Attachment DA 92-1560

DA 92-1560

ORDER submitted by FCC

DA 92-1560


This document pretains to SCL-LIC-19920604-00006 for License on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


7 F.C.C.R. 7674                                                                                Page 1
1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 71 Rad. Reg. 2d (P & F) 1146, 7 F.C.C.R. 7674, 7 FCC Rcd. 7674
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7674)

DA 92-1560

                                 *1 IN THE MATTER OF
                                      CICI, INC.
                                IT & E OVERSEAS, INC.
                               MCI INTERNATIONAL, INC.
                            TRT/FTC COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                           File No. S-C-L-92-005

                 Adopted:      November 12, 1992;          Released:       November 25, 1992

                                           CABLE LANDING LICENSE

**7674 By the Chief, Common Carrier Bureau:
 1. On June 4, 1992, seven United States international service carriers
(hereinafter referred to as Joint Applicants) [FN1] filed the above-captioned
Joint Application requesting authority pursuant to "An Act Relating to the Landing
and Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States," 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39, to
land and operate a high capacity digital submarine cable network known as the TPC-
5 Cable Network (TPC-5), extending between and among the United States Mainland,
the State of Hawaii, the Island of Guam, and Japan.

 2. The Joint Application was placed on public notice on June 10, 1992.   STC Sub-
marine Systems Inc. (STC) filed comments requesting the Commission to condition
the cable landing license and the accompanying Section 214 authorization.
[FN2] The Joint Applicants [FN3] filed a Reply to which STC subsequently respon-
ded.   For the reasons discussed below, we grant this application.

                                         The TPC-5 Cable Network

 3. TPC-5 will land at Coos Bay, Oregon (U.S.), San Luis Obispo, California
(U.S.), Keawaula, Hawaii (U.S.), Tumon Bay, Guam (U.S.), and extend to Miyazaki
and Ninomiya, Japan.   The proposed cable network consists of twelve segments.

 4. TPC-5 will employ the latest SL2000 technology operating at 4.8 Gigabits per

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

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1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 71 Rad. Reg. 2d (P & F) 1146, 7 F.C.C.R. 7674, 7 FCC Rcd. 7674
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7674)

second (Gbit/s) on each of the two fiber pairs.   One fiber pair will be used for
service while the other will be used for restoration.   The "loop" configuration
of TPC-5, along with the fully redundant restoration pair, provides 100 percent
fiber-on-fiber restoration and route diversity within the network, resulting in a
much higher circuit reliability.   The operating capacity of 4.8 Gbit/s for each
pair, service and restoration, consists of 32 Basic System Modules (BSM) operating
at 155 Megabits per second (Mbit/s), with each BSM consisting of 63 Minimum In-
vestment Units (MIUs). [FN5] The design capacity per fiber pair is 2,016 MIUs.
For voice services, digital circuit multiplication equipment (DCME) can be em-
ployed to derive about 150 virtual voice paths from each MIU.

 5. The proposed cable network will be owned by the Joint Applicants and 37 for-
eign telecommunications administrations and entities in the following locations:
Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France,
Germany, Hong Kong, Ireland, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia,
Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore,
Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

 *2 6. Although expressly supporting the construction of TPC-5, STC requests the
Commission to condition approval of the cable landing license and accompanying
Section 214 authorization by requiring the Joint Applicants to use a fair and open
procurement process in awarding the construction contracts for TPC-5 as it did in
Pacific Telecom Cable. [FN6] As we decided in TPC-4, given competitive market
circumstances, we can find no public interest benefit to involving the Commission
in the management of the TPC-**7675 5 procurement decisions and do not believe
that it is necessary to condition the grant of TPC-5 on assurances of competitive
procurement practices. [FN7]

 7. Pursuant to our obligations under 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39, the Department of State,
after having coordinated with the National Telecommunications and Information Ad-
ministration and the Defense Information Systems Agency, has approved the landing
of TPC-5 in the United States. [FN8]

 8. Based on the information provided by the Joint Applicants, we conclude that
the grant of the requested authorization will not have a significant effect on the
environment as defined in Section 1.1307 of the Commission's Rules and Regulations
implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, 42 U.S.C. §§ 4321-4335
(1976). [FN9] Consequently, no environmental assessment is required to be submit-
ted with this Joint Application under Section 1.1311 of the Commission's Rules.

