Kepler Consolidated

PETITION submitted by Kepler Communications Inc.

Kepler Consolidated Petitions


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20190924-00098 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                        KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                                196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                          Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                     M5T 2C2

VIA ELECTRONIC FILING                                                                       October 15, 2019
Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street S.W.
Washington D.C. 20554

        Re. Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20161115-00118,
        SAT-MOD-20181108-00083, SAT-MOD-20190830-00087 and SAT-STA-20190924-
        Kepler Communications Inc., IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00114;
        WorldVu Satellites Limited, IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041;
        Telesat Canada, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00108

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Kepler Communications Inc. (Kepler) hereby submits this letter in association with several

concerns regarding the NGSO system authorized to Space Exploration Holdings LLC (SpaceX).

First, Kepler hereby submits a Petition to Reconsider the Order and Authorization (Order)1 issued

by the Federal Communications Commission (Commission) of SpaceX’s request to lower the

altitude of 1,584 of its satellites to 550 km (First SpaceX Modification).2 The Order did not

adequately address the concerns of commenters regarding the new orbital debris risk posed by the

First SpaceX Modification. Its overall assessment was self-limited due to the application of the

‘zero collision risk’ assumption, commonly applied to systems capable of propulsive

 See Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, DA 19-342 (rel. Apr. 26, 2019) (“Order”).
 See Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, Request for Modification of the Authorization for the SpaceX NGSO Satellite
System, IBFS File No. SAT−MOD−20181108−00083 (Nov. 8, 2019).

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                                                                         KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                                   196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                             Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                        M5T 2C2
maneuvering.3 Recently, several apparent on-orbit failures of SpaceX’s first tranche of satellites

call into question the reasonable applicability of this assumption to the SpaceX modification. In

fact, concerns regarding the reliability of SpaceX’s rapidly developed Starlink satellites were

raised by commenters early on.4 Not only did the Commission fail to account for this, but the

assessment that it did perform did not account for worst-case scenarios. It also did not address

commenters concerns regarding potential service capacity loss (and therefore interference) that

would result from the execution of new avoidance maneuvers to avoid the SpaceX constellation.

Second, this reconsideration would render moot SpaceX’s more recent modification request to

increase the number of orbital planes at the 550 km altitude range from 24 to 72 (Second SpaceX

Modification).5 Therefore, Kepler consequently Petitions to Defer or Deny this second

modification. Third, Kepler Petitions to Defer or Deny SpaceX’s recent request for Special

Temporary Authority (STA) to launch its second tranche of satellites into the new orbital

configuration specified by its Second Modification before the end of October.6 The Commission

should address the Petitions to Reconsider of both Kepler and WorldVu Satellites Limited

(OneWeb) filed in relation to the First SpaceX Modification before any action is taken on both the

Second SpaceX Modification and the request for STA to launch SpaceX’s second tranche of

   Commission rules require that systems provide an assessment of the probability of a satellite becoming a source of
debris as a result of large object collision. See 47 CFR § 25.114(d)(14)(iii). Current Commission practice considers
systems capable of propulsive maneuvering to have a zero or near-zero risk.
  See WorldVu Satellites Limited, Petition to Deny or Defer of WorldVu Satellites Limited, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-
20181108-00083 (Feb. 8, 2019) (“OneWeb Petition”) at 13.
   See Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, Application for Modification of Authorization
for the SpaceX NGSO Satellite System, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20190830-00087 (Aug. 30, 2019).
  See Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, Request for Special Temporary Authority, IBFS File No. SAT-STA-
20190924-00098 (Sep. 24, 2019).

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                                                                      196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                           M5T 2C2
satellites. Fourth, Kepler maintains its position that its system was the first to meet the home

spectrum selection criteria under 47 C.F.R. §25.261.

