Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20011105-00094 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY                                                                                                      Approved by OMB
BEFORE PROCEEDING                                                                                                                             5      cps
                                                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                               p        \?0610 0:39
                                                                                                                                        age No 1_ of __
                                                            REMITTANCE ADVICE                                                            &
                    ,                                                      *                                     SPECIAL USE
{1LOCKBOX                                            FCC/MELLON                           NOV 0 5 2001
                                                       o ts in                                                   FCC USE ONLY
(2) PAYER NAME (if paving by credit card. enter name exactly a:      $2150                SAT—T/C—20011105—00094                          i. Dollars and cents)
Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.                          FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION SERVIcES. Inc.                              $9.195.00
9701—E Philadelphia Court                                           $2150

(6) CITY                                                                                                    M sinis      Ad0—Zif COs
Lanham                                                                                                      [ mp                20706
(9) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                   (10) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)
301 459—4100
(11) PAYER (FRN)                                                  (12) PAYER (TIN)
                          0003—7325—83                            521900790                                                     5
                                                                                                                    NOV q 9 0y
(14) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 1                                                                                                           s

(15) STREET ADDRESS LINE NO. 2                                                                                   3mFPO—I'—B—
                                                                                                                 internagf "7Y, Branch
(16) CITY                                                                                                   (17) STATE   (18) ZIP Ci’fl;m

(19) DAYTIME TELEPHONE NUMBER (include area code)                 (20) COUNTRY CODE (if not in U.S.A.)

(21) APPLICANT (FRN)                                              (22) APPLICANT (TIN)

(23A) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                                       (24A) PAYMENT TYPE CODE |(25A) QUANTITY
 $2150                                                          CZW                      1
(26A) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                   (27A) TOTAL FEE                       FCC USE ONLY
                                $9,195.00                            $9,195.00
(28A) FCC CODE 1                                 (29A) FCC CODE 2

(23B) CALL SIGN/OTHER ID                                             (24B) PAYMENT TYPE CODE         |(25B) QUANTITY

(26B) FEE DUE FOR (PTC)                       (27B) TOTAL FEE                                FCC USE ONLY

(28B) FCC CODE 1                                    (29B) FCC CODE 2

                                                           SECTION D — CERTIFICATION
(30) CERTIFICATION STATEMENT                                                                   mm
I,                 a                                       . certify under penalty,        W& supporting information is tyle and correct to
the best of my knowledge, information and belief.       SIGNATURE                           "A     DATE 452 [ ; [—/ 2} l
                           *                                        s           "Gher T               S
                                             SECTION E — CREDIT CARD PAYMENT INFORMATION
 (31)                          MASTERCARD/VISA ACCOUNT NUMBER:                                                                      EXPIRATION

 D                 I hereby authorize the FCC to charge my VISA or MASTERCARD for the service(s)/authorization herein described.

                   SIGNATURE                                                                              DATE

                                       SEE PUBLIC BURDEN ON REVERSE                   '             FCC FORM 159         FEBRUARY 2000 (REVISED)

 FIANL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION sERVICES                                       1036

FEDERAL     COMMUNICATIONS               Check    Number:    103 6
Item to be Paid —                        Check Date:         November 2,         2001
            Misc   direct   costs                                    9,195 .00

                                          Check    Amount:      $9, 195 .00

                                                                                                                                                                   FCC Use Only
 ECC 312
                                                                                                                                              Approved by OMB
                                                                                                                                                                    File Number:
 Main Form                                                                                                                                 Est. Avg.Burden Hours
                                                                                                                                           Per Response: 11 Hrs.
                                            FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                       Call Sign:

                                                                                                                                                                    Fee Number:

                                                                                          APPLICANT INFORMATION
1. Legal Name of Applicant                                                                                                                                         2. Voice Telephone Number
Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.                                                                                                                        301 459—4100
3. Other Name Used for Doing Business (if any)                                                                                                                     4. Fax Telephone Number
                                                                                                                                                                   301 459—0101
5. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                     6. City

