Galaxy 26 to 50 E.L.

REPLY submitted by Intelsat License LLC

Request to File Surreply and Surreply


This document pretains to SAT-STA-20110314-00053 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      Before the
                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                    )
Intelsat License LLC                                )
                                                    )    File Nos. SAT-MOD-20110420-00073
Application to Modify Authorization to              )              SAT-STA-20110314-00053
Relocate Galaxy 26 to 50.0° E.L.                    )              SAT-STA-20110727-00137
Request for Special Temporary Authority for         )    Call Sign S2469
Galaxy 26                                           )


       Intelsat License LLC (“Intelsat”), by its attorneys, and pursuant to Section 1.3 of the

Commission’s rules,1 requests leave to file this brief surreply to the reply comments of Al Yah

Satellite Communications Company PrJSC (“Yahsat”) regarding the above-referenced

application for modification to operate the Galaxy 26 satellite (call sign S2469) at the 50.0° E.L.

orbital location. There is good cause to grant leave to file this surreply to provide an interference

analysis requested by Yahsat and thus provide the Commission a more complete record.

       As the Commission is aware, Intelsat is currently providing U.S. government end-users in

theater capacity on Galaxy 26 at 50.0° E.L. on a non-interference basis pursuant to a grant of

special temporary authority.2 Intelsat continues to be involved in discussions with Yahsat

regarding the transmission parameters of the U.S. government end-users served by the Galaxy 26

satellite at 50.0° E.L. that are compatible with current and future operations of the Yahsat-1A

     47 C.F.R. § 1.3.
     Policy Branch Information Actions Taken, Report No. SAT-00787, DA 11-1068, File No.
SAT-STA-20110314-00053 (Jun. 17, 2011) (Public Notice).

satellite at 52.5° E.L. To ensure that Yahsat-1A is protected, Intelsat has agreed to operate

Galaxy 26 pursuant to a condition requiring operation on a non-interference, non-protected


          Nevertheless, in Yahsat’s July 1, 2011 Reply Comments, Yahsat emphasized that Intelsat

had failed to demonstrate that its proposed operations would be compatible with those of Yahsat-

1A.4 In fact, Intelsat has submitted such a demonstration to Yahsat during coordination

discussions that are being held between the two operators.5 However, Intelsat understands

Yahsat’s reply comments to mean that it would prefer to have this showing included in the

record of this proceeding. To that purpose, Annex 1 contains link budgets for transmissions on

the Yahsat-1A East beam, which is the Yahsat satellite beam with more overlap with the Galaxy

26 beam. This analysis confirms that the operations of Intelsat’s Galaxy 26 satellite at 50.0° E.L.

adequately protect the operations of the Yahsat-1A satellite.

           Moreover, with respect to the ongoing coordination discussions, Yahsat states that there

“is no substitute for the completion of such negotiations prior to grant of the requested license

modification, particularly when there is no record basis for believing that such coordination can

be achieved.”6 Intelsat certainly does not agree that completion of coordination be an absolute

requirement to grant because such requirement would give excessive power to the party from

which coordination has to be obtained. For this very reason, the ITU Radio Regulations allow

for operation and recording of frequency assignments without completion of coordination, and in

     See Response of Intelsat License LLC at 2, File Nos. SAT-MOD-20110420-00073 and
SAT-STA-20110314-00053 (filed Jun. 21, 2011) (“Response of Intelsat”).
     Reply Comments of Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PrJSC, File Nos. SAT-
MOD-20110420-00073 and SAT-STA-20110314-00053 (filed Jul 1, 2011) (“Yahsat Reply
     See Response of Intelsat at 2.
     Yahsat Reply Comments at 2.


particular, for operation in ITU BSS Plan frequencies, see No. 4.1.18 of Appendix 30 of the ITU

Radio Regulations. Moreover, granting the requested authorization prior to completion of

coordination, subject to a condition requiring operation on a non-interference, non-protected

basis, would be consistent with precedent.7

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    Wiley Rein LLP

                                                    By: /s/ Jennifer D. Hindin
                                                       Jennifer D. Hindin
                                                       Colleen King
                                                       Wiley Rein LLP
                                                       1776 K Street NW
                                                       Washington, DC 20006
                                                       TEL: 202.719.7000
                                                       FAX: 202.719.7049

                                                       Counsel for Intelsat License LLC
Dated: August 3, 2011

      See e.g., Intelsat North America, LLC Application to Modify the INTELSAT 602, Order,
20 FCC Rcd 11833 (2005).


