Attachment Attachment

This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20091125-00126 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



        This application is one of several simultaneously filed applications seeking Federal
Communications Commission (“FCC”) consent to a pro forma transfer of control of all of the
licenses (the “Intelsat Licenses”) held by Intelsat North America LLC, Intelsat LLC, PanAmSat
Licensee Corp., PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp., and Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd.
(collectively, the “Intelsat Licensees”) as a result of the change of form of Intelsat Global, Ltd., a
Bermuda entity (and various of its directly and indirectly wholly-owned Bermuda subsidiaries)
to Intelsat Global, S.A., a Luxembourg entity (and various of its directly and indirectly wholly-
owned Luxembourg subsidiaries).

I.     Description of the Proposed Pro Forma Transfer of Control – Response to Questions
       43 and A.20

        The Intelsat Licensees seek FCC consent for a pro forma indirect transfer of control of
the Intelsat Licenses as part of a comprehensive corporate reorganization. As depicted in Exhibit
1 (Intelsat Licensee Current Ownership), the Intelsat Licenses are owned and controlled through
various directly and indirectly wholly-owned subsidiaries of Intelsat Global, Ltd., a Bermuda
entity. These subsidiaries include the following Bermuda entities, each of which is an indirect
parent of one or more of the Intelsat Licensees: Intelsat Global Subsidiary, Ltd.; Intelsat
Holdings, Ltd.; Intelsat, Ltd.; Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd.; Intelsat Jackson Holdings, Ltd.; Intelsat
Intermediate Holding Company, Ltd. and Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Company, Ltd. (together
with Intelsat Global, Ltd., the “Bermuda Entities”). Each of these Bermuda Entities will be
migrated to and reorganized as a Luxembourg entity, becoming respectively: Intelsat Global,
S.A.; Intelsat Global Subsidiary, S.A.; Intelsat Holdings, S.A.; Intelsat, S.A.; Intelsat
(Luxembourg), S.A.; Intelsat Jackson Holdings, S.A.; Intelsat Intermediate Holding Company,
S.A. and Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Company, S.A. (collectively, the “Luxembourg Entities”).
In connection with this migration, Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd. will change its name to Intelsat
(Luxembourg), S.A. The migration of the Bermuda Entities will effect a pro forma transfer of
control of the Intelsat Licenses. The migration will not affect the assets (including subsidiaries)
held by each of these entities or their ultimate ownership and control. It is merely a change in
corporate form and jurisdiction of organization. The proposed post-consummation holding
structure for the Intelsat Licenses after the migration of the Bermuda Entities for which FCC
approval is sought is illustrated in Exhibit 2 (Intelsat Licensee Ownership Following Pro Forma

        Additionally, as depicted in Exhibit 1 (Intelsat Licensee Current Ownership), the satellite
license held by Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd. (the “New Dawn License”) is controlled
through various directly and indirectly wholly-owned subsidiaries of Intelsat Global, Ltd. (which
will become Intelsat Global, S.A.). One of the subsidiaries of Intelsat Global, Ltd. -- Intelsat
Subsidiary Holding Company, Ltd. (which will become Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Company,
S.A.) -- will contribute its shares in Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd. to Intelsat New Dawn
(Gibraltar) Limited – a newly created company. As a result, Intelsat New Dawn (Gibraltar)
Limited will be interposed as a 100 percent owned holding company between Intelsat Subsidiary
Holding Company, Ltd. (which will become Intelsat Subsidiary Holding Company, S.A.) and
Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd. The insertion of this new company into the ownership
structure for Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd. will effect a pro forma transfer of control of the


New Dawn License. The proposed post-consummation holding structure of the New Dawn
License for which FCC approval is sought is illustrated in Exhibit 2 (Intelsat Licensee
Ownership Following Pro Forma Transactions).

