Attachment 2001 General Electri

2001 General Electri

OTHER submitted by General Electric, Capital Corp., SES Global SA



This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20010402-00031 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                           N                                                             set 22 2001
                                            HOGAN & HARTSO                                                        FEDERAL
                                                                                                                                      WUNICATIONS 6ON

                                                                                                                               COLUMBIA SQUARE
                                                                                                                        555 THIRTEENTH STREET, NW
 KARIS A, HASTINGS                                                                                                      WASHINGTON, DC 20004—1109
    (202) 637—5767                                                                                                              TEL (202) 637—5600
KAHASTINGS@HHLAW. COM                                                                                                           FAX (202) 637—5910

                                                         October 18, 2001                                 f '?’{:}Ae p, WWWHHLAW.COM

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     BY HAND DELIVERY                                                                             Sats

     Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554

                     Re:—          General Electric Capital Corporation and SES
                                   Global S.A., Order and Authorization, DA 01—
                                   2100 (IB and WTB, Oct. 2, 2001)

     Dear Ms. Salas:

                   Enclosed on behalf of the applicants in the above—referenced proceeding
     is a copy of a draft reconsideration order prepared by the applicants. The draft
     order was discussed at a meeting yesterday afternoon involving counsel for the
     applicants and Commission staff members.

                                                                              KS43              SAT—T/C—20010402—00030
                                                                              SES AMERICOM, INC.

                                                                             $2416          SAT-T/C-20010402-00031
                                                                             COLUMBIA COMMuUuniIicati
                                                                                                      ons CORPORATION

                            BERLIN   BRUSSELS   LONDON    PARIS   BUDAPEST   PRAGUE    WARSAW    MOSCOW      TOKYO



Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
October 18, 2001
Page 2

               Please address any questions regarding the draft order to the
undersigned or to Phillip Spector, counsel for SES Global, (202) 223—7340.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        Karis A. Hastings
                                        Counsel for General Electric Capital


cc:—   Donald Abelson, Chief, International Bureau, FCC
       Linda Haller, Senior Legal Advisor, International Bureau, FCC
       James Bird, Office of General Counsel Transaction Team, FCC
       Phillip Spector, Counsel for SES Global S.A.

                                                                                                                                    Draft, 10/17/2001

                                               Before the                                                                         QEQEWEQ
                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                            Washington, D.C.                                                                         OCTt 22 2001

In re Application of                                                                                                                ormes or me secantaty

                                                     N/ N N No Nt Ne No N Nt Ne Ne Ne No Nt Nt Ned N) N/ Nt
CORPORATION,                                                                                                  File Nos.SAT—T/C—20010402—00030,
     Transferors,                                                                                                      SAT—T/C—20010402—00031,
and                                                                                                                    SES—T/C—20010402—00740,
SES GLOBAL, S.A.                                                                                                       SES—T/C—20010402—00742,
      Transferees,                                                                                                     SES—T/C—20010402—00743,
for Consent to Transfer Control of                                                                                     ITC—T/C—20010402—00178,
Licenses and Authorizations Pursuant                                                                                   0000413466, and
to Sections 214(a) and 310(d) of the                                                                                   ISP—PDR—20010402—00017
Communications Act
Petition for Declaratory Ruling
Pursuant to Section 310(b)(4)
of the Communications Act

                                  ORDER ON RECONSIDERATION

Adopted: October __, 2001                                                                                       Released: October __, 2001

By the Chief, International Bureau and the Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau:

         1. On October 2, 2001, we granted the above—captioned applications of General Electric Capital
Corporation (GE Capital) and SES Global S.A. (SES Global) (collectively Applicants) for consent to
transfer control of GE American Communications, Inc. (GE Americom) and Columbia Communications
Corporation (Columbia) (collectively Americom Licensees) to SES Global.! In this Order, we reconsider
the Transfer Order on our own motion pursuant to Section 1.113 of the Commission‘s Rules in light of
supplemental information provided by SES Global," and modify two paragraphs of the Transfer Order.

        2. First, we modify paragraph 42 of the Transfer Order. That paragraph permitted SES Global to
own 100% of GE Americom, and imposed limitations relating to indirect ownership of GE Americom by
investors that receive shares in SES Global pursuant to the exchange offer described in the Application. The
supplemental information provided by SES Global permits us to make a finding under Section 310(b)(4) of

1       General Electric Capital Corporation, Transferors, and SES Global S.A., Transferees, Order and
Authorization, DA 01—2100 (IB and WTB, Oct. 2, 2001) (Transfer Order).

