Attachment Legal Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20120710-00113 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of Application of                        )
SES AMERICOM, INC.                                     )    File No. SAT-STA-____________
                                                       )    Call Sign S2134
For Special Temporary Authority to                     )
Relocate AMC-2 to 19.0° E.L.                           )


               SES Americom, Inc. (“SES Americom,” doing business as “SES”) respectfully

requests special temporary authority (“STA”), for a period of sixty days beginning on or about

July 25, 2012, to relocate the AMC-2 C/Ku-band hybrid satellite from the nominal 5° E.L. to the

nominal 19.2° E.L. orbital location, where the satellite would operate under the International

Telecommunication Union (“ITU”) filings of the Luxembourg administration. Specifically, SES

seeks temporary authority to perform C-band Telemetry, Tracking and Control (“TT&C”) in

order to relocate AMC-2 from 4.98° E.L. to 19.0° E.L. (+/- 0.1 degrees) and to begin providing

Ku-band frequencies from that location, pending the grant of long-term authority for the

proposed operations. Grant of the requested authority will serve the public interest by allowing

SES to redeploy AMC-2 to an existing SES location where it can expand Ku-band service to

Southern Africa.


               SES has filed a modification application to reassign AMC-2 to 19.0º E.L. for

operations in accordance with the ITU filings of the Luxembourg Administration.1 Pending

 See SES Americom, Inc., File No. SAT-MOD-20120524-00087 (filed May 24, 2012; on public
notice June 22, 2012) (“AMC-2 Modification Application”).

action on the modification, SES seeks an STA to allow it to commence relocation of AMC-2 to

19.0º E.L. If authorized to redeploy AMC-2, SES will do so at its own risk and understands that

such authority would be without prejudice to any action the Commission ultimately may make

regarding the application to reassign AMC-2 to 19.0° E.L. As discussed herein, grant of the

requested authority is consistent with Commission precedent2 and will serve the public interest.

                AMC-2 is a hybrid C/Ku-band satellite that was launched in 1997 and currently

operates pursuant to FCC authority at the nominal 5° E.L. location under the ITU filings of

Sweden.3 The satellite will soon be replaced by the SES-5 satellite, which was launched on July

9, 2012. SES Americom’s commonly-owned affiliate SES ASTRA S.A. (“ASTRA”) operates a

number of satellites at the nominal 19.2° E.L. position pursuant to Luxembourg authority and is

seeking to expand service from that orbital location. The proposed relocation of AMC-2 to the

nominal 19.2° E.L. orbital location (specifically, at 19.0° to simplify station-keeping with other

ASTRA satellites at that orbital location) will allow SES to begin offering Ku-band service from

that location to Southern Africa. No customers of AMC-2 at the nominal 5° E.L. will be

adversely affected by the proposed relocation.


                Grant of the requested authority to relocate and operate AMC-2 will serve the

public interest and is consistent with Commission precedent. The Commission has repeatedly

observed that its policy is to allow “satellite operators to rearrange satellites in their fleet to

        The Commission has routinely authorized operators to commence relocation of a satellite
pending a request to reassign the satellite. See, e.g., Intelsat License LLC, Call Sign S2469, File
No. SAT-STA-20110314-00053 (grant-stamped June 10, 2011) (authorizing Intelsat to drift
Galaxy 26 from 50.75° E.L. to 50.0° E.L. pending action on the related modification application
to reassign the satellite).
        See File Nos. SAT-MOD-20111025-00209 (grant-stamped Feb. 24, 2012).


reflect business and customer considerations where no public interest factors are adversely

affected.”4 As the International Bureau has explained:

                      the Commission attempts, when possible, to leave
                      spacecraft design decisions to the space station licensee
                      because the licensee is in a better position to determine how
                      to tailor its system to meet the particular needs of its
                      customers. Consequently the Commission will generally
                      grant a licensee’s request to modify its system, provided
                      there are no compelling countervailing public interest

               Pursuant to this policy, the Commission has routinely authorized satellite

operators to configure or reconfigure their fleets in order to satisfy customer demand, including

demand for capacity outside the U.S.6 Here, the proposed relocation of AMC-2 will allow SES

