NOTICE submitted by PTI Pacifica Inc.



This document pretains to SCL-LIC-19921015-00007 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.



                                                 May 2, 2018

   Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
   Rederal Communications Commission
   445 12® Street, SW.
   Washington, D.C. 20554
          Re: Section 1.767(¢)(15) in—service notifleation for PTI Pacifica,Inc.
          Submarine Cable License SCL—L1C—19921015—00007(formerly SCL—92—003)
   Dear Ms. Dortch
          This letter is submitted on behalf of P! Pacifica,Inc. (°PTI Pacifica®),
   formerly known as GTE Pacifica Inc.("CTE Pacifea®), PTI Pacificais the licensee of
   the above—referenced submarine cable lcense linking the islands of Saipan, Tinian
   and Rota in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands ("CNMI®) to the US.
   Territory of Guam. The license initially was granted to the Micronesian
   Telecommunications Corporation (°MTC") on February 3, 1993, when MTC was
   ultimately owned by GTE Corporation !
           The ECC granted the proforma assignment of the submarine cable license
   from MTC to its wholly—owned subsidiary GTE Pacifica on December 18, 1997
   Control of MTC and GTE Pacifica was transferred to Verizon after the FCC approved
   of Verizon‘s acquisition of GTE in 2000 The FCC subsequently approved the
   transfer of control of MTC and GTE Pacifica from Vertzon subsidiary Rell Atlantic
   New Zealand Holdings,Inc. to Pacific Telecom 2003," although the transaction
   !Meronesnn Telocommunieatons Corporation, Appierionfo a Lcene o Land and Opernea High
   Cipssly DighalSvbmarie Cable Systom Extending Betweenthe Commonsenlh of e Notbers Marans
   Islande and Guam, Cable Landing Lleene, 3 FCC Red 748 (CCB 1993),
   "1nre Appleation ofGTE Corportion, Tresternand Bell Aintis Copmotion, Transtiree;For Consent
   to Trissfer Contlof Domestiand rtetional Setion 214 ind 310 Authorizatons and Appleaton to
   ‘Temisfr Conseofx Submarinc Cible Landing Licnse, Memorendim Opirion and Orde, 13 RCC Red
   raoae @000
   * Bel Alotc New ZealanHoldingsTo.,Transiroand Pasife Telom In, Trnsfree, Applcalons
   for Consentto Tanifs Contal o SubmrineCableLading Licene, etonationaland DomenticSecton
   218 Authorsatons, a ColilerRdiarelephons Liceme, Common Carier and Non—Common Cariee
   Saete Earth Setion Licenes,and a Pertion for Decleatory Rulim Pursunt t Seion 3100X6)of he
   Communicatons Act, Ordern Authoriaton, 18 FCC Red 23180 (2005)

122 W Wavon InscurmtA Temei.Goun ts To mt so zm+1 o ons ses


   did not close until September 20, 200. The name of the submarine cable licensee
   was chaniged from GTE Pacifica to PT! Pacifica in 2006 MTC and PTI Pacifica each
   now do business underthe trade name IT&E.
          in compliance with the Internattonal Bureau‘s request, PTI Pacifica has
   looked for the lettor that GTE Corporation filed to notify the RCC of the date that the
   cable was put into service but has been unable to find a copy. That date is used to
   calculate the 25—year lcense term for the cable license
           in response to the International Bureau‘s request, however, we are
   submiting this etter and attachments demonstrating the in—service date. PTI
   Pacifica has found contemporaneous documentation that the finalbeach joint of the
   submarine cable was completed on February 13, 1997, thereby providing optical
   continulty among terminal stations on all islands for the frst time,* With an fn—
   service date of February 13, 1997, the expiration date of the submarine cable license
   should be no earlier than Pebruary 13, 2022. Assuming that the cable is still
   operational at that time, PTI Pacifica (or ts successor) willfile a renewal application
   in advance of that date in accordance with then—applicable rules and procedures.
          Please contact PTI Pacifica‘s outside counsel, Timothy J. Cooney, at 202—303—
   3361 or ifyou have any questions.

                                                      Steven Carrara
                                                      General Counsel

   " Seeneettolist pageofhe atchment

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    VOLUME 1

             Y             Alcatel Submarine               INSTALLATION
                                 Networks                  DEPARTMENT
 ALCATEL                          Limited                  DOCUMENT
 SUBMARINE NETWORKS                 on



 Tssur                   Date                                          DoC. REF:
         1                  2537              l                     mst. 10381s0w


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                        Please refer allqueries to the originator

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            Isue            Date       Comments
              1         7th May 1997   First Isue

wnonmmincam curmsverem                                            many mt
Mmtmmatetatrens                                                      Tnous

1. Infroduction

     MTC fibre cable system is an infer stand network linking the islands of Guam,
     Roto, Tinian and Soipan. The system was designed and builin 1998 but
     installation was delayed due to serious permiting problems. The system was
     made wth $3 STP, C65 and A65 cable containing 12 flores. The arder of lay
     was Guar to Rota segment 1, Rota to Tinion Segment 2 and Tinian to Saipan
     segmant 3.
     SAIC Maripre installed the system from a ship of convenience, the MY Kendrick,
     using a modular spread.
     All land cable had been previously installed by ASN and on "enhonced" beach
      joirting programme meantthat the systerm was complated, tarrninal to tarmninal,
     s the ship completed the final shore end by mid Febrvary 1997.