2      See Letter of Phillip L. Spector and Laura B. Sherman to Magalie Roman Salas dated Oct. 10,
2001 (October 10 Letter); Letter of Laura B. Sherman to Magalie Roman Salas dated Oct. 12, 2001.

the Communications Act that authorizing indirect ownership of GE Americom by investors that receive
shares in SES Global pursuant to the exchange offer is consistent with the public interest." In addition, SES
Global has advised us that it is not proceeding with the previously contemplated public offering of shares.4
We recognized in the Transfer Order that, if the public offering did not occur, the percentage interests of
Class A and Class C shareholders of SES Global would increase.5 The October 10 letter provides updated
ownership percentages reflecting the decision not to proceed with the public offering, and a related decision
that GE Capital will purchase additional shares of SES Global.° In light of this information, we modify
paragraph 42 of the Transfer Order to read as follows:

                  42.       Specifically, this ruling permits the requested indirect foreign ownership of GE
                  Americom by SES Global (100 percent), DT affiliates and DT‘s German shareholders
                  (13.15 percent economic interest and 10.52 percent voting interest), BCEE and SNCI and
                  the State of Luxembourg (16.67 percent economic interest and 33.33 percent voting
                  interest, which aggregate interest may be held in any amount by any one or more of these
                  named Luxembourg entities), and other non—U.S. institutions and individuals who receive
                  shares in SES Global pursuant to the exchange offer (39.46 percent economic interest and
                  31.57 percent voting interest). GE Americom may accept up to and including an
                  additional, aggregate 25 percent indirect equity and/or voting interests from the above
                  foreign investors or other non—U.S. investors and entities without seeking further
                  Commission approval under Section 310(b)(4)."58 However, no single non—U.S. investor
                  or entity, including Deutsche Telekom and its German shareholders, may acquire indirect
                  ownership in excess of 25 percent without further Commission approval under Section
                  310(b)(4). Moreover, GE Americom shall seek approval under Section 310(b)(4) before
                  it accepts any additional indirect interest by BCEE, SNCI and the State of Luxembourg in
                  excess of the permitted 33.33 percent voting interest.

                  138    For this purpose, non—U.S. ownership of GE Capital and non—German foreign
                  ownership of Deutsche Telekom would be included in the total indirect foreign
                  ownership of GE Americom.

        3. Second, we take this opportunity on our own motion to modify paragraph 65 of the Transfer
Order. That provision requires amendment of pending applications pursuant to Section 1.65 of the
Commission‘s Rules to reflect the ownership changes permitted by the Transfer Order. We modify that
paragraph to provide that such amendments are required within 30 days of consummation of the transaction
authorized in the Transfer Order. The revised paragraph 65 of the Transfer Order reads as follows:

3      See October 10 Letter at 4—5 and Exhibits 1 and 2 (describing anticipated foreign investment in
SES Global and providing information regarding home markets of investors).

4       iSee id. at 2.

8       Transfer Order at n44.

6      October 10 letter at 2—3 & Exhibit 1. In addition, SES Global advised us that Deutsche Telekom
would hold its SES Global shares through wholly—owned companies rather than directly. Id. at 4 n.18.

                 65.     IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission‘s
                 Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.65, GE Capital and SES Global are afforded thirty days from the
                 consummation date of the transactions authorized herein to amend all such pending
                 applications in connection with the instant Transfer Application to reflect the new
                 ownership structure approved in this Order and Authorization.

                                            Ordering Clauses

        4.   Consistent with the foregoing, we hereby modify the Transfer Order as specified herein.

        5. This Order on Reconsideration does not modify any other terms or conditions imposed in the
Transfer Order.

        6. This Order is issued under delegated authority pursuant to Sections 0.51, 0.261, 0.131, 0.331,
1.113 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 0.51, 0.261, 0.131, 0.331, 1.113 and SHALL BE
EFFECTIVE upon release.

                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 Donald Abelson
                                                 Chief, International Bureau

                                                 Thomas J. Sugrue
                                                 Chief, Wireless Telecommunications Bureau

Document Created: 2019-04-25 15:15:27
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 15:15:27

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