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                                                                                           KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                                                       196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                                 Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                                            M5T 2C2

Petition to Reconsider SpaceX’s First Modification ...................................................................... 5

Petition to Defer or Deny SpaceX’s Second Modification ........................................................... 14

Petition to Defer or Deny SpaceX’s Request for Special Temporary Authority to Launch its Second

Tranche of Satellites ..................................................................................................................... 16

Kepler Retains First Claim To Home Spectrum ........................................................................... 18

Conclusion .................................................................................................................................... 19

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                                                                        KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                                 196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                                      M5T 2C2

        The Commission’s rules specify that a space station modification will be granted except

under certain circumstances,7 including if the grant “would not serve the public interest,

convenience, and necessity”. The Order conceded that “[i]f a modification would worsen the

interference environment, that would be a strong indication that grant of the modification would

not be in the public interest”. Kepler, OneWeb, and SES/O3b all provided substantial criticism of

SpaceX’s interference analyses.8 The Commission later concluded upon review that the

modification “does not present significant interference problems and is in the public interest”.9

This review inadequately addressed commenters interference concerns, especially with respect to

physical debris risk. Therefore, Kepler hereby submits this Petition to Reconsider the Order and

asks that the Commission’s properly reassess the risks associated with its grant of SpaceX’s First


The Order did not address commenters’ interference concerns

        Kepler is among a number of operators that petitioned to deny or defer the Modification

for concerns related to physical coordination and frequency interference.10 Kepler and others noted

  See 47 C.F.R §25.117(d)(2).
   See Kepler Communications Inc., Conditional Petition to Deny (Jan. 29, 2019); OneWeb Petition; SES/O3b Limited,
Comments of SES/O3b Limited (Feb. 2, 2019) (“Kepler Petition”); EchoStar Satellite Operating Corp., Hughes
Network Systems, LLC, and Intelsat, Reply of EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, Hughes Network Systems,
LLC, and Intelsat License LLC (Mar. 5, 2019); Commercial Smallsat Spectrum Management Association, Comments
and Petition to Defer (Jan. 29, 2019) (“CSSMA Petition”) on loss of service capacity due to greater frequency of
avoidance maneuvers. All comments were filed under IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-0008.
  See Order at ¶ 11.
    See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-0008. Six operators and one satellite trade association filed petitions of
the SpaceX Modification. Three other operators also filed joint comments that were critical of the modification
(Echostar, Hughes, and Intelsat).

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                                                                         KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                              196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                        Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                   M5T 2C2
that the increased level of conjunctions inevitably caused by the new SpaceX constellation could

notably interrupt their delivery of service (due to the fact that their satellites cannot perform an

avoidance maneuver and provide service simultaneously).11 Unless SpaceX assumes the

responsibility of all avoidance maneuvers, it is evident that this effect would directly “worsen the

interference environment” for existing operators. The Commission did not address this concern. If

SpaceX’s modification was granted on the premise that its propulsion reduces its collision risk to

zero, then the burden of collision avoidance fundamentally lies on shoulders of those propulsive

capabilities. Upon reconsideration of the Order, the Commission must therefore impose a

requirement on SpaceX to assume the burden of all avoidance maneuvers made as a result of its


           Kepler notes its use of non-propulsive satellites and the design of its constellation as a

whole did not need to consider a substantial execution of avoidance maneuvers. Given the change

introduced by SpaceX, and absent any further conditions on its authorization, Kepler would need

to fundamentally alter its constellation design just to meet the goals stated in its own authorization.

To account for the new interference, Kepler would be forced to consider either increasing the size

of its constellation or outfitting its satellites with propulsive capabilities. Both modifications would

require Kepler to incur significant financial and operational cost simply to accommodate SpaceX’s

proposed operations.

The Order did not address commenters’ debris concerns

     See Kepler Petition at 5; CSSMA Comments at 4 - 5.

