Attachment Liberty Media DIRECT

Liberty Media DIRECT

ORDER submitted by IB; WTB, FCC



This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20100407-00067 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Federal Communications Commission                                             .              DA 10—1081

                                                 Before the
                                    Federal Communications Commission
                                             Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                                                IBFS File Nos.:

                                                        N/ NNN N/ NN N N N2 N N N2 N e N S iz
Liberty Media Corporation, Transferor                                                           SAT—T/C—20100407—00065
DIRECTV, Transferee                                                                             SES—T/C—20100409—00423

Applications for Authority to Transfer Control of                                               WTB File Nos.:
Satellite Earth Station and Space Station Licenses,
and Wireless Authorizations °                                                                   0004200888


Adopted: June 16, 2010                                                                                            Released: June 16, 2010

By the Chief, International Bureau; Chief, Wireless Telecormmmunications Bureau:

           1.   In this Order, we approve applications proposing a transfer of control to satisfy one of the
conditions imposed by the Commission in connection with its approval of Liberty Media Corporation‘s
acquisition of DIRECTV from News Corporation.‘ On April 7 and 8, 2010, DIRECTV filed the above—
captioned applications seeking approval of the transfer of de facto control of various space station, earth
station, and terrestrial wireless authorizations held by DIRECTV and its subsidiaries, and which are
attributable to Dr. John Malone, from Dr. Malone to DIRECTV. DIRECTV has submitted these
applications in order to comply with a condition that the Commission adopted when approving the
transfer of control of DIRECTV from News Corporation to Liberty Media Corporation. Specifically, a
condition of the transaction was that DIRECTV and Liberty Media Corporation would sever all
attributable ties between DIRECTV Puerto Rico ("DTVPR") and Liberty Cable Puerto Rico ("LCPR")
("Puerto Rico Condition")." As discussed below, granting the above—captioned applications as
conditioned will serve the public interest, because the proposed transactions will sever these attributable
ties and, by doing so, will promote competition in the Puerto Rico video programming market, as the
Commission determined in the Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order." Accordingly, we approve these

\ See News Corporation and The DIRECTV Group, Inc., Transferors, and Liberty Media Corporation, Transferee,
Memorandum Opinion and Order, MB Docket No. 07—18, 23 FCC Red 3265 (2008) ("Liberty Media—DIRECTV
2 Id. at 3294 [ 63, 3340 Appendix B at Section I.

* 1d. at 3294 J 63.

                                          Federal Communications Commission                                  DA 10—1081

  Applications subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order
  approving Liberty. Media‘s acquisition of a de facto controlling interest in DIRECTV and its subsidiaries."
           2.   DIRECTV makes two core proposals in its applications. First, three directors of DIRECTV
  who were appointed by Liberty Media Corporation — Dr. Malone, Mr. Greg Maffei, and Mr. Paul Gould —
  will resign from DIRECTV‘s board of directors. DIRECTV‘s Nominating Committee, which is
  comprised of independent directors, will nominate three independent directors to serve as replacements."
  Second, all of the high—vote class B shares held by Dr. John Malone, his wife, and two trusts for the
  benefit of his children (collectively, the "Malones") will be converted to class A shares, thereby reducing
  the Malones‘ voting interest in DIRECTVfrom approximately 24.3% to about 3%.° No comments or
  petitions were filed in response to the applications.
            3.    We are persuaded that the proposed transactions serve the public interest and present no
  countervailing harms. The applicants propose that the Malones‘ voting interests in DIRECTV be reduced
  to a level that the Commission would consider non—attributable under the cable television attribution
  criteria.‘ Moreover, the applicants have representedthat the remainder of DIRECTV‘s equity and voting
  interests are widely held and that no other party currently controls more than ten percent of either of such
  interests.© Accordingly, Dr. Malone‘s relinquishment of de facto control of DIRECTV, which will occur
  as a result of the applicants‘ proposed transactions, directly alleviates the concerns that caused the
  Commission to adopt the Puerto Rico Condition requiring the applicants to sever all attributable ties
  between DTVPR and LCPR.
          4.    We also are persuaded that the proposed board resignations will remedy the Commission‘s
  concerns about overlapping directorates as expressed in the Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order."" In
  addition to Dr. Malone‘s proposed resignation from the DIRECTV Board of Directors, the resignations of
  Mr. Maffei and Mr. Gould will ensure that no director of DIRECTV will hold positions with companies
  that may be considered to be affiliated with Dr. Malone. Moreover, DIRECTV proposes to install three
  replacement directors who will have no attributable interest in Liberty Media or Liberty Global, Inc., or
  otherwise be considered to have attributable ties to Dr. Malone as determined in accordance with the

  * Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order, 23 FCC Red 3265. Nothing in this Order serves to terminate any condition of the
  Liberty—DIRECTV Order other than the Puerto Rico Condition. Termination of any other condition may occur only
  pursuant to the terms of the Liberty—DIRECTV Order.

