Attachment Exhibit F

This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20120817-00136 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                             EXHIBIT F

                         FCC Form 312; Response to Question A21

       For a description of the public interest benefits of the proposed transfer of de jure
control, please see the narrative description in the attached Application for Consent to Transfer
of De Jure Control.                      —

                                     Before the
                                         Washington, DC 20554

    Application of                             )
                                               )0       _
    Liberty Media Corporation                  )            File Nos.
'                                              )
    For Consent to Transfer of De Jure         )            Docket No.
    Control of Sirius XM Radio Inc.            )    M

                                APPLICATION FOR CONSENT
                            TO TRANSFER OF DE JURE CONTROL

                                                            Robert L. Hoegle, Esquire
                                                            Timothy J. Fitzgibbon, Esquire
                                                            Thomas F. Bardo, Esquire
                                                            Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
                                                            101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Suite 900
                                                            Washington, D.C. 20001
                                                            (202) 712—2800

                                                            Counselfor Liberty Media Corporation

                                         Before the
                                   Washington, DC 20554

Application of                                        )
          '                                           )
Liberty Media Corporation                             )        File Nos.
                                    —                 )
For Consent to Transfer of De Jure                    )        Docket No.
Control of Sirius XM Radio Inc.                       )

                                   APPLICATION FOR CONSENT
                                TO TRANSFER OF DE JURE CONTROL

         Liberty Media Corporation ("Liberty Media") respectfully submits this application for

consent to the transfer of de jure control of Sirius XM Radio Inc. ("Sirius") and the various

space station, satellite earth station, wireless, experimental and other Federal »Communications

Commission ("FCC") iicenses and authorizations held by Siriug or its subsidiaries.                          Liberty

Media already owns 47.3% of the total outstanding shares of Sirius common stock on an as—

cohverted basis and intends to purchase sufficient additional common shares of Sirius such

that, upon convefsion of the Preferred Sharés that it already owns, Liberty Media will own

more than 50% of the outstanding common shares of Sirius, thereby exercising de jfure control

over Sirius. As set forth herein, Liberty Media‘s acquisition of de jure control over Sirius will

serve the public interest, convenience and necessity.

‘ A list of the RCC licenses and authorizations held by Sirius and its subsidiaries is annexed as Schedule 1.

                              INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND

 L.      Liberty Media‘s Current Ownership Ihterest In Sirius

         Liberty Radio, LLC ("Liberty Radio"), an indirect wholly—owned subsidiary of Liberty

 Media, entergd into an Investment Agreement with Sirius, dated February 17, 2009

 ("Investment Agreement"), pursuant to which Sirius issued to Liberty Radio: (a) 1,000,000

shares of cohvertible Series B—1 Preferred Stock; and (b) 11,500,000 shares of convertible

Series B—2 Preferred Stock." The Series B—2 Preferred Shares subsequently were converted to

Series B—1 Preferred Shares, such that Liberty Media currently holds 12,500,000 Series B—1

Preferred Shares.      The Preferred Shares, which aré convertible at the discretion of Liberty

Media into common shares of Sirius, represent approximately 40% of the total outstanding

commion shares of Sirius on an as—converted basis.

         In addition to the Preferred Shares, as Liberty Media previously reported to the

Commission, it purchased 60,350,000 additional shares of Sirius common stock in open market

purchases on May 8 and 9, 2012 and had entered into a forward purchase contract

for 302,198,700 additional common shares of Siriué, which purchase closed oh July 11, 2012.

Since then, Liberty Media purchased 89,970,000 additional shares of Sirius common stock in

open market purchases on August 10, 13 and 14, 2012.                     Pursuant to a second forward

purchase contract into which Liberty Media entered, Liberty Media intends to acquire

41,087,753% common shares on the settlement date, which is scheduled for October 14, 2012.