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                                                                       KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                               196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                         Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                    M5T 2C2
        In its modification, SpaceX provided a list of factors that would act to benefit its overall

orbital debris mitigation profile.12 However, the points raised did not on their own constitute an

‘analysis’ to the extent necessary to address the reasonable concerns of other operators. The

comments of Kepler, Planet, Astro Digital, Spire, OneWeb, and the CSSMA all highlighted

SpaceX’s failure to address the effects of its modification on the LEO environment.13 As the

CSSMA highlighted, SpaceX’s introduction of 1,584 satellites would effectively triple the number

of tracked satellites operating in the 400 – 600 km range.14 The CSSMA also pointed out flaws in

several of SpaceX’s listed factors, demonstrating that they were either ineffectual or invalid.15

Instead of answering these concerns, SpaceX dismissed most of the them outright and wholly

ignored other parts altogether.16 Kepler began physical coordination discussions with SpaceX

following the grant of the modification, but SpaceX has since stopped replying to Kepler’s follow-

up correspondence.

        Under the Commission’s current rules, satellites that are capable of active maneuvering

(i.e. are equipped with propulsion) are considered to have a collision risk with large objects of

zero, given that these spacecraft also meet a certain failure rate threshold. SpaceX relied on this

very assumption to meet the requirement to assess its orbital debris risk.17 Kepler does not dispute

that under nominal circumstances, SpaceX would indeed qualify for this assumption. However,

SpaceX’s 2019 Annual Report (filed on July 1, 2019) indicated that its first tranche of satellites

   See First SpaceX Modification, Technical Information to Supplement Schedule S, at A.11.
   See supra at note 10. See also CSSMA Petition, Technical Annex A-D.
   See CSSMA Petition at 4.
   See Id. at Technical Annex A-D.
   See SpaceX, Consolidated Opposition to Petitions and Response to Comments of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC,
IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (Feb. 11, 2019).
   See 47 CFR § 25.114(d)(14)(iii). See also supra at note 12.

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                                                                        KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                                196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                                     M5T 2C2
launched in May had already experienced a number of critical failures. 18 SpaceX reported that 3

of its 60 satellites had experienced a total loss of communication (5%), and that 10 more had not

yet completed their expected orbit raise procedures. SpaceX has since filed three separate times

to extend its special temporary authority for carrying out these orbit raising procedures. 19 Each of

its STA filings state that SpaceX’s orbit raising authority must continue because “there are still

some satellites that have yet to reach their authorized altitude”. Current Starlink TLEs indicate that

at least six satellites are presently not in their nominal orbits (excluding two to account for those

that SpaceX has stated are being deorbited intentionally). Of these six, four satellites remain at an

appreciable distance (>10 km) from their target positions.20 Therefore, at least 7 of 60 satellites

(11.6%) appear to have experienced some kind of failure that affects their maneuverability. In

order to verify the actual potential for conjunctions, Kepler requests that SpaceX clarify for the

record how many satellites have had any issues, propulsive or otherwise. Furthermore, the

Commission should require SpaceX to report, prior to launch, the number of satellites whose

deployment plans will deviate from those described in SpaceX’s authorization, and the nature of

those deviations. Considering that the zero-risk assumption is predicated on the capability of

satellite system to maneuver, Kepler questions whether SpaceX’s use of the zero-risk assumption

remains valid at its present failure rate. To put this into perspective, 11.6% of SpaceX’s full 1,584

satellite deployment would represent 184 defunct objects – more than Kepler’s entire authorized

   See Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, Annual Report, IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00118 (July 1, 2019).
   See Space Exploration Holdings, LLC, Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority, IBFS File Nos. SAT-
STA-20190717-00063 (Jul. 7, 2019), SAT-STA-20190815-00075 (Aug. 8, 2019), SAT-STA-20190917-00095 (Sep.
17, 2019).
   See Space-Track satellite catalog at

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                                                                                    196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                              Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                         M5T 2C2
constellation.21 The debris risk is further amplified by the greater cross-sectional area and mass of

SpaceX’s satellites. Given that a significant portion of SpaceX’s first tranche of satellites appear

to have experienced issues that affect its ability to maneuver, the Commission’s application of the

‘zero’ collision risk assumption may, in this case, have served to harm the public interest.

