BhartiAirtel Withdra

WITHDRAWAL submitted by Bharti Airtel Limited

Withdrawal of Pro Forma Assignment Notification


This document pretains to SCL-ASG-20120424-00003 for Assignment on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                           Ulises R. Pin
                           Direct Phone: 202-373-6664
                           Direct Fax:   202-373-6001

                                                             September 4, 2012

                           VIA IBFS

                           Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
                           Federal Communications Commission
                           Room TW-B204
                           445 12th Street, SW
                           Washington, DC 20554

                           Attention:      International Bureau, Policy Division

                                   Re: Bharti Airtel Limited, Notification of Pro Forma Assignment to
                                         Its Wholly-Owned Subsidiary, Network i2i Limited
                                         File Nos. SCL-ASG-20120424-0003 and SCL-ASG-20120424-0004

                           Dear Secretary Dortch:

                                   Following up on our discussions with Mr. David Krech of the International
                           Bureau, Bharti Airtel Limited ("Bharti Airtel") and Network i2i Limited ("i2i" and
                           together with Bharti, collectively the "Parties"), by their undersigned counsel, hereby
                           withdraw their Notification of Pro Forma Assignment in the above captioned
                           proceedings, as the proposed transactions have not yet closed. The Parties
                           respectfully request that the Commission cease reviewing their notifications and
                           close the applicable dockets. The Parties further request that the Commission do so
                           without prejudice.
               Frankfurt         Please contact the undersigned at (202) 373-6664, if you have any questions
               Hartford    or comments regarding this filing.
             Hong Kong
          Los Angeles
                                                                 Respectfully submitted,
               New York
       Orange County
        San Francisco
        Santa Monica
        Silicon Valley
          Washington                                             Counsel for Bharti Airtel Limited and Network
                                                                 i2i Limited
Bingham McCutchen LLP
      2020   K Street NW   cc:    Don Mihsill
       Washington, DC

    F +1.202,373.6001

Document Created: 2012-09-04 16:59:30
Document Modified: 2012-09-04 16:59:30

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