Attachment notice


NOTICE submitted by WorldSpace



This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20050425-00090 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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               March 28, 2006                                     c                     seear.o0002
               Marlene H. Dortch
               Secretary                                     waR 2 8
               Federal Communications Commision
               236 Massachusetts Avenue, NE             redon Communiatons Conmso
               Suize 110                                       qiteeot ons
               Washington, D.C. 20002
               Re:    WorldSpace,Inc. Further Interim Notice of Consummation of
                      Pro FormaTransfer of Contzol
                      File                     2
               Dear Madame Secretary
               We represent WorldSpace,Inc.(WorldSpace"),the parent company of AfriSpace, Inc.,
               which holds authorizations from the Commission to operate geostationary space stations
               (callsigns $2666 and $2367)
           OnJuly 18, 2005, the Commission granted WorldSpace‘s above—referenced application for
           consent to a prirma transfer ofdjare contral to multiple individual sharcholders, As
           described in our Interim Notice of Consummation of P Foma Transfer of Control fled
           on October 11, 2005, WorldSpace closed on an inital public offering (‘TPO®) ofthe
           company‘s stock on August 9,2005. The IPO resulted in the sale of11,868,400 shares of
           WorkdSpace stock, and reduced the shares of WorldSpace‘s controlling sharcholder, Nosh
           A. Samara, to 57.5 percent of the company‘s outstanding stock.
           As described in WorldSpace‘s application, the IPO was not expected to, and did not,
           resultin a transfer of dt/ir control of WorldSpace. The «t/ire tansfer of control
           approved by the Commission has not yet taken place and wl not take place, ifatal, unil
           the time at which the holders of certain convertible debt instruments convert their debt
           into equity in WorldSpace and, in any event, such conversion will not result in transfer
           of defade control. Howeer, WorldSpace sought approval for the djaretransfer of
           control prior to the TPO because the holders of these convertible debinstruments have
           the legal right to convert their debat any time, and WorldSpace has no control over when
           this conversion may take place,
           On behalf ofWorldSpace, for good cause shown, we therefore respectfully request a
           continued waiver of the 60—day period in which a transfer of control must be
           consummated pursuant to 47 C.FR. $ 25.119(),and ask thatthis period be further
           extended untilat lastJuly 18, 2006. WorldSpace willpromptly notify the Commission
           when the pmorms transfer of control is consummated, and willat that ime provide final


               Marlene H. Dortch
               March 28, 2006
               Page 2

               ownership percentages forall owners required to be identified under the Commission‘s
               In the event that the Commission or itsstaff should have any questions concerning this
               notification, kindly refer them to the undersigned counsel for WorldSpace.

               Tim K. Glunta
               Counsel to WorldSpace, Inc.

Document Created: 2006-03-30 15:46:22
Document Modified: 2006-03-30 15:46:22

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