Attachment 2001VisionStar - tra

2001VisionStar - tra

LETTER submitted by EchoStar VisionStar Corporation

July 18 2001 ltr to Chief IB


This document pretains to SAT-T/C-20001215-00163 for Transfer of Control on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                              1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
 STEPTOE & JO}—]NSON LLP                                                                      Washington, DC 20036—1795
                                                                                              Telephone 202.429.3000
                          ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                                    Facsimile 202.429.3902

Rhonda M. Bo lton
rho Iton@ s tep

July 18, 2001                                                            ECE
                                                             .       J
DELIVERY                                                     .           4 18 2097
Magalie Roman Salas                                              OFRCE ge msg"'“ COMMISENS,
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Room TW — A325
Washington, D.C. 20554

           Re:            VisionStar, Incorporated Transfer of Control Application
                          File No. SAT—T/C—20001215—00163

Dear Ms. Salas:

               Enclosed for filing are an original and four copies of a letter to Donald Abelson,
Chief of the International Bureau, regarding the above—referenced transfer of control application.

              Also enclosed is an additional copy of the letter to Mr. Abelson, which we ask
you to date—stamp and return to our messenger.

                          Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding this

                                                        Rhonda M. Bolton
                                                        Counselfor EchoStar VisionStar Corporation


      WASHINGTON                             PHOENIX                      LOS ANGELES                       LONDON

                                                                                 1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
 STEPTOE & JOI—INSON tIP                                                         Washington, DC 20036—1795
                                                                                 Telephone 202.429.3000
                     ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                            Facsimile 202.429.3902

Pantelis Michalopoutos

July 18, 2001                                             RecE) VEep
                                                           YUL 18 2007
Via HAND DELIVERY                                          “‘““an
                                                         OFRACE op        Com,
Mr. Donald Abelson                                                   Wfswm%
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, SW
Room 6—C750
Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:       VisionStar, Incorporated, Transfer of Control Application
                   File No. SAT—T/C—20001215—00163

Dear Mr. Abelson:

                On behalf of EchoStar VisionStar Corporation ("EchoStar"), we write to urge
expeditious approval of the transfer of control application submitted to the Commission by
EchoStar and VisionStar, Inc. ("VisionStar") in December 2000, to alert the Commission to
recent relevant precedent in support of this action, and to request that this proceeding be
converted to ‘permit but disclose‘ status should the Commission require additional information
from the applicants.

                In considering this application, the Commission is confronted with a stark choice:
either approve the application expeditiously and allow a satellite to soon commence providing
actual service to consumers from the 113° W.L. orbital location; or allow that orbital location to
lie fallow for several years and indulge in the unproductive paper wars instituted by two second—
round Ka—band applicants — Pegasus and TRW.

               Among other things, these two petitioners have made much of their claim that the
recent decision of VisionStar to change its satellite contractor denotes some lack of diligence on

     WASHINGTON                         PHOENIX             LOS ANGELES                        LONDON

Mr. Donald Abelson
July 18, 2001
Page 2

VisionStar‘s part.1 A recent Bureau action, however, provides further proof that this claim is
baseless. The Bureau recently gave a satellite licensee a significant degree of flexibility in
switching from one satellite contractor to the other when it granted the request of R/L DBS
Company LLC to extend its interim satellite construction milestones. The request was
necessitated, according to R/L DBS, by a switch in satellite construction contractors that arose in
the context of a proposed transfer of control (for which R/L DBS has separately requested
Commission approval)." The Bureau summarily approved the milestone extension." Indeed, the
Bureau approved the request notwithstanding the Commission‘s earlier explicit decision that
"failure to meet any of these interim milestones will automatically render [R/L DBS‘s] DBS
permit null and void without further Commission action.""

               Whether or not such routine disposition is appropriate, the action that TRW and
Pegasus request — finding a lack of diligence due to a change in contractors — is completely
inconsistent with the Bureau‘s action in the R/L DBS case."