9701—E Philadelphia Court                                                                                                                  Lanham
                                                                                                                                          7. State / Country (if not U.S.A.)             8. Zip Code
  ATTENTION: Patricia Mahoney                                                                                                             MD                                             20706
9. Name of Contact Representative (If other than applicant)                                                                                                        10. Voice Telephone Number
Alleen A. Pisciotta                                                                                                                                                202 955—9771
11. Firm or Company Name                                                                                                                                           12. Fax Telephone Number
Kelley Drye & Warren LLP                                                                                                                                           202 955—9792
13. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                    14. City

 1200 19th Street, N.W., Suite 500                                                                                                        Washington
                                                                                                                                          15. State / Country (if not U.S.A)             16. Zip Code
  ATTENTION:                                                                                                                               DC                                            20036

                                                                                         CLASSIFICATION OF FILING
17. Place an "X" in the box next to the classification that applies to this filing for both questions a. and b. Mark only one box for 17a and only one box for 17b.
                                       D bi. Application for License of New Station                                     b6. Transfer of Control of License or Registration (involuntary — pro forma
                                             b2. Application for Registration of New                              D b7. Notification of Minor Modification                       procedures)
      DflL Earth Station                                     Domestic Receive—Only Station
                                       D b3. Amendment to a Pending Application                                   D b8. Application for License of New Receive—Only Station Using Non—U.S. Licensed Satellite
            a2. Space Station          D b4. Modification of License or Registration                              D b9. Letter of Intent to Use Non—U.S. Licensed Satellite to Provide Service in the United States

                                       [] b5. Assignment of License or Registration                               l:l b10. Other (Please Specify):

18. Ifthis filing is in reference to an existing station, enter;                                                   19. If this filing is an amendment to a pending application enter:
     Call sign of station:                                                                                              (a) Date pending application was filed:                    (b) File number of pending application:


                                                                                                                                                                                                   FCC 312, Main Form — Page 1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                February, 1998

                                                                                                  TYPE OF SERVICE
20. NATURE OF SERVICE: This filin% is for an authorization to provide or use the following type(s) of service(s): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.
           a. Fixed Satellite             c. Radiodetermination Satellite              e. Direct to Home Fixed Satellite
           b. Mobile Satellite       r—] d. Earth Exploration Satellite           l——] f. Digital Audio Radio Service              D g. Other (please specify)                 .

21. STATUS:          Place an "X" in the -box next to the applicable status. Mark only 6ne box.                     22. If earth station applicant, place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.

      Da‘ Common Carrier                             b. Non—Common Carrier                                                  D a. Using U.S. licensed satellites    D b. Using Non—U.S. licensed satellites

23. If applicant is providing INTERNATIONAL COMMON CARRIER service, see instructions regarding Sec. 214 filings. Mark only one box. Are these facilities:

      D a. Connected to the Public Switched Network                                               D b. Not connected to the Public Switched Network

24. FREQUENCY BAND(S): Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all applicable frequency band(s).
           a. C—Band (4/6 GHz)

           b. Ku—Band (12/14 GHz) ‘ Other (Piease speciy)                 148—150.05 MHz, 400.15—401 MHz, 137—138 MHz
                                                                                                  TYPE OQOF STATION
25. CLASS OF STATION: Place an "X" in the box next to the class of station that applies. Mark only one box.

      Da. Fixed Earth Station       DbA Temporary—Fixed Earth Station        l:l c. 12/14 GHz VSAT Network            D d. Mobile Earth Station        e. Space Station ’              ({Sg;lc];efry)
  If space station applicant, go to Question 27.

      D a. Transmit/Receive                 I:_—_]b. Transmit—Only                  D c. Receive—Only

                                                                          PURPOSE OF MODIFICATION OR AMENDMENT
27. The purpose of this proposed modification or amendment is to:     Place an "X" in the box(es) next to all that apply.