         The recent Orbital Debris NPRM noted that “[a] design or reliability flaw resulting in

malfunction of spacecraft during deployment or mission operations could result in a significant

number of non-functional spacecraft in an operational orbit, contributing to the orbital debris

population”.22 Unfortunately, this appears to be precisely what has happened. Arguably more

troubling is that this could have been avoided if the Commission had appropriately heeded

commenters pleadings. OneWeb issued an array of such warnings in its Petition, highlighting that

SpaceX’s “rapid iteration philosophy” and “test and discard” approach to its engineering is simply

too reckless to be employed in the delicate LEO orbit.23 OneWeb therefore asked the Commission

to “ensure [SpaceX’s] first-generation spacecraft satisfy appropriate and verifiable reliability

standards”24, stressing the importance to “inquire as to the design heritage and expected reliability

of SEH’s first-generation spacecraft to determine the continued validity of its prior concerns about

the reliability issues presented by SEH’s constellation”.25 OneWeb concludes its thought by

reminding the reader that because SpaceX is “the proposed operator of the largest NGSO

constellation by an order of magnitude, [it] cannot be allowed to avoid potentially serious

   If placed in orbit today, such a group would represent the largest constellation by both mass and number (surpassing
even Planet, which has the greatest number of satellites presently in orbit at 140). See Planet, Planet FAQ, at (accessed Oct. 15, 2019).
   See Mitigation of Orbital Debris in the New Space Age, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, FCC 18-159 (rel. Nov.
19, 2018) (“Orbital NPRM”) at ¶ 42.
   See OneWeb Petition at 15.
   See Id. at 13.
   See Id. at 19.

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                                                                            KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                                      196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                                Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                                           M5T 2C2
reliability issues by simply relocating to an altitude that offers greater de-orbit redundancies”.26

Stakeholders predictions have become fact, with SpaceX generating significantly more debris with

a single launch than can be considered acceptable. Its continued operations without proving the

reliability of its systems is fundamentally inconsistent with U.S. leadership in space and basic

principles of orbital stewardship.

         The Commission itself did solicit some additional information from SpaceX, requesting

that they “provide an estimate of the collision risk […] for a single satellite, assuming a propulsion

or other system failure that renders the satellite incapable of collision avoidance immediately

following orbital injection”.27 The Order considered this scenario – one where “failure occurs

immediately after launch of the satellite” – to be “worst-case”.28 This statement represents a serious

assessment error. Collision risk is in fact proportional to orbital lifetime and local density of

Resident Space Objects, both of which are far lower at SpaceX’s injection altitude. Moreover,

SpaceX did not even use its actual injection altitude of 440 km, but instead ran its risk assessment

at the much lower altitude of 350 km.29 To obtain a correct worst-case scenario, SpaceX should

run its risk assessment at its highest expected altitude (550 km in this case). In light of the

difficulties of SpaceX’s initial tranche, the Commission should also require SpaceX to evaluate

the risk of its constellation using its observed failure rate. That is, SpaceX should provide an

   See Id. at 19 – 20.
   See Commission Request, IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00118 (Feb. 26, 2019). The Commission concluded
that the information provided by SpaceX was sufficient to meet its assessment requirements.
   See Order at ¶ 22. See also SpaceX Letter, Response to FCC Information Request, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-
20181108-00083 (Mar. 13, 2019).
   The only verifiable technical information available on the presently orbiting Starlink satellites was given in a SpaceX
press kit for their launch. URL:

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                                                                                   196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                                        M5T 2C2
estimate of the collision risk using NASA’s Debris Assessment Software for a constellation of 184

defunct Starlink satellites at 550 km in their fully deployed configurations.

The presence of SpaceX’s constellation significantly impacts the orbital debris environment

         Because Kepler’s system is not equipped with propulsion, Commission rules required that

it submit a comprehensive Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) as a condition of its

application for market access.30 This ODAR assessed the combined orbital debris risk of Kepler’s

full constellation of 140 CubeSat satellites.31 Kepler has undertaken a basic assessment to estimate

the impact of the 1,584 Starlink satellites on its own orbital debris risk profile. Using NASA’s

Orbital Debris Assessment Software and the techniques described in NASA’s Orbital Debris

Engineering Model 2000, it found that the introduction of these satellites to the 550 km region

caused its probability of collision with large objects to increase by a factor of 3.01x, inevitably

placing Kepler aggregate risk above the required threshold of 0.001. In fact, Kepler’s analysis

against the SpaceX constellation alone (excluding all other debris) still exceeded the threshold.

