Attachment DISH- Grant Sept 17

DISH- Grant Sept 17

DECISION submitted by IB, FCC



This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20090217-00027 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                              UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                  RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: DISH Operating LL.C.                                                 File Number: SAT—T/C—20090217—00027
Authorization Type: Consent To Transfer Control                         Class of Station:   Space Station Geostationary

                                        Grant Date: Friday, September 17, 2010


         EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation
         9601 South Meridian Boulevard
         Englewood, CO 80112


         QuetzSat, S. de R.L. de C.V.
         Av. Insurgentes Sur 1605 Piso 12
         Mexico, D.F.,   —

         DISH Operating L.L.C.
          9601 South Meridian Boulevard
         Englewood, CO 80112—

         $2739    EchoStar 1 ,

         Under the authority of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the consent of the Federal
         Communications Commission is hereby granted to the transaction indicated above. The Commission‘s consent to
         the above is based on the representations made by the applicants that the statements contained in, or made in
         connection with, the application are true and that the undertakings of the parties upon which this transaction is
         authorized will be carried out in good faith. The actual consummation of voluntary transactions shall be
         completed within 60 days from the date hereof, and notice in letter form thereof shall promptly be furnished the
         Commission by the buyer showing the date the acts necessary to effect the transaction were completed. Upon
         furnishing the Commission with such written notice, this transaction will be considered completed for all
         purposes related to the above described station(s).

                                                      ( page 1 of 1 )                                              FCC Form 732

                        IBFS File No. SAT—T/C—20090217—00027
                                    Call Sign $2739
                                  September 17, 2010

Consent is effective 04:01 UTC, September 22, 2010. DISH Operating LL.C.‘s FCC
authorization for operation of the EchoStar 1 satellite at the 77.15° W.L. orbital location
is terminated upon this consent becoming effective. The Federal Communications
Commission has exchanged letters with the Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes
and the Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones of Mexico to ensure a mutual
understanding regarding the operations of the EchoStar 1 satellite. The understandings
and factual basis for these understandings are attached in Annex A, and are material
considerations for the grant of this authority.

                                    file# SABT— T/C—200930217—000217

                                     Call Sign $2139          GrantDate 05/'7/'0
                                     (or other identifier)
                                             gee              Term Dates
                                     From ARove

                                                             SJFZ@&\ J. Duall
                                                             Chn   )   Sodel\\lfc PO“(Q"j Branch


                                            Federal Communications Commission
                                                     Washington, DC 20554

International Bureau

                                                          July 26, 2010

              Lic. Héctor Olavarria Tapia
              Director General de Politica de Telecomunicaciones y Radiodifusion
              Subsecretaria de Comunicaciones
              Secretaria de Comunicaciones y Transportes
              Av. Xola y Universidad
              Centro Nacional SCT, Cuerpo "C" piso 1
              Narvarte, 03020 Mexico, Distrito Federal Mexico

              Mr. Reynaldo Gonzélez Bustamante
              Director General de Regulacion "B"
              Unidad de Prospectiva y Regulacion
              Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones
              Bosque de Radiatas 44, piso 3
              Bosques de las Lomas, 05120 Mexico, Distrito Federal Mexico

                       Re: Operations of the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 Space Stations

              Dear Mr. Olavarria and Mr. Gonzdlez:

                    This letter is to confirm the informal understandings of the Secretaria de
              Comunicaciones y Transportes (SCT), represented by the Subsecretaria de
              Comunicaciones and the Comision Federal de Telecomunicaciones, and the Federal
              Communications Commission (FCC), concerning certain technical issues involved in the
              operation of two Broadcasting Satellite Service (BSS) satellites known as EchoStar 1 and
              EchoStar 8. The operations are pursuant to an agreement between EchoStar Corporation
              (EchoStar) and SES Latin America, S.A. and SES S.A. (collectively, "SES").

