Attachment SES - Grant June 29

SES - Grant June 29

DECISION submitted by IB, FCC



This document pretains to SAT-STA-20170623-00096 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                            File# SoT—3m—20( 0623—COO
$2347      SAT—STA—20170623—00096       182017001683

ifin?:iime”mm' mo.                                                           CaliSign 82347 Grant Date_COC/ 29/17
                                                                            (orother identifier) n Smes gégdga       oaoue
                                                                            From_O6/29/17          -ro-.j              3060—0678

  Date & Time Filed: Jun 23 2017 2:19:34:866PM           T‘:‘-t'fi\ wesl |                        c -’Duall
  g{;g;?ber: SAT—STA—20170623—00096                    stoth concitions                   cmef Saldite Plicy Borcs

                                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                          FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY

  Enter a description of this application to identify it on the main menu:
   Request for Special Temporary Authority to Relocate AMC—6 ($2347) to 83 W.L. Pending Modification Application
  1. Applicant

             Name:         SES Americom, Inc.                 Phone Number:                   202—478—7143

             DBA Name:                                        Fax Number:                     202—478—7111
             Street:       1129 20th Street NW                E—Mail:               
                           Suite 1000
             City:         Washington                         State:                          DC
             Country:      USA                                Zipcode:                        20036         %
             Attention:    Ms Petra A Vorwig

                                        ATTACHMENT TO GRANT
                                               SES Americom, Inc.
                                    IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20170623—00096

IBFS File No(s):         SAT—STA—20170623—00096                                                 GR A NT ED —
Licensee/Grantee:        SES Americom, Inc.                                                     With Conditions
Call Sign:               $2347
Satellite Name:         AMC—6
Orbital Location:       83.0° W.L.
(required station—      (+/— 0.05 degrees east/west station keeping)
keeping tolerance)
Administration:         United States of America‘
Nature of Service:      Fixed—Satellite Service; Direct—to—home (DTH])*;                     International Bureau
                        Telemetry, Tracking, and Command (TT&C)                                Satellite Division
Scope of Grant:          Special temporary authority for a period of 60 days to (1) conduct TT&C operations
                        necessary to drift AMC—6 from its current location at the 85.0° W.L. orbital location to the
                        83.0° W.L. orbital location, using the following center frequencies: 3700.5 MHz, 4199.5
                        MHz, 11.702 GHz, and 12.198 GHz (space—to—Earth); and 6423.5 MHz (Earth—to—space),
                        and (2) provide fixed—satellite service from 83.0° W.L. in the 3700—4200 MHz (space—to—
                        Earth), 5925—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space), 11.45—11.7 GHz (space—to—Earth), 11.7—12.2 GHz
                        (space—to—Earth), 13.75—14.0 GHz, (Earth—to—space), and 14.0—14.5 GHz (Earth—to—space)
                        frequency bands, including DTH in the 11.7—12.2 GHz (space—to—Earth) frequency band.

Service Area(s):        See Narrative at 5—16.
Frequencies:            3700—4200 MHz (space—to—Earth)
                        5925—6425 MHz (Earth—to—space)
                        11.45—11.7 GHz (space—to—Earth)
                        11.7—12.2 GHz (space—to—Earth)
                        13.75—14.0 GHz (Earth—to—space)
                        14.0—14.5 GHz (Earth—to—space)

                        Telemetry, Tracking & Command center frequencies:
                        3700.5 MHz, 4199.5 MHz, 11.702 GHz, and 12.198 GHz (space—to—Earth)
                        6423.5 MHz (Earth—to—space)

Unless otherwise specified herein, operations under this grant must comport with the legal and technical
specifications set forth by the applicant or petitioner and with Federal Communication Commission‘s rules
not waived herein. This grant is also subject to the following conditions:

    1.    Operations pursuant to this special temporary authority must be on an unprotected and non—harmful
          interference basis, i.e., the AMC—6 space station must not cause harmful interference to, and must not
          claim protection from interference caused to it by, any other lawfully operating station. In the event of
          any harmful interference, SES Americom must cease operations immediately upon notification of such
          interference, and must inform the Commission, in writing, immediately of such an event.
    2.    SES Americom must coordinate the operations of AMC—6 with existing geostationary space stations to
          ensure that no unacceptable interference results from its operations during drift from the 85.0° W.L.
          orbital location to the §3.0° W.L. orbital location.

