2014 10 07 Spectrum

LETTER submitted by Spectrum Five LLC

2014 10 07 Spectrum Five Ex Parte Letter re Power


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20140314-00031 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                               October 7, 2014


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554

        Re:      IBFS File Nos. SAT-MOD-20130227-00026, SAT-AMD-20130429-00063,
                 SAT-AMD-20130613-00083, SAT-MOD-20140623-00074, SAT-STA-
                 20130510-00067, SAT-STA-20130716-00093, SAT-STA-20130912-00115,
                 SAT-STA-20131113-00131, SAT-STA-20140113-00004, SAT-STA-20140314-
                 00031, SAT-STA-20140513-00050, SAT-STA-20140711-00085
                 Call Sign S2232

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        Spectrum Five has shown — through power readings taken on two separate days in July
2014 — that EchoStar 6 was operating with a peak EIRP at its boresight of 55-56 dBW:
approximately three times the level permitted by the Commission’s grant of special temporary
authority.1 Although EchoStar initially derided that showing as “baseless,” “pointless,” and
“incorrect,”2 EchoStar has now admitted that Spectrum Five was correct and that EchoStar was
operating EchoStar 6 at power levels that violated not only the terms of its STA and license

           See Spectrum Five Supp. Opp’n, Ex. A, EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation; Request for
Modification to Move EchoStar 6 to, and Operate It at, 96.2° W.L., IBFS File Nos. SAT-MOD-20130227-00026 et
al. (July 15, 2014) (“Spectrum Five Supp. Opp’n”); Letter from Scott H. Angstreich, Kellogg, Huber, Hansen, Todd,
Evans & Figel, P.L.L.C., to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, Ex. 2, IBFS File Nos. SAT-MOD-20130227-00026 et al.
(Aug. 6, 2014) (“Spectrum Five 8/6/14 Letter”). The peak EIRP was calculated assuming that EchoStar 6’s beam
was pointed as required by the STA.
           Letter from Jaime Londono, Vice President, Advanced Programs and Spectrum Management, EchoStar
Satellite Operating Corp., to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, IBFS File Nos. SAT-MOD-20130227-00026 et al. (July
30, 2014). Spectrum Five promptly responded to EchoStar’s attacks on Spectrum Five’s data. See Spectrum Five
8/6/14 Letter at 3-4.

Marlene H. Dortch
October 7, 2014
Page 2

modification but also the Commission-approved (but still secret) coordination agreement with

        EchoStar, moreover, admits that it has violated yet another provision of the STA and
license modification, because EchoStar 6 has been — and, apparently, still is — pointed “more
north and west” than it promised and the Commission required.4

        EchoStar’s belated admissions are woefully incomplete and raise far more questions than
they answer. The Bureau — and the Enforcement Bureau — should demand that EchoStar
provide a complete explanation for its violations of the STA and license modification, and its
failures promptly to disclose and to correct those violations. In particular:

         EchoStar 6’s Power Levels

               EchoStar claims to have been ignorant about EchoStar 6’s actual power levels
                because it relied on “manufacturer’s . . . data” and “predicted EIRP” rather than
                actual measurements.5 Although EchoStar asserts that this approach is “[c]onsistent
                with satellite industry practice,”6 it makes no attempt to defend the reasonableness of
                its actions in light of EchoStar 6’s deteriorating systems, which EchoStar has
                admitted in SEC filings include “solar array anomalies and the loss of TWTAs.”7

               EchoStar states that it measured the EIRP from EchoStar 6 at three locations
                (Cheyenne, WY, Mt. Jackson, VA, and Allen Park, Ottawa, Canada),8 but it does not
                provide any detailed information about the measurements. In particular, and in stark
                contrast to Spectrum Five’s showing, EchoStar does not state the date(s) on which it
                performed the measurements, does not provide the results from the measurements,
                says nothing about the time period(s) measured (Spectrum Five measured a full 24-
                hour period due to the highly inclined orbit of EchoStar 6), and provides no details
                about the measuring equipment used.