This finding at the very least hints at the scale of the impact SpaceX’s constellation will have on

the LEO environment if permitted to deploy. The current orbital debris rules were never designed

to account for modifications that could have a material impact on large-scale orbital debris

   See Letter from Kepler Communications Inc., Kepler Orbital Debris Assessment Report (ODAR) For MULTUS
Filing, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00114 (Aug. 1, 2017). Kepler has since filed an update to this ODAR. See
infra at note 36.
   The original ODAR assumed the use of a 3U CubeSat platform. Kepler later submitted a revised analysis to the
Commission to account for its planned expansion to a 6U CubeSat platform. See infra at note 36. Despite being
submitted on September 21, 2018, the Commission has yet to provide a decision on this matter. Kepler’s third satellite
is a 6U platform, and will be unable to provide its service in the US until such Commission action is taken. Kepler
openly asks why SpaceX’s modifications, which are both more extensive and were submitted later, have been
processed and granted in the intervening time.

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                                                                                      196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                                           M5T 2C2
statistics. This is a prime example of how SpaceX’s reckless ambition strains the existing

regulatory framework, and the fair use of space. The Commission should treat its extraordinary

nature appropriately and require that SpaceX provide these analyses in lieu of the zero-collision

risk assumption. The Commission should act on this matter before granting any further permission

to launch new tranches of satellites to 550 km.

SpaceX has not provided clarification on the change of its bus size/mass

         The launch of SpaceX’s first tranche of satellites saw a deployment of systems that deviate

substantially from the characteristics described in SpaceX’s authorizations to date. 32 The public

record does not reflect the completion of an updated ODAR that incorporates these changes. The

Commission should require SpaceX to provide clarification on the change of its bus size/mass,

such that the risk of their system can be properly assessed. Further, SpaceX must be transparent in

its reporting of all the challenges its satellites have experienced since launch, especially with

regards to propulsion systems. This information impacts the collision risk assessments of all

systems operating in the subject LEO environment.

  SpaceX’s authorizations for its original constellation and its experimental Microsat system specified satellites with
an average area/mass ratio of 0.0400 m2/kg (calculated using a mass of 386 kg and a cross-sectional area that
incorporates two solar panels) and an orbital lifetime calculated with respect to their old altitude at 1,150 km. The
satellites that SpaceX recently placed into orbit at 550 km were not accompanied with an updated ODAR. The only
publicly available information on these satellites is a press kit that was released for the launch of the initial tranche,
which stated that the real systems have a significantly different mass (227 kg) and solar panel configuration. See Space
Exploration Holdings, LLC, Application for Approval for Orbital Deployment and Operating Authority for the SpaceX
NGSO Satellite System, IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20161115-00118, SAT−LOA−20170726−00110, 33 FCC Rcd
3391 (2018). See Microsats 2a and 2b, ELS File No. 0298-EX-CN-2016.

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                                                                   KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                  Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                             M5T 2C2
Waiver of requirement to file petition for reconsideration within 30 days of final

Commission action: §1.106(f)

        In light of the notable challenges of SpaceX’s rushed deployment, the Commission should

review their assessment of SpaceX’s orbital debris risk and reconsider the grant of its Modification.

The Commission must perform a proper review, taking into account the rate of failures observed

in SpaceX’s system to date. Considering the timeliness of these events, Kepler hereby requests a

waiver of 47 CFR § 1.106(f) to allow that this Petition be filed after the 30-day period following

the publication of the Order. Considering the performance of SpaceX’s satellites, and for all the

reasons discussed in this Petition, the greater public interest fundamentally hinges on SpaceX’s

demonstration that its system will not threaten the health of LEO. The Commission must take this

opportunity to both perform a full analysis of the modified SpaceX system and correct the flaws it

made in its original assessment.