! SES Americom states that it will operate AMC—6 in the extended Ku—band (11.45—11.7 GHz and 13.75—14.0 GHz) frequency
bands under ITU network filing LUX—G8—44 held by the Luxembourg Administration.

> For purposes of this condition, DTH means the services subject to section 25.701 of the Commission‘s rules. 47 CFR §
                                                      Page 1 of 3

                                       ATTACHMENT TO GRANT
                                             SES Americom, Inc.
                                 IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20170623—00096

       SES Americom must operate only the TT&C frequencies authorized for AMC—6 during the space‘
       station‘s drift from the 85.0° W.L. orbital location to the 83.0° W.L. orbital location.
       While at the 83.0° W.L. orbital location, SES Americom must maintain the AMC—6 spacecraft with an
       east/west longitudinal station—keeping tolerance of +/— 0.05 degrees.
       In connection with the provision of service in any particular country, SES Americom is obliged to comply
       with the applicable laws, regulations, rules, and licensing procedures of that country.
       SES Americom must operate AMC—6 at the 83.0° W.L. orbital location in compliance with all existing or
       future coordination agreements for this location. In the absence of a coordination agreement, such
       communications must comply with applicable provisions of the ITU Radio Regulations as the
       Commission cannot guarantee the success of the required coordinations.
       The operations of AMC—6 and associated earth stations must comport with the applicable uplink and _
       downlink limits in 47 CFR § 25.140(a)(3) of the Commission‘s rules, unless SES Americom coordinates
       any non—conforming operations with the operations of U.S.—licensed geostationary orbit space stations
       within 6 degrees of the 83.0° W.L. orbital location. SES Americom must also comport with the
       maximum power limits indicated in existing or future coordination agreements at 83.0° W.L. Non—
       conforming operation must also be coordinated with respect to those operations of non—U.S.—licensed
       space stations within 6 degrees of 83.0° W.L. involving approved communications with U.S.—licensed
       earth stations.
       SES Americom‘s use of the 11.45—11.7 GHz (space—to—Earth) frequency band is subject to footnote
       US211 to the United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 CFR § 2.106, US211, which urges
       applicants for airborne or space station assignments to take all practicable steps to protect radio
       astronomy observations in the adjacent bands from harmful interference, consistent with footnote US74.
       SES Americom‘s operation of the AMC—6 space station in the 11.45—11.7 GHz (space—to—Earth)
       frequency band is limited to international operations in accordance with footnote NG52 to the United
       States Table of Frequency Allocations. 47 CFR § 2.106, NGS2.
 10. Pursuant to footnote US342 to the United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 CFR § 2.106,
     US342, services operating in the 14.47—14.5 GHz band shall take all practicable steps to protect the radio
     astronomy service from harmful interference.
 11. Pursuant to footnote US337 to the United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 CFR § 2.106,
       US337, any earth station in the United States and its possessions communicating with the AMC—6 space
       station in the 13.75—13.8 GHz (Earth—to—space) frequency band is required to coordinate through National
       Telecommunications and Information Administration‘s (NTIA‘s) Interdepartment Radio Advisory
       Committee‘s (IRAC‘s) Frequency Assignment Subcommittee (FAS) to minimize interference to the
       National Aeronautics and Space Administration Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System, including
       manned space flight.                                  ‘
 12. Operations of any earth station in the United States and its possessions communicating with the AMC—6
     space station in the 13.75—14.0 GHz band (Earth—to—space) must comply with footnote US356 to United
     States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 CFR § 2.106, US356, which specifies a mandatory minimum
       antenna diameter of 4.5 meters and the equivalent isotropically radiated powers (e.i.r.p.) of any emission
       should be at least 68 dBW and should not exceed 85 dBW. Operations of any earth station located
       outside the United States and its possessions communicating with the AMC—6 space station in the 13.75—
       14.0 GHz band (Earth—to—space) frequency band are subject to footnote 5.502 to the ITU Radio
       Regulations, which allows a minimum antenna diameter of 1.2 meters for earth stations of a geostationary
       satellite orbit network and specifies mandatory power limits.
O43.   Pursuant to footnote US356 to the United States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 CFR § 2.106,
       US356, in the 13.75—14.0 GHz band (Earth—to—space), receiving space stations in the Fixed—Satellite