 9. Concurrent with consideration of this application, this Commission has granted
the Joint Applicants authority under Section 214 of the Communications Act of
1934, as amended, to construct and operate TPC-5 (DA 92- 1559, adopted November
12, 1992, File No. I-T-C-92-179).   As detailed in the companion Section 214 au-
thorization of TPC-5, we find that the proposed TPC-5 Cable Network is in the pub-
lic interest, and we find that this application requesting a cable landing license

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

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1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 71 Rad. Reg. 2d (P & F) 1146, 7 F.C.C.R. 7674, 7 FCC Rcd. 7674
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7674)

should be granted.

                                              Ordering Clauses

 10. Accordingly, this Commission HEREBY GRANTS AND ISSUES under the provisions of
"An Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in the United
Sates," 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39, and pursuant to authority delegated to this Commission
under Executive Order No. 10530, dated May 10, 1954, 3 C.F.R. 1954-1958 Comp., p.
189 (1961), reprint in 3 U.S.C.A. § 301 at 1052 (1985), to the Joint Applicants
(AT & T, IDB, HTC, IT & E, MCII, Sprint and TRT/FTC) a license to land and operate
one high capacity digital submarine cable, having a capacity of 4.8 Gbit/s per
fiber pair, extending between Coos Bay, Oregon (U.S.), San Luis Obispo, California
(U.S), Keawaula, Hawaii (U.S.), Tumon Bay, Guam (U.S.), Miyazaki, Japan and Ninom-
iya, Japan.   This license is subject to: (1) "An Act Relating to the Landing and
Operation of Submarine Cables in the United States," 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39; (2) the
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 151-609; (3) subsequent ap-
plicable acts; (4) any treaties or conventions relating to communications to
which the United States of America is now or may hereafter become a party; (5)
any actions by the Commission or the Congress of the United States of America res-
cinding, changing, modifying, or amending any rights accruing to any person; and
(6) the following conditions:

  *3 (1) The location of the cable within the territorial waters of the United
States of America, its territories and possessions, and upon the foreshore there-
of, shall be in conformity with plans approved by the Secretary of the Army, and
the cable shall be moved or shifted by the Licensees at their expense upon the re-
quest of the Secretary of the Army whenever he or she considers such course neces-
sary in the public interest, for reasons of national defense, or for the mainten-
ance or improvement of harbors for navigational purposes;

  (2) The Licensees shall at all times comply with any requirements of the United
States' Government authorities regarding the location and concealment of the cable
facilities, buildings, and apparatus with a view to protecting and safeguarding
the cable from injury or destruction by enemies of the United States of America;

  (3) The Licensees or any persons or companies directly or indirectly controlling
them or controlled by them or under direct or indirect common control with any of
them shall not acquire or enjoy any right, for the purpose of handling traffic to
or from the United States, its territories or possessions, to land, connect or op-
erate cables or landlines, to construct or operate radio stations, or to inter-
change traffic, which is denied to any other United States company by reason of
any concession, contract, understanding, or working arrangement to which the Li-
censees or any persons or companies controlling them or controlled by them are

  (4) Neither this license, nor the rights granted herein, shall be transferred,

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

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1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 71 Rad. Reg. 2d (P & F) 1146, 7 F.C.C.R. 7674, 7 FCC Rcd. 7674
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7674)

assigned, or in any manner either voluntarily or involuntarily disposed of or dis-
posed of indirectly by transfer of control of the Licensees to any persons, unless
the Federal Communications Commission shall give prior consent in writing;

