                              5. Based on the information provided by the Applicant,
                                                                          we conclude that a grant of the requested authorization
  Oahu, Maui and Hawaii                                                   will not have a significant effect on the environment as
                                                                          defined by Section 1.1307 of the Commission's Rules and
                                                                          Regulations implementing the National Environmental
                CABLE LANDING LICENSE                                     Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. §4321-4335 (1976). Con-
                                                                          sequently, HTC is not required to submit an environmental
Adopted: October 19, 1993;         Released: October 26, 1993             assessment with the subject application under Section 1.3 11
                                                                          of the Commission's Rules.
  By the Acting Chief, Common Carrier Bureau:                                6. In light of the above considerations, the Commission
                                                                          hereby GRANTS AND ISSUES, under the provisions of
   1. GTE Hawaiian Telephone Company (HTC or Ap-                          "An Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Subma-
plicant) has applied for a license pursuant to the provisions             rine Cables in the United States," 47 U.S.C. § 34-39, and
of an "An Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of                    pursuant to the authority delegated to this Commission
Submarine Cables in the United States," 47 U.S.C. §34-39.                 under Executive Order 10530, dated May 10, 1954, 3
HTC seeks authority to land and operate a high capacity                   C.F.R. 1954-1958, Comp., p. 189 (1961), reprinted in 3
digital submarine cable system, known as the HTC                          U.S.C.A. § 301 at p. 1052 (1985), to the Applicant herein a
Interisland Cable, between and among islands in the State                 license to land and operate a high-capacity fiber optic
of Hawaii. The application was placed on public notice on                 digital submarine cable having the •capacity specified in
November 25, 1992. No comments were received in re-                       paragraph 2, supra, between the Islands of Hawaii, Maui,
sponse to the application.                                                Oahu and Kauai. This license is subject to "An Act Relat-
   2. The HTC Interisland Cable will be located wholly                    ing to the Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in
within the State of Hawaii, linking the islands of Kauai,                 the United States," 47 U.S.C. § 34-39; the Communica-
Oahu, Maui and Hawaii. The HTC Interisland Cable will                     tions Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. § 151-609;
be a high capacity, fiber optic, lightguide submarine cable               subsequent applicable acts; all relevant rules and regula-
system with a design capacity equivalent to 24,192 digital                tions of the Federal Communications Commission; any
channels of 64 kilobits per second each. The HTC                          treaties or conventions relating to communications to
Interisland Cable will be repeaterless.                                   which the United States of America is or may hereafter
  3. The HTC Interisland Cable will be used to provide                    become a party; any actions by the Commission or the
HTC's authorized communication services between the                       Congress of the United States of America rescinding,
four most populated islands in the State of Hawaii. Traffic               changing, modifying or amending any rights accruing to
between the islands is currently being carried on micro-                  any person hereunder; and the following conditions:
wave radio systems which ETC states are reaching their
capacity and cannot meet projected customer demand.                          (1) The location of the cable within the territorial
Upon completion of the HTC Interisland Cable. HTC states                     waters of the United States of America, its territories
that existing traffic will be transferred to the fiber optic                 and possessions, and upon the foreshOre thereof, shall
cable system from the existing microwave system, which                       be in conformity with plans approved by the Sec-
will be retained for route diversity and back-up. According                  retary o the Army, and the cable shall be moved or
to the Applicant, there has been a dramatic increase in                      shifted by the Licensee at its expense upon the re-
telephone subscribers in the State of Hawaii. In addition,                   quest of the Secretary of the Army whenever he or
anticipated near-term demand for high bandwidth video                        she considers such course necessary in the public
and data communication service to Maui and Hawaii can-
not effectively be met with the existing microwave spec-

    The State Department's letter stated that the correspondence
 to the Commission had been coordinated with the National
 Telecommunications and Information Administration and with
 the Defense Information Systems Agency.


    93- 1274                     Federal Communications Commission Record                                  s FCC Red N. 22

   Interest, for reasons of national defense, or for the             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
   maintenance or improvement of harbors for naviga-
   tional purposes;
   (2) The Licensee shall at all times comply with any
   requirements     of    United    States   Government
   authorities regarding the location and concealment of             Kathleen B. Levitz
   the cable facilities, buildings, and apparatus with a             Acting Chief, Common Carrier Bureau
   view to protecting and safeguarding the cable from
   injury or destruction by enemies of the United States
   of America;
  (3) The Licensee or any persons or companies con-
  trolling it or controlled by it does not enjoy and. shall
  not acquire any right, for the purpose of handling
  traffic to or from the United States, its territories or
  possessions, to land, connect or operate cables or
  landlines, to construct or operate radio stations, or to
  interchange traffic, which is denied to any other
  United States company by reason of any concession,
  contract, understanding, or working arrangement to
  which the Licensee or any persons or companies
  controlling it or controlled by it are parties;
  (4) Neither this license, nor the rights granted herein,
  shall be transferred, assigned, or in any manner ei-
  ther voluntarily or involuntarily disposed of or
  disposed of indirectly by transfer of control of the
  Licensee to any persons, unless the Federal Commu-
  nications Commission shall give prior consent in
  (5) This license is revocable after due notice and
  opportunity for hearing by the Federal Communica-
  tions Commission in the event of breach or
  nonfulfillment of any requirements specified in Sec-
  tiOn 2 of "An Act Relating to the Landing and op-
  eration of Submarine Cables in the United States," 47
  U.S.C. § 34-39, or for failure to comply with the
  terms of the authorization;
  (6) The Licensee shall notify the Commission in
  writing of the date on which the cable is placed in
  service; and this license shall expire 25 years from
  that date, unless renewed or extended upon proper
  applications duly filed no less than six months prior
  to the expiration date; and, upon expiration of the
  license, all rights granted under it shall be termi-
  nated; and
  (7) The terms and conditions upon which this license
  is given shall be accepted by the Licensee by filing a
  letter with the Secretary, Federal Communications
  Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554, within 30 days
  of the release of this order.

   7. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT any use of the
HTC Interisland Cable for international communications
will require a new Section 214 application.
   8. This order is issued under Section 0.291 of the Com-
mission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 0.291. and is effective upon
adoption. Petitions for reconsideration under Section 1.106
or applications for review under Section 1.115 of the Com-
mission's Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.106. 1.115, may be filed
within 30 days of public notice of this order (see Section


Document Created: 2011-01-05 11:38:56
Document Modified: 2011-01-05 11:38:56

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