        SES Americom, Inc., Order and Authorization, DA 06-757 (IB rel. Apr. 7, 2006) at 4, ¶ 8,
citing Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, Second
Report and Order, 18 FCC Rcd 12507, 12509, ¶ 7 (2003).
        AMSC Subsidiary Corp., Order and Authorization, DA 98-493, 13 FCC Rcd 12316 (IB
1998) (“AMSC Modification Order”) at 12318, ¶ 8 (footnote omitted). Although AMSC never
implemented the relocation authorized in this case, the Commission has repeatedly reaffirmed its
policy of allowing licensees to change their fleet configurations to accommodate customer
requirements. See, e.g., Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Reconsideration Order
and Fifth Report and Order, FCC 04-147, 19 FCC Rcd 12637, 12653, ¶ 39 (“we generally permit
licensees to modify their systems to adapt to changing business and customer needs,” citing
AMSC Modification Order and other cases).
        See, e.g., Afrispace, Inc., Order and Authorization, DA 06-4, 21 FCC Rcd 7 (IB 2006)
(authorizing launch and operation of AfriStar-2 satellite for service to Africa and Europe from
21° E.L.); Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the Ka-Band, Order, DA 96-708
(IB 1996) (assigning 33 orbital locations between 62° W.L. and 175.25° E.L. to 13 Ka-band
applicants, finding that the public interest would be served by authorizing international
operations pending the development of policies for Ka-band satellite service within the U.S.);
Intelsat North America LLC, Call Sign S2159, File No. SAT-T/C-20100112-00009 (“Galaxy 27
Relicensing Application”), grant-stamped July 30, 2010 (authorizing Intelsat to relocate Galaxy
27 from 129° W.L. to 45.10° E.L.); PanAmSat Licensee Corp., Call Sign S2253, File No. SAT-
MOD-20080225-00051, grant-stamped July 22, 2008 (authorizing relocation of Galaxy 11 from
91° W.L. to 32.80° E.L. in order to supplement service provided there by Intelsat 802, which had
suffered an anomaly that reduced its available power); AMSC Modification Order (authorizing
AMSC to relocate its satellite away from 101° W.L. in order to provide service to southern


to make efficient use of AMC-2 in order to expand the capacity available from the nominal

19.2° E.L. orbital location to include Southern Africa.

               As explained in SES’s pending modification application, reassignment of AMC-2

to 19.0º E.L. will not adversely affect other operators. The proposed stationkeeping volume will

not overlap with that of any other spacecraft. SES will operate only the TT&C frequencies of

AMC-2 during the drift.7 SES will follow standard industry practices for coordination of TT&C

transmissions during the relocation process. Once AMC-2 arrives at the nominal 19.2º E.L.

orbital location, SES will operate AMC-2’s Ku-band payload and C-band TT&C frequencies

consistent with the ITU satellite network filings of Luxembourg and all associated coordination

agreements. A full technical description and interference analysis of AMC-2’s proposed

operations at 19.0° E.L. can be found in SES’s pending modification application.8

               SES hereby certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of

federal benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 862.

SES waives any claim to the use of any particular frequency or of the electromagnetic spectrum

as against the regulatory power of the United States because of the previous use of the same,

whether by license or otherwise, and requests an authorization in accordance with this


       The AMC-2 TT&C frequencies are as follows:
       Command: 6423.5 MHz (horizontal polarization; uplink)
       Telemetry: 3700.5 MHz (horizontal polarization; downlink), 4199.5 MHz (vertical
polarization; downlink), and 12198.0 MHz (vertical polarization; downlink).
       See AMC-2 Modification Application, Technical Appendix & Schedule S.


               For the foregoing reasons, SES respectfully requests a 60-day STA to relocate

AMC-2 from 4.98º E.L. to 19.0º E.L. beginning on or about 25 July 2012, and to operate the

satellite’s Ku-band payload upon its arrival at 19.0º E.L.

                                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                                      SES AMERICOM, INC.

                                                      By: /s/ Daniel C. H. Mah
                                                      Daniel C. H. Mah
                                                      Regulatory Counsel
                                                      SES Americom, Inc.
                                                      1129 20th Street NW, Suite 1000
                                                      Washington, D.C. 20036

Dated: July 10, 2012


Document Created: 2012-07-10 17:17:13
Document Modified: 2012-07-10 17:17:13

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