                                                                 a —— authorization to add new emission designator and related service
                                                                 b —— authorization to change emission designator and related service
                                                                 c —— authorization to increase EIRP and EIRP density
                                                                 d —— authorization to replace antenna
                                                                 e —— authorization to add antenna
                                                                 f —— authorization to relocate fixed station
                                                                 g —— authorization to change assigned frequency(ies)
                                                                 h —— authorization to add Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
                                                                 i —— authorization to change Points of Communication (satellites & countries)
                                                                 j —— authorization for facilities for which environmental assessment and radiation hazard reporting is required
                                                                 k —— Other (Please Specify)

                                                                                          ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY

28. Would a Commission grant of any proposal in this application or amendment have a significant environmental impact as defined by 47 CFR 1.1307?                                  D YES                    .N
If YES, submit the statement as reqm);ed by Sections l.fpfl)S and 1.1311 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ I.lfi)S and 1.1311, as an exhibit to this application.                                              o
A Radiation Hazard Study must accompany all applications as an exhibit for newtransmitting facilities, major modifications, or major amendments. Refer to OET Bulletin 65.

                                                                                                                                                                                                        FCC 312, Main Form — Page 2
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     February, 1998

                                                                                     ALIEN OWNERSHIP
29. Is the applicant a foreign government or the representative of any foreign government?                                                                  [:]YES          ENO

30. Is the applicant an alien or the representative of an alien?                                                                                            [_—_lYES             NO

31. Is the applicant a corporation organized under the laws of any foreign government?                                                 .                    DYES                 NO

32. Is the applicant a corporation of which more than one—fifth of the capital stock is owned of record or                                                  DYES                 NO
    voted by aliens or their representatives or by a foreign government or representative thereof or by any
    corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
33. Is the applicant a corporation directly or indirectly controlled by any other corporation of which more than                                            []YES                NO
    one—fourth of the capital stock is owned of record or voted by aliens, their representatives, or by a foreign
    government or representative thereof or by any corporation organized under the laws of a foreign country?
34. If any answer to questions 29, 30, 31, 32 and/or 33 is Yes, attach as an exhibit, the identification of the aliens or
    foreign entities, their nationality, their relationship to the applicant, and the percentage of stock they own or vote.

                                                                                 BASIC QUALIFICATIONS
35. Does the applicant request any waivers or exemptions from any of the Commission‘s Rules?                                                                   f             ~
    If Yes, attach as an exhibit, copies of the requests for waivers or exceptions with supporting documents.                                               DYES             NO
36. Has the applicant or any party to this application had any FCC station authorization or license revoked or had                                          DYES               NO
    any application for an initial, modification or renewal of FCC station authorization, license, or construction
    permit denied by the Commission? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.
37. Has the applicant, or any party to this application, or any party directly or indirectly controlling the applicant ever been                            D v¥ESs         E NO
    convicted of a felony by any state or federal court? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.
38. Has any court finally adjudged the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, guilty of unlawfully                      DYES             E NO
    monopolizing or attempting unlawfully to monopolize radio communication, directly or indirectly, through control of
    manufacture or sale of radio apparatus, exclusive traffic arrangement or any other means or unfair methods of competition?
    If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the cireumstances.

39. Is the applicant, or any person directly or indirectly controlling the applicant, currently a party in any pending matter                               []YES           E No
    referred to in the preceeding two items? If Yes, attach as an exhibit, an explanation of the circumstances.
40. If the applicant is a corporation and is applying for a space station license, attach as an exhibit the names, addresses, and citizenship ofthose
    stockholders owning of record and/or voting 10 percent or more of the Filer‘s voting stock and the percentages so held. In the case of fiduciary
    control, indicate the beneficiary(ies) or class of beneficiaries. Also list the names and addresses of the officers and directors of the Filer.

41. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies, that neither the applicant nor any other party to the application is subject to a denial of                      vyES        D NO
    Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. Section 862, because
    of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR 1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.
42a. Does the applicant intend to use a non—U.S. licensed satellite to provide service in the United States?                                                D v¥Es                No
     If yes, answer 42b and attach an exhibit providing the information specified in 47 C.F.R. § 25.137, as appropriate.
     If no, proceed to question 43.
42b. What administration has licensed or is in the process of licensing the space station? If no license will United States
     be issued, what administration has coordinated or is in the process of coordinating the space station?