Together with the Preferred Shares, Liberty Media presently owns 47.3% of the total

> Sirfus filed the Investment Agreement with the Securities and Exchange Commission on March 10, 2009, as
Exhibit 4.55 to its Form 10—K Report for the year ended December 31, 2008.


outstanding shares of Sirius (on an as—converted basis) and will own 48% of the total

outstanding shares of Sirius (on an as—converted basis) after the October 14 settlement date."

IL       Liberty Media‘s Previous Applications for Consent to Transfer of De Facto

         On March '20, 2012, Liberty Media filed a series of applications, seeking consent to the

transfer of de facto control of Sirius to Liberty Media.                  See IBFS File Nos. SAT—STA—

20120320—00053,          SAT—STA—20120320—00054,               SAT—STA—20120320—00055,                SAT—STA—

20120320—00056,           SES—STA—20120320—00280,              SES—STA—20120320—00281,               SES—STA—

20120320—00282, ULS File Nos. 0005137812 and 0005137854, Experimental License File

Nos. 0007—EX—TC—2012, 0008—EX—TC—2012, 0009—EX—TC—2012.¢ However, the International

Bureau and Office of Engineering and Technology dismissed the Form 312 and Form 703

transfer of de facto control applications in response to a Petition to Dismiss or Deny filed by

Sirius. See Letter dated May 4, 2012 to Robert L. Hoegle (DA 12—717) ("Bureau Decisién”).

The Bureau Decision concluded tfiat Liberty Media had not established that it "intends to take

actions, such as the conversion of preferred to common stock and installation of a board

majority, that would conétitute exercise of de facto or de jure control" over Sirius._ Id. at 3.

The Wireless Telecommunications Bureau also dismissed the Form 603 transfer of de facto

control applications, concluding that Liberty Media did not "sufficiently describe how and

* Sirius reported that there were 3,833,253,534 shares of Sirius common.stock outstanding on August 3, 2012.
See Sirius XM Radio Inc. Form 10—Q Quarterly Report as filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on
August 7, 2012.
*~ Because Sirius had refused to provide the passwords and other information required to utilize the FCC‘s
electronic application filing systems, Liberty Media also filed a request to waive certain FCC rules to allow the
submission of manual Form 603 and Form 703 transfer of control application forms. See Liberty Media Request
for Waiver of Electronic Filing and Transferor/Licensee Signature Requirements for Applications for Consent to
Transfer of De Facto Control.


 when the proposed transaction is expected to occur."           See WTB Notices of Dismissal,

Referefice Nos. 5370148 & 5370149, dated May 10, 2012 ("WTB Dismissal Notices").

        On May 30, 2012, Liberty Media petitioned for reconsideration of the Bureau Decision

and the WTB Dismissal Notices. Nee Liberty Media Petition for Reconsideration of Dismissal

of Applications for Consent to Transfer of De Facto Control, filed May 30, 2012 ("Liberty

Media Petition"). Among other things, the Libefty Media Petition informed the Commission

of Liberty Media‘s additional purchases of Sirius common stock and provided specific

information regérding the actions that Liberty Media intended to take to assert de facto control

over Sirius, Liberty Media stated that it intended to continue purchasing Sirius common shares

in the open market, dependifig upon the market price and other conditions, and that it might

purchase sufficient additional common shares of Sirius to enable Liberty Media to exercise de

jure control over Sirius. See Liberty Media Petition at 16. Liberty Media further stated that,

in the event that it decided to purchase sufficient shares to exercise de Jure control over Sirius,

it would amend the pending applications to seek consent to the transfer of de jure controlif the

Commission accepted and had not yet granted those applications.