        Finally, as also depicted in Exhibit 1 (Intelsat Licensee Current Ownership), the satellite
and earth station licenses (the “PanAmSat Licenses”) held by PanAmSat Licensee Corp. and
PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp. (the “PanAmSat Licensees”) are controlled through various
directly and indirectly wholly-owned subsidiaries of Intelsat Global, Ltd. (which will become
Intelsat Global, S.A.). One of the indirect subsidiaries of Intelsat Global, Ltd. -- Intelsat (Poland)
Sp. z o.o. -- will be dissolved. The shares in Intelsat Holding Corporation held by Intelsat
(Poland) Sp. z o.o. will be distributed to the parent entity of Intelsat (Poland) Sp. z o.o. --
Intelsat (Luxembourg) Sarl. As a result, Intelsat (Poland) Sp. z o.o. will be removed as the 100
percent owned holding company between Intelsat Holding Corporation and Intelsat
(Luxembourg) Sarl. In connection with this dissolution, Intelsat (Luxembourg) Sarl has been
renamed Intelsat Luxembourg Finance Company Sarl. The removal of Intelsat (Poland) Sp. z
o.o. from the ownership structure of the PanAmSat Licensees will effect a pro forma transfer of
control of the PanAmSat Licenses. The proposed post-consummation holding structure of the
PanAmSat Licenses for which FCC approval is sought is illustrated in Exhibit 2 (Intelsat
Licensee Ownership Following Pro Forma Transactions).1

        The proposed transactions constitute non-substantial (pro forma) transfers of control,
because ultimate ownership and control of the Intelsat Licenses will be exactly the same before
and after the proposed transactions. The Commission has previously approved the ultimate
ownership and control of the Intelsat Licenses by current shareholders in the Intelsat-Serafina
Order.2 There have been no material changes to the ultimate ownership and control of the
Intelsat Licenses by the current shareholders since the date of the Intelsat-Serafina Order. After
the proposed pro forma transactions are consummated, the previously approved current
shareholders will continue their indirect ownership and control of the Intelsat Licenses.

         The FCC should grant this application for a non-substantial transfer of control without
prior public notice. The Intelsat Licensees will supplement, as necessary, any applications that
are pending upon the consummation of the proposed transaction to reflect the pro forma change
in ownership.3 To the extent that any pending applications, or any other applications for new
facilities or for renewal or modification of existing facilities, are granted to the Intelsat Licensees
prior to the closing of the proposed transaction, the Intelsat Licensees request that the grant of
this application include consent with respect to all such subsequently granted authorizations.

         The dissolution of Intelsat (Poland) Sp. z o.o. will occur after the migration of the Bermuda Entities to
Luxembourg entities. To the extent the dissolution will occur more than 60 days after the date of FCC authorization,
PanAmSat Licensee Corp. and PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp. will seek an extension of the closing deadline
specified in Section 25.119(f) of the FCC’s rules.
         Intelsat Holdings, Ltd. and Serafina Holdings Limited, Consolidated Application for Consent to Transfer of
Control of Holders of Title II and Title III Authorizations, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 22 FCC Rcd 22,151
(2007) (“Intelsat-Serafina Order”).
        See 47 C.F.R. § 1.65.


Further, the Intelsat Licensees request that grant of this application include authority for the pro
forma transfer of control of any special temporary authorizations held by the Intelsat Licensees,
or applications for special temporary authority that are pending, at the time of the consummation
of the proposed pro forma transfer of control.

II.      Public Interest Statement – Response to Question A.21

         The migration of the Bermuda Entities, the insertion of Intelsat New Dawn (Gibraltar)
Limited and the dissolution of Intelsat (Poland) Sp. z o.o., will serve the public interest by
enhancing the flexibility of the Intelsat Licensees’ capital structure. In particular, the migration
of the Bermuda Entities to Luxembourg will provide a jurisdiction that is familiar with the fixed
satellite services sector and has established tax treaties with the countries in which Intelsat does
business. The FCC has previously approved the pro forma insertion of Gibraltar, Luxembourg
and Polish holding companies into the ownership chain of the PanAmSat Licenses.4 This
proposed transaction seeks similar types of non-substantial changes to the ownership structure of
the Intelsat Licenses. Consistent with precedent, the Intelsat Licensees respectfully request FCC
consent for these pro forma transfers of control.

III.     Foreign Ownership – Response to Question 34

        Exhibit 2 (Intelsat Licensee Ownership Following Pro Forma Transactions) identifies the
non-U.S. holding companies in the ownership structure of the Intelsat Licensees following the
proposed pro forma transfers of control. The ownership of Intelsat Global, Ltd., a Bermuda
entity (which, after closing of the transaction will be Intelsat Global, S.A., a Luxembourg entity),
has previously been approved by the Commission as part of the Intelsat-Serafina Order5 and has
not materially changed since that time.