                                             ANNEX 1

       Three different situations were considered for the location of the Yahsat-1A receive earth

station antenna: (i) peak of the Galaxy 26 beam; (ii) peak of the Yahsat-1A beam; (iii) on the 49

dBW Yahsat-1A contour as close as possible to the Galaxy 26 peak. In all cases, a 0.60 cm

receive earth station diameter was assumed, despite the fact that in an earlier exchange of

information Yahsat had quoted a minimum earth station antenna diameter of 0.65 cm. In view of

the fact that Yahsat has not been able to provide Intelsat with a specific link budget for their

planned transmissions, a sensitive carrier (8-PSK) with usual coding has been assumed in the

link budgets.

       The peak downlink EIRP density for the Galaxy 26 is taken to be -33 dBW/Hz over the

interfered carrier bandwidth. Intelsat is currently operating in such a way not to exceed this level

and the results presented in Annex 1 confirm that adequate protection is being provided to


Figure 1 shows the downlink EIRP contours for Yahsat-1 East beam and the Galaxy 26 downlink

EIRP density contours, assuming that at beam peak Galaxy 26 is limited to -33 dBW/Hz.

The three considered locations for the Yahsat-1A receive earth station are identified in Figure 1:

Galaxy 26 beam peak; Yahsat-1A beam peak; 49 dBW Yahsat-1A EIRP contour as close as

possible to the Galaxy 26 beam peak.

Table 1 includes link budgets for each of these receive earth station locations corresponding to

clear sky and degraded conditions. The 60 cm antenna has a clear sky G/T of 15.8 dB/K.


It is assumed that Yahsat-1A is transmitting an 8-PSK carrier with a 27.5 MHz noise bandwidth

with a required C/N of 8.8 dB.

The link budgets show that for a 99.7% availability there is still significant margin in the links

with the highest margin corresponding, as expected, to the situation where the receive earth

station is at the Yahsat-1A beam peak.


Figure 1. Yahsat-1A East Beam Downlink EIRP Contours (blue) and Galaxy 26 Downlink EIRP Density Contours (red) - Peak Value
is Limited to -33 dBW/Hz.


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                                    Certification Statement

       I hereby certify that I am a technically qualified person and am familiar with Part 25 of
the Commission’s Rules and Regulations. The contents of Annex 1 were prepared by me or
under my direct supervision and to the best of my knowledge are complete and accurate.

               /s/ Jose Albuquerque                                August 3, 2011
                 Jose Albuquerque                                      Date
                   Senior Director
                 Spectrum Strategy


                                   CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I hereby certify that, on this 3rd day of August, 2011, a copy of the foregoing Request to File

Surreply and Surreply was served by U.S. first-class mail upon:

                          Joslyn Read
                          Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
                          New Skies Satellites B.V.
                          1129 20TH St., NW, Suite 1000
                          Washington, DC 20036

                          Karis A. Hastings
                          Hogan Lovells US LLP
                          555 13th Street, N.W.
                          Washington, DC 20004-1109
                          Counsel for New Skies Satellites B.V.

                          John P. Janka
                          Jarrett S. Taubman
                          LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
                          555 11th St., NW, Suite 1000
                          Washington, DC 20004
                          Counsel to Al Yah Satellite Communications Company PrJSC

                          Robert Nelson*
                          Karl Kensinger*
                          Kathyrn Medley*
                          Stephen Duall*
                          International Bureau
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          445 12th Street, SW
                          Washington, DC 20554

* (via electronic mail)

                                                       _/s/_Pam Conley_____
                                                       Pam Conley


Document Created: 2011-08-03 17:12:52
Document Modified: 2011-08-03 17:12:52

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