                                                  Page 2 of 3

                                       ATTACHMENT TO GRANT
                                              SES Americom, Inc.
                                   IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20170623—00096

         Service must not claim protection from radiolocation transmitting stations operating in accordance with
         the United States Table of Frequency Allocations.
    14. Operations of any earth station in the United States and its possessions communicating with the AMC—6
         space station in the 13.77—13.78 GHz band (Earth—to—space) must comply with footnote US357 to United
         States Table of Frequency Allocations, 47 CFR § 2.106, US357, which specifies that a required
         maximum e.i.r.p. density of emissions not exceeded 71 dBW in any 6 MHz band for communications
         with a space station in geostationary—satellite orbit. Operations of any earth station located outside the
         United States and its possessions communicating with the AMC—6 space station in the 13.77—13.78 GHz
         band (Earth—to—space) are subject to footnote 5.503 to the ITU Radio Regulations, which specifies a
         required maximum e.i.r.p. density of emissions (limit is dependent on antenna diameter) for
         communications with a space station in geostationary—satellite orbit.
    15. Any action taken or expense incurred as a result of operations pursuant to this special temporary authority
        is solely at SES Americom‘s own risk.

Licensee/grantee is afforded thirty (30) days from the date of release of this action to decline the grant as
conditioned. Failure to respond within this period will constitute formal acceptance of the grant as conditioned.
This action is taken pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission‘s rules on delegated authority, 47 CFR § 0.261,
and is effective upon release.

Station licenses are subject to the conditions specified in Section 309(h) of the Communications Act of 1934, as
amended, 47 U.S.C. § 309(h).

Action          June 29, 2017
Term Dates      From: June 29, 32017                To: period of 60 days

Approved:       /é          @C/

                Stephen J. Duall
                Chief, Satellite Policy Branch

                                                    Page 3 of 3

2. Contact

             Name:           Karis Hastings                     Phone Number:                         202—599—0975
             Company:        SatCom Law LLC                     Fax Number:                                           '
             Street:         1317 F St, NW                      E—Mail:                     
                             Suite 400
             City:           Washington                         State:                                DC
             Country:        USA                                Zipcode:                              20004      —
             Attention:                                         Relationship:                         Legal Counsel

   (If your application is related to an application filed with the Commission, enter either the file number or the IB Submission ID of the related
application. Please enter only one.)
   3. Reference File Number or Submission ID
 4a. Is a fee submitted with this application?
@ IfYes, complete and attach FCC Form 159.         If No, indicate reason for fee exemption (see 47 C.F.R.Section 1.1114).
C Governmental Entity         C Noncommercial educational licensee
g74 Other(please explain):

4b. Fee Classification    CRY — Space Station (Geostationary)
5. Type Request

{i» Change Station Location                        {3 Extend Expiration Date                         {4 Other

6. Temporary Orbit Location                                                7. Requested Extended Expiration Date
        83.0 W.L

8. Description   (If the complete description does not appear in this box, please go to the end of the form to view it in its entirety.)
     SES Americom,        Inc.    hereby respectfully requests special temporary authority for a period
     of 60 days beginning on or before June 29,                         2017 to permit relocation of the AMC—6 C/Ku—
     band fixed—satellite space station                     (§2347)     to 83.0 W.L.         to offer a long—term solution for
     customers whose service at 83 W.L.was interrupted by the recent AMC—9 anomaly and pending

9. By checking Yes, the undersigned certifies that neither applicant nor any other party to the application is subject @ Yes               3 No
to a denial of Federal benefits that includes FCC benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Act of 1988,
21 U.S.C. Section 862, because of a conviction for possession or distribution of a controlled substance. See 47 CFR
1.2002(b) for the meaning of "party to the application" for these purposes.

10. Name of Person Signing                                                  11. Title of Person Signing
Petra A. Vorwig                                                             Senior Legal & Regulatory Counsel
12. Please supply any need attachments.
 Attachment 1: STA Narrative                       Attachment 2:                                      Attachment 3:

                 (U.S. Code, Title 18, Section 1001), AND/OR REVOCATION OF ANY STATION AUTHORIZATION
                     (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 312(a)(1)), AND/OR FORFEITURE (U.S. Code, Title 47, Section 503).


