Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20110128-00018 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


1500 Eckington Place, N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20002
Tel: 202—380—4000
Fax: 202—380—4500

January 28, 2011

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

          Re:    Sirius XM Radio Inc.
                 Request for Blanket Special Temporary Authority to Operate
                 Terrestrial Repeaters for 180 Days

Dear Ms. Dortch:

Pursuant to Section 25.120(b)(2) of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.120(b)(2), Sirius
XM Radio Inc. ("Sirius XM"), a satellite radio licensee in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio
Service ("SDARS"), hereby requests grant of Special Temporary Authority ("STA") to operate
terrestrial repeaters in the Sirius XM frequency band (2320—2332.5 MHz) and the XM Radio Inc.
("XM") frequency band (2332.5—2345 MHz) at various locations across the United States, for a
period of 180 days or until the Commission issues a blanket license for these repeaters pursuant
to 47 C.F.R. § 25.144(e), whichever occursfirst."

The Commission‘s May 20, 2010 decision adopting rules for satellite radio terrestrial repeaters
established mechanisms to facilitate the continued operation of repeaters under STA until the
new rules were fully in effect." One ofthose procedures authorizes the Bureau"to continue to

‘     XM is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sirius XM. See Applications for Consent to the Transfer
of Control of Licenses, XM Satellite Radio Holdings Inc., Transferor, to Sirius Satellite Radio
Inc., Transferee, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Report and Order, 23 FCC Red 12348
* Amendment of Part 27 of the Commission‘s Rules to Govern the Operation of Wireless
Communications Services in the 2.3 GHz Band; Establishment of Rules and Polices for the
Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the 2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report and Order
and Second Report and Order, 25 FCC Red 11710, at Para. 264 (2010)(the "May 20 Order").

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 28, 2011
Page 2

grant STAs for new or modified repeaters ... [until] any permanent authorization to operate
SDARS repeaters becomeseffective." See id., Para. 264.

Since the Commission issued the May 20 Order, the Bureau has continued to grant new STAs
authorizing Sirius XM to construct and operate its terrestrial repeater network. Those STAs
include grants allowing collocation of Sirius XM and XM network terrestrial repeaters," grants of
STA applications that have been pending for years,‘ and even grants of blanket renewal STA
authorizations which reduce administrative burden and facilitate the process of renewing
individual repeater STAs." Each of these STAs was needed because the Commission may not
fully implementthe permanent licensing authority for terrestrial repeaters authorized in the May
20 Order until after those rules have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget
and that approval has not yet occurred."

The instant application will further reduce administrative burdens and facilitate the construction
and use ofterrestrial repeaters by authorizing the operation of all Sirius XM network repeaters
not covered by an existing STA, until such time as the Commission grants a blanket license for
Sirius XM repeaters pursuant to Section 25.144 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.144. Each repeater
authorized under this STA will comply with the repeater rules as adopted in the May 20 Order,
including the requirements of new Sections 25.202, 25.214, and 25.263 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R.
§§ 25.202, 25.214, and 25.263. This STA will not authorize operation of any repeaters that
would require "site—by—site"licensing under Section 25.144(e)(9), 47 C.F.R. § 25.144(e)(9). For
the limited purposes ofthe instant STA, Sirius XM will provide notice of new construction under
this STA to any "potentially affected WCS licensees" as currently defined in 47 C.F.R.
§ 25.263(b), withoutreference to the compromise definition of that term as recently proposed in
reconsideration pleadings." Nothing in this STA application or in any STA the Commission may

3 See FCC File No. SAT—STA—20101118—00240, granted January13, 2011.
* See FCC File Nos. SAT—STA—20020311—00049, SAT—STA—20020312—00048, SAT—STA—
20030325—00056, SAT—STA 20031219—00373, SAT—STA—2003121900369 et al., granted
September 15, 2010.
5 See FCC File Nos. SAT—STA—20101008—00211 and SAT—STA—20101008—00212, granted
December 15, 2010.
© See 75 Fed. Reg. 45058, 45058 (Aug. 2, 2010). The Commission recently requested public
comment on the new information collection requirements pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction
Act. 76 Fed. Reg. 3892 (Jan. 21, 2011).
_ See Opposition of the WCS Coalition to Petition of Sirius XM for Partial Reconsideration and
Clarification, WT Docket No. 07—293 at 24 (filed Oct. 18, 2010) (proposing to define
"potentially affected WCS licensees" to mean as 25 km geographic distance from a Sirius XM
terrestrial repeater"); see also Sirius XM Radio Inc. Reply to Oppositions of the WCS Coalition
and AT&T Inc. at 9 (filed Nov. 2, 2010) ("Sirius XM Reply").