IV.      Previously Revoked Authorization – Response to Question 36

        The Intelsat Licensees have never had an FCC license “revoked.” However, on June 26,
2000, the International Bureau “cancelled” two Ka-band satellite authorizations issued to
PanAmSat Licensee Corp. based on the Bureau’s finding that PanAmSat Licensee Corp. had not
satisfied applicable construction milestones.6 In that same order, the Bureau denied related
applications to modify the cancelled authorizations. PanAmSat Licensee Corp. filed an
application for review of the Bureau’s decision, which the Commission denied, and subsequently
filed an appeal with the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit,
which was dismissed in January 2003 at PanAmSat Licensee Corp.’s request. Notwithstanding
the fact that the Bureau’s action does not seem to be the kind of revocation action contemplated

         See Policy Branch Information Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-00134, DA 06-1963 (Sept. 29, 2006)
(granting pro forma transfer of control from Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd. to each of Intelsat (Gibraltar), Ltd., Intelsat
(Luxembourg) Sarl, and Intelsat (Poland) Sp. z o.o.).
         See supra note 2.
         See PanAmSat Licensee Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 00-1266, 15 FCC Rcd 18720 (IB


by Question 36, the Intelsat Licensees are herein making note of the decision in the interest of
absolute candor and out of an abundance of caution. In any event, the Bureau’s action with
respect to PanAmSat Licensee Corp. does not reflect on the Intelsat Licensees’ basic
qualifications, which are well-established and a matter of public record.

V.     Officers, Directors and Ten Percent Shareholders – Response to Questions 40 and

       Exhibit 2 provides the proposed post-consummation ownership structure of the Intelsat
Licensees. As identified in that structure, Intelsat Global, S.A. will indirectly control the Intelsat
Licensees. Intelsat Global, S.A.’s ownership was approved by the Commission in the Intelsat-
Serafina Order, has not changed materially and is incorporated by reference.7

       The officers and directors of each of the Intelsat Licensees is as follows:

Intelsat LLC

Following are the officers of Intelsat LLC:

Michael McDonnell, Chairman
Andrew Stimson, Deputy Chairman
Patricia Casey, Senior Vice President
Phillip Spector, Secretary
Kalpak Gude, Vice President, Regulatory Compliance
Simon Van De Weg, Director, Finance

Following are the members of the Board of Managers of Intelsat LLC:

Michael McDonnell
Andrew Stimson
Phillip Spector
Kalpak Gude

Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd.

Following are the officers of Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd.:

Andrew Stimson, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer and Resident Representative
Phillip Spector, Deputy Chairman and Assistant Secretary
Simon Van De Weg, Secretary

Following are the directors of Intelsat New Dawn Company, Ltd.:

Michael McDonnell

       See supra note 2.


Andrew Stimson
Phillip Spector
Simon Van De Weg

Intelsat North America LLC

Following are the officers of Intelsat North America LLC:

Michael McDonnell, Chairman
Andrew Stimson, Deputy Chairman
Phillip Spector, Secretary
Simon Van De Weg, Director, Finance

Following are the members of the Board of Managers of Intelsat North America LLC:

Michael McDonnell
Andrew Stimson
Phillip Spector

PanAmSat Licensee Corp. and PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp.

Following are the officers of PanAmSat Licensee Corp. and PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp.:

Stephen Spengler, Chairman of the Board, President & Chief Operating Officer
Patricia Casey, Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary
Anita Beier, Senior Vice President & Controller
Hank Courson, Vice President & Treasurer

Following are the directors of PanAmSat Licensee Corp. and PanAmSat H-2 Licensee Corp.:

Stephen Spengler
Patricia Casey
Anita Beier

VI.    Class of Station – Response to Question 25

        Question 25 of FCC Form 312, Main Form requires an applicant to select only one class
of station for each earth station authorization. Intelsat LLC and PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
selected fixed service and hereby note that a portion of their earth station licenses are temporary-
fixed service. On a separate form, Intelsat LLC selected 12/14 GHz VSAT network and hereby
notes that a portion of its earth station licenses are earth stations on vessels (“ESV”).


