Attachment DA 05-2031

DA 05-2031


DA 05-2031


This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20050628-00139 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


    Federal Communications Commission                                         Hev§ tds WMormater 10 diEns
    aa5 12" t, SW                                                                     intormatWipctvinetecgov
    Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                    Tmnraisssone

                                                                              Released: July 18, 2005
          Loral Space & Communications Ltd.(DP) (Transteror) Seeks Approval for the
       Transfer of Control of FCC Licenses Held by Loral Orion, Inc.(DIP), Loral SpaceCom
        Corporation (DIP) and Loral Skynet Network Services, Inc. DIP) to Loral Space &
                                Communications Inc. (Transteree)
                   CyberStar Licensee,L.LC. (Assignor) Seeks Approval for the
                  Assignment of FCC Licenses Held by CyberStar Licenseo, L.L.C.
                               to Loral Cyberstar LL.C (Assignee)
                                        1B Docket No. 08—233
                               PLEADING CVCLE EsTABLISHED
Comments/Petitions Due: August 17, 2005
Oppositions Due: August 29, 2005
Replies Due: September 6, 2005

       On June 28, 2005, Loral Space & Communications Ltd. (Debto—in—Possession or "DIP")(‘Loral
DIP*) iled applications secking consentto ransfercontral of FCC Earth and/or space station licenses
held by Loral Orion,Inc. (DIP), Loral SpaceCom Corporation (DIP) and Loral Skynet Network Services,
Inc. (DIP)to Loral Space & Communications Inc. (‘Loral"). Also, on June 28, 2005, CyberStar
Licensee,L LC. ("CyberStar®) filed an application secking consent to assign its FCC space sttion
Hicenses to Loral Cyberstar LL C (Loral Cyberstar)
        The pertinentfile numbers associated with the ransfer of control olcenses from Loral DIP to
Loral are asfollows

   Hile Numbers                Licensee
   SATTC:20050628—00140        Loral Orion Tec. (DIP)                 ra, sae, soas7, seero
   SATT/C:20050628—0041        Loral Orion, Inc. DIP)                 sran, sn sooi9,
                                                                      szmie, smet
   $ES—TIC20080628—00837       Lorl Skynet Network ServicesInc. (DIP) EOOOI27 (Lead)
   $ES—TIC—20050628—00838      Loral SpaceCom Corporation (DIP)       000584 (Lead)
   $ES—1IC—20050628 00839      Loral SpaceCom Corporation (DIP)       E020101 (Lead)

       "The pertinentfile number associated with the assignment oflcenses from CyberStar to Loral
Cyberstais asfollows
      ie Numbers                   Licensce
    SAT—A5G—20050628—00138         CyberSarLicemses,LLC.                     sm9s. se
        We note that on July 7, 2005, the International Bureau released an order holding thatthe
authorization to construct, lunch, and operate t Telsar9 satelite (call sign $2152) by Loral SpaceCom
Corporation (DIP) atthe 69° W.L. orbital location in the 3700—4200 MHz, 5025—6425 MH, 11.7—12.2
Gite, 13.75—14.0 GHz, 14.0—14.25 GHz,10.95—11.2 GHe frequency bands was null and void by ts oun
terms. Accordingly,we dismiss the following application associated with the transfer of control ocall
sign $2152 as moor
    Kile Numbers                   Lcensee                                   CallSigns
    SATITC2005028—00139            Lorl SpaceCom Corporation (DIP)           sase

        ‘The applications referenced herein have beenfound, upon inita review, to be acceptablefor filing
‘The Commission reserves th right to return any application if, upon frther examination, itis determined to
be defective and notin conformance with the Commission‘srule, regulations,or policies. Final action will
not be taken on the above referenced applications eatier tan 31 days following th date ofthis Public
         Interested parties may file comments regarding or ptitions t deny the applicationslited sbove no
later than August 17, 2005. Oppositionor responses to these comments and pettions may be filed no lter
than August 29, 2005, Replies may be filed no laterthan September 6, 2005. All flings concerming matters
referenced in this Public Notice should refer to TB Docket No. 08—233.
        Under the Commission‘s procedures for the submission offilings and other documents
submissions in this matter may be fled electronically (e, though the Commission‘s Electronic Comment
Filing System ("ECFS®)) or by hand delivery to the Commission‘s Massachusetts Avenue location.
+          1ffiled by ECFS," comments shall b sent as an electronic filvi the Internct to
           hitps/fwwefee.goviefilelctshiml. In completing the transmital sereen, commenters should
           include ther fll name, Postal Service mailing address, and the applicable docket number
           Parties may also submit an electronic comment by Interet e—mail. To getfling instructions for
           e—mail comments, commenters should send an e—mail tecfs, and should include the
           following words i the body of he message, "get form—<your e—mail address>." A sample form
           and directions will be sent in reply