               EchoStar also says nothing about what specific information — if any — about the
                power levels (and pointing) of EchoStar 6 was being captured at those earth stations
                (or any other EchoStar earth stations) before EchoStar performed the measurements

         See Decl. of Derek de Bastos ¶¶ 6-7, EchoStar Satellite Operating Corp., IBFS File Nos. SAT-MOD-
20130227-00026 et al. (Sept. 29, 2014) (“EchoStar 9/29/14 Decl.”).
           Id. ¶ 6; see id. ¶ 8 (stating that the “antenna will be repointed” to the proper location at some point in the
future) (emphasis added).
             Id. ¶¶ 4-6.
             Id. ¶ 4.
             EchoStar Corp. 10-K, at 9 (2012) (disclosing the unexplained failures of solar arrays and five out of 48
             See EchoStar 9/29/14 Decl. ¶ 5.

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October 7, 2014
Page 3

               described in its September 29, 2014 filing. Nor does EchoStar explain whether that
               information — had EchoStar bothered to review it contemporaneously — would have
               revealed that EchoStar 6 was overpowered and incorrectly pointed.

              EchoStar states that it learned from the measurements that “the expected output back-
               off appears to not have been achieved.”9 But EchoStar says nothing about why the
               power levels were too high. Had EchoStar never taken any steps to reduce the power
               levels? If EchoStar had taken steps, what were they and why had they failed? Was it
               human error or a technical incapability in the aging satellite?

              EchoStar admits that the higher power levels transmitted violated the coordination
               agreement — “cause[d] coordination non-compliance at certain geographical points”
               in the anodyne words of the declaration.10 EchoStar provides what it purports to be
               the “average” violation (1.8 dB) and the “worst-case” violation (4 dB).11 But because
               EchoStar refuses to provide the results of its measurements, there is no way for the
               Commission to assess the accuracy of the statements, to determine where any
               violations (including the worst-case violation) occurred, and to determine the
               interference caused by the violations.12

              Although EchoStar admits that it violated the coordination agreement, it does not
               state whether it informed DIRECTV of that violation. Nor does EchoStar state
               whether it informed the operators of Univision and the MLB Network. As Spectrum
               Five has explained, the sole transponder (of the 32 on EchoStar 6) that EchoStar has
               activated appears to be operating on the same frequencies that DIRECTV’s satellites
               at 101° W.L. use to carry those two networks.13 As EchoStar’s violations of the
               coordination agreement were likely occurring during the World Cup and baseball
               season, those network operators would surely like to know the cause of any
               interference their viewers experienced while trying to watch those sporting events
               using DIRECTV.
            Id. ¶ 6.
             Id. ¶ 7.
           Spectrum Five is also prevented from assessing the accuracy of EchoStar’s statement because the
coordination agreement remains secret — despite the Bureau’s reliance on that agreement to grant EchoStar’s
license modification and the requirements of the Administrative Procedure Act.
           See Spectrum Five Supp. Opp’n at 4. Despite EchoStar’s claim that it “has been transmitting on Channel
17” since “December 3, 2013,” EchoStar 9/29/14 Decl. ¶ 3, Spectrum Five’s monitoring showed that no
transponders — including on Channel 17 — were activated on February 10, 2014. See Spectrum Five Opp’n at 5-6,
EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation; Request for Renewal of Special Temporary Authorization to Move
EchoStar 6 to, and Operate It at 96.2° W.L., IBFS File No. SAT-STA-20140113-00004 (Feb. 11, 2014); Declaration
of Thomas Sharon ¶ 3 & Ex. A (attached hereto); see also Spectrum Five Opp’n, Sharon Decl. ¶ 4 & Ex. C,
EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation; Request for Renewal of Special Temporary Authorization to Move
EchoStar 6 to, and Operate It at 96.2° W.L., IBFS File No. SAT-STA-20140314-00031 (Apr. 14, 2014) (monitoring
showing transmissions on Channel 17 on April 9, 2014).

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October 7, 2014
Page 4

              EchoStar states that it reduced the power of EchoStar 6 on September 10, 2014.14 But
               because EchoStar does not state when it took its own measurements (which
               confirmed Spectrum Five’s measurements), it is not clear how much time passed
               between EchoStar’s measurements and its corrective action. Nor does EchoStar offer
               any explanation why it waited so long to inform the Commission. And, most
               important, EchoStar provides no assurances — other than its untrustworthy say-so —
               that the commands it sent to reduce the power EchoStar 6 is emitting actually worked
               this time.