                                                Exhibit 1:
                                  Intelsat Licensee Current Ownership1

                                                      Current shareholders
                                                         approved in the
                                                     Intelsat-Serafina Order2

                                                       Intelsat Global, Ltd.

                                                  Intelsat Global Subsidiary, Ltd.

                                                      Intelsat Holdings, Ltd.

                                                           Intelsat, Ltd.

                                                       Intelsat (Bermuda),
                                                          Ltd. [Bermuda]

                                                   Intelsat Jackson Holdings,
                                                         Ltd. [Bermuda]

                 Intelsat Intermediate Holding                                          Intelsat (Gibraltar)
                   Company, Ltd. [Bermuda]                                               Limited [Gibraltar]

                    Intelsat Subsidiary Holding                                       Intelsat (Luxembourg)
                     Company, Ltd. [Bermuda]                                            Sarl [Luxembourg]

                                                                                       Intelsat (Poland) Sp.
                                                                                          z o.o. [Poland]
Intelsat Holdings LLC                    Intelsat New Dawn
      [Delaware]                       Company, Ltd. [Bermuda]
                                                                                         Intelsat Holding
                                                                                      Corporation [Delaware]
     Intelsat LLC
                                                                                       Intelsat Corporation
Intelsat North America
    LLC [Delaware]

                                                                                       Intelsat International
                                                                                     Systems, LLC [Delaware]

                                                               PanAmSat Licensee Corp.                  PanAmSat H-2 Licensee
                                                                    [Delaware]                             Corp. [Delaware]

                                         Exhibit 2:
               Intelsat Licensee Ownership Following Pro Forma Transactions1

                                                           Current shareholders
                                                          approved in the Intelsat-
                                                              Serafina Order2

                                                            Intelsat Global, S.A.

                                                     Intelsat Global Subsidiary, S.A.

                                                          Intelsat Holdings, S.A.

                                                                Intelsat, S.A.

                                                          Intelsat (Luxembourg),
                                                            S.A. [Luxembourg]3

                                                        Intelsat Jackson Holdings,
                                                             S.A. [Luxembourg]

                   Intelsat Intermediate Holding
                                                                                            Intelsat (Gibraltar)
                   Company, S.A. [Luxembourg]
                                                                                             Limited [Gibraltar]

                    Intelsat Subsidiary Holding                                         Intelsat Luxembourg Finance
                   Company, S.A. [Luxembourg]                                           Company Sarl [Luxembourg]4

                                                                                             Intelsat Holding
                                               Intelsat New Dawn                          Corporation [Delaware]
Intelsat Holdings LLC
                                                (Gibraltar), Limited
                                                                                            Intelsat Corporation
    Intelsat LLC                             Intelsat New Dawn
     [Delaware]                            Company, Ltd. [Bermuda]                            59%**

                                                                                           Intelsat International
                                                                                         Systems, LLC [Delaware]
Intelsat North America
    LLC [Delaware]

                                                                       PanAmSat Licensee Corp.              PanAmSat H-2 Licensee
                                                                            [Delaware]                         Corp. [Delaware]

Notes to Exhibits 1 and 2

1     All subsidiaries are wholly-owned unless otherwise noted. The jurisdiction of organization for each entity is
      indicated after its name in brackets (i.e. “[Jurisdiction]”).

2     Intelsat Corporation owns 59 percent of Intelsat International Systems, LLC. USHI, LLC, a Delaware limited
      liability company, owns the remaining 41 percent of Intelsat International Systems, LLC. USHI, LLC is
      wholly owned by PanAmSat International Holdings LLC, also a Delaware limited liability company, which in
      turn is wholly owned by Intelsat Corporation.

3     The name of this entity will be changed from “Intelsat (Bermuda), Ltd. ” to “Intelsat (Luxembourg), S.A.”

4     The name of this entity was changed from “Intelsat (Luxembourg) Sarl” to “Intelsat Luxembourg Finance
      Company Sarl.”

Document Created: 2009-11-25 15:20:53
Document Modified: 2009-11-25 15:20:53

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