              The Transaction between EchoStar and SES

                       Under an arrangement between EchoStar and SES, a prior version of which was
             discussed in an exchange of letters between our Administrations, dated November 16 and
             21, 2005, EchoStar agreed to move the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites to the 77°
              W.L. orbital location,‘ subject to necessary governmental approvals, pending the launch

             ‘ The term "77° W.L. orbital location"refers to the orbital position for the relevant Mexican frequency
             assignment under the ITU Region 2 Plan for BSS and Feeder Link Assignments, as contained in Appendix
             30/30A of the Radio Regulations, and to any specific orbital location within the cluster defined by such

and placement of a new satellite (QuetzSat 1) at the 77° W.L. orbital location. The
agreement provides that the Service Term for EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 at the 77° W.L.
orbital location will run from the date that EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 begin service at the
77° W.L. orbital location (the "in—service" date) until the earliest of: (1) the End—of—Life
of either EchoStar 1 or EchoStar 8; (2) the date that either satellite fails; (3) the in—service
date of QuetzSat 1 at the 77° W.L. orbital location; (4) the date that EchoStar removes
either EchoStar 1 or EchoStar 8 from the 77° W.L. orbital location to replace capacity of
its fleet lost due to catastrophic failure in the fleet; or (5) upon certain events related to
future operations of QuetzSat 1. If the agreement is terminated as to any one of the
satellites at the 77° W.L. orbital location (EchoStar 4, EchoStar 1, and EchoStar 8), the
terms of the agreement otherwise remain in full force and effect in accordance with its
terms and conditions as to the remaining in—service satellite(s).

       The agreement contemplates that EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 will operate at the
77° W.L. orbital location underthe direction and control of SES/QuetzSat." EchoStar
will perform telemetry, tracking, and control functions under the direction and control of
SES/QuetzSat for the entire Service Term of the two satellites at the 77° W.L. orbital

         On February 2, 2005, SCT provided QuetzSat with a concession to develop and
operate a BSS/FSS space station at the 77° W.L. orbital location (the "Concession").
EchoStar has filed with the FCC requests for authorization to transfer control of the
EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites to Mexico (the "Full Authorizations"). EchoStar has
also filed, and the FCC granted, a request to drift the EchoStar 1 space station from the
148° W.L. orbital location to the 77.15° W.L. orbital location, and a request to drift the
EchoStar 8 space station from the 110° W.L. orbital location to the 77° W.L. orbital
location. In addition, EchoStar filed, and the FCC granted, special temporary authorities
for EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 to operate under U.S. authority at the 77.15° W.L. and 77°
W.L. and orbital locations, respectively.

Informal Understandings between SCT and the FCC on certain technical issues
concerning operation of EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8.

         It is my understanding that our two agencies have concurred on the following
technical issues concerning the operation of EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8:

  1.     In the event the FCC approves the Full Authorizations, EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8
         spacecraft will operate at the 77° W.L. orbital location subject to Mexican
         authority. The Mexican Administration will have responsibility for compliance
         with the ITU Radio Regulations (including the requirement for licensing as
         specified in Article 18.1 of the Radio Regulations, and any applicable agreement—
         seeking procedures) in connection with operation of the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar
         8 satellites at the 77° W.L. orbital location.

* QuetzSat S. de RL. de C.V. (QuetzSat) is an affiliate of SES. The agreement indicates thatit is intended
to bind SES and its affiliates.

  2.    Operation of the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites at any location other than at
        the 77° W.L. orbital location will be subject to licensing by the FCC, including
        any operations as a result of equipment failure in the satellite that results in the
        inability to maintain the satellite within +0.1 degrees ofits assigned position at
        the 77° W.L. orbital location.

  3.    SCT will provide the FCC with at least four (4) days advance written notice (e—
        mail with confirmed receipt from the FCC‘s Chief, International Bureau, Satellite
        Division, will be considered sufficient) of any planned termination or expiration
        of the Concession under which the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites will

  4.    Consistent with ITU Recommendation 8.1003—1, Environmental Protection of the
        Geostationary—Satellite Orbit, QuetzSat will be obliged under the Concession to
        maintain, barring catastrophic failure of satellite components, the capability to de—
        orbit the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 spacecraft, to the minimum perigee altitude
        specified in such recommendation.

       The informal understandings set forth in this letter concerning operationof the
EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites do not constitute a concurrence by the FCC or the
United States Administration with any Mexican filings with the ITU
Radiocommunication Bureau under Appendices 30 or 30A of the ITU Radio Regulations.
It is my understanding that the FCC and SCT will, separately, and as part of the
agreement—seeking process applicable under the ITU Radio Regulations, work in good
faith to complete that process, insofar as necessary, in connection with the operation of
the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites at the 77° W.L. orbital location.

        This exchange of letters does not constitute approval of the Full Authorizations,
or any other pending application related to the operation of the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar
8 satellites at the 77° W.L. orbital location. These applications will require separate
action by the FCC.