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                                                                        KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                                196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                                     M5T 2C2

        No action should be taken on SpaceX’s Second Modification until all petitions to

reconsider SpaceX’s First Modification have been addressed. Furthermore, Kepler is unaware of

any ITU filing submitted by SpaceX that reflects the changes requested by its Second

Modification. Kepler notes however that SpaceX has recently submitted 20 separate ITU filings

that together describe an unprecedented deployment of 30,000 new satellites to the sub-600 km

LEO environment.33 The collision risks of such a constellation would be obviously untenable and

such filings in no way support SpaceX’s claim of striving for good faith coordination. As OneWeb

highlighted in its Petition, the fail-fast fail-often philosophy employed by SpaceX will, at the going

rate, destroy the viability of Low Earth Orbit.34 Kepler urges the Commission to consider these

facts in this assessment of yet another SpaceX modification.

        It seems germane to stress that in addition to the First Modification, the Commission should

carefully assess this one as well. SpaceX states that its proposed increase of orbital planes “will

have no impact on the orbital debris mitigation characteristics of the Starlink constellation”.35 This

is not necessarily true, as an increase in total number of orbital planes could also increase the rate

SpaceX’s intra-constellation conjunctions. Before the Commission rules on this Modification, it

should strive to understand these, and any other potential consequences, in sufficient detail to

assuage reasonable public concern.

   See ITU Space Network List, Information "as received" (Part-C) at
R/space/asreceived/Publication/AsReceived (accessed Oct. 13, 2019). The filings include USASAT-NGSO-3W-2, -
3W-1, -3V-2, -3V-1, -3U-2, -3U-1, -3T-3, -3T-2, -3T-1, -3S-3, -3S-2, -3S-1, -3R-3, -3R-2, -3R-1, -3Q, -3P, -3O, -
3M and -3N.
   See OneWeb Petition at 14 – 15. OneWeb discusses how SpaceX’s “rapid innovation” approach “may not be as
well suited to the crowded LEO operating environment where spacecraft can linger for years”.
   See Second SpaceX Modification at 5.

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                                                                            196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                                 M5T 2C2
        Kepler also asks the Commission to address its received requests in appropriate order. For

example, Kepler filed several ex parte notices with the Commission in 2018 to provide additional

clarity on the next phase of its constellation.36 These came complete with an updated ODAR, and

Kepler’s next satellite to be launched will utilize the architecture described therein. The

Commission has yet to update Kepler’s authorization with a ruling on this change, despite being

relatively simplistic and having been submitted over a year ago.

  See Letter from Nickolas G. Spina to Marlene H. Dortch, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00114 (Sep. 21,
2018); Kepler Communications Inc., Constellation Collision Risk, IBFS File No. SAT-PDR-20161115-00114 (Sep.
21, 2018).

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                                                                     KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                          196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                               M5T 2C2

           Kepler wishes to acknowledge SpaceX’s consistent and admirable efforts towards

maintaining the timeliness of their missions. However, its recent application for STA appears to

be an attempt to skip the same regulatory processing queue through which all other operators must

pass through.37 A grant of the requested STA would be inappropriate not only because it would

side-step the Commission’s review process for SpaceX’s Second Modification, but because the

core justification for the request does not meet the basic requirements stipulated by the

Commission’s rules. Section §25.120(b)(1) states that an STA may only be granted “upon a finding

that there are extraordinary circumstances requiring temporary operations in the public interest and

that delay in the institution of these temporary operations would seriously prejudice the public

interest. Convenience to the applicant, such as marketing considerations or meeting scheduled

customer in-service dates, will not be deemed sufficient for this purpose”. However, SpaceX seeks

immediate launch authorization of its second tranche of satellites for no reason other than to meet

its own internally chosen launch date at the end of October.