         ‘ See, e.g., TRW. Inc.‘s Petition to Deny the VisionStar transfer of control application,
File No. SAT—T/C—20001215—00163 (dated Feb. 5, 2001), at 24—26 (citing 4T&T/Ford Aerospace
Satellite Services Corp., 2 FCC Red. 4431(1987)).

        See Letter from James L. Casserly, Counsel for R/L DBS Company, LLC, to Donald
Abelson, Chief, International Bureau, FCC, Re: File Nos. DBS 97—01, 94—SAT—AL—96, 94—SAT—
TC—96, 49 SAT—TC—95, 130—SAT—EXT—95 (dated June 11, 2001), at 1.

        * The grant notes only that "R/L DBS must adhere to the substitute milestone schedule
indicated in this filing. * See id. (stamped "Granted" with grant date of June 22, 2001). It is not
clear from the Bureau‘s "Granted" stamp whether the Bureau adopted the justifications proffered
by R/L DBS in a "Proposed Order" submitted along with the R/L DBS Request to Substitute

        * In re Petition ofR/L DBS Company, LL.C. for Extension ofits Direct Broadcast
Satellite Construction Permit, 16 FCC Red. 9, 18 (2000).

       ° In the most recent of its numerous submissions on the merits of this proceeding, TRW
claims that VisionStar‘s description of work performed under its satellite construction contracts
demonstrates that VisionStar did not meet its commencement of construction milestone. See
Letter from Stephen D. Baruch, Counsel to TRW, Inc., to Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary, FCC
(dated July 12, 2001), at 2—3. Beyond the factual flaws of TRW‘s arguments, TRW is essentially
pressing on the Commussion a new, higher construction commencement standard — proof of
"bending metal." VisionStar has made significant progress under the Orbital contract. It has
made substantial additional headway in constructing its satellite under the current contract
(including order or allocation from inventory of a number of parts and payments of millions of
dollars). All that aside, however, the construction commencement standard is actually a narrow

Mr. Donald Abelson
July 18, 2001
Page 3

                 EchoStar and VisionStar requested expeditious action (by March) on their transfer
of control application when the application was filed on December 15, 2000. As noted in the
application, both the urgent need for the introduction and expansion of services in the Ka—band
and the goal of ensuring timely deployment of VisionStar‘s system favor expedited action. First
round licensees such as VisionStar represent the best prospects for rapid commercial deployment
of Ka—band systems. EchoStar‘s decision to make a significant investment in VisionStar
recognizes this fact, as well as the fact that the Bureau had previously examined the diligence of
all first—round licensees and clearly determined that there was no basis to take any enforcement
action against VisionStar." EchoStar accordingly urges the Bureau not to allow the dilatory
tactics of a few second processing round applicants to further delay a decision regarding transfer
of control.

                In contrast with the routine grant of R/L DBS‘s recent modification application,
the instant application has already been subject to all due scrutiny. Indeed, the parties have
promptly and fully complied with the Bureau‘s request for additional information even though
that request clearly went further than what applicants are typically required to submit.

one. The milestone is met by execution of a non—contingent satellite construction contract. Nee
Netsat 28 Company, L.L.C., 15 FCC Red. 11321 (Int‘l Bur. 2000), at 4 ("The Commission
requires the execution of a non—contingent construction contract to satisfy the commencement
milestone of domestic satellite licenses.") (citation omitted). While the Commission has
proposed a higher, "bending metal" standard as an interim milestone for a new service in another
proceeding, it has not done so here, and it would be inappropriate to suddenly raise the bar for
existing licensees. See In the Matter ofthe Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rulesfor the
Non—Geostationary Satellite Orbit, Fixed Satellite Service in the Ku—Band, IB Docket No. 01—96,
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 01—134, (rel. May 3, 2001), at [ 57 (seeking comment on a
proposal to adopt an interim milestone requirement that NGSO—FSS licensees "begin physical
construction of all satellites in their systems within two and a half years of authorization.").
Since TRW‘s concerns about VisionStar‘s progress are irrelevant to the question of construction
commencement, they can only be read as similar to Pegasus‘s claims —i.e., as relating to the
next, construction completion milestone. In other words, TRW believes that VisionStar‘s
progress is slow, and Pegasus likewise believes that VisionStar will not be able to meet its future
construction milestone. Such claims, however, are not a cognizable ground for preemptive
cancellation of a license.