IH.    Liberty Media‘s Application for Consent to Transfer of De Jure Control

       However, because the Bureau Decision and the WTB Dismissal Letters dismissed

Liberty Media‘s applications for cdnsent to transfer of de facto control, there are no pending

applications to amend. As a result, Liberty Media is filing this application for FCC consent to

the transfer of de jure control of Sirius to Liberty Media and is simultancously withdrawing the

Liberty Media Petition,    Liberty Media intends to purchase sufficient additional shares of

Sirius common stock such that, upon conversion of its Preferred Shares, it will own more than

50% of the total outstanding shares of Sirius, giving it de jfure control of Sirius including the


ability to control the membership of the Sirius Board of Directors. Liberty Media intends to

purchase such additional common shares of Sirfus as soon as practicablg, subject to market

conditions.      However, ‘Liberty Media will flot convert its Preferred Shares in sufficient

quantities to own more than 50% of the outstanding common stock of Sirius until ;he

Commission grants this application.             Consistent with its certifications in the accompanying

applications, Liberty Media will have purchased sufficient shares of Sirius‘ common stock and

will convert its Preferred Shares such that the transfer of control will be completed within 60

days of Commission consent.


L.       Description of the Parties

         A.       Liberty Media

         Liberty Media, the applicant and proposed transferee, is a Delaware corporation

holding ownership interests in a broad range of businesses.                    Liberty Media‘s consolidated

wholly—owned subsidiaries include the following:

         e        Starz, LLC —— provides premium subscription video programming to
                  U.S. multichannel video programming distributors, including cable
                  operators,     satellite    television      providers    and     telecommunications
                  companies. Starz provides sixteen different programming networks,
                  including the Starz channel and its five multiplex channels, the Encore
                  channel and its seven multiplex channels, MoviePlex, IndiePlex, and
                  RetroPlex, most of which are available in both standard definition and
                  high definition feeds. Starz also licenses the subscription video on
                  demand services, Starz on Demand, Encore on Demand, and MoviePlex
                  on Demand.‘                                                                 ©

         &        Atlanta National League Baseball Club, Inc. —— owns and operates the
                  Atlanta Braves Major League Baseball franchise.

5 On August 8, 2012, Liberty Media announced that it intends to effect a spinoff transaction that will result in the
business of Starz, LLC, on the one hand, and the other businesses of Liberty Media, on the other hand, being
held by two separate publicly traded corporations.


        e       TruePosition, Inc. —— develops and miarkets technology for locating
                wireless phones and other wireless devices, enabling wireless carriers,
                application providers and other enterprises to provide E—911 services
                domestically and other location—based services to mobile users both
                domestically and worldwide.

See Liberty Media Corporation Form 10—Kfor the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011, filed

with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Feb. 23, 2012 ("Liberty Media Form 10—

K"), at 1—4 to 1—6.

        Liberty Media also has ownership interests in entities that are accounted for as equity or

cost investments, including the following:

        e      Live Nation Entertainment —— Live Nation is organized into five business
               segments:     concert promotion and venue <operations, sponsorship,
               ticketing solutions, e—commerce and artist management. Liberty Media
               held approximately 25.6% of Live Nation‘s outstanding common stock
               as of June 30, 2012.

        e      Barnes & Noble, Inc. —— Barnes & Noble, the world‘s largest bookseller
               and a Forturne 500 company, operates bookstores in 50 states and
               conducts its online business through Liberty Media holds
               certain preferred shares of Barnes & Noble stock convertible into an
               approximate 17% equity interest in Barnes & Noble.

Liberty Media Form 10—K at 1—3, 7. Liberty Media also holds non—attributable ownership

interests in other entities, including Crown Media Holdings, Inc. (3%), Sprint Nextel

Corporation (1%), Time Warner Cable Inc. (1%), Time Warner Inc. (1%) and Viacomi Inc.


        On September 23, 2011, Liberty Interactive Corporation <("Liberty Interactive")

completed the split—off of Libeérty Media into a separate publicly traded company. Following

the split—off, Liberty Media and Liberty Interactive operate as separate publicly—traded

companies. Because Liberty Media and Liberty Interactive share certain executive officers and

directors and there are certain overlapping ownership interests, they may be deemed to hold


attributable ownership interests in each other under the Commission‘s ownership attribution


         Liberty Interactive owns interests in subsidiaries and other companies that primarily are

engaged in fhe vide(; and online commerce industries.         Liberty Interactive‘s consolidated

subsidiaries include:

         &      QVC, Inc. —— markets and sells a wide variety of consumer prodlicts in
                the U.S. and several foreign countries, primarily by means of televised
                shopping programs and via the Internet through its domestic and
                international websites.