        The Pointing of EchoStar 6

              In seeking both special temporary authority and a license modification, EchoStar
               committed to shift the beam of EchoStar 6 so that its boresight pointed out in the
               Atlantic Ocean at 54.8° W and 20.2° N.15 EchoStar admits — for the first time —
               that EchoStar 6’s boresight is actually pointed “more north and west” than its
               commitment.16 But EchoStar does not say how much more north and west. Indeed, it
               may be the case that, despite its commitment, EchoStar never repointed EchoStar 6 at
               all. Or perhaps the aging satellite is technically incapable of being repointed.
               EchoStar provides no details at all that would permit the Commission to assess the
               magnitude of the violation or the cause.

              Although EchoStar implies that it was surprised to discover that EchoStar 6 had not
               been repointed to 54.8° W and 20.2° N as the Commission required, its choice of
               measuring points suggests that EchoStar knew all along that EchoStar 6 had not been
               repointed out into the Atlantic Ocean. Had EchoStar 6 been repointed as required,
               two of the chosen points were well outside the beam pattern, with at least a 20 dB
               power drop off from the boresight to Cheyenne, WY, and at least a 15 dB power drop
               off from the boresight to Allan Park, Ottawa, Canada. These are not trivial drop offs
               — for example, power should have been one hundred times lower at Cheyenne, WY,
               than at the boresight if it were properly pointed. EchoStar’s unexplained decision to
               test the power levels of EchoStar 6 from the Wyoming and Ottawa monitoring
               stations strongly suggests that EchoStar already knew that it had not correctly
               repointed EchoStar 6.17 At a minimum, EchoStar should be required to explain —

             See EchoStar 9/29/14 Decl. ¶ 8.
           See, e.g., Application Attachment Schedule S GXT 7-8, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20130227-00026
(Feb. 27, 2013).
             EchoStar 9/29/14 Decl. ¶ 6.
           Although the Cheyenne, WY, monitoring station is one of the three transmit/receive earth stations that
EchoStar proposed to use to provide the necessary telemetry, tracking, and control and feeder-link services to
EchoStar 6 at 96.2° W.L., the Allen Park, Ottawa, monitoring station is not one of those (the other two were in
Virginia and Arizona). See Application for Modification at 1 n.1, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20130227-00026 (Feb.
27, 2013) (referencing earth stations with call signs E080120, E020306, and E070273).

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October 7, 2014
Page 5

               and provide contemporaneous documents supporting — its decision to use these test
               points for its measurements.

              In all events, EchoStar does not state when it discovered that the satellite was pointed
               in the wrong location. It also does not explain why it waited until September 29,
               2014 to report this violation of the terms of the STA and the license modification to
               the Commission.

              EchoStar does not provide sufficient information to determine whether the mispointed
               and overpowered EchoStar 6 caused interference to Canadian operators of satellites at
               the 91° W.L. orbital location. EchoStar also says nothing about whether it provided
               any notice to those operators about such interference.

              EchoStar states only that EchoStar 6’s “antenna will be repointed” at some
               unspecified point in the future and that repointing will be completed during the “near
               term.”18 EchoStar does not state when the repointing will begin, how long it will take,
               or — most important — why EchoStar did not act to cure this violation of the STA
               and license modification earlier. Indeed, EchoStar admits that it is unable to confirm
               that it has successfully brought the EchoStar 6 power levels into compliance with the
               secret coordination agreement until it has completed repointing the satellite.19

              Finally, EchoStar’s inability to repoint the EchoStar 6 antenna raises serious
               questions about the technical capability of this aging satellite.20 Because EchoStar 6
               is operating in a highly inclined orbit, antenna direction must be continuously
               adjusted in order to maintain “a stationary spacecraft antenna pattern.”21 If the
               satellite were fully functional and complying with that rule, EchoStar already should
               have been able to complete what should have been a routine adjustment of the
               antenna pointing. The fact that EchoStar still has not repointed the satellite suggests
               that there are issues with the technical capabilities of the satellite that EchoStar has
               never disclosed to the Commission.