       ° The Bureau, however, did order the cancellation of Ka—band authorizations of three
other companies for failure to meet the commencement of construction milestone. See Netsat 28
Company, LLC, 15 FCC Red. 11321 (Int‘l Bur. 2000); Panamsat Licensee Corp., 15 FCC Red.
18720 (Int‘l Bur. 2000); Morning Star Satellite Company, 15 FCC Red. 11350 (Int‘l Bur. 2000).

Mr. Donald Abelson
July 13, 2001
Page 4

               EchoStar believes that the ample record already compiled in this matterjustifies
swift approval of the transfer of control application, and no further delay is warranted.
Nevertheless, to the extent that the Commission staff deems it necessary, EchoStar would also be
pleased to discuss its request for expeditious approval with the staff in greater detail. In that
case, the Commission should convert this proceeding to a non—restricted, permit—but—disclose
status, consistent with the treatment of second—round Ka—band matters. The permit—but—disclose
status of those matters has given the petitioners unfettered opportunities to visit Commissioners
and staff and discuss issues that are inevitably related to the questions pending in this
proceeding.‘ Thus, while in EchoStar‘s view the record is complete, conversion of the
proceeding to non—restricted status would only be fair if the Bureau were to disagree with that

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     Pantelis Michalopoulos
                                                     Counsel for EchoStar VisionStar Corporation

ge:    Service List
       Jennifer Gilsenan
       Rosalee Chiara
       Marilyn Simon

        ‘ For example, Pegasus representatives met with Commissioner Copps on June 27, 200.
See Notice of June 27, 2001 Ex Parte Presentation of Pegasus Development Corporation, File
Nos. SAT—LOA—19980403—00025 to 00029 (filed June 28, 2001). The substance of what was
discussed at that meeting is not known to EchoStar, because unfortunately the perfunctory notice
filed by Pegasus does not truly comply with the "summary" requirement of the rules. See 47
C.ER. § 1.1206. After meeting with Commissioner Copps, however, Pegasus transmitted what
it described as a "Summary of Ka—band Proceedings" to the Commissioner specifically arguing
that VisionStar had not met its commencement of construction milestone and that VisionStar
"has abandoned its efforts to develop its own system and now seeks to transfer its license to
another party," matters directly at issue in this restricted transfer of control proceeding. See
Letter from Cheryl Crate, Pegasus Communications, to Commissioner Michael J. Copps, FCC
(dated July 12, 2001), at 4. Pegasus representatives also met with an advisor to Commissioner
Copps and International Bureau staff members on July 6, 2001 to discuss matters related to the
Ka—band. See Notice of July 6, 2001 Ex Parte Presentation of Pegasus Development
Corporation, File Nos. SAT—LOA—19980403—00025 to 00029 (filed July 9, 2001).

                                       SERVICE LIST

Bruce D. Jacobs                                       Todd M. Stansbury
Shaw Pittman                                          Wiley, Rein & Fielding
2300 N Street, N.W.                                   1776 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20037                                Washington, D.C. 20006
Counselfor Pegasus Development Corp.                  Counselfor DirectCom Networks, Inc.

Stephen D. Baruch
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman, P.L.L.C.
2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20006
Counselfor TRW, Inc.

Michael R. Gardner
The Law Offices of Michael R. Gardner, P.C.
1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Suite 710
Washington, D.C. 20036
Counselfor VisionStar, Inc.

Document Created: 2013-10-23 16:45:48
Document Modified: 2013-10-23 16:45:48

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