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 28, 2011
Page 3

grant in response to this application, affects Sirius XM‘s positionsin its Petition for
Reconsideration of the May 20 Order and related pleadings."

The Commission has recognized that SDARS operations require terrestrial repeaters to provide
high—quality service nationwide." Consistent with this policy, in September 2001, the Bureau
granted STAs to authorize operation of a nationwide network of terrestrial repeaters.‘" In the
years since, the Bureau has granted Sirius XM additional STAs to operate terrestrial repeaters,
pending issuance offinal rules governing the deployment and use of repeaters.ll

* See Petition for Partial Reconsideration and Clarification of Sitius XM Radio Inc., WT Docket
No. 07—293, (filed Sept. 1, 2010); Sirius XM Opposition to Petitions for Reconsideration, WT
Docket No. 07—293 (filed Oct. 18, 2010); Sirius XM Reply.
* See Establishment ofRules and Policiesfor the Digital Audio Radio Satellite Service in the
2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order, and
Further Notice ofProposed Rulemaking, 12 FCC Red 5754, 5770 «[ 37 (1997).
* See Sirius Satellite Radio, Inc., Application for Special Temporary Authority to Operate
Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Complimentary Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and
Authorization, 16 FCC Red. 16773 % 18 (2001) ("Sirius STA Order"). XM Radio, Inc.,
Application for Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service
Complimentary Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, 16 FCC Red. 16781 18 (2001)
("XM STA Order").
" See, e. g., Sirius Satellite Radio Inc.; Request to Modify Special Temporary Authority to
Operate Additional Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and
Authorization, 19 FCC Red. 18140 (2004) (granting File No. SAT—STA—20031106—00370,
effective Sept. 15, 2004. Since that time, the Commission has extended the STA several times,
pending the issuance offinal rules governing the use of satellite DARS terrestrial repeaters. In
September 2004, the Commission granted Sirius a new STA to operate for 180 days or until the
Commission issues final rules governing the use ofsatellite DARS terrestrial repeaters. See
Sirius Satellite Radio Inc. Request to Modify Special Temporary Authority to Operate Satellite
DARS Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Red 18149 (2004). See also, XM
Radio, Inc.; Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to Operate Additional Satellite Digital
Audio Radio Service Terrestrial Repeaters, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Red. 18140 (2004)
(granting File No. SAT—STA—20031112—00371, effective Sept. 15, 2004); Public Notice, 2002
FCC Lexis 5670 (rel. Oct. 30, 2002) (granting XM an STA, File No. SAT—STA—20020815—
00153, effective Sept. 30, 2002); Public Notice, 2003 FCC Lexis 4803 (rel. Aug. 29, 2002)
(granting File No. SAT—STA—20030409—00076, effective June 26, 2003). The Commission has
since renewed all of these STA authorizations. See Report No: SAT—00722, DA No. 10—1756
(rel. Sept. 17, 2010).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 28, 2011
Page 4

Public Interest Considerations. Sirius XM seeks authority to collocate repeaters operating on the
Sirius XM and XM networks as well as operate terrestrial repeaters at otherlocations, all of
which will allow for efficiencies in constructing and operating Sirius XM‘s repeater network
while also allowing the company to continue providing the level ofservice the Commission has
recognized is necessary in connection with the provision of quality satellite radio service.

Technical Informationfor the Terrestrial Repeaters. Underthis STA, Sirius XM will deploy up
to 1000 terrestrial repeaters, on each ofthe Sirius XM and the XM networks, at a power level
between 2—watts and 12—kW average EIRP. Given the continued existence of other Sirius XM
STAs that authorize blanket operation of very low power repeaters, this STA does not request
authority to operate any repeaters at a power level equalto or less than 2—watts average EIRP.
The repeaters will all comply with the technical requirements for space stations and terrestrial
repeaters established in new Section 25.202 and 25.214 of the Rules, 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.214,
25.202 as well as all other rules the Commission adopted in the May 20 Order.