The public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to average 2 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the required data, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. If you
have any comments on this burden estimate, or how we can improve the collection and reduce the burden it causes you, please write to the
Federal Communications Commission, AMD—PERM, Paperwork Reduction Project (3060—0678), Washington, DC 20554. We will also accept
your comments regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act aspects of this collection via the Internet if you send them to PLEASE

Remember — You are not required to respond to a collection of information sponsored by the Federal government, and the government may not
conduct or sponsor this collection, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number or if we fail to provide you with this notice. This
collection has been assigned an OMB control number of 3060—0678.

1, 1995, 44 U.S.C. SECTION 3507.

8. Description

SES Americom,    Inc. hereby respectfully requests special temporary authority for a period of 60
days beginning on or before June 29,      2017 to permit relocation of the AMC—6 C/Ku—band fixed—
satellite space station    (§2347)   to 83.0 W.L.   to offer a long—term solution for customers whose
service at 83 W.L.was interrupted by the recent AMC—9 anomaly and pending submission of and action
on an application to modify the AMC—6 license.         See attached narrative.

                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

SES AMERICOM, INC.                                       File No. SAT—STA—
                                                         Call Sign $2347
Request for Special Temporary Authority to
Relocate the AMC—6 Fixed—Satellite Space
Station to 83° W.L.

Expedited Action Requested

                           REQUEST OF SES AMERICOM, INC.

               SES Americom, Inc. ("SES") hereby respectfully requests special temporary

authority ("STA") for a period of 60 days beginning on or before June 29, 2017, to permit

relocation of the AMC—6 C/Ku—band fixed—satellite space station to $3° W.L.‘ Specifically, SES

seeks authority to: (1) drift AMC—6 from its current position at 85.0° W.L. to 83.0° W.L. and

maintain it at that location using certain C—band and conventional Ku—band frequencies for

Telemetry, Tracking and Command ("TT&C");" and (2) operate AMC—6 in the conventional C—

band, conventional Ku—band and extended Ku—band" frequencies at 83.0° W.L. SES seeks STA

pending submission of and action on an application to modify the AMC—6 license that will be

\    SES is requesting STA for a period of 60 days; however, if the Commission determines it is
not able to grant STA for that period, SES will accept an authorization for 30 days.

*   The AMC—6 TT&C frequencies and nominal polarizations are as follows:
      Command:   6423.5 MHz (horizontal polarization; uplink)
      Telemetry: 3700.5 MHz (horizontal polarization; downlink),
                 4199.5 MHz (vertical polarization; downlink), and
                 11702.0 MHz (horizontal polarization; downlink)
                 12198.0 MHz (vertical polarization; downlink).

    Operations in the extended Ku—band (specifically 11.45—11.7 and 13.75—14 GHz) will be
conducted under an ITU network filing LUX—G8—44 held by the Luxembourg Administration.

filed shortly to reflect these changes. Grant of the requested authority will serve the public

interest by allowing SES to offer a long—term solution for customers whose service at 83° W.L.

was interrupted by the recent AMC—9 anomaly. AMC—6 will also add capacity in the extended


               As SES previously notified the Commission, on June 17, 2017, the AMC—9

satellite assigned to 83° W.L. experienced an anomaly of unknown origin. Due to this anomaly,

the satellite is not responding to commands, and SES is unable to maintain the satellite in its

assigned stationkeeping volume. SES received STA for 30 days to continue communications

with the satellite for TT&C purposes only.* A significant portion of the traffic that had been

carried by AMC—9 has been transitioned to AMC—6, which was recently relocated to 85° W.L.

pursuant to Commission authority."

               In response to the anomaly, SES has developed a plan to restore long—term service

to the customers previously using AMC—9 at 83° W.L. and seeks the necessary authority to

implement the solution as quickly as possible. Initially, SES‘s AMC—4 satellite, which is

currently authorized to drift to 134.9° W.L.,° will stop temporarily at 85° W.L. on or around

June 29, 2017."‘ SES will transfer active traffic on AMC—6 at 85° W.L. to AMC—4. Once the

traffic has been transferred, which is expected to be completed by early on June 30,}AMC-6 can

be relocated to §3° W.L. After AMC—6 arrives at 83° W.L. on or around July 3, SES will

*    See SES Americom, Inc., File No. SAT—STA—20170619—00091, granted June 17, 2017.