2. Project Overview
      Land Coble:
     Land cable installtion commenced in December 1996 wih the puling in of
     land cable at Guam, Roto, Tinion and Saipan. All of the land routas were
     complated as plaoned with oll land cables being installed with outthe need of
     a lend cable joint, datail of this operation can be found in Appondix 2. The
     land cable was ferminated into cable termincting boxes ‘CTBs‘ which were
     secured to a designated location on the wall of each terminal station. From the
     CTB‘s the fibres were routed through copex lubing into cable terminating racles
     ‘CT¥‘. The ariginal plan was to ferminate the fibres in the GTR‘s to Biconics
     comnattors which was later changed to FC type connectors at the request of

     SAIC Maripro (SAIC) ware awarded the contract for installtion of MTC in Q4
     1996. They mobiised the MV Kendrick from Singapore to Portland in
     Decernber 1996 and then fited their modular cable handling system.
     Waathr delays resulted in 0 doloy in frarsit to Guamy, but the vessal finally
      arrived on the 27th Janvary 1997. Mobilsetion of the vesse! was completed
     whilst the Kendrick was alongside and ASN personnaljained othis point.
     SAIC used both the Kendrick and a small tug, the Chamorre, to.instoll
     meorings at the landings.

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»nermtamiom comewaten                                            nussuy in
Aerelfmare No                                                         se
     permanent beach jsint constructed os on segment one. Both joints were stored
     in the beach monhols at Rota wi20 matres of spare sea coble being coiled in
     on both.
     Segment iwo , shore end landing one at Tinian commence on 9thFobruary 97.
     As before the ship was secured to two praviouslyinstlled mooring points whare
     she stayed forthis landing and over night forthe second. The landing point af
     Trian is a         ed location and as a consequence the sea was vary caim
     during both landings. Segmont Iwo cable was landed as a jointfoss shore end
     with a short section of artiulated. pipe. being installed from the ship. On
     complation of the shore and londing a langth of slack cable was left at the
     20msw point snaked on the sea bed. The landing point ot Tinian followed an
     old oil supply pips line which crossed natwral gulles in the sea bed. To
     minimise cble suspensions the cable was tied to the pipes where it crossed the
     gulies o avoid large suspensions.
     The firstlanding of segment 3 at Tinion followed the same route as sigment
     two from the 20maw point. Arculated pipe was opplied as batorn from the ship
     and floated ashore. Both cables ware foated up to a point where the
     ariiculated pipe butled up agsinst the PVC duct leading into the beach
     manhole.   This Iransition point was leter encapsulated in concrete to cover 5
     matras of the articalatedpipe. On complation of the cable landing loops ware
                   and for tesing purposes, the ship daperted Tinianfor Saipan on
     10ih Fob. During the lay of segment 3 the beach foints for segment 2 in Tinion
     and Roto ware both constructed in porallel to allow commissioning ofthis ink to
     comence as soon as possible.
     The ship arrived off Saipan on 11th Fob forthe final shore and landing where
     she was secured fo two previously installed mooring points as before at Tirion
     and Roto. The coble was londed os a fointless shore and with articulated pipe
     being instaled from the ship. Whan allofthe required cable was pulled ashore
     the ship lowered the final bight on the sea bed to leave an S shape of slack
     cable behind. The lenglh of ariculated pipe applied was postioned so the end
     facing the beach crossed the reef and antered the lagoon by approximately 5
     matres. From this point a trench was fater dug in towards the shore up to the
     duct entrance on the beach. The cable was placed in this tranch including the
     lost 3 sections of arficulated pipe and encapsulated with concrate.
     The final beach joint al Sulpan was completed on 13ih Feb 97 ghing optical
     continvity batwoon terminal stations on all Ilands.
     From Soipan MV Kendick fransited to Guam where the MTG spare marine
     cable was off laded onto the quay side.

 ESm Suls                                                       avontet suemane nerworks
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       This report detailsthe land cable installtion and fointing relating to MTC. Theland cable
       at each site is installed in one continuous length wh no intermediate joints, The iand
       eable is jointed to the marine cable using a variant of the ASN type 2 land joint. Atthe
       Tanguissan Point landing in Guam the beach fointis dirctly buried on the beach. At all
       other sites the beach joints are stowed conventionally in manholes. LRD‘s (Land Route
       Drewings) of each site are included as Appendix 1

1. System Description
               Land Cable Type                 NT Lie Tobe12 mre
               Beach Joint Typer               ASN Type 2
               Beach Joint Specification       559 094 lesue 2
               Shore End Sea Gable Type        ASN S3 12 fere, Hylrel Package

2.     sUMMaRY oFEvENTS
       The land cable in Role, Tinian and Saipan was installed between the dates 10 > 22
       December 1996 under direct supervision of ASN. The land cable at Tanguissen Point,
       Guam was installed independently by AT & T.
       The beach joints were made by ASN immediately following the marine cable installation
       between the dates 5 > 14 February 1997

       The land cable at each site was opticallytested once it was installed. The beach joints at
       each site were tested unt—sirectionally from the adiacent terminal station. Optical test
       results relating to each beach jointare included as Appendix 3.

3.1—   Electrical Measurements

       The land cable does nat contain any lectrial condustors. Therefore all electrical
       measurements on the secable have to be made from the electrode protruding from the
       sea cable end of the beach joints.

 WTC Lind Based stalaton Repon                                                          Pape2ot2

Document Created: 2018-05-02 10:35:31
Document Modified: 2018-05-02 10:35:31

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