        In the event of the failure of either the EchoStar 1 or the EchoStar 8 satellite, and
upon the exercise of EchoStar of its contractual rights to move either satellite, and in the
event that there are any provisions in the Concession, or any provisions in the Mexican
laws and regulations governing the telecommunications operations of EchoStar that
would preclude or otherwise limit the exercise of EchoStar‘s contractual rights within the
time frames specified in the EchoStar/SES agreement, the FCC would appreciate the
opportunity to consult with SCTprior to any exercise of such licensing authority or
application of such law or regulation by SCT. I would appreciate acknowledgement of
these views and expression of any views which SCT may have concerning the matter
discussed in this paragraph. Let me also express the FCC‘s willingness to discuss this
matter further, in the event that it becomes necessary at a later date to do so.

       Lastly, all notices, inquiries, and correspondence from SCT concerning these
matters should be directed to the Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau (phone
number 202.418.0719) (e—mail:, with a copy to

Karl. and, on the part of the FCC. The FCC
will forward all notices, inquiries, and correspondence concerning these matters to
Director General de Politica de Telecomunicaciones y Radiodifusion, Subsecretaria de
Comunicaciones (phone number 52 55 5723 9356) (e—mail on the
part of SCT, and to Director General de Regulacion "B," COFETEL (phone number 52
55 5015 4005) (e—mail . Please let us know if these addresses
subsequently change.

        If the foregoing corresponds to your understanding of the informal arrangements
between our two agencies concerning the various technical issues involved in the
operation of the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites at the 77° W.L. orbital location,
please confirm by return letter. Thank you.


                                            Robert G. Nelson
                                            Chief, Satellite Division
                                            International Bureau

go:    Petra Vorwig,
       Steptoe & Johnson LLP
       1330 Connecticut Ave., NW
       Washington, DC 20036—1795

       Karis Hastings
       Hogan Lovells US LLP
       Columbia Square
       555 Thirteenth Street, NW
       Washington, DC 20004

                                             "2010, Afio de la Patria,                           Forma CG.—AL.A

                                                                Subsecretaria de Comunicaciones
                                                                Direccion General de Politica de
                                Received & Inspected            Telecomunicaciones y de
                                                                Unidad de Prospectiva y Regulacion
        TRANSPORTES                                             de la Comision Federal de
                                 FCC Mail Room                  Telecomunicaciones
                                                                Direccion General de Regulacion ‘B‘


                                                                México, D.F.,      2 0 Aso. 2010|

        Sr. Robert. G. Nelson
        Chief, Satellite Division
        International Bureau
        Federal Telecomunnications Comission
        445 calle 12, S.0.
        Washington, D.C. 20554
        Estados unidos de América (EUA)

        Ref: Operacion de las estaciones espaciales EchoStar 1 y EchoStar 8

        Nos referimos a su carta, de fecha 26 de julio de 2010, mediante la cual se
        confirma de manera informal el entendimiento entre la Secretaria de
        Comunicaciones y Transportes (la Secretaria) y la Federal Communications
        Comission (FCC) respecto de ciertos asuntos técnicos relacionados con la
        operacion de las estaciones espaciales de servicio de radiodifusion por satélite
        denominadas EchoStar 1 y EchoStar 8, segun el acuerdo entre las empresas
        EchoStar Corporation (EchoStar) y SES Latin America, S.A. y la empresa SES
        S.A. (conjuntamente denominadas "SES").

        En este sentido,        le informamos que esta Administracion coincide con su
        apreciacion en lo relacionado a la definicion del término denominado Periodo de
        Servicio y las condiciones aplicables en los diferentes casos de terminaciéon de
        mismo, asi como en lo relacionado a la responsabilidad de EchoStar de llevar a
        cabo las funciones de rastreo, telemetria y comando bajo la direccion de
        SES/QuetzSat durante todo el Periodo de Servicio de los dos satélites en la
        posicion orbital de 77° Oeste.

/                                                                                             1 de 4

                            .        .        io          "2010, Afio’de la Patria,                                   Forma C.G.—1.A
                     ._   Bicentenario del Inicio de la Independencia y Centenario del Inicio de la Revolucion"

                  sal $                                             )      |
                  >  C

            Del mismo modo, confirmamos que la empresa mexicana QuetzSat S. de R.L de
            C.V. (QuetzSat), cuenta con una concesion que le permite ocupar la posicion
            orbital de 77° Oeste y explotar sus bandas de frecuencias asociadas, otorgada por
            esta Secretaria el 02 de febrero de 2005. Dicha concesion le permite a QuetzSat
            ofrecer capacidad satelital para la conduccion de sefales del Servicio de
            Radiodifusion por Satélite (SRS) y del Servicio Fijo por Satélite (SFS) a cualquier
            empresa o persona mexicana que cuente con una concesion de red publica de
            telecomunicaciones, o un permiso para estaciones terrenas que les autorice hacer
            uso de dicha capacidad satelital para el SRS o el SFS.

