Attachment supplement


SUPPLEMENT submitted by Mt. Wilson FM Broadcasters



This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20070320-00054 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     BEFORE THE

      geberai Cornmunitattons: Comrnt~$ton

In the Matter of                            )   Satellite Space Stations
                                            )   SAT-T/C-20070320-00054
Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc. and            )   SAT-T/C-20070320-00053
X M Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc.          1
for Transfer of Control of the FCC          )   Satellite Earth Stations
Authorizations and Licenses                 i   SES-T/C-20070320-00380
                                                MB Docket No. 07-57
To:   Office of the Secretary
      Federal Communications Commission


       Mt. Wilson FM Broadcasters, Inc., licensee of radio stations I<KGO(FM), Los

Angeles, California; KMZT(AM), Beverly Hills, California and FM translator station

I<288CS, Kawaihae, Hawaii (“Mt. Wilson”) timely filed a Petition to Deny the above-

referenced SiriudXM transfer of control applications.       On March 12, 2008, Clear

Channel Communications, Inc. (“Clear Channel”) filed a “Notice of Ex Parte

Presentation (“Notice”) in MB Docket No. 07-57. Mt. Wilson hereby in part supports the

Clear Channel position.

       Clear Channel opposes the grant of the pending transfer applications and/or in the

event that the Commission is disposed to grant the applications, proposes that conditions

be imposed as set forth in Appendix 3 to the Clear Channel Notice. Specifically, with

respect to Condition 1, Clear Channel proposes that at least 50% of the satellite capacity

should be set aside for third parties. While Mt. Wilson strongly endorses the concept of

setting aside 50% of the spectrum (or at least that portion of the spectrum controlled by

Sirius or XM - but not the totality of both parties), Mt. Wilson submits that the 50% “set

aside” should be further conditioned by limiting the acquisition to a party which has no

attributable interest in terrestrial radio. In support of its position, the Clear Channel

“Notice”               devotes               considerable   argument   to   the   adverse   economic   impact

(competition/anticompetitive) on local free, over-the-air broadcast radio. However, if the

50% “set aside” (or any portion thereof) is acquired by a terrestrial broadcaster and such

acquisition equates to an attributable interest (as that term is defined by the Commission

rules), such interest would be essentially identical to the threat posed by the merger or as

Clear Channel states “. . . concentrated in the control of one essentially unregulated

entity. . . creating a genuine threat to the economic framework of broadcast radio.”l

              Mt. Wilson also strongly endorses Condition 3 requiring the merged applicants to

adhere to the Commission’s indecency rules. The proposed “Condition” if accepted can

-1      Clear Channel March 12, 2008 “Notice” second paragraph. The difference between
        “regulated” or “unregulated” at the Commission level is irrelevant. The FCC test for
        establishing alleged anticompetitive conduct (applicable to a “regulated” broadcast
        station) mandates that FCC evaluation of such activity must be preceded by an
        “. . .adjudicated violation of either anticompetitive or antitrust laws. In Re Existing
        Stockholder of Clear Channel Communications, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and
        Order, FCC 08-3, Para. 28 (2008). The fact that the Petitioner supplied affidavits and
        argued that the local Department of Justice office would not fikely pursue “white
        collar” matters involving relatively small dollar amounts was of no consequence.
        The FCC test (to establish a prima facie case) requires an “adjudicated violation” as a
        prerequisite for FCC evaluation - which pragmatically negates any difference
        between a “regulated” or “unregulated” entity.
L \ I 124\003\PLD\Supplement to Petition to Deny doc


be fairly characterized as a voluntary act, not a Commission rule, thereby avoiding the

issue of FCC authority.'

                                                              Respectfully submitted
                                                              MT. WILSON FM BROADCASTERS, INC.



                                                                  j           kZ--.&
                                                              Robert B. Jacobi *
                                                              Cohn and Marks LLP
                                                              1920 N Street, N.W.
                                                              Suite 300
                                                              Washington, DC 20036
                                                              (202) 239-3860
                                                              Its Attorneys
Dated: March 24, 2008

-2      As the Commission is aware, satellite radio broadcasts have indeed been received on
        standard automobile radios. Arguably, the indecency rules could and should be
        enforced in the event that (for whatever reason) indecent programming originated by
        a satellite service is aired on spectrum reserved for the traditional free over-the-air
        terrestrial broadcasters .
L \ I I24\003\PLD\Suyplemeiit to Petition to Deny.doc

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I, Brenda Chapman, hereby certify that on this 24t” day of March, 2008, a copy of
the foregoing “Supplement to Petition to Deny” was delivered via first class, U.S. mail,
postage prepaid or via hand delivery where indicated to the following:

                                  Jennifer D. Hindin, Esq.
                                  Willey, Rein, LLP
                                  1776 K Street, N.W.
                                  Washington, D.C. 20006
                                  Counsel for Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc.
                                  James H. Barker, 111, Esq.
                                  Lathan & Watkins
                                  555 Eleventh Street, N.W.
                                  Suite 1000
                                  Washington, D.C. 20004-1304
                                  Counsel for XM Satellite Radio Holdings, Inc.
                                  Lawrence A. Walke, Esq.
                                  National Association of Broadcasters
                                  1771 N Street, N.W.
                                  Washington, D.C. 20036
                                  Best Copy and Printing, Inc. **
                                  The Portals I1
                                  445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                  Room CY-B402
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554
                                  Rosemary C. Harold* *
                                  Media Bureau
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                  The Portals I1
                                  445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                  Room 3-C486
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554
                                  Tracy Waldon**
                                  Media Bureau
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                  The Portals I1
                                  445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                  Room 3-C488
                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                      Royce Sherlock**
                                                      Media Bureau
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                                      The Portals I
                                                      445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                                      Room 2-C360
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                      Jim Bird**
                                                      Office of General Counsel
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                                      The Portals I1
                                                      445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                                      Room 8-C824
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                      Gardner Foster* *
                                                      International Bureau
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                                      The Portals I1
                                                      445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                                      Room 6-C477
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                      Marilyn Simon**
                                                      International Bureau
                                                      Federal Communications commission
                                                      The Portals I1
                                                      445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                                      Room 6-A633
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                      Marcia Glauberman* *
                                                      Media Bureau
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                                      The Portals I1
                                                      445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                                      Room 2-C264
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                      Amy Brett* *
                                                      Media Bureau
                                                      Federal Communications Commission
                                                      The Portals I1
                                                      445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                                      Room 2-C 134
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

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                                                       Erin McGrath* *
                                                       Wireless Bureau
                                                       Federal Communications Commission
                                                       The Portals I1
                                                       445 - 12th Street, S.W.
                                                       Room 6338
                                                       Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                       Lawrence R. Sidman
                                                       Paul, Hagings, Janofsky & Walker, LLP
                                                       875 - 15 Street, N.W.
                                                       Washington, D.C. 20005


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Document Created: 2008-03-25 15:08:16
Document Modified: 2008-03-25 15:08:16

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