                                                                                                                                                                        FCC 312, Main Form — Page 3
                                                                                                                                                                                      February, 1998

43. Description. (Summarize the nature of the application and the services to be provided).
 Applicant‘s parent, Final AnalysisInc., hasbeenput into involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy.
Pursuant to orderof thecourt, Control of applicant‘sparent is to betransferred to bankruptcy trustee

    Exhibit No.            Identify   all exhibits that are attached to this   lication.
          A             Statement of Public Interest
          B             Court order appointing trustee

   The Applicant waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum as against the regulatory power of the United States because of
   the previous use of the same, whether by license or otherwise, and requests an authorization in accordance with this application. The applicant certifies that grant of this
   application would not cause the applicant to be in violation of the spectrum aggregation limit in 47 CFR Part 20. All statements made in exhibits are a material part hereof
   and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in this application. The undersigned, individually and for the applicant, hereby certifies that all statements made in this
   application and in all attached exhibits are true, complete and correct to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

44. Applicant is a (an):       (Place an "X" in the box next to applicable response.)
        hos             .                 haas                                 .             .                         .    f. Other
 Da. Individual D b. Unincorporated Association                 [:lc. Partnership d. Corporation D e. Governmental Entity D (Please specify)
45. Typed Name of Person Signing                                                                    46. Title of Person Signing

 Nader Modanto                                                                                       Chairman and President
37. Signature /%(Jc/                                                                                                                    48. Date

       (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION (U.S. Code, Title 47,
       Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).
                                                                                                                                                          FCC 312, Main Form — Page 4
                                                                                                                                                                       February, 1998

                                                                                                                                                   FCC Use Only
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                           FCC 312 — Schedule A
                                                         (Place an "X" in one of the blocks below)

            CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF CONTROL                                     [_] consent To AssIGNMENT OF LICENSE
            OF RECEIVE ONLY REGISTRATION                                             OF RECEIVE ONLY REGISTRATION
Al. Name of Licensee or Registrant                                                                                                                 A2. Voice Telephone Number
 Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.                                                                                                         301 459—4100
A3. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                             A4. Fax Telephone Number
 9701—E Philadelphia Court
  ATTENTION: Patricia Mahoney
                                                                                                                                                    301 459—0101
A5. City                                                                                                                     A6. State / Country (if not U.S.A.)         A7. Zip Code
Lanham                                                                                                                       MO                                          20706
A8. List Call Sign(s) ofstation(s) being assigned or transfered                                                                                                                           A9. I]\_Jo. gl’s(ation(s)

 $2150                                                                                                                                                                                                 1
A10. Name of Transferor/Assignor (if different than licensee or registrant)                             A15. Name of Transferee/Assignee
 Final Analysis Inc.                                                                                    Chery! E. Rose, Trustee for Final Analysis Inc.
All. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                 A16. Mailing Street Address or P.0. Box
 9701—E Philadelphia Court                                                                              50 W. Edmonston Drive
Al2. City                                                A13. State/Country          A14. Zip Code      A17. City                                              A18. State/Country       A19. Zip Code
Lanham                                                   MD                          20706              Rockville                                              MD                       20852
A20. If these facilities are licensed, is the transferee/assignee directly or indirectly controlled by any other entity?                                            DYES                NO
     If Yes, attach as an exhibit, a statement (including organizational diagrams where appropriate) which fully and completely
     identifies the nature and extent of control including: (1) the name, address, citizenship, and primary business of the controlling
     entity and any intermediate subsidiaries or parties; and (2) the names, addresses, citizenship, and the percentages of voting and
     equity stock of those stockholders holding 10 percent or more of the controlling corporation‘s voting stock.
A21. If these facilities are licensed, attach as an exhibit, a complete statement setting forth the facts which show how the assignment or transfer will serve the public interest.
1. The undersigned, individually and for licensee, certifies that all attached exhibits pertinent to Schedule A and all statements made in Schedule A of this application
are true, complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. The undersigned also certifies that any contracts or other instruments submitted herewith are
complete and constitute the full agreement.

