Attachment Verizon Business Glo

This document pretains to SCL-ASG-20151120-00031 for Assignment on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                         Before the
                             Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                 )
Verizon Business Global LLC, Assignor            )   File No. SCL-__________________
and                                              )
MCI Communications Corporation, Assignee         )

Application for Pro Forma Assignment
of Cable Landing Licenses

 To: Chief, International Bureau

                           OF CABLE LANDING LICENSE

        Pursuant to an Act Relating to the Landing and Operation of Submarine Cables in the

 United States, 47 U.S.C. §§ 34-39, and Section 1.767 of the Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §

 1.767, Verizon Business Global LLC (“Verizon Business Global”) and MCI Communications

 Corporation request Federal Communications Commission (“Commission” or “FCC”) consent to

 the pro forma assignment of Verizon Business Global’s 7.35% interest in the MAYA-1

 submarine cable, File No. SCL-MOD-20110928-00028, to its wholly owned subsidiary, MCI

 Communications Corporation, as part of a planned internal corporate restructuring involving

 certain wholly owned subsidiaries of Verizon.

 Description of Transaction and Public Interest Statement

        As part of a proposed internal restructuring, Verizon seeks to assign all of the FCC

 licenses and authorizations held by Verizon Business Global to Verizon Business Global’s


wholly owned subsidiary, MCI Communications Corporation.1 This restructuring is scheduled

to occur on or after December 28, 2015.

         Verizon Business Global and MCI Communications Corporation are both wholly owned

subsidiaries of Verizon. Because the proposed assignment will not change the ultimate control

of the submarine cable interest at issue (it will remain controlled by Verizon), it is pro forma in

nature.2 The Commission has stated that, in situations “where no substantial change of control

will result from the transfer or assignment, grant of the application is deemed presumptively in

the public interest.”3 In fact, pro forma assignments and transfers of control of submarine cable

licenses granted after the effective date of the SCL Transfer Order require only a post-closing

notification.4 Because the submarine cable license at issue in this application was granted prior

to the SCL Transfer Order, however, Verizon submits them to the FCC for review and approval

in advance of the restructuring. Thus, Verizon Business Global and MCI Communications

Corporation request that the Commission expeditiously grant this application.

         Verizon Business Global also holds a submarine cable license that includes the pro forma condition, which
allows post-closing notification for pro forma assignments and transfers of control. Review of Commission
Consideration of Applications Under Cable Landing License Act, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd.
22167, 22199 ¶ 61 (2001) (“SCL Transfer Order”). Verizon will file a post-closing notification for this submarine
cable in compliance with Section 1.767(g)(7) of the Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g)(7). In addition,
Verizon Business Global also holds international Section 214 authorizations which are being assigned. A post-
closing notification for the assignment of these authorizations will be filed after the restructuring occurs. 47 C.F.R.
§ 63.24(f).
         In re Fed. Communications Bar Ass’n’s Petition for Forbearance from Section 310(d) of the
Communications Act Regarding Non-Substantial Assignments of Wireless Licenses & Transfers of Control Involving
Telecomms. Carriers, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 13 FCC Rcd. 6293, 6299, ¶ 8 (1998) (“FCBA Forbearance
Order”) (“corporate reorganization which involves no substantial change in the beneficial ownership of the
corporation” is pro forma in nature); cf. 47 C.F.R. § 63.24(d).
         Id. at 6295, ¶ 2. See also 1998 Biennial Review – Review of International Common Carrier Regulations,
Report and Order, 14 FCC Rcd 4909, ¶ 42 (1999) (finding that“[r]egulatory review of [pro forma] transactions
yields no significant public interest benefits, but may delay or hinder transactions that could provide substantial
financial, operational, or administrative benefits for carriers.”); SCL Transfer Order, 13 FCC Rcd at 22199 ¶ 61
(citing 47 C.F.R. § 63.24).
         47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g)(7).


       Below is the information required pursuant to Section 1.767 of the Commission’s rules.

Assignor/Assignee Information in Response to Section 1.767(a)(1)-(3):

       Correspondence concerning this application should be sent to:

       Katharine R. Saunders
       1320 N. Courthouse Rd.
       Ninth Floor
       Arlington, VA 22201
       Telephone: (703) 351-3097

with a copy to:

       Nancy J. Victory
       Wiley Rein LLP
       1776 K Street, NW
       Washington, DC 20006
       Telephone: (202) 719-7344

       Place of Formation: Verizon and MCI Communications Corporation are Delaware

corporations. Verizon Business Global is a Delaware limited liability company.

Assignee Information in Response to Section 1.767(a)(8)-(9):

       Section 1.767(a)(8)(i):

Section 63.18(h). MCI Communications Corporation, the assignee, which is located at One

Verizon Way, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920, is wholly owned by Verizon Business Global, which is

also located at One Verizon Way, Basking Ridge, NJ 07920. Verizon Business Global is wholly

owned by Verizon, with its primary address at 1095 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY

10036. Verizon is a publicly traded company with no person or entity known to own ten percent

or more of the company’s outstanding stock.


       Verizon, MCI Communications Corporation, and Verizon Business Global do not have

any interlocking directorates with a foreign carrier.

