Attachment Authorization


OTHER submitted by FCC, IB



This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20040924-00190 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: PanAmSat Licensee Corp.                                     Pile Number: SAT—TC—20040924—00190
Authoriation Type: Consent To Transtr Contral                  ClasofStatin: Space Sation Geostationary
                                     GrantDate: Friy, Octaber 1, 2004

        Constllaion, LLC etal
        0 West 57M Street
        New York, NY 10019

        Constlltion, LLC etal
        9 West 57t Stret
        New York, NY 10019
       PanAmSat Licensee Corp
       1801 K SreetNN.
      Sute aso
      Washington, DC 20006—
 causions smoviocamons
       s2so pas—s (csso0002),
       soast pas—s,
      GALAXYS Galng v, 1250
       easor pasar, 3.00
      rasoraso 2615
      52131 Galay LR(W), 133.00
      52146 Galmy 1X , 123.00
      szzzo pasal , cnes
      szzar pasair,91.00
      $2253 Galmgy X1, 9100
      s2s0 passn io.
      szaee pas—ir, as
      $2377 Gatay IV(R), 99
      $2378 Galag JcR, 123
      szam pasas se
      szm caLaxy 3¢, 9sos
      szrasac ons
      szses oaLaxy xIV i2
      s2386 GalagXtML, 127
      52387 GalagXV, 133
      som oaLaxy xit, 74
      soumssusr, 74
                                              Cpage 1 of2)

                                      UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                RADIO STATION AUTHORIZATION

Name: PanAmSat Licensee Corp                                      PiteNumber: SAT—T(C—20040024—00190
AuthorcationType: Consent To Transtr Contrl                    ClasofStation: Space Station Geostationry
                                    GrantDate: Friday, October1, 2004

        saeo pas—s (Cssoton), 166                            canie®, ind
        sesns, tas
        sns.e sp8.6, 7405
        Under the authoriy of the Communications Act of 1924, as amended, the consent of the Federal
        Communications Commission is hercby gratedto the transaction indicted above. The Commisson‘s consent to
        the above is based on the represenitions made by the applicant that the sttements contained in, or made in
        comectionwith, the application aretruand that the undertakings of the paies upon which ths trinszction s
        auborized will be carried out in good fih The actul consummation of voluntry transctions stall be
        completed wthin 60 days fom thdatehereot, and notic n leter form thereofshal rompily bfumished he
        Commissionby the buer showing the dte the actsnecessiry to effect the transiction were completed. Upon
        firmishing the Commission with such writen notice,this trnsction will be considered completed for all
        namoses relted to thahovedeseried siion(«)

                                                 (age 20f2)                                               FCC Form 732

Document Created: 2004-10-08 09:14:08
Document Modified: 2004-10-08 09:14:08

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