      These events should instill a sense of déjà vu. Previously, Spectrum Five informed the
Commission that, contrary to EchoStar’s claims, EchoStar 6 had not been relocated to 96.2°
W.L. by April 13, 2013, and was not being station-kept within the required 0.05° E-W station-

             EchoStar 9/29/14 Decl. ¶ 8.
         See id. (“This [EchoStar’s compliance with the coordination agreement] will be confirmed by test
measurements to be conducted once antenna repointing operations are completed in the near term.”)
            When EchoStar moved EchoStar 6 from 77° W.L. to 61.65° W.L., it similarly had to repoint the beam to
the south and east. See Application Narrative, Attach. 1 at 2, File No. SAT-A/O-20100203-00019 (Feb. 3, 2010).
EchoStar never reported any difficulties with that beam repointing, raising the question whether EchoStar 6 has
recently lost its repointing capability.
             47 C.F.R. § 25.280(b)(1).

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October 7, 2014
Page 6

keeping box.22 As with Spectrum Five’s power data, EchoStar initially attacked Spectrum Five’s
location data,23 only to admit later that Spectrum Five was correct and, moreover, that it had
submitted false statements and false data about the location of EchoStar 6 to the Commission.24
There, too, EchoStar submitted only the most cursory explanation to support its admission that
Spectrum Five was right and EchoStar was wrong.

        The Commission should not be satisfied with EchoStar’s similarly incomplete answers
here. EchoStar sought and obtained an STA — and then a license modification — based on two
key commitments: that it would point the satellite far out into the Atlantic Ocean and that it
would operate with significantly reduced power. EchoStar has now been forced to admit that it
has violated both of those commitments and is still violating at least one of them. Moreover,
EchoStar concealed the truth of its dual and extended violations of the terms of the STA while
the Bureau was considering EchoStar’s license modification application. In light of this new
evidence, the Bureau — or the Commission — can and should reverse the grant of that
application in connection with Spectrum Five’s pending petition for reconsideration and request
for referral of the petition to the full Commission as an application for review.

        In all events, the Commission should demand that EchoStar promptly provide the
information, detailed above, that it is still withholding; should sanction EchoStar for its past
violations of the STA and license modification, and failure promptly to disclose and to correct
those violations; and should sanction EchoStar further if it refuses to provide complete
information regarding EchoStar 6 and to do so promptly. The Bureau should also take
appropriate action based on the information EchoStar submits, including denying EchoStar’s
request for a license extension for EchoStar 6 if — as it appears — the aging EchoStar 6 is
incapable of complying with the requirements of EchoStar’s modified license.


                                                                  /s/ Scott H. Angstreich
                                                                  Scott H. Angstreich
                                                                  Counsel to Spectrum Five LLC

         Spectrum Five Opp’n at 6-10, EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation; Request for Renewal of Special
Temporary Authorization to Move EchoStar 6 to, and Operate It at, 96.2° W.L., IBFS File No. SAT-STA-
20140314-00031 (Apr. 14, 2014).
           See Letter from Paul Forness, Spacecraft Engineering Manager, EchoStar Satellite Operating Corp., to
Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, at 2, IBFS File Nos. SAT-STA-20130510-00067 et al. (July 10, 2013) (“EchoStar, as
an experienced, licensed operator of a substantial fleet of satellites, knows the location of all of our satellite assets.
Spectrum Five’s tracking data merely consists of NORAD’s two-line elements and provides insufficient data points
to support an accurate determination of the satellite’s location.”).
           See Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, EchoStar Satellite Operating
Corp., to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, at 2, IBFS File Nos. SAT-STA-20130510-00067 et al. (Jan. 3, 2014)
(admitting that the location data EchoStar submitted in July 2013 was false).

Marlene H. Dortch
October 7, 2014
Page 7


cc:   Mindel De La Torre, Chief of International Bureau
      Troy Tanner, Deputy Chief of International Bureau
      Jennifer Gilsenan, Assistant Bureau Chief of International Bureau
      José Albuquerque, Chief of International Bureau, Satellite Division
      Karl Kensinger, Deputy Division Chief of International Bureau, Satellite Division
      Stephen Duall, Branch Chief of International Bureau, Satellite Division, Policy Branch
      Travis LeBlanc, Acting Bureau Chief of Enforcement Bureau
      William Davenport, Deputy Bureau Chief of Enforcement Bureau
      Theresa Cavanaugh, Acting Chief of Enforcement Bureau, Investigations & Hearings
      Phuong Pham, Counsel for EchoStar

      All via Email

Document Created: 2014-10-07 16:59:29
Document Modified: 2014-10-07 16:59:29

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