Attachment STA Request

This document pretains to SAT-STA-20101029-00227 for Special Temporal Authority on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


            October 29, 2010

            Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
            Federal Communications Commission
            445 12"" Street, S.W.
INTELSAT.   Washington, DC20554

            Re:       Request for Further Extension of Special Temporary Authority for
                      Galaxy 15, Call Sign $2387                                            ‘

            Dear Ms. Dortch: .

            PanAmSat Licensee Corp. ("PanAmSat"), pursuant to Section 25.210 of the
            rules of the Federal Communications Commission ("FCC" or "Commission"),‘
            herein requests an additional 30 days, from November 4, 2010 through
            December 3, 2010, of the Special Temporary Authority ("STA") previously
            granted PanAmSat to conduct Telemetry, Tracking and Command (TT&C)
            operations on the Galaxy 15 satellite (call sign $2387) outside of the +/— 0.05°
            East/West station—keeping box pursuant to a waiver of Section 25.210(j) ofthe
            Commission‘s rules."                                            '

            As PanAmSat previously has informed the International Bureau ("Bureau")
            staff, on April 5, 2010, the Galaxy 15 satellite suffered an anomaly of
            unknown origin. Due to this anomaly, the satellite has drifted outside of its

            147 C.F.R. § 25.210.
            > PanAmSat has filed this STA request, an FCC Form 159 and an $830.00
            filing fee electronically via the International Bureau‘s Filing System.

            3 47 C.F.R. § 25.210(j). See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken,
            Report No. SAT—00727, File No. SAT—STA— 20100929—00203 (Oct. 8, 2010)
            (Public Notice); Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—
            00720, File No. SAT—STA— 20100830—00185 (Sep. 10, 2010) (Public Notices);
            Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00715, File No.
            SAT—STA—20100803—00172 (Aug. 13, 2010) (Public Notice); Policy Branch
            Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00706, File No. SAT—STA—
            20100628—00149(Jul. 9¢2010) (Public Notice); Policy Branch Information;
            Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00698, File No. SAT—STA—20100601—00118
            (Jun. 11, 2010) (Public Notice); Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken,
            Report No. SAT—00687, File No. SAT—STA—20100430—00087 (rel. May 7,
            2010); Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00682, _
            File No. SAT—STA—20100409—00071 (Apr. 16, 2010) (Public Notice).

            Intelsat Corporation
            3400 International Drive NW, Washington DC 20008—3006 USA T +1 202—944—6800 F4+1 202—944—7898

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
October 29, 2010
Page 2

authorized +/— 0.05° East/West station—keeping box pursuant to STA.* During
the time period covered by this STA request, Galaxy 15 will be located
between approximately 108.825° W.L. and 103.328° W.L.

.Grant of this STA further extension request is in the public interest. The
Commission may grant waiver for good cause shown.". The Commission
typically grants a waiver where the particular facts make strict compliance .
inconsistent with the public interest.©" In grantinga waiver, the Commission
may take into account considerations of hardship, equity, or more effective
implementation of overall policy on an individual basis.‘ Waiver is therefore
appropriate if special circumstances warrant a deviation from the general rule,
and such a deviation will serve the public interest.

Good cause exists in this case based on hardship. Due to the technical
anomaly on the Galaxy 15 satellite, PanAmSat is unable to comply with the
requirements of Section 25.210(j) ofthe Commission‘s rules. PanAmSat will,
however, continue to take all practicable steps to coordinate the safe operation
of Galaxy 15.

* See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00727, File
No. SAT—STA— 20100929—00203 (Oct. 8, 2010); Actions Taken, Report No.
SAT—00720, File No. SAT—STA— 20100830—00185 (Sep. 10, 2010)— (Public
Notices); See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—
00715, File No. SAT—STA—20100803—00172 (Aug. 13, 2010) (Public Notice);
See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00706, File
No. SAT—STA—20100628—00149 (Jul 9, 2010) (Public Notice); Policy Branch
Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00698, File No. SAT—STA—
20100601—00118 (Jun. 11, 2010) (Public Notice); Policy Branch Information;
Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00687, File No. SAT—STA—20100430—00087
(May 7, 2010); Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—
00682, File No. SAT—STA—20100409—00071 (Apr. 16, 2010) (Public Notice).

°47 CFR. § 1.3.
°* NE. Cellular Tel. Co. v. FCC, 897 F.2d 1164, 1166 (D.C. Cir. 1990)
(‘Northeast Cellular®).

‘ WAIT Radio v. FCC, 418 F.2d 1153, 1159 (D.C. Cir. 1969); Northeast
Cellular 897 F.2d at 1166. —

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
 October 29, 2010
~Page 3

For the reasons set forth herein, Intelsat respectfully requests that the
Commission expeditiously grant this STA further extension request.


A acu_2O_
Susan H. Crandall
Assistant General Counsel
Intelsat Corporation

co:    Robert Nelson
       Karl Kensinger
       Kathyrn Medley
       Stephen Duall

Document Created: 2019-04-14 16:53:36
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 16:53:36

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