Attachment grant

This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20050425-00090 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: WorldSpace,Inc.                                                1ile Number: SAT—TIC—20050425—00000
AuthorationType: Consent To Transfr Control                       Clas ofStatin: Space Station Geostationary
                                     GrantDate: Manday, Jly 18,2008

        2400 N Stvee NW
        Washingion, DC 20037

        2400 N Siees, N.W.
        Washingon, DC 20027«
      2400 N Sveet, NW
      Suke 100
      Washington, DC 20037—
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        Under the authrity of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended, the consent of the Federl
        Communications Commission is hereby graned o the transaction ndicated above. The Commission‘s consent to
        the above is based on the represetitions made by the applicant thatthe sttements contained n, or made in
        comeetion with,the applicationare trieand that the underiakings o the paries upon which this vansaction is
        subarized will be carried out in good falth, The actual consummation of voluntry transitions shall be
        completed wihin 60 daysfrom th datehereat and noticin leter form thereafshal rompily b fumished the
        Commission by the buyer showingthe date the atsnecessry t effctthtransaction were completed. Upon
        fumishing the Commission with such writen notee, ths ransaction will be considered completed for all
        purposes reltedto the above described sation(s.

                                                 (page L of1)

Document Created: 2005-07-18 17:26:35
Document Modified: 2005-07-18 17:26:35

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