*    See SES Americom, Inc., File No. SAT—MOD—20170316—00051 (the "AMC—6
Modification"), granted June 14, 2017.
6    SES Americom, Inc., File No. SAT—STA—20170503—00070, granted June 7, 2017.

‘    SES is simultaneously filing a separate STA request for the proposed temporary operation
of AMC—4 at 85° W.L.

transfer all of the traffic from AMC—4 back to AMC—6. Following completion of that traffic

transfer on or before July 7, AMC—4 will resume its drift to the nominal 135° W.L. orbital


                SES has entered into an agreement with EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation

("EchoStar"), which holds the license for the Ku—band payload of the AMC—16 Ku/Ka—band

spacecraft located at 85° W.L.,° to operate AMC—4 temporarily at 85° W.L. in order to facilitate

the relocation of AMC—6 to 83° W.L. and to restore customers affected by the AMC—9 anomaly.

Reassignment of AMC—6 to 83° W.L. will also allow new extended Ku—band service to be

offered at that location.

                The Commission has generally permitted satellite operators the flexibility to

design and modify their networks in response to customer requirements, absent compelling

countervailing public interest considerations." Here, the requested authority is necessary to

provide a quick and long—term solution to restore service for customers, including the U.S.

Department of Defense, that were affected by the AMC—9 anomaly. The two—degree shift in the

AMC—6 location will not change the vast majority of the technical information that was included

in the AMC—6 Modification. Pending submission of the full reassignment application, SES is

attaching here updated contour maps reflecting the modest shift in the AMC—6 coverage

associated with the satellite‘s move from 85° W .L. to 83° W.L.

8    See File No. SAT—ASG—20141020—00111.

°     See, eg. AMSC Subsidiary Corporation, 13 FCC Red 12316 at « 8 (IB 1998) (the
Commission generally leaves space station design decisions to the licensee "because the licensee
is in a better position to determine how to tailor its system to meet the particular needs of its
customers") (footnote omitted).

                For the foregoing reasons, SES respectfully requests expeditious grant of STA to

permit relocation of AMC—6 to 83° W.L pending submission of and action on the modification

application to be filed shortly.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             SES AMERICOM, INC.

                                             By: /s/ Petra A. Vorwig

Of Counsel                                       Petra A. Vorwig
Karis A. Hastings                                Senior Legal & Regulatory Counsel
SatCom Law LLC                                   SES Americom, Inc.
1317 F Street, NW., Suite 400                    1129 20Street, N.W., Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20004                           Washington, D.C. 20036
Tel: (202) 599—0975
Dated: June 23, 2017



Figure 1: AMC—6 C—Band Beam Vertical Pol (Channel 12) EIRP Contour

Figure 2: AMC—6 C—Band Beam Horizontal Pol (Channel 12) G/T Contour

                      T              mt

Figure 3: AMC—6 C—Band Beam Horizontal Pol (Channel 13) EIRP Contour

                  C oo : ('*‘j&:;
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Figure 4: AMC—6 C—Band Beam Vertical Pol (Channel 13) G/T Contour

Figure 5: AMC—6 Ku—Band NA Beam Horizontal Pol (Channel 12) EIRP Contour

Figure 6: AMC—6 Ku—Band NA Beam Vertical Pol (Channel 12) G/T Contour

Figure 7: AMC—6 Ku—Band NA Beam Vertical Pol (Channel 13) EIRP Contour

Figure 8: AMC—6 Ku—Band NA Beam Horizontal Pol (Channel 13) G/T Contour

Figure 9: AMC—6 Ku—Band SA Beam Horizontal Pol (Channel 12) EIRP Contour

Figure 10; AMC—6 Ku—Band SA Beam Vertical Pol (Channel 12) G/T Contour

                    Frmmiew.,                $
                                                      fls   9t
                                                          2   e

Figure 11: AMC—6 Ku—Band SA Beam Vertical Pol (Channel 13) EIRP Contour

Figure 12: AMC—6 Ku—Band SA Beam Horizontal Pol (Channel 13) G/T Contour

Document Created: 2017-06-29 17:10:20
Document Modified: 2017-06-29 17:10:20

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