Attachment ASHC SCL Pro Forma N

This document pretains to SCL-ASG-20100125-00002 for Assignment on a Submarine Cable Landing filing.


                                                                       1200 18TH STREET, N.W., STE. 1200
                                                                       WASHINGTON, D.C. 20036-2516

                                                                       TEL +1 202 730 1337
                                                                       FAX +1 202 730 1301

                                                                       ATTORNEYS AT LAW
25 January 2010


Ms. Marlene Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

       Re:     Samoa American Samoa Cable, LLC Notification of Pro Forma Partial
               Assignment of Interest in Submarine Cable Landing License for American Samoa-
               Hawaii Cable System, File No. SCL-LIC-20080814-00016

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Pursuant to Section 1.767(g)(7) of the Commission’s rules,1 Samoa American Samoa
Cable, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“SASC,” FRN 0019470731), hereby notifies
the Commission of the pro forma assignment to SASC of part of the interest of American Samoa
Hawaii Cable, LLC (“ASHC,” FRN 0017874215) in the cable landing license for the American
Samoa-Hawaii Cable System.2 The American Samoa-Hawaii Cable System (or the “ASHC
System”) is a non-common carrier fiber-optic submarine cable network connecting Keawaula,
Hawaii, Iliili, American Samoa, and Apia, the Independent State of Samoa (“Samoa”).

        The Commission licensed the ASHC System to Pacific Rim Redeployment, LLC
(“PRR”), ASHC, and AST Telecom, LLC d/b/a Blue Sky Communications (“Blue Sky”). The
grant of the ASH Cable Landing License to PRR, ASHC, and Blue Sky contemplated that PRR
would construct and initially own the wet-link portion of the ASHC System, including the
Hawaii, American Samoa, and Samoa shore-end portions of the system. Upon commissioning,
    47 C.F.R. § 1.767(g)(7).
    File No. SCL-LIC-20080814-00016. See Public Notice, Actions Taken Under Cable
    Landing License Act, Report No. SCL-00080, DA 09-45 (Jan. 16, 2009) (“ASHC Cable
    Landing License”). Concurrently with this pro forma notification, ASHC and its affiliates
    have filed with the Commission (1) an application for consent to the substantive transfer-of-
    control of the cable landing license for the ASHC System resulting from the recapitalization
    of its indirect parent, eLandia International, Inc., in February 2009, (2) an application for
    consent to the substantive transfer-of-control of the international Section 214 authorizations
    of AST Telecom, LLC, and eLandia Technologies, Inc., resulting from the recapitalization of
    its indirect parent, eLandia International, Inc., in February 2009, and (3) a surrender by Pac
    Rim Redeployment, LLC, of its joint interest in the ASHC Cable Landing License.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
25 January 2010
Page 2

the ASH Cable Landing License contemplated that ASHC would then acquire the ASHC System
and ASHC would operate the wet-link portion of the ASHC System, including the Hawaii-
American Samoa and American Samoa-Samoa segments, as well as the Hawaii, American
Samoa, and Samoa shore-end portions of the ASHC System.3

       On June 4, 2009, ASHC assigned part of its interest under the ASHC Cable Landing
License of the ASHC System to its wholly-owned subsidiary, SASC. Contemporaneously
therewith—and as contemplated in the original application and ASHC Cable Landing License—
ASHC acquired the deployed Hawaii-American Samoa segment (including the shore-end
portions of that segment) of the ASHC System from PRR, as PRR had completed construction.
SASC acquired the Samoa-American Samoa segment (including the shore-end portions of that
segment) of the ASHC System from PRR.4

       SASC is a Delaware limited-liability company (“LLC”) and a wholly-owned, indirect
subsidiary of ASHC, a Delaware LLC engaged in the business of telecommunications. The
contact information for ASHC and SASC is as follows:

                      AMERICAN SAMOA HAWAII CABLE, LLC
                      SAMOA AMERICAN SAMOA CABLE, LLC
                      P.O. Box 7870
                      Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799
                      +1 684 699 2100

Two entities own membership interests in ASHC: (1) eLandia Technologies, Inc. (66.66
percent) and (2) the American Samoa Government (33.33 percent).