           Further, this second STA request is particularly unique because of its demand for a ruling

prior to the date that the public commenting period will close on the Second SpaceX Modification.

In this way, a grant would enable SpaceX to orbit a set of new satellites into a new configuration

before the public has fully had the chance to comment on any of its proposed changes. Such an

     See supra at note 6.

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                                                                                            M5T 2C2
action would plainly act against the public interest and allow SpaceX to effectively act as its own

de facto regulator.

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                                                                               196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                                    M5T 2C2

        Kepler emphasizes that its preferred future is one where effective and practicable

coordination agreements can be reached with all its co-frequency peers in the Ku-band. Recent

letters by SpaceX and the NRAO have not provided new information that meaningfully challenges

Kepler’s claim to first selection of home spectrum.38 Further, Kepler notes that dialog with the

NSF (in its capacity to represent the NRAO) has concluded that there are no immediate

coordination concerns.

  See NRAO, Comments of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory, IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041
(Aug. 2, 2019); Letter from David Goldman, Director of Satellite Policy, Space Exploration Technologies Corp. to
Marlene H. Dortch, IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20161115-00118, SAT-MOD-20181108-00083 (Sep. 27, 2019).

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                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
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                                                                                             M5T 2C2

          SpaceX has continued to inundate the regulatory pipeline with its frequent and

underdeveloped requests for major modifications. SpaceX’s citation of the Commission’s practice

of treating propulsion-equipped systems as having a large-object collision risk of zero has allowed

it to evade the essential work of proving the safety of its system. Although the general validity of

this assumption is being re-evaluated within the Commission’s ongoing review of its orbital debris

rules,39 SpaceX’s recent launch of its first tranche of satellites indicates that the health of its

propulsive systems has fallen short of reasonable expectations of reliability. The Commission

should reconsider its grant of SpaceX’s First Modification and ensure that all orbital and

interference concerns were properly and adequately accounted for. Further, as many commenters

requested, the Commission should require SpaceX to submit a comprehensive collision risk

analysis as a condition to the further continuation of their orbital deployments to 550 km. SpaceX’s

subsequent modifications should not be considered until these concerns have been addressed. It is

imperative that the Commission, the processing round entrants, and the public are adequately

informed of the precise impact SpaceX’s rushed movement to LEO will have on the orbital debris

environment. For these reasons, Kepler asks that the Commission take the actions described herein.

/s/ Nickolas G. Spina
Nickolas G. Spina
Director, Launch and Regulatory Affairs
Kepler Communications Inc.

39   See Orbital NPRM.

October 15, 2019                      Kepler Communications Inc.                              19 of 21

                                                                  KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                       196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                 Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                            M5T 2C2

cc:     Jose Albuquerque, Chief, Satellite Division
        Stephen Duall, Satellite Division

October 15, 2019                     Kepler Communications Inc.                              20 of 21

                                                                   KEPLER COMMUNICATIONS INC.

                                                                        196 Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
                                                                                  Toronto, ON Canada
                                                                                             M5T 2C2
                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I, Nickolas Spina, hereby certify that on October 15, 2019, a true and correct copy of this
document was sent via Canada Post, first class postage prepaid, to the following:

 William M. Wiltshire                                  Tim Hughes
 Paul Caritj                                           Senior Vice President, Global
 Harris, Wiltshire, & Grannis LLP                      Business and Government Affairs
 1919 M Street NW                                      Space Exploration Technologies Corp.
 Suite 800                                             1155 F Street NW
 Washington, DC 20036                                  Suite 475
                                                       Washington, DC 20004
 Counsel for SpaceX

                                                       Patricia Cooper
                                                       Vice President of Satellite Government Affairs
                                                       Space Exploration Technologies Corp.
                                                       1155 F Street NW
                                                       Suite 475
                                                       Washington, DC 20004

                                                       /s/ Nickolas Spina
                                                       Nickolas Spina

October 15, 2019                      Kepler Communications Inc.                              21 of 21

Document Created: 2019-10-15 21:48:52
Document Modified: 2019-10-15 21:48:52

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