Attachment Intelsat - Grant ext

Intelsat - Grant ext

DECISION submitted by IB, FCC

Grant extension of sta


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20190128-00002 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                        S2750         SAT-STA2079012BOOO2           IB2Of 9000055
                                                                        Intelsat License LLC
                                                                        Jntelsat 16
              Envision. Connect. Transform.

January 28. 2019                                                            Call Sign S27S0 Grant
                                                                            (or other idcntifier
                                                                                                   Terniflatcs pEi”ed e
Ms. Marlene I-I. Dortch                                                     F;c:m O\ /7/1j                     30
Secretary                                              GRANTED
Federal Communications Commission                  Intcrnatinnal Bureau     Approved:
    12 Street, S.W.                               wWh coJh’ois                                 SftJ Dcll
Washington. D.C. 20554                                                                         C’S%tellic P4)j          &O

Re:      Request for Extension of Special Temporary Authority to Operate Intelsat 16 at 76.2° W.L.
         with New Beam Coverage Call Sign: S2750

Dear Ms. Doiich:

Intelsat License LLC (Intelsat”) herein requests an additional 30 days of Special Temporary
Authority (STA”)1 previously granted Intelsat to temporarily operate Intelsat I 6s (52750) Ku—band
beam over a new coverage area in the communications frequencies 14000-14500 MHz and 11700-
12200 MHz in order to conduct a customer test.2 The customer test is expected to take approximately
3-6 months and a coverage map of the new beam coverage is enclosed as Exhibit A. Intelsat has also
filed a 1 80-day STA for this testing.3

Intelsat 16 is permanently licensed to operate at 76.2° W.L. with a di(Tetent beam coverage than the
beam coverage proposed herein.4 The satellit&s Ku-band beam has been biased in order to achieve

        Intelsat has filed this STA request, an FCC form 159, and a $980.00 filing fee electronically
via the International Bureaus Filing System. This extension request is timely filed per the Federal
Communications Commissions Public Notice. Impact of Potential Lctpse in funding on Comlnissiol?
Operations, DA 19-JO. p.4 (Jan. 2.2019) (Public Notice).

      See Policy Branch Jnformatiol7: Actions Take ii. Report No. SAT-0 1 365, File No. SAT-STA
20181127-00085 (Dec. 14, 2018) (Public Notice).

      See Satellite Policy Branch lnforinatwn: Space Station AJ)pl!CUIIOflS A ccepted fi)r filh7g, File
No. SAT-STA-20181 127-00086 (Dec. 14, 2018) (Public Notice).

       See Policy Branch ln/örmalion, Actions Taken. Report No. SAT-0 1334, File No. SAT-MOD-
201 80424-00029 (July 27, 201 8) (Public Notice).

Intelsat US LLC
7900 Tysons One Place, McLean, VA 22102-S972 USA T +1 703-SS9-6800

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 28, 2019
Page 2

the new coverage. Intelsat’s operation of Intelsat 16 will continue to conform to existing   coordination
agreements and the FCCs tules governing operations vis-ã-vis adjacent locations.

The temporary    operation of Intelsat 16’s Ku—band beam with a different coverage than authorized by
its current license will help test a customer’s service. Accordingly, grant of this STA extension
request is in the public interest.


/s/ Cj’nthia J. Grady

Cynthia J. Grady
Senior Counsel
Intelsat US LLC


Cc: Stephen Duall
    Jay Whaley
    Cindy Spiers

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 27. 201 8
Exhibit A

                        Exhibit A: Intelsat 16 Proposed Beam Coverage


                                                                                   Inteloot     15    @ 213.gE

                                                                                    Ku—Eand Mexico 111

                                                                                    transmit Coverage

                                                                           P1tig                     1676        20091
                                                                6                   1i               1.00916

                                                                                                       OZOF      C2B62

                                                                6.         .k        (001
                                                                      —0       0                            01.0

                                                                         0 -

                                                                      —,       5                            40,?
                                                                           .0                               46   5
                                                                                                            45   2

                                                                           rg        61                        0055410     0.   SB
                                                                                   5..     .k   £166
                                                                (2!    f            3 EJ    2i—.&       EiC1         202   1    610.

                                       ATTACHMENT TO GRANT
                                             Intelsat License LLC
                                   IEFS File No. SAT-STA-20190128-00002

 IBf S File No(s):       SAT-STA-20190128-00002                                              GRANTED          —

 Licensee/Grantee:       Intelsat License LLC                                                With Conditions
 Call Sign:              S2750
 Satellite Name:         Intelsat 16
 Orbital Location:       76.2° W.L.
 (required station-      (+1- 0.05 degrees eastlwest)
 keeping tolerance)
 Administration:         United States of America
 Nature of Service:      Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C); Fixed                   International Bureau
                         Satellite Service (P55)                                           Satellite Division
 Scope of Grant:         Extension of previously granted special temporary authority for a period of 30 days to
                         operate Ku-band beam over a new coverage area.
 Service Area(s):        See Exhibit A.
 Frequencies:            1 1.7—12.2 GHz (space-to-Earth)
                         14.0—14.5 GHz (Earth-to-space)’

                        TT&C Center frequencies:
                        13997.5 MHz and 14499.5 MHz (Earth-to-space)
                         12198.25 MHz and 12198.75 MHz (space-to-Earth)
 Unless otherwise specified herein, operations under this grant must comport with the legal and technical
 specifications set forth by the applicant or petitioner and with Federal Communication Commission’s rules
 not waived herein. This grant is also subject to the following conditions:
     1.   Operations pursuant to this special temporary authority must be on an unprotected and non-harmful
          interference basis, i.e., the Intelsat 16 space station must not cause harmful interference to, and shall not
          claim protection from interference caused to it by, any other lawfully operating station. In the event of any
          harmful interference, Intelsat must cease operations immediately upon notification of such interference,
          and shall inform the Coim-nission. in writing, immediately of such an event.

    2.    Intelsat must coordinate its operations so that no harmful interference is caused to any other lawfully
          operating satellites or radiocommunication systems. Intelsat shall cease operations immediately upon
          notification of such interference and inform the Commission in writing immediately of such an event.

    3.    In connection with the provision of service in any particular country, Intelsat is obliged to comply with the
          applicable laws, regulations, rules, and licensing procedures of that country.

    4.    While at the 76.2° W.L. orbital location, Intelsat must maintain the Intelsat 16 spacecraft with an east/west
          longitudinal station-keeping tolerance of +1- 0.05 degrees.

 Licensee/grantee is afforded thirty (30) days from the date of release of this action to decline the grant as
 conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the grant as conditioned.

 This action is taken pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission’s rules on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R.    §
 0.26 1, and is effective upon release.

 Station licenses are subject to the conditions specified in Section 309(h) of the Communications Act of 1934, as
 amended, 47 U.S.C. § 309(h).

 Although hitelsat 16 is also capable of operating in the 10.7-11.45 GHz, 12.75-13.25 GHz, and 13.75-14.00
GHz frequency bands, Intelsat did not seek, and is not granted, authority to operate in these bands under this grant
of STA, except for the 13997.5 MHz frequency used for uplink TT&C.
                                                   Page 1 of 2

                                    ATTACHMENT TO GRANT
                                          Intelsat License LLC
                                IEFS File No. SAT-STA-2019012$-00002

Action       January 31, 2019
Term Dates   From: January 17, 2019           To: period of 30 days


             Stephe   . Duall
             Chief, Satellite Policy Branch

                                              Page 2 of 2

Document Created: 2019-01-31 12:37:37
Document Modified: 2019-01-31 12:37:37

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