  (5) This license is revocable after due notice and opportunity for hearing by
the Federal Communications Commission in the event of breach or nonfulfillment of
any requirements specified in Section 2 of "An Act Relating to the Landing And Op-
eration of Submarine Cables of the United States," 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39, or for
failure to comply with the terms of the authorization;

  (6) The Licensees shall notify the Commission in writing of the date on which
the cable is placed in service; and this license shall expire 25 years from that
date, unless renewed or extended upon proper applications duly filed no less than
six months prior to the expiration date; and, upon expiration of the license, all
rights granted under it shall be terminated; and

  (7) The terms and conditions upon which this license is given shall be accepted
by the Licensees by filing a letter with the Secretary, Federal Communications
Commission, Washington, D.C. 20554, within 30 days of the release of this order.

 **7676 11. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that STC's request to condition the TPC-5 cable
landing license is hereby denied.

 12. This order is issued under Section 0.291 of the Rules and is effective upon
adoption.   Petitions for consideration under Section 1.106 or applications for
review under Section 1.115 of the Rules may be filed within 30 days of public no-
tice of this order (see Section 1.14(b)(2)).

Cheryl A. Tritt

Chief, Common Carrier Bureau

FN1. The Joint Applicants include American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT &
T), CICI, Inc., d/b/a IDB International (IDB), GTE Hawaiian Telephone Company,
Inc. (HTC), IT & E Overseas, Inc. (IT & E), MCI International, Inc. (MCII), Sprint
Communications Company Limited Partnership (Sprint), and TRT/FTC Communications,
Inc. (TRT/FTC).

FN2. See File No. ITC-92-179.

FN3. Sprint and MCII did not join in this reply.

FN4. Segments A, B, C, D, E, and F, are, respectively, the new cable station at
Coos Bay, Oregon; the cable station at San Luis Obispo; the cable station at
Keawaula, Hawaii; the cable station at Tumon Bay, Guam; the cable station at
Miyazaki, Japan and the cable station at Ninomiya, Japan.   Segment G is the whole
of the submarine cable network linking Segments B and C.   Segment H is the whole

                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

7 F.C.C.R. 7674                                                                                Page 5
1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 71 Rad. Reg. 2d (P & F) 1146, 7 F.C.C.R. 7674, 7 FCC Rcd. 7674
(Cite as: 1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 7 FCC Rcd. 7674)

of   the   submarine    cable   network    linking     Segments     C   and   D.   Segment I is the whole
of   the   submarine    cable   network    linking     Segments     D   and   E.   Segment J is the whole
of   the   submarine    cable   network    linking     Segments     F   and   A. Segment T1 is the whole
of   the   submarine    cable   network    linking     Segments     A   and   B.   Segment T2 is the whole
of   the   submarine    cable   network    linking     Segments     E   and   F.

FN5. A MIU is a 2.048 Mbit/s digital stream jointly assigned between two partners
or wholly assigned to a party which is used for purposes of ownership allocation.

FN6. Pacific Telecom Cable, Inc., 2 FCCRcd 2686 (1987) (Conditional                          license);   4
FCCRcd 8061 (1989) (Final license).

FN7. See American Telephone & Telegraph, et. al., 4 FCCRcd 8046 at 8 (1989)
(TPC-4 Decision).   See also TPC-5 Section 214 authorization, para. 22 and 23, DA
92-1559, adopted November 12, 1992.

FN8. Letter from Michael T.N. Fitch, Senior Deputy U.S. Coordinator and Director
for the Bureau of International Communications and Information Policy, Department
of State to George S. Li, Chief, International Facilities Division, Common Carrier
Bureau, Federal Communications Commission (October 20, 1992).

FN9. See Section 214 Application, File No. I-T-C-92-179, at p. 23.

 1992 WL 690860 (F.C.C.), 71 Rad. Reg. 2d (P & F) 1146, 7 F.C.C.R. 7674, 7 FCC
Rcd. 7674


                   © 2009 Thomson Reuters. No Claim to Orig. US Gov. Works.

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Document Modified: 2009-10-15 16:58:39

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