! See47 US.C.§3000).
* SeeInplementation ofInterim ElecizonicFiling Proceduresfor Cenain Commission Filngs, Order,1 ECC Red
21483 (2001); seealso FCC Announces a New Fling Locaionfor Paper Documentsand a New Fax Nunberfor
General Correspondence, Pulic Notce, 16 FCC Red 22.165 (2001); Reminder: Filing LocrionsforPaper
Docunents and Instrectionsfor MallingElectronic Media, Public Notie, 18 FCC Red 16708 (2003)
° See Aletronic Fling of Documents in Ralenaking Proceedings, GC Docket No. 97—113, Reportand Order, 13
ree Red 11322 1999)

+       iffiled by paper,the original and four copies ofeach filing must be fled by hand or messenger
        delivery, by commercial overnight courir, or by firs—class o overnight U.S. Postal Service mail
        (although we continueto experience delays in receiving U.S. Postal Service mail. The
        Commission‘s contracto, Natek, Inc. will receive handdelivered or messenger—delivered paper
        filingsfor the Commission‘s Secretary t 236 Massachusets Avente, N.E., Suite 110,
        Washington, D.C. 20002. Th filing hours atthis location are 8:00 a.m. o 7:00 p.m. All hand
        deliveries must be held together with mibber bands or fasteners. Any envelopes must be disposed
        of before entering the building. Commercial overmight mail(other than U.S. PostalService
        Express Mail and Priority Mail) must be sent o 9300 East Hampton Drive, Capiol Heights,MD
        20743. U.S. Postal Service firs—class mail, Express Mail, and Priorty Mail should be addressed
        to 445 12th Stret, S.W.,Washington, D.C. 20554. All flings must be addressed o the
        Commission‘s Secretary, Office of the Secretary, Federal Communications Commission.
         One copy of each pleading must be delivered electronically, by e—mail orfacsimile, o if delivered
as paper copy, by hand or messenger delivery, by commercial overnight courier, or by firs—class or
overmight U.S. Postal Service mail (according to the procedures seforth above for paper lings), to:
(1) the Commission‘s duplicating contractor, Best Copy and Printing, Inc., at or (202)
488—5563 (ficsimile);(2) Kathleen Campbell, Satllite Division, Itermational Bureau, at
kathleen or (202) 418—0748 (facsimile};(3) eanette Spriggs, Satelte Division,
International Bureau, t or (202) 418—0748, and (4) JoAnn Lucanit, Satelite
Division, International Bureau, at or (202) 418—0748(facsimile)
        Copies of the applicationslited above and any subsequentl—filed documents in this mater may
be obtained from Best Copy and Printing, Ic., in person at 445 12th Street, S.W., Room CY—B402,
Washington, D.C. 20554, viatelephone at(202)488—5300, via fcsimileat (202) 488—5563,or via e—mail
at The applieations and any associated documents are also available for public
inspection and copying during normalreference room hours at the following Commission office: FCC
Reference Information Center,445 12th Street,S.W. Room CY—A257, Washington, D.C. 20554. The
applications alsoare availible electronically through the Commission‘s ECFS, which may be accessed on
the Commission‘s Itemet websiteat htp=/ Alternate formats of this public notice
(computer diskette, arge print, audio recording, and Braille) are available to persons with disabilties by
contacting Brian Millinat(202) 418—7426 (voice), (202)418—736 (TTY), or send an e—mail to
access@fcc gov.
        For further information, contactthe Satellte Divisin,Itermational Bureau at202—418—0719.

Document Created: 2005-07-26 18:27:25
Document Modified: 2005-07-26 18:27:25

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