  ° See Application for Satellite Space and Earth Station Authorizations for Transfer of Control or Assignment, John
  C. Malone, Transferor, to Liberty NC, Transferee, Application Nos. SAT—T/C—20100407—00065, et seq., Description
  of the Transaction and Public Interest Statement at 3 ("Public Interest Statement").

  6 See Public Interest Statement at 2.

  ? See 47 C.F.R. § 76.501 Note 2(a); Public Interest Statement at 3.

  8 See Public Interest Statement at 2. In addition, the Applicants represent that after the transactions, no person or
  entity other than institutional investors will hold 5 percent or more of DIRECTV‘s voting interests. See Public
  Interest Statement at 3.

  ° The Commission determined in the Liberty DIRECTV Order, and the parties conceded, that the transfer from News
  Corp. to Liberty Media would result in Liberty Media attaining de facto control over DIRECTV. See Liberty
  DIRECTV Order, 23 FCC Red 3265, 3266, 3275 [ 2, 18. The Commission also determined that John Malone
  controlled Liberty Media. See Liberty DIRECTV Order, 23 FCC Red 3265, 3283, 3285 J 38, 42. As further .
  explained below, the proposed transactions would result in neither Liberty Media nor Dr. Malone being able to
  dominate or unduly influence the corporate affairs of DIRECTV. See generally Liberty DIRECTV Order, 23 ECC
  Red 3265, 3285 [ 42 ("A person has de facto control when he possesses the ability to dominate the corporation‘s
. affairs").                                                                                            '

    14. at 3285—86 43.

                                      Federal Communications Commission                                DA 10—1081

Commission‘s rules."" In this regard, we note that Section 76.1000(b) of the Commission‘s Rules is the
governing standard for attribution for purposes of the condition at issue." Furthermore, as the
Commission stated in the Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order, "determining whether a particular interest is
attributable is a fact—intensive inquiry, and, even where an interest may appear non—attributable under the
bright—line attribution rules, the Commission retains the discretion to review individual cases that present
unusual issues."" Application of the Commission‘s attribution standard to the facts presented here
persuades us that the proposed board resignations will address the overlapping directorate concerns set
forth in the Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order.
         5.    By their own terms, all of the Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order conditions will continue to
apply to DIRECTV and Liberty Media following the transactions, as DIRECTV and Liberty Media
acknowledge."* The applicants do not seek relief from the programming safeguards that the Commission
established in the Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order. The transactions proposed in these applications do not
affect the continuing validity and legal effect of the remaining conditions set forth in Appendix B of the
Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order. As the Commiussion previously concluded, these "conditions aré
sufficient to ameliorate any potential vertical integration harms that might otherwise occur" due to the
combination of Liberty Media‘s and DIRECTV‘s assets under common control.""
         6.   We agree with the applicants that the proposed transactions present no cognizable public
interest harms. Further, we find that the proposed transactions will satisfy the Puerto Rico Condition.
     7.   Accordingly, having reviewed the Applications and the record in this matter, IT IS
ORDERED, pursuant to sections 4(1), 4(J), 309, and 310(d) of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 154(i), 154(j), 309, 310(d), that the applications listed in the caption of this Order
ARE GRANTED subject to the conditions set forth at Sections II through V of Appendix B to the
Commission‘s Order in News Corporation and The DIRECTV Group, Inc., Transferors, and Liberty
Media Corporation, Transferee, 23 FCC Red 3265 (2008).
         8.    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Order SHALL BE EFFECTIVE upon release.""

  See Public Interest Statement at 3 ("No such nominee will have an attributable interest in Liberty Media or LGI,
or otherwise be considered to be attributable to Dr. Malone as determined in accordance with the Commission‘s
rules"). In addition, "DIRECTV‘s Board of Directors will be entirely independent of Dr. Malone and companies
which may be considered to be under his de facto control, where three of DIRECTY‘s 11 Directors (including its
Chairman) may be considered to be currently so affiliated." Public Interest Statement at 3.

47 C.ER. § 76.1000(b).
 Liberty DIRECTV Order, 23 FCC Red 3265, 3294 I 63 Note 193.
‘* See Public Interest Statement at 5. In addition, the Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order expressly establishes that all
of the conditions will continue to apply to DIRECTV and its subsidiaries after the transaction. The order also
provides that the conditions will apply to any entity or program rights holder in which John Malone holds an
attributable interest. Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order, 23 FCC Red at 3340 Note 3 (defining "Liberty Media," to
include any entity or program rights holder in which Malone holds an attributable interest); In re Liberty Media
Corporation, Transferor and DIRECTV, Transferee, Order, 24 FCC Red 12221, 12223 Note 10 and text (October 1,
 Liberty Media—DIRECTV Order, 23 ECC Red 3265, § 153, 155.
5 See 47 C.ER. §§ 1.103, 1.4(b)(2).

                                Federal Communications Commission                            DA 10—1081

        9.      This action is taken pursuant to authority delegated under Sections 0.204, 0.261, and
0.331, of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.204, 0.261, and 0.331.

                                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 hicua Aol< T
                                                Mindel De La Torre
                                                Chief, International Bureau

                                                Ruth Milkman .
                                                Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

Document Created: 2019-04-10 18:20:28
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 18:20:28

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