         *      Provide Commerce, Inc. —— operates an e—commerce marketplace of
                branded websites offering high quality, perishable products shipped
                directly from the supplier to the consumer.

         &, Inc. —— operates an e—commerce marketplace for
                outdoor adventure, cycling and action sports gear and clothing. Liberty
                Interactive holds an 87.5% ownership interest in Backcountry.

See Liberty Interactive Corporation, Form 10—Kfor the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011,

filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission on Feb. 23, 2012 ("Liberty Interactive

Form 10—K"), at I—4 to 1—6.

         Liberty Interactive also has ownership interests in entities which are accounted for as

equity or cost investments, including:

         e      HSN, Inc. —— HSN is a retailer and interactive lifestyle network offering
                an assortment of products       through television     home shopping
                programming and      Liberty Interactive holds approximately
                34% of HSN‘s outstanding common stock and has the right to nominate
                20% of the members of HSN‘s board of directors.

         *      Expedia, Inc. —— Expedia is among the world‘s leading travel services _
                companies, making travel products and services available to leisure and
                corporate travelers through a diversified portfolio of brands, including
      ,,, Vacations and a range of other
                domestic and international brands and businesses.     Liberty Interactive
               holds an approximate 26% equity interest and 60% voting interest in


                 Expedia, Liberty Interactive has entered into governance arrangements
                 pursuantto which Mr. Barry Diller, Chairman of the Board and Senior
                 Executive Officer of Expedia, may vote Liberty Interactive‘s shares of
                 Expedia subject to certain limitations.©

Liberty Interactive Form 10—K at 1—8.

         B.      Sirius

         Sirius is a publicly traded Delaware company and holds numerous FCC satellite, earth

station, wireless and other authorizations as listed in Schedule 1.                Sirius provides music,

sports, entertainment, comedy, taik, news, traffic and weather audio channels in the United

States on a subscription fee basis through two proprietary satellite radio systems —— the Sirius

system and the XM system.            The programming offered by Sirius includes the following:

(1) music, including an extensive selection of genres ranging from rock, pop and hip—hop to

country, dance, jazz, Latin and classical; (2) sporté, including games/matches of the National

Football League, Major League Baseball, NASCAR, National Basketball Association, National

Hockey League, PGA Tour, and NCAA Division I football and basketball games; (3) talk and

entertainment, including popular talk personalities such as Oprah Winfrey and Martha Stewart,

comedy channels and religious programming; and (4) news and information, including a range

of national, international and financial news from BBC World Service News, Bloomberg

Radio, CNBC, CNN, FOX News, HLN, MSNBC, NPR and World Radio Network.                                      See

Sirius XM Radio Inc. Form 10—Kfor the Fiscal Year Ended December 31, 2011, filed with the

Securities and Exchange Commission on Feb. 9, 2012, at 1—2. As of June 30, 2012, Sirius had

® —Effective December 20, 2011, Expedia completed the spin—off of TripAdvisor, Inc. ("TripAdvisor"), an online
travel research company, as an independent public company. Liberty Interactive holds an approximate 26%
equity interest and 60% voting interest in TripAdvisor. Liberty Interactive has entered into a stockholders‘
agreement pursuant to which Mr. Diller may vote Liberty Interactive‘s shares of TripAdvisor common stock,
subject to certain limitations.


 over 22,000,000 subscribers.       See Sirius XM Radio Inc. Form 8—K, filed with the Securities

 and Exchange Commission on Aug. 7, 2012, at Ex. 99.1.

 IL      Grant of This Application Will Serve the Public Interest.