2. The undersigned represents that stock will not be delivered and that control will not be transferred until the Commission‘s consent has been received, but that transfer of
control or assignment of license will be completed within 60 days of Commission consent. The       und         d also acknowledges that the Commission must be notified by letter
within 30 days of consummation.

                                                                                                                                                                                            io Ayjfa )
A22. Printed Name of Ligensee (Must agree with A1)                  A23. Signature                                                      A24. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)           A25
 Final Analysis Communication
 Services, Inc.                                                                                                                          Chairman and President
A26. Printed Name of License Transferor/Assignor                    A27. Slf,nalurew                                                    A28. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)
    (If different thanlicensee. Must agree with A10)

Final Analysis Inc.                                                                                                                      Chairman and President                             /;Cfl/
Aa() Printed \Iame of License Transferee/Assignee                   A31. Signature    /                                                 A32. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)           A33. Date
   nery1 E. ?zose, Trustee for
 FJ_na        Analysis Inc.                                                                                                             Trustee
                                                                                                                                                                                         FCC 312 — Schedule A
                                                                                                                                                                                               February, 1998

                                                                                                                                                        FCC Use Only
                                                  FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                             FCC 312 — Schedule A
                                                          (Place an "X" in one of the blocks below)

       CONSENT TO TRANSFER OF CONTROL                                           I:l CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OF LICENSE
     ) NowiricArion or TRaNsrER OF CONTROL                                            NOTIFICATION OF ASSIGNMENT
            OF RECEIVE ONLY REGISTRATION                                              OF RECEIVE ONLY REGISTRATION
Al. Name of Licensee or Registrant                                                                                                                      A2. Voice Telephone Number
 Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.                                                                                                             301 459—4100
A3. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                                                                  A4. Fax Telephone Number
9701—E Philadelphia Court
  ATTENTION: Patricia Mahoney                                                                                                                           301 459—0101
AS. City                                                                                                                      A6. State / Country (if not U.S.A.)          A7. Zip Code
Lanham                                                                                                                         MO                                          20706
A8. List Call Sign(s) of station(s) being assigned or transfered                                                                                                                            A9. No. of station(s)
  $2150                                                                                                                                                                                                1
A10. Name of Transferor/Assignor (if different than licensee or registrant)                              A15. Name of Transferee/Assignee
 Final Analysis Inc.                                                                                     Chery! E. Rose, Trustee for Final Analysis Inc.
A1ll. Mailing Street Address or P.O. Box                                                                 A16. Mailing Street Address or P. O. Box
 9701—E Philadelphia Court                                                                               50 W. Edmonston Drive
Al2. City                                                 A1l3. State/Country         A14. Zip Code      Al7. City                                               A18. State/Country       A19. Zip Code
Lanham                                                    MD                          20706              Rockville                                               MD                       20852
A20. If these facilities are licensed, is the transferee/assignee directly or indirectly controlled by any other entity?                                               DYES               NO
     If Yes, attach as an exhibit, a statement (including organizational diagrams where appropriate) which fully and completely
       identifies the nature and extent of control including: (1) the name, address, citizenship, and primary business of the controlling
       entity and any intermediate subsidiaries or parties; and (2) the names, addresses, citizenship, and the percentages of voting and
       equity stock of those stockholders holding 10 percent or more of the controlling corporation‘s voting stock.
A21. If these facilities are licensed, attach as an exhibit, a complete statement setting forth the facts which show how the assignment or transfer will serve the public interest.
1. The undersigned, individually and for licensee, certifies that all attached exhibits pertinent to Schedule A and all statements made in Schedule A of this application
are true, complete and correct to the best of his/her knowledge and belief. The undersigned also certifies that any contracts or other instruments submitted herewith are
complete and constitute the full agreement.