Interference Considerations. The repeaters proposed in this application will operate at or below
the power limits adopted in the new rules. The Commission recognized in the May 20 Order
"that SDARS terrestrial repeaters can operate at an average EIRP of 12 kw with maximum
PAPR of 13 dB without causing harmful interference to WCS base station receivers.""
Moreover, because Sirius XM has exclusive use of its licensed band, it is highly unlikely that
these repeaters will create interferenceto otherlicensees. The WCS licensees have confirmed
that operating terrestrial repeaters at an EIRP of even 2 kW or less is not an interference
concern‘? and the Commission said in the May 20 Order that "repeaters operating at average 12—
kW EIRP and a maximum PAPR of 13 dB will not cause substantially more interference to
actual WCS operations than repeaters operating at 2—kw EIRP.""" Any chance of causing
interference will be further reduced through the newnotice requirements to WCS licensees in
Section 25.263, 47 C.F.R. §25.263. However,if prohibited interference does occur under this
STA, Sirius XM will cease operation of the repeaters until such interference can be eliminated.""

_ WCS/SDARS Order at Para. 243.
_ XM STA Order { 12 (*"The comments from WCS licensees express concern about blanketing
interference from DARS repeaters that operate with an Equivalent Isotropically Radiated Power
(EIRP) above 2 kW").
"— See WCS/SDARS Order, Para. 241 and 47 C.F.R. §25.214(d)(1).
_ The design of these repeaters includes several automated shutdown mechanisms that are
triggered in the event of equipment major malfunctions. The transmit chain also includes a
transmit output coupler which feeds a self—monitoring system detecting any transmission
anomalies. Any such anomalies are automatically reported back to Sirius XM‘s National
Repeater Control Center (202—380—4725), which is available on a continuous basis to receive any
reports of any suspected interference and take immediate corrective action.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 28, 2011
Page 5

Ownership and Control ofRepeaters. Sirius XM will own the repeaters and it will be
responsible for the repeaters‘ installation and operation. As noted above, XM is a wholly—owned
subsidiary of Sirius XM.

Certifications. Sitius XM certifies that it will operate the repeaters subject to the conditions and
certifications set forth in the Sirius STA Order and XM STA Order granting Sirius XM‘s
September 2001 requests for STAsto operate terrestrial repeaters, as well as pursuant to the new
repeater rules adopted in the May 20 Order. Specifically, we certify the following:

    (1) Sirius XM will operate these repeaters at its own risk, and such operation shall not
        prejudice the outcome ofthe final rules adopted by the Commission in GEN Docket 95—
    (2) Sirius XM will operate these facilities on a non—interference basis with respect to all
        permanently authorized radiocommunication facilities;
    (3) The facilities will be restricted to the simultancousretransmission of the complete
        programming, and only that programming, transmitted by satellite directly to SDARS
        receivers on the Sirius XM network or the XM network, respectively;
    (4) Where applicable, coordination of the facilities will be completed withall affected
        Administrations prior to operation, in accordance withall applicable international
        agreements including those with Canada and Mexico;
    (5) The facilities will comply with Part 17 of the Commission‘s rules — Construction,
        Marking, and Lighting of Antenna Structures;
    (6) The facilities will comply with Part 1 of the Commission‘s rules, Subpart I — Procedures
         Implementing the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, including the guidelines
        for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields as defined in Sections
        1.1307(b) and 1.1310 of the Commission‘s rules;
    (7) The out—of—band emissions of the facility will be limited as specified in 47 C.F.R.
    (8) Sirius XM will operate these repeaters according to the technical parameters provided in
         47 C.F.R. §§ 25.202, 25.214;
    (9) Sirius XM will maintain full ownership and operational control ofthese repeaters; and
    (10) Sirius XM will immediately shut down this repeater upon a complaint of interference,
         upon direction from the Commission, or upon finding that a facility has not been
         properly installed.

Granting this request will not alter Sirius XM‘s obligation to protectauthorized radio—
communications facilities from interference, nor will it prejudice the reconsideration of the
Commission‘s ongoing rulemaking pertaining to the deployment and operation ofterrestrial

Sirius XM hereby certifies that no party to this application is subject to a denial of Federal
benefits pursuant to Section 5301 of the Anti—Drug Abuse Act of 1988, 21 U.S.C. § 853(a).

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 28, 2011
Page 6

Sirius XM is submitting payment to the Federal Communications Commission in the amount of
Two Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Dollars ($2860.00) —— thefiling fee applicable to requests
for STAs for non—geostationary ("NGSO") satellites.‘

Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.

                                                     Very truly yours,


                                                         es S. Blitz
                                                       ice President, Regulatory Counsel

cc:    Stephen Duall, FCC International Bureau
       Jay Whaley, FCC International Bureau
       Sankar Persaud, FCC International Bureau

!* See International and Satellite Services Fee Filing Guide (February 2009).

Document Created: 2019-04-17 18:27:09
Document Modified: 2019-04-17 18:27:09

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