            Adicionalmente, es importante sefalar que la Concesion de QuetzSat le obliga a
            ofrecer capacidad satelital reservada al Estado para servicios de seguridad publica
            y cobertura social, en particular para la provision de servicios de banda ancha en
            zonas rurales en todo el pais.

            Entendemos también que EchoStar ha solicitado ante esa FCC autorizacion para
            transferir el control de los satélites EchoStar 1 y EchoStar 8 a México (las
            Autorizaciones Completas), y que ademas ha solicitado y ha obtenido de la FCC,
            la autorizacion para desplazar a la estacidon espacial EchoStar 1 de la posicion
            orbital 148° Oeste a la posicion orbital 77.15° Oeste, y a la estacion espacial
            EchoStar 8 de la posicion orbital 110° Oeste a la posicion orbital 77° Oeste.

           Asimismo, entendemos que EchoStar solicit6, y la FCC ha concedido, las
           autorizaciones temporales para que las estaciones espaciales EchoStar 1 y
            EchoStar 8 operen bajo la autoridad de los Estado Unidos de América en las
            posiciones orbitales 77.15° Oeste y 77° Oeste, respectivamente.

           También manifestamos nuestro acuerdo respecto de los siguientes aspectos
           técnicos que forman parte de los entendimientos informales entre la SCT y la FCC:

            1.— Una vez gue la FCC otorgue las Autorizaciones Completas para la ubicacidon de
            los satélites EchoStar 1 y EchoStar 8 en la posicion orbital 77° Oeste, operaran
           bajo la autoridad de la Secretaria, de conformidad con las disposiciones aplicables
           de!l Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones (RR) de la Unidn Internacional de
           Telecomunicaciones (UIT).

           2.— Cualquier operacion de los satélites EchoStar 1 y EchoStar 8 fuera de la
           posicion orbital 77° Oeste, quedara sujeta a la autoridad de la FCC.

                                                                                                                  2 de 4

                                                         "2010, Afio de la Patria,
                          .        .        hae                      .             .     hs                2z       Forma CG.—1.A
            «yu1bos .W% Bicentenario del Inicio de lIa Independencia y Centenario del Inicio de la Revoluciéon"
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        3.— En caso de la expiracion o terminacion anticipada de la Concesion para ocupar
        la posicion orbital de 77° Oeste otorgada a QuetzSat, la Secretaria dara aviso por
        escrito a la FCC con al menos 4 (cuatro) dias de antelacion.

        4.— Consistente con la Recomendacion S$.1003—1 de la UIT, QuetzSat estara
        obligado mediante la Concesion, a mantener la capacidad de de—comisionar a los
        satélites EchoStar 1 y EchoStar 8, salvo en caso de falla catastrofica, a la altitud
        minima de perigeo especificada en dicha Recomendacidon.

        Asimismo, coincidimos con lo expresado en el sentido de que el entendimiento
        informal contenido en esta carta no constituye ningun acuerdo entre la
        Administracion de los EUA y la Administracion de México, respecto de cualquier
        tramite ante la Oficina de Radiocomunicaciones de la UIT relativos a la posicién
        orbital 77° Oeste bajo los apéndices 30 y 30A del RR. De igual manera,
        coincidimos en que cualquier proceso relativo a la obtencion de subsecuentes
        acuerdos de coordinacién entre ambas Administraciones, que en su caso sean
        necesarios, relacionados con la operacion de los satélites EchoStar 1 y EchoStar
        8, o cualquier otro satélite en la posicion orbital 77° Oeste, sera tratado de manera
        separada entre la Secretaria y la FCC.

        Entendemos también que este intercambio de cartas no constituye "las
        Autorizaciones Completas" o cualquier otra autorizacidon pendiente por parte de la
        FCC a EchoStar respecto a la operacidon de los satélites EchoStar 1 y EchoStar 8
        en la posicion orbital 77° Oeste.