2. The undersigned represents that stock will not be delivered and that control will not be transferred until the Commission‘s consent has been received, but that transfer of
control or assignment of license will be completed within 60 days of Commission consent. The undersigned also acknowledges that the Commission must be notified by letter
within 30 days of consummation.
A22. Printed Name of Licensee (Must agree with A1)                   A23. Signature                                                       A24. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)           A25. Date
Final Analysis Communication                                                                                                                        s                              §
 Services, Inc.                                                                                                                           Chairman and President
A26. Printed Name of License Transferor/Assignor                     A27. Signature                                                       A28. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)           A29. Date
    (If different thanlicensee. Must agree with A10)

Final Analysis Inc.                                                                                                                       Chairman and President
A30. Printed Name of License Transferee/Assignee                     A31. Signature                                                       A32. Title (Office Held by Person Signing)           A33. Date
    (Must agree   with A1
che¥y1"E"." Rose, Trustee for
                                                                                                 ;           &/\ 7) f                                                                              ¢ast
Final Analysis Inc.                                                                               e        §        M Trustee                                                                   /0/ A // o{
                                                                                                          7                                                                                FCC 312 — Schedule A
                                                                                                                                                                                                 February, 1998

                                                                                        EXHIBIT A

                                         FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC.

                                    Nature of the Application

        This application, filed pursuant to Section 25.119(d) of the Commussion‘s Rules, 47

C.F.R. §25.119(d), seeks consent to the involuntary transfer of control of Final Analysis

Communication Services, Inc. ("FACS"). FACS is a non—common carrier licensee in the Non—

Voice Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite Services ("NVNG MSS"). The majority of the voting

stock of FACS is owned directly by Final Analysis Inc. ("FAI"), with no intermediate


        On September 14, 2001, a petition for involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy was filed in the

United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Maryland, Case Number 01—21039, to

liquidate the assets of FAI. As reflected in the order issued October 24, 2001 (attached as

Exhibit B), that court appointed Cheryl Rose of Rockville, Maryland, as Trustee for FAL. This

transferred control of FAI to the Trustee, and consequently resulted in the involuntary transfer of

the ultimate control of FACS.

Cm aecanas                parma             PuNVLC       :   LEmC   iA                                           a5s      2 °n
 L i ~ze—~aew 1           40t °W            bur—     c                ‘

                                                                                                                 ExHxIBIT B
                                                                           FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION SERVICES. Inc.

                                         UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT
                                          FOR THE DISTRICT OF MARYLAND

       IN RE: FINAL ANALYSIS, INC.                                                Case No. 01—21039
                                                                                  Chapter Seven


                                              APPOINTMENT OF TRUSTEE
                                         AND DESIGNATION OF REQUIRED BOND

                      Cheryl Rose,of Rockville,MD, was appointed on October 16, 2001 as Trustee for the

      estate(s) of the above named debtor(s). Unless a trustee is elected at the meeting of creditors called

      pursuant to Section 341 Title 11, United States Code, in the above réferenced case, the Interim

      Trustee shall serve as Trustee.

                      This case is covered by the blanket bond for Chapter 7 case Trustees, a copy ofwhich is on

      file with the Court.

                                                                          W. Clarkson McDow, Jr.
                                                                          U.S. Trustee/Region Four

                                                                          By:    t M’\xm ,(§
                                                                             CLIFFORD J. WHITE IHM
                                                                             Assistant U.S. Trustee
                                                                             Office of the U.S. Trustee
                                                                             for the District of Maryland
                                                                             6305 Ivy Lane, Suite 600
                                                                             Greenbelt, MD 20770
     Date:            October 24, 2001                                       (301) 344—6216
     a 70 Asd t wad

 DCOI/SIFER/164411.1                                                                   .                    C2

NCT—P4—P0A21             g&:eo                       tumsa e l l ues
                                                                                                                       Totel P.02

                                                                                         ExniBIt C

                                          FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC.

                                   Statement of Public Interest

        Approval of the involuntary transfer of control requested in this application will serve the

public interest. The Commission has long recognized that such action will allow creditors to

receive the full protection afforded by federal bankruptcy law. See, eg., Dale J. Parsons et al.,

10 FCC Red 2718, 2720 (1995); DH Overmyer Telecasting Co., Inc., 94 F.C.C. 2d 117, 123

(1983). Moreover, approval in this case will contribute to the stability of FCC licensee FACS

and its ability to implement its authorized satellite system.

Document Created: 2012-11-15 14:35:12
Document Modified: 2012-11-15 14:35:12

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