       •   The American Samoa Government (“ASG”) governs American Samoa, an
           unincorporated and unorganized territory of the United States. Although the United
           States Congress has given plenary authority over American Samoa to the U.S.
           Department of the Interior, the Secretary of the Interior has given American Samoa
           the authority to draft its own constitution, under which the democratically-elected
           ASG functions through an executive branch led by the directly-elected governor and a
           bicameral legislature, known as the Fono. The current governor is the Honorable
           Togiola T.A. Tulafono, who maintains his office at the following address:

    As described in the ASHC Cable Landing License, Blue Sky owns and operates the Iliili
    cable station in American Samoa. SamoaTel Limited owns and operates the Apia cable
    station in Samoa.
    As described in the concurrently-filed surrender notice, PRR transferred to ASHC its
    interests in the ASHC System.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
25 January 2010
Page 3

                      Office of the Governor
                      Executive Office Building
                      Third Floor, Utulei
                      Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799.

           •   eLandia Technologies, Inc. (“eLandia Technologies”) is a Delaware corporation.
               eLandia Technologies is engaged in the provision of telecommunications products
               and services and information technology. eLandia Technologies’ address is 8200
               NW 52nd Terrace, Suite 102, Miami, Florida 33166.

           •   eLandia is a wholly-owned, direct subsidiary of eLandia International, Inc.
               (“eLandia International”), a Delaware corporation. eLandia International is a
               diversified holding company with investments in the information technology and
               communications sectors. eLandia International’s address is 8200 NW 52nd
               Terrace, Suite 102, Miami, Florida 33166.

           •   eLandia International’s only 10-percent-or-greater shareholders is the Voting
               Trust (as described in greater detail in the concurrently-filed transfer-of-control
               application filed in connection with eLandia International’s recapitalization),
               which is a Delaware voting trust that now holds 45.3 percent of the voting stock
               of eLandia International (and also holds non-voting preferred stock of eLandia
               International). Stanford International Bank Ltd. (“SIBL” holds Voting Trust
               Certificates which entitle SIBL to dividends and distributions from eLandia
               International, if any, in respect of the shares SIBL deposited in the Voting Trust.
               Mr. Pizarro, as the trustee of the Voting Trust, has the power and authority to vote
               the eLandia International common stock held by the Voting Trust. Mr. Pizarro
               controls 45.3 percent of eLandia International’s common stock as the trustee of
               the Voting Trust. Mr. Pizarro individually owns approximately 2.9 percent of
               eLandia International’s common stock. Accordingly, Mr. Pizarro controls 48.1
               percent of the voting stock of eLandia International.

Mr. Pizarro is a U.S. citizen and is the Chief Executive Officer of eLandia International. Mr.
Pizarro’s address is c/o eLandia International, Inc., 8200 NW 52nd Terrace, Suite 102, Miami,
Florida 33166.

        By the attached certification, SASC certifies that the partial assignment of the ASHC
Cable Landing License was pro forma, as defined in 47 C.F.R. § 63.24, and that taken together
with all the previous pro forma transactions, does not result in a substantive assignment or
transfer of control.

      SASC regrets that it did not notify the Commission of the pro forma assignment of part
of ASHC’s interest in the ASHC Cable Landing License within thirty days, as required by the
Commission’s rules. SASC commits that such actions will not be repeated in the future.

Ms. Marlene Dortch
25 January 2010
Page 4

       Should you have any questions, please contact Kent Bressie at +1 202 730 1337 or

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Kent D. Bressie
                                           Jonathan B. Mirsky
                                           Counsel to Samoa American Samoa Cable, LLC



                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Kent D. Bressie, hereby certify that consistent with Section 1.767(j) of the

Commission’s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.767(j), I have served copies of the foregoing notification of

partial pro forma assignment by hand- or overnight delivery on this 25th day of January 2010, to

the following:

                        Ambassador Philip Verveer
                        U.S. Coordinator
                        Int’l Communications & Information Policy
                        Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs
                        U.S. DEPARTMENT OF STATE
                        EEB/CIP : Room 4826
                        2201 C Street, N.W.
                        Washington, D.C. 20520-5818

                        Kathy Smith
                        Chief Counsel
                        U.S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE/NTIA
                        14th Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
                        Room 4713
                        Washington, D.C. 20230

                        Hillary Morgan
                        Deputy General Counsel, Regulatory &
                          International Law
                        Code RGC
                        701 South Courthouse Road
                        Arlington, Virginia 22204

                                             Kent D. Bressie

Document Created: 2010-01-25 19:24:56
Document Modified: 2010-01-25 19:24:56

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