         Under Section 310(d) of the Communications Act, the Commission must determine

 whether the transfer of de jure control of Sirius to Liberty Media will serve the public interest,

 convenience and necessity. See 47 U.S.C. §310(d). The public interest analysis requires the

. Commission to determine initially whether the transaction violates the Communications ‘Act,

 other applicable statutes, or the Commission‘s rules.            See, e.g., News Corp. and The

~DIRECTV Group Inc., Transferors, and Liberty Media Corporation, Transferee, 23 FCC Red.

 3265 (2008) (“Liberly Media—DIRECTV Approval Order"), at §22. If the transaction does not

 violate a statute or regulation, the Commission will consider whether the transaction will result

 in public interest harms by frustrating or impairing the objectives or the implementation of the

 Communications Act.       4d.    The Commission then will balance the proposed transaction‘s

 potential public interest harms and potential public interest Abenefits.v T4.

        The public interest evaluation also encompasses the broad aims of the Communications

 Act, which generally include preserving and enhancing competition in relevant markets,

 accelerating private—sector deployment of advanced services,              ensuring a diversity of

 information and services to the public, and managing spectrum in the public interest.        See,

e.g., Applications of Comcast Corp., General Eléctric Co. and NBC Universal, Inc., for

 Consent to Assign Licenses and Transfer Control of Licensees, 26 FCC Red. 4238 (2011),

at §23 (citations omitted).      Under the Commission‘s balancing process, where the potential

harms posed by a transaction are great, the potential benefits must be great.          Conversely,

where the potential harms are small or nonexistent, the potential benefits need only be of a


similar scale, See, e.g., Applications for Consent to the Assignment and/or Transfer of Control

of Licenses, Adelphia Communications Corp., Assignors and Transferors, Comeast Corp. and

Time Warner Inc., Assignees and Transferees, 21 FCC Red. 8203 (2006), at $300.

       The propbsed transfer of de jure control of Sirius tb Liberty Media does not violate the

Communications Act or any Commission rules or policies.             It does not implicate any

aggregation, cross—ownership, multiple ownership, antitrust or similar restrictions in the

Communications Act, the Commission‘s rules, or the antitrust statutes..        Liberty Media‘s

potential acquisition of control of Sirius will not advefsely affect the "well—recognized public

interest benefits" cited by the Commission in approving the Sirius—XM merger.               See

Applications for Consent to the Transfer of Control of Licenses from XM Satellite Radio

Holdings Inc., Transferor, to Sirius Satellite Radio Holding, Inc., Transferee, 23 FCC Red.

12348 (2008), at €483, 88.
       The ‘Media Bureau recently noted that the audio services "marketplace has evolved

since the [Sirius-XM] merger closed, and consumers now have additional audio entertainment


      Indeed, it appears that since the Merger Order new audio services have emerged
      as viable consumer alternatives, including smartphone Internet streaming
      applications that can be used in mobile environments such as automobiles
      equipped with user—friendly interfaces.        For example, Pandora Media
      Inc....which provides audio services via Internet streaming and smartphone
      apps, has demonstrated remarkable growth in popularity in —the years since the
      merger. Other examples of apps that have emerged as alternatives since the
      Merger Order include Rhapsody, Slacker,, and iheartradio.         Ford,
      Toyota; MINI, GM, Mercedes—Benz, and Hyundai are introducing Internet—
      based streaming services in their vehicles. In addition, data suggest that HD
       radio has increased since the merger.

See Applications for Consent to the Transfer of Control of Licenses, XM Satellite Radio

Holding Inc., Transferor, to Sirius Satellite Radio Inc., Transferee, 26 FCC Red. 10539


  (Med. Bur. 2011), at (7 (notes omitted).             Liberty Media‘s acquisition of de jure control of

  Sirius XM will not adversely affect competition in the audio services marketplace.