        Confirmamos a la FCC que la aplicacion de nuestras leyes y regulaciones,
        incluyendo las obligaciones internacionales de nuestra Administracidon, en lo que
        respecta a la ocupacion de la posicion orbital 77° Oeste, se encuentra gobernada
        por la concesion que ha sido otorgada a la empresa QuetzSat, cuyas condiciones
        son aplicables exclusivamente a QuetzSat y no asi a ninguna otra empresa, ya
        sea mexicana o extranjera. Por lo tanto, para el caso que nos ocupa, ninguna
        disposicidn en la Concesion, en nuestras Leyes o en nuestra regulacion puede ser
        aplicada a impedir o limitar de manera directa a EchoStar para ejercer sus
        derechos contractuales con SES.

        En lo que respecta a notificaciones, consultas y correspondencia entre nuestras
        agencias, tomamos nota de los datos de contacto de la FCC y confirmamos los
        correspondientes datos de contacto de la Secretaria.

/'                                                                                                                3 de 4

                                                      "2010, Afio de la Patria,
                   Ap Bicentenario del Inicio de la Independencia y Centenario del Inicio de la Revolucion"         Forma C. G::1—A

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          Finalmente, me permito expresar que lo contenido en su carta, en conjunto con lo
          arriba indicado, corresponde con lo que nosotros entendemos respecto del
          acuerdo informal entre nuestras respectivas Agencias en lo relativo a los varios
          aspectos técnicos derivados de la operacion de los satélites EchoStar 1 y
          EchoStar 8 en la posicion wrbital 77° Oeste.

                                                                        eynaldo Gonzadalez Bustamante
                                                                   Director General de Regulacion "B" de
          Telecomunicaciones                                               Comision        Federa     de
          Radiodifusion de la                                                       es
          Comunicaciones y Tra

                                               :fRECC!ON #tNERAL DE POLITICA DE

                                                               cemoyne canionIPuSION


          Mtro. Mony de Swaan Addati       |         Presidente                                          Cofetel
          Lic. Rafael Eslava Herrada                 Jefe de la Unidad de Prospectiva y Regulacién       Cofetel
          Lic. Ricardo Rios Ferrer                   Representante Legal                                 QuetzSat


/ Vol. DGPTyR 6953 de 2010
                                                                                                               4 de 4

[N.B.:  This English translation is provided by the FCG as an aid to
English speakers in understanding the preceding letter from Mexico.
This translation has not been reviewed or approved by either the SCT
                                                         ©2010, Year of the Homeland,
      Bicentennial of the beginning of the Independence, and Centennial of the beginning of the Revolution"       Form C.G.—1—A

                                                                        Undersecretary‘s Office of Communications
                                                                        Telecommunications and Radio Broadcasting Administration

                                                                        Prospection and Regulation Unit of the
                                                                        Federal Telecommunications Commission
                                                                        ‘B‘ Regulation Administration

                                                                        Mexico, D.F. , [Stamp] SCT AUG 20 2010

   Mr. Robert G. Nelson
   Chief, Satellite Division
   International Bureau
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12" Street SW
   Washington, DC 20554

   Re: Operation of Space Stations EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8

   We are referring to your letter dated July 26, 2010, which confirmed informally the understanding between the Secretariat
   of Communications and Transportation (the Secretariat) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) with regard
   to various matters related to the operation of satellite radio broadcasting service space stations EchoStar 1 and EchoStar
   8, according to the agreement between EchoStar Corporation (EchoStar), and SES Latin America, S.A. and SES, S.A.
   {jointly designated as "SES").

   in this regard, we inform you that this Administration concurs with your assessment relating to the definition of the term
   Service Period and the applicable conditions for its determination in various cases, as well as with regard to EchoStar‘s
   responsibility to conduct tracking, telemetric, and control functions under SES/QuetzSat‘s direction for the duration of the
   Service Period for both satellites in the 77° W orbital position.



                                                                                                                       1 of 4

                                                      ©2010, Year of the Homeland,
   Bicentennial of the beginning of the Independence, and Centennial of the beginning of the Revolution"   Form C.G.—1—A

SECRETARIAT OF COMMUNICATIONS                                        5704

We are also confirming that the Mexican company QuetzSat S. de RL de C.V (QuetzSat), was granted a concession by
this Secretariat on February 2, 2005, which allows it to occupy the 77° W orbital position and use the associated
frequency bands. This concession allows QuetzSat to transmit signal for the Satellite Radio Broadcasting Service (SRS)
and for the Fixed Satellite Service (SFS) to any Mexican company or individual possessing a public communications
network concession, or a terrestrial station permit authorizing their use of that satellite signal for the SRS or the SFS.