Section 63.18(o). Verizon certifies that no party to this notification is subject to a denial of

federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988.

        Section 1.767(a)(8)(ii):

MCI Communications Corporation, through its ownership by Verizon, is affiliated with the
following foreign carriers:

  Name of the affiliated foreign carrier:           Countries in which carrier is authorized
                                                    to provide telecommunications services to
                                                    the public:
  Verizon Albania ShPk                              Albania
  Verizon Argentina S.R.L.                          Argentina
  Verizon Australia Pty Limited                     Australia
  Verizon Austria GmbH                              Austria
  NV Verizon Belgium Luxembourg S.A.                Belgium, Luxembourg
  Verizon Telecomunicações do Brasil Ltda           Brazil
  Verizon Bulgaria EOOD                             Bulgaria
  Verizon Canada Ltd.                               Canada
  Verizon Chile S.A.                                Chile
  Verizon Colombia S.A.                             Colombia
  Verizon Czech s.r.o.                              Czech Republic
  Verizon Denmark A/S                               Denmark
  Verizon Finland Oy                                Finland
  Verizon France SAS                                France
  Verizon Deutschland GmbH                          Germany
  Verizon Hellas Telecommunications Single Member   Greece
  Verizon Hong Kong Limited                         Hong Kong
  Verizon Hungary Telecommunications LLC            Hungary
  Verizon India Private Limited                     India
  Verizon Ireland Limited                           Ireland
  Verizon Italia S.p.A.                             Italy
  Verizon Japan Limited                             Japan
  Verizon Korea Limited                             Korea
  Verizon Servicios Empresariales Mexico,           Mexico
  S de R. L. de C.V.
  Verizon Nederland BV                              Netherlands
  Verizon New Zealand Limited                       New Zealand
  Verizon Norway AS                                 Norway
  Verizon Panama S.A.                               Panama
  Verizon Peru SRL                                  Peru
  Verizon Polska Sp. Z.o.o.                         Poland
  Verizon Portugal Sociedade Unipessoal, LDA        Portugal


    Name of the affiliated foreign carrier:         Countries in which carrier is authorized
                                                    to provide telecommunications services to
                                                    the public:
    Verizon Romania SRL                             Romania
    Verizon Communications Singapore Pte. Ltd.      Singapore
    Verizon Communications Slovakia s.r.o.          Slovakia
    Verizon South Africa (Pty) Limited              South Africa
    Verizon Spain S.L.                              Spain
    Verizon Sweden AB                               Sweden
    Verizon Switzerland AG                          Switzerland
    Verizon Taiwan Co. Limited                      Taiwan (Chinese Taipei)
    Verizon UK Limited                              United Kingdom
    Verizon Venezuela, S.A.                         Venezuela

          Section 1.767(a)(8)(iii):

          The Verizon foreign carrier affiliates identified above provide service to the countries


          Section 1.767(a)(8)(iv):

          All of the above-listed countries are WTO member countries.

          Section 1.767(a)(9):

          Verizon’s licensees affected here certify that they will accept and will abide by the

routine conditions specified at Section 1.767(g) of the Commission’s Rules.

          Pro Forma Certification and Eligibility for Streamlined Processing

          The Applicants certify that the assignment is pro forma and does not result in a change in

the actual controlling party of the MAYA-1 submarine cable interest.5

          This application is eligible for streamlined processing. The pro forma assignment

application creates no new foreign carrier affiliations for Verizon. The Commission has

previously reviewed Verizon’s foreign carrier affiliates. The Commission has not found that any

          See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.767(g)(7), 63.24(f)(2)(ii).


of Verizon’s foreign carrier affiliates possess market power.6 These foreign carriers lack 50

percent market share in the international transport and the local access markets in the destination

markets where they provide services. None of these foreign carriers is listed on the

Commission’s List of Foreign Telecommunications Carriers that Are Presumed to Possess

Market Power in Foreign Telecommunications Markets.

       The undersigned certifies that all statements made in this notification and in the exhibits,

attachments, or documents incorporated by reference are material, are part of this application, are

made in good faith, and based on reasonable investigation and belief, are true, complete, and


                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              _/s/ William H. Johnson _________

                                              William H. Johnson
                                              Vice President and Associate General Counsel
                                              1320 N Courthouse Rd.
                                              Ninth Floor
                                              Arlington, VA 22201

        See Verizon Communications Inc. and MCI, Inc. Applications for Approval of Transfer of
Control, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 20 FCC Rcd 18433, ¶ 179 (2005); Verizon Wireless
and Atlantis Holdings LLC (Transfer of Control), Memorandum Opinion and Order and
Declaratory Ruling, 23 FCC Rcd 17444 (2008); Foreign Carrier Affiliation Notification, Public
Notice, Report No. FCN-00105, DA 09-1049 (May 14, 2009); Foreign Carrier Affiliation
Notification, Public Notice, Report No. FCN-00106, DA 10-1065 (June 14, 2010); Foreign
Carrier Affiliation Notification, Public Notice, Report No. FCN-00111, DA 12-1973 (Dec. 7,


Document Created: 2015-11-20 17:21:55
Document Modified: 2015-11-20 17:21:55

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