         Liberty Media is qualified to control Sirius—XM.                 Liberty Media and its current and

 previous subsidiaries have held numerous classes of FCC licenses.                        The FCC approved

 Liberty Media‘s qualifications to exercise de facto control of DIRECTV in 2008. See Liberty

 Media—DIRECTV Approval Order.

         In accordance with the provisions of the Investment Agreement, Liberty Media made a

 substantial investment in Sirius in 2009 in return for an equity interest in the company. The

 Commission has recognized that it is "axiomatic" that an investment should "fairly reflect the

 benefits that [the investor] ‘expects to receive in return for its investment." Seé, e.g.,

 Applications of GWI PCS, Inc. For Authority to Construct and Operate Broadband PCS

 Systems Operating on Frequency Block C, 12 FCC Red. 6441 (WTB 1997), at €9. Likewise,

 the Commission has recognized that it is in the public interest for the Commission‘s transfer

 of control procedures tb facilitate investment in entities licensed by the Commission and to

 permit investors to recognize the full value of their investments.                    See, e.g., AmericaSky

 Corp., Application for Authority for Transfer of Control, 11 FCC Red. 21134 (Int‘l Bur.

 1996), at §20.       Therefore, Liberty Media respectfully requests grant of its application for

 transfer of de jure control of Sirius.‘

* In addition to holding the licenses identified in Schedule 1 hereto, Liberty Media understands that Sirius and/or
its licensee subsidiaries have filed with the Commission certain pending applications and petitions and may file
additional applications or petitions with the Commission in the future. Accordingly, Liberty Media requests that
the Commission, in acting upon this application, include authority for the transfer of de jure control of; (1) any
license or authorization issued to Sirius and/or its licensee subsidiaries during the pendency of this application
prior to grant of the application or during the period specified in the Commission‘s rules for consummation
following approval; and (2) any applications, petitions or other filings that have been filed by Sirius and/or its
licensee subsidiaries and that are pending at the time of the consummation of the proposed transfer of de jure
control.                                                                                   >



       For the reasons set forth above, grant of this application will serve the public interest,

 convenience and necessity.   Liberty Media respectfully requests that the Commission grant

 this application for consent to the transfer of de jure control of Sirius to Liberty Media, so

 that Liberty Media may convert a sufficient number of the Preferred Shares to own more than

 50% of the outstanding cdmmon stock of Sirius.

                                            Respectfully submitted,
                                            LIBERTY MEDIA CORPORATION

                                    By:          @Gl—A 2 kiee k
                                             C                    )4        y

                                            Robert L. Hoegle, Esquire‘ {}
                                            Timothy J. Fitzgibbon, Esquire
                                            Thomas F. Bardo, Esquire

                                            Nelson Mullins Riley & Scarborough LLP
                                            101 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Suite 900 °
                                            Washington, D.C. 20001
                                            (202) 712—2816
August 16, 2012


                          Schedule 1


                  Sirius XM Radio Inc.

E040363       Earth station               10/19/2019
E060276       Earth station               9/572021
E060277       Earth station               10/3/2021
E060363       Earth station               10/30/2021
E080168       Earth station               2/17/2024
E080185       Earth station               10/9/2023
E110172       Earth station               2/15/2027
E990291       Earth station               3/20/2026
$2710         Satellite                   8/25/2017
wQK1298       Business radio              5/29/2019
wQPD459       Business radio              4/13/2022
WE2XSS        Experimental

                    . XM Radio LLC

S2118         Satellite                    5/31/2014
S2119         Satellite                    3/31/2014
$2616         Satellite                    12/15/2014
$2617         Satellite                    4/20/2013
$2786         Satellite                    12/2/2018
E040204       Earth station              | 81672019
E000724       Earth station                1/22/2026
£000158       Earth station                3/20/2026
WQJP534       Wireless                     10/1/2012
WB2XCA        Experimental                 9/1/2012

                Satellite CD Radio LLC

$2105        Satellite                    2/ 11/2017
82812        Satellite


Document Created: 2012-08-16 16:59:06
Document Modified: 2012-08-16 16:59:06

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