Furthermore, it is important to point out that the Concession requires QuetzSat to offer satellite signal reserved for the
State, for public safety services and public programming, particularly to provide broadband services in rural areas
throughout the country.

We also understand that EchoStar has requested authorization from the FCC to transfer the control of satellites EchoStar
1 and EchoStar 8 to Mexico (Complete Authorizations), and that EchoStar also requested and was granted authorization
by the FCC, to relocate EchoStar 1 space station from 148° W orbital position to 77.15° W orbital position, and to relocate
EchoStar 8 space station from 110° W orbital position to 77° W orbital position.

We also understand that EchoStar requested and was granted temporary authorizations by the FCC, for space stations
EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 to operate under the authority of the United States of America in 77.15° W and 77° W

We also state our agreement with regard to the following technical aspects that are part of the informal understandings
between SCT and FCC:

1.— Once the FCC grants the Complete Authorizations for positioning EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites in 77° W orbital
position, these will operate under the authority of the Secretariat, in accordance with the applicable regulations of the
Radio Communications Guidelines (RR) of the International Telecommunications Union (UIT).

2.— Any operation of the EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites outside the 77° W orbital position, with be subject to the
FCC authority.



                                                                                                                2 of 4

                                                      "2010, Year of the Homeland,
   Bicentennial of the beginning of the Independence, and Centennial of the beginning of the Revolution"   Form C.G.—1—A

SECRETARIAT OF COMMUNICATIONS                                                               5704

3.— In case of expiration or early termination of the Concession to occupy 77° W orbital position granted to QuetzSat, the
Secretariat will notify the FCC in writing at least 4 (four) days in advance.

4.— In accordance the Recommendation $.1003—1 by the UIT, QuetzSat will be required by the Concession, to maintain
caoability to de—commission EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 satellites at the minimum perigee altitude specified in the
Recommendation thereof , excéept in the event of a catastrophic failure.

Furthermore, we concur with what was expressed in the sense that the informal understanding in this letter does not
constitute any agreement between the U.S. Administration and the Mexican Administration, with regard to any processes
addressed to the Radio Communications Office of the UIT about 77° W orbital position under appendices 30 and 30A of
the RR. Furthermore, we concur that any process with regard to any subsequent coordination agreements between both
Administrations that may be necessary, related to the operation of satellites EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8, or any other
satellite in 77° W orbital position, will be treated separately by the Secretariat and the FCC.

We furthermore understand that the exchange of these letters does not constitute the "Complete Authorizations" o any
other pending authorization by the FCC for EchoStar with regard to the operation of satellites EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8
in 77° W orbital position.

We confirm to the FCC that the application of our laws and regulations, including our Administration‘s international
obligations regarding the use of 77° W orbital position, is governed by the concession granted to QuetzSat, its conditions
being applicable exclusively to QuetzSat and no other company, whether Mexican or from another country. Therefore, in
this matter, no regulation of the Concession contained in our Laws or in our guidelines may be applied to prevent or
directly limit EchoStar from exercising its contractual rights with SES.

With regard to any notifications, consultations and correspondence between our agencies, we recorded the FCC contact
information and we confirm this Secretariat‘s corresponding contact information.



                                                                                                                3 of 4

                                                       "2010, Year of the Homeland,
   Bicentennial of the beginning of the Independence, and Centennial of the beginning of the Revolution"         Form C.G.—1—A

SECRETARIAT OF COMMUNICATIONS                                                               5704

Finally, allow me to express that the content of your letter, along with what was indicated above, corresponds with what
we understand with regard to the informal agreement between our respective Agencies relating to the various technical
aspects resulting from the operation of satellites EchoStar 1 and EchoStar 8 in 77° W orbital position.


                       [Signature]                                                          [Signature]

              Héctor Olavarria Tapia                                              Reynaldo Gonzdlez Bustamante
Telecommunications and Radio Communications                                "B" Regulation Director for the
Policy Director for the Secretariat of Communications                      Federal Communications Commission
And Transportation

                                          UNITED MEXICAN STATES
                                   SECRETARIAT OF COMMUNICATIONS
                                              AND TRANSPORTATION


Secretary Mony de Swaan Addati                            President                                        Cofetel
Lic. Rafael Eslava Herrada                                Chief Prospection and Regulation Unit            Cofetel
Lic. Ricardo Rios Ferrer                                  Legal Representative                             QuetzSat


Vol. DGPTyR 6953 of 2010



                                                                                                                      4 of 4

Document Created: 2019-